16. The Final Charge
1 Timothy 6:11-21
Day One Study
1. Read 1 Timothy 6:9-11. Verse 11 begins with the phrase, “But flee from these things…” From which things are we to flee?
2. The next instruction concerns what we are to pursue, or what to run toward. Fill out the following chart to explore further what we are to pursue.
Pursue these things 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. |
Why this is important to pursue |
3. Read 1 Timothy 6:11 again. Of all the titles Paul could have chosen to refer to young Timothy, why do you suppose he picked “man of God”? How might this have been a special encouragement to Timothy?
4. Adorning Yourself: Do you have a special way to spiritually encourage those around you in their identity in Christ? Explain.
5. Read 1 Timothy 6:12-16. There are basically two instructions given here. What is the first instruction?
6. Notice how the “fight” is described. What kind of fight is it?
7. When you think of the Christian life as a “fight”, what comes to mind?
8. With what kind of weapons do we have to fight? Read Hebrews 4:12 and write it out in your own words here.
9. Adorning Yourself: Do you think about your life as a “fight of faith”? Why or why not?
Day Two Study
10. Read 1 Timothy 6:12 again, what does Paul tell Timothy to “take hold of”?
Scriptural Insight: Paul “charges” Timothy in verses 13-14 to “obey this command without fault or failure” (NET) or “without spot or blame” (NIV). “The command” refers to the entire body of sound teaching Paul had been describing throughout the letter. "I charge you" (parangello, the original Greek word) is also translated “instruct, command, prescribe, teach and give these instructions.”
11. What do you think Paul means by this, especially, how might we do this as well?
12. To do a quick review of Paul’s personal charges to Timothy throughout this letter, read 1 Timothy 1:3; 4:11; 5:7, and 5:21. What is the “charge” here?
13. Reread 1 Timothy 6:11-16. Review the following list giving “A Portrait of God” from the passage (Life Application Bible Study Guide, p. 135). Choose 3 of the descriptions of God that mean the most to you and describe why in the space below.
Name USED — What the name Means
· Blessed and Only Sovereign, Most High— Control and power are God’s alone.
· King of kings— No king has more power or authority (first used of Babylonian and Persian emperors).
· Lord of lords— God alone possesses absolute superiority over all powers, human & divine.
· Immortal— God alone has inherent immortality; ours comes from Him.
· Unapproachable light—God’s glory is blinding.
· Unseen (Invisible)— God is so holy that no one can see Him and live.
· Worthy of honor— God is to be honored for who He is and what He has done.
· Eternal Dominion—God’s power continues from eternity to eternity; it has no end.
Description of God — What it means to me personally
14. Read 1 Timothy 6:20-21. Paul can’t seem to resist a final reminder. What is it?
15. What is the last sentence of this letter to Timothy? Look back at the introduction in 1 Timothy 1:1-2. What do you think “Grace be with you” actually means?
16. Adorning Yourself: Looking back to your answers to question 13, take a few minutes to pray and thank God for who He is and for all that He has done for you.
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