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2. Blessed Are the Mourners (Matthew 5:4)

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Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

Matthew 5:4 (NET)

Application Question: In what ways are the characteristics of the kingdom of heaven different from the kingdoms of this earth, especially as seen in the Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5-7)?

The second beatitude declares God’s blessing—God’s approval and joy—on the lives of those who mourn. It is paradoxical, as are many of the statements in the Beatitudes. Essentially, Christ says, “Happy are the sad.” For most, this is the exact opposite of what is logical. Usually, happiness is the avoidance of grief or things that bring pain.

It is important to remember that the Beatitudes are written in a style of writing called an “inclusio.” The first and the last beatitude end with the promise, “for the kingdom of heaven belongs to them.” This promise fits like two bookends around the Beatitudes, and tells us that each of these characteristics are in those who are part of the kingdom of heaven. The kingdom of heaven is the place of God’s rule. It exists not only in heaven, but also on the earth, where people obey and worship him (cf. Matt 6:10). Currently, on the earth, the kingdom exists in spiritual form, as Christ taught that the kingdom of heaven was in our midst (Lk 17:21). One day, it will literally come to the earth at Christ’s return. With that said, the kingdom of heaven is the opposite of the kingdom of this world in many ways. While the world says, “Blessed are the strong in spirit—the tough,” Christ’s kingdom says, “Blessed are the poor in spirit”—those who recognize their weakness before God. While the world says, “Blessed are those who laugh,” Christ’s kingdom says, “Blessed are those who mourn.” In fact, Luke 6:25 says, “‘Woe to you who laugh now, for you will mourn and weep.” While the world says, “Store up your riches on earth—pursue wealth,” Christ’s kingdom says, “Store up your riches in heaven” (Matt 6:20 paraphrase). The citizens of the kingdom are different from the people of this world.

These Beatitudes represent the character of the citizens of God’s kingdom and, at the same time, their aspirations. Only Christ perfectly models these characteristics, but if they are not in our hearts to the smallest degree, then we might not be part of God’s kingdom (cf. Matt 7:21-23).

In this study, we will consider the paradoxical statement, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.”

Big Question: What does this beatitude mean and what are its applications for the Christian life?

God Blesses Mourners

Application Question: How can you reconcile Scriptures’ commands both to continually rejoice in the Lord and to mourn (Phil 4:4, James 4:8-10, cf. Gal 5:22, Matt 5:4)? How can joy and mourning co-exist?

The New Testament uses nine Greek words for mourning, and Christ uses the strongest of them all.1 It was used of someone mourning the death of a loved one.2 It is a present participle, and it means to “continually” mourn. There is a continuous state of mourning in the life of a true believer.

Again, this is paradoxical. Scripture commands the believer to “Rejoice in the Lord” (Phil 4:4) and teaches that joy is a fruit of walking in the Spirit (Gal 5:22). However, there should be a continual mourning alongside the believer’s joy that separates him or her from the world.

Interpretation Question: What type of mourning is Christ referring to?

1. It refers to mourning over personal sin.

Obviously, it doesn’t refer to mourning over bad circumstances or loss of something precious, since this type of mourning is common to the world as well. It refers to a mourning over personal sin. When people are born again, God changes their relationship to sin. They can’t enjoy it, as they once did, or live in it. First John 3:9-10 says,

Everyone who has been fathered by God does not practice sin, because God’s seed resides in him, and thus he is not able to sin, because he has been fathered by God. By this the children of God and the children of the devil are revealed: Everyone who does not practice righteousness—the one who does not love his fellow Christian—is not of God.

When John refers to continuing in sin, he is not saying that Christians don’t sin any more. In 1 John 1:8, he said, “If we say we do not bear the guilt of sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us.” If we claim to be without sin, the truth—referring to the Gospel—is not in us (cf. 1 John 5:13). We are not truly born again. The Gospel confronts us with our sin and our need for salvation. But when God saves us, he forgives us and changes our relationship to sin. The believer will fall and make mistakes, but the direction of his life is forever changed. He tries to live for God while, at times, stumbling along the way. To “not practice sin” means that the direction of a person’s life is still fulfilling his lusts instead of seeking to obey God.

Believers cannot continue in a lifestyle of sin because “God’s seed resides” in them; they have been “fathered by God” (1 John 3:9). “God’s seed” can be translated “God’s nature.”3 At salvation, a believer receives God’s nature which exerts a strong influence on a believer toward holiness. It is so radically transforming that a true believer cannot continue in a life of sin. Similarly, in Galatians 5:17, Paul describes how God’s Spirit works through our new nature to battle against our flesh—creating a spiritual war in each believer. As a believer walks in the Spirit, he will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh (Gal 5:16). In addition, since being “fathered by God” hinders a believer from continuing in sin, John may also have in mind the reality of God’s discipline on his children. Hebrews 12:5-6 and 8 says:

“My son, do not scorn the Lord’s discipline or give up when he corrects you. “For the Lord disciplines the one he loves and chastises every son he accepts.”… But if you do not experience discipline, something all sons have shared in, then you are illegitimate and are not sons.

God disciplines his children through the correction of his Word (v. 5); if the believer doesn’t respond, God may chasten or spank through storms and trials (v. 6). If the believer continues to persist in sin, God may even take the believer home through an early death. James 5:20 and 1 John 5:16, for example, talk about a sin unto death. We saw this in Acts 5 with Ananias and Sapphira, who lied about their offering and were struck down by the Lord. Also, in 1 Corinthians 11, some believers died as a discipline for abusing the Lord’s Supper. Believers cannot go on sinning because they have been born again—God’s nature indwells them, and as a child of God, the Lord lovingly disciplines them. God, like any human father, is fully invested in the holiness of his children. He will not let them live in continuous rebellion.

Therefore, at salvation, a true believer’s life will change. John says, “By this the children of God and the children of the devil are revealed: Everyone who does not practice righteousness—the one who does not love his fellow Christian—is not of God” (1 John 3:10).

Because of God’s nature and his discipline, a true child of God continually mourns over sin. Consider David’s experience when he didn’t initially repent of sin:

When I refused to confess my sin, my whole body wasted away, while I groaned in pain all day long. For day and night you tormented me; you tried to destroy me in the intense heat of summer. (Selah) Then I confessed my sin; I no longer covered up my wrongdoing. I said, “I will confess my rebellious acts to the Lord.” And then you forgave my sins. (Selah)

Psalm 32:3-5

When David continued in sin, he was miserable. God’s hand was heavy upon him—he was physically sick and maybe even depressed, until he acknowledged his sin and repented. This is true of every believer. Though we may try to live in sin, we can’t. For the genuine believer, it will ultimately lead to mourning. Kent Hughes adds: “It is significant that the first of Martin Luther’s famous 95 Theses states that the entire life is to be one of continuous repentance and contrition. It was this attitude which caused the apostle Paul to affirm, well along into his Christian life, that he was the chief of sinners (l Timothy 1:15).”4

The opposite of mourning is rejoicing or laughter. And this is exactly what we often see in the world. Instead of mourning over sin, they rejoice in it. They laugh about it, as they share stories in the locker rooms. They enjoy it through TV and popular music. They celebrate and promote it, as they parade through the streets. Where the world rejoices, the believer mourns. One of the fruits of true salvation is a mourning over sin. If our profession of Christ has not changed our relationship to sin, then it is likely that our profession has not changed our eternal destiny.

Application Question: In what ways have you experienced personal mourning over sin or even God’s discipline?

2. It refers to mourning over the sins of others.

A true believer does not only mourn personal sin, he also mourns the sins of others. A great example of this is Isaiah. When he saw a vision of God’s glory in Isaiah 6:5 (NIV), he said, “‘Woe to me!’ I cried. ‘I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.’” He mourned over his own sin and that of his people. In addition, David said this in Psalm 119:136, “Tears stream down from my eyes, because people do not keep your law.” We should mourn over injustice, corruption, sexual immorality, homosexuality, trafficking, the brokenness of families, the sad state of the church, etc. It is this continual mourning that provokes believers to pursue reform.

Sadly, the church often does not mourn, and therefore doesn’t seek to be agents of reformation. Instead of mourning over sin, we’re either apathetic towards it—where we become spiritually numb, and it doesn’t bother us—or worse, we laugh at sin, like the world, and sometimes even enjoy it. We watch it on TV and listen to it on the radio. Satan has a wise strategy. He knows that if he can tempt us to laugh at sin, soon it will lead to acceptance and participation. And that is exactly what has happened to God’s people. Consider God’s neglected command to Israel to mourn in Isaiah 22:12-13:

At that time the sovereign master, the Lord who commands armies, called for weeping and mourning, for shaved heads and sackcloth. But look, there is outright celebration! You say, “Kill the ox and slaughter the sheep, eat meat and drink wine. Eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!”

Unfortunately, this is often true of the church—laughing, joking, and celebrating instead of mourning. In James 4:8-10, God also commanded compromising Christians to mourn. James writes,

Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and make your hearts pure, you double-minded. Grieve, mourn, and weep. Turn your laughter into mourning and your joy into despair. Humble yourselves before the Lord and he will exalt you.

Jesus Christ the Mourner

In the OT, Jeremiah was known as the weeping prophet, as he constantly wept over Israel’s sins. In Jeremiah 9:1, he said: “I wish that my head were a well full of water and my eyes were a fountain full of tears! If they were, I could cry day and night for those of my dear people who have been killed.” In the NT, Christ is compared to Jeremiah; some actually thought he was a resurrected Jeremiah (Matt 16:14). To that end, Christ is never recorded in the Gospels laughing, though he probably did; however, the narrators do mention his crying twice. He cries over the effects of sin when Lazarus died (John 11:35) and also over the rebellion in Jerusalem (Lk 19:41). Mourning must have been a common character trait of Christ. No doubt, Christ often wept when he saw the false religion of Israel, the selfishness of its leaders, the corruption of the Roman government, and the brokenness in the families. Isaiah prophesied that Christ would be “a man of suffering and familiar with pain” (Is 53:3 NIV). Christ, though full of God’s joy, was also a mourner.

In the same way, believers should not only be known by their joy but also by their genuine sorrow. Romans 8:22-23 describes how creation groans, and we groan as well, awaiting our deliverance from sin and full adoption as sons of God.

No doubt, as God commanded Israel through Isaiah and the Jewish Christians through James to mourn (Isaiah 22:12-13, James 4:8-10), he also commands the contemporary church saying, “Groan, weep over your sins and the sins of your community. Mourn over how far your nation has fallen away from God!” Ecclesiastes 3:4 says there is “a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance.” Sadly, the contemporary church has not discerned the seasons. They laugh, when they should weep. They dance, when they should sit in mourning. They binge-watch and listen, when they should close their eyes and ears. Consequently, the church has become largely secular. Many times, it is hard to tell the difference between nonbelievers and Christians. They talk and dress the same, laugh and mourn at the same things, and have the same goals.

God commands us to mourn! Are we mourning? Have we ever grieved over our sin and that of the world, or are we apathetic? Have we lost our sensitivity to sin?

Application Question: Are there any specific ways that God is calling you to mourn personally, locally, or nationally? Are there any ways that God is calling you to be part of efforts toward reform?

God Comforts Mourners

The word “comforted” has the same root as the Greek word “paraclete,” which Christ used of the Holy Spirit.5 In John 14:26, Christ called the Holy Spirit our Helper, Counselor, or Comforter—the one who comes alongside us to help. In 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, God is called, “the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles so that we may be able to comfort those experiencing any trouble with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” In Matthew 5:4, “Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted,” “they” is emphatic—meaning “they alone.” Only those who deeply mourn the effects of sin experience God’s comfort.

Interpretation Question: In what ways do mourners experience God’s comfort?

1. God comforts mourners through salvation.

When people truly accept the Gospel—that they are sinners under the wrath of God and in need of salvation (John 3:36)—mourning and repentance always follow. John preached repentance (Matt 3:2), Christ preached it (Matt 4:17), and so did his apostles (Acts 2:38). Godly mourning and repentance are necessary for true salvation. In 2 Corinthians 7:10, Paul said, “For sadness as intended by God produces a repentance that leads to salvation, leaving no regret, but worldly sadness brings about death.” God comforts mourners with true salvation.

Kent Hughes simply said, “Spiritual mourning is necessary for salvation. No one is truly a Christian who has not mourned over his or her sins. You cannot be forgiven if you are not sorry for your sins.”6

2. God comforts mourners through forgiving their sins.

Psalm 32:1 says, “How blessed is the one whose rebellious acts are forgiven, whose sin is pardoned!” As with the Beatitudes, “blessed” can be translated, “happy.” Divine happiness is bestowed upon believers when God forgives their sins. At the cross, God forgave us judicially. There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ (Rom 8:1). When God sees us, even though we still fail, he sees the perfect righteousness of his Son (1 Cor 5:21). We are now sons of God. But we still need relational forgiveness to restore intimacy. For example, even though I have a fight with my wife, our legal status doesn’t change—she stays my wife. But a fight does affect our intimacy, and therefore, forgiveness is needed. In the same way, with God, we need relational forgiveness on a daily basis. First John 1:9 says, “But if we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous, forgiving us our sins and cleansing us from all unrighteousness.” And when he forgives and cleanses us, we experience his comfort, joy, and intimacy—we experience God’s blessing.

3. God comforts mourners by delivering them or others from sin.

God blesses those who mourn, and many times this divine favor is manifest through both being delivered from sin and the fostering of righteousness (cf. Matt 5:6). When God does this in our lives or others, we experience his comfort. Sometimes, he delivers us or a friend from a stronghold; at other times, he revives a church, changes a city or a nation, as we groan and pray over it. Believers experience God’s comfort, as he rescues us and others from sin.

4. God comforts mourners through his Word.

Romans 15:4 says, “For everything that was written in former times was written for our instruction, so that through endurance and through encouragement of the scriptures we may have hope.” Godly mourning often leads us to Scripture (cf. Ps 119:71), and when it does, God frequently comforts us with its rich truths: He comforts us with the blessed hope of our Lord’s return. He comforts us with the hope of our resurrected bodies and that one day we won’t struggle with sin or sickness. He comforts us with the hope that he works all things for our good, including our trials and failures. Everything written in Scripture was meant to give us hope. If we are not drinking deeply from Scripture, we will lack much of the comfort and hope God provides.

5. God comforts mourners through the ministry of other believers.

In 2 Timothy 1:16, Paul said, “May the Lord grant mercy to the family of Onesiphorus, because he often refreshed me and was not ashamed of my imprisonment.” While Paul was in prison, God refreshed him many times through Onesiphorus. Similarly, as we mourn, God often lavishes his comfort on us through other believers as well.

6. God comforts mourners ultimately at Christ’s second coming.

At Christ’s return, God will deliver us from the presence of sin altogether. We will have new bodies that are free from pride, lust, anger, and everything that causes stumbling. He will make all things right as he rules on the earth. Revelation 21:4 says, “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death will not exist any more—or mourning, or crying, or pain, for the former things have ceased to exist.’”

Without mourning, we never experience God’s comfort. Without mourning sin, no one can be saved. Without mourning, we never break strongholds in our lives. Without mourning, nations aren’t changed. The problem with the church is that we don’t mourn, and therefore, we often lack God’s comfort. God is looking for mourners, so he can bless and use them greatly for his glory. Every great reformer throughout history was a mourner who experienced God’s comfort. Nehemiah, for one, fasted and mourned and then God sent him to build the wall around Jerusalem and bring a national revival (cf. Neh 1, 8). In that revival, Nehemiah experienced God’s comfort over his mourning.

Are you mourning? Have you experienced God’s comfort?

Application Question: In what ways have you experienced God’s comfort in the midst of mourning over sin or its effects?

Growth in Spiritual Mourning

Application Question: How can we grow in our spiritual mourning?

1. We grow in spiritual mourning by turning away from sin.

First Thessalonians 5:22 says, “Abstain from every form of evil” (ESV). Sadly, many of us don’t do this. Instead of abstaining from sin, we entertain it, talk about it, and soon, lose sensitivity to it. Ultimately, it begins to manifest in our lives. If we are going to be mourners, we must flee from every form of evil. Don’t pump it in your ears, don’t read about it, don’t watch it, and don’t joke about it. If we choose to do so, we are on the slow path of decay.

In Psalm 1:1, David said, “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers” (ESV). Many commentators see this as the pathway into depravity. It starts with simply listening to the counsel of the wicked—what sinners are saying. Maybe some rationalize these actions by saying, “We have to know what’s going on in the world so we can relate to the lost.” Then it leads to standing in the “way”—meaning their behavior has gone from listening to practicing. Then the final stage is sitting with mockers. This is when believers begin to mock holy things. They say, “Do you really believe that God created the world by his Word? Do you really believe that people should wait to have sex before marriage? Do you really believe homosexuality is sin?” And they mock those who believe such things. But it all starts out with listening to the wrong “counsel.” Many have lost the blessing of God simply by what they listened to or read.

If we are going to be blessed mourners, we must stay away from “every form of evil.” Exposure to evil slowly hardens our conscience and decays our morals.

2. We grow in spiritual mourning by studying God’s Word.

God’s Word tells us what is wrong and convicts us of it. It is like a mirror that shows our failures and that of others (James 1:23-25). It is a sharp two-edged sword that pierces our consciences so that we can repent (Heb 4:12). If we don’t study God’s Word, our consciences will grow calloused and dull.

3. We grow in spiritual mourning by confessing our lack of mourning and praying for God’s grace.

We must confess that we have lost sensitivity and are no longer offended at sin, as we should be. We may, in fact, enjoy it and commonly laugh at it. We must pray for grace to be like our Lord who mourned over the world and its sin.

Application Question: Are there any other ways that believers grow in spiritual mourning? How is God calling you to pursue growth in spiritual mourning?


As we conclude, let us consider Ezekiel’s vision about Israel’s destruction. Ezekiel 9:1-6 says,

Then he shouted in my ears, “Approach, you who are to visit destruction on the city, each with his destructive weapon in his hand!” Next, I noticed six men coming from the direction of the upper gate which faces north, each with his war club in his hand. Among them was a man dressed in linen with a writing kit at his side. They came and stood beside the bronze altar. Then the glory of the God of Israel went up from the cherub where it had rested to the threshold of the temple. He called to the man dressed in linen who had the writing kit at his side. The Lord said to him, “Go through the city of Jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of the people who moan and groan over all the abominations practiced in it.” While I listened, he said to the others, “Go through the city after him and strike people down; do no let your eye pity nor spare anyone! Old men, young men, young women, little children, and women—wipe them out! But do not touch anyone who has the mark. Begin at my sanctuary!” So they began with the elders who were at the front of the temple.

In the natural world, God sent Babylon to judge Israel, but in the spiritual world, he sent six angels with weapons. In addition, there was one angel with a writing kit, called to mark those who grieved and lamented over all the detestable things done in the city. They mourned over the idolatry, the sexual immorality, and the general dishonoring of God. While others were judged, the mourners were saved. In the same way, there is a group of people on this earth who are part of God’s kingdom. They are identified by their mourning over sins—theirs and the world’s. And because of this, God marks them; he sets them apart to himself and protects them from his wrath. They will at times be mocked by the world because they are different—because they won’t partake in or condone sin. At times, they are even persecuted. However, they are salt and light to the earth. They are a blessing to those who persecute and hate them. And though disliked and, at times, marginalized by the world, God marks them and blesses them. They are members of his kingdom, and one day they will fully inherit it at Christ’s coming.

Are you a mourner? Blessed are the mourners for they will be comforted—both in this life and the life to come.

Copyright © 2019 Gregory Brown

Unless otherwise noted, the primary Scriptures used are taken from the NET Bible ® copyright © 1996-2016 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Holy Bible, New International Version ®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®) Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NASB) are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, and 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are from the King James Version of the Bible.

All emphases in Scripture quotations have been added.

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1 Hughes, R. K. (2001). The sermon on the mount: the message of the kingdom (p. 30). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

2 Guzik, D. (2013). Matthew (Mt 5:4). Santa Barbara, CA: David Guzik.

3 Stott, J. R. W. (1988). The Letters of John: An Introduction and Commentary (Vol. 19, p. 130). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.

4 Hughes, R. K. (2001). The sermon on the mount: the message of the kingdom (p. 30). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

5 Hughes, R. K. (2001). The sermon on the mount: the message of the kingdom (pp. 30–31). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

6 Hughes, R. K. (2001). The sermon on the mount: the message of the kingdom (p. 29). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

Related Topics: Christian Life, Kingdom

3. Blessed Are the Meek (Matthew 5:5)

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Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

Matthew 5:5 (NET)

Application Question: In what ways is this beatitude paradoxical? How does it differ from the world’s philosophy?

The world says it is the proud, the tough, and the aggressive who inherit the earth. It is the survival of the fittest. But Christ says the meek will inherit the land. It is a paradoxical statement, just as the other Beatitudes are.

As we consider this—it is important to remember that the Beatitudes are characteristics of those who enter the kingdom of heaven. The Beatitudes begin and end with “for the kingdom of heaven belongs to them.” If these characteristics are not in our lives, however imperfectly, we are not part of the kingdom of heaven.

Again, there is a progression within these characteristics. It starts with being poor in spirit. This means that people intellectually recognize that there is nothing in them that would commend them to God. They are like beggars with no spiritual credit to their account. It is the poor in spirit, and them alone, who are part of the kingdom of heaven. When people recognize their sin and therefore poverty before God, this leads to an emotional response—mourning over sin. From these two attitudes arises the third beatitude, “meekness.” Those who recognize their sin and mourn over it become the meek who inherit the earth.

In this study, we will consider meekness and the promise to the meek.

Big Question: What does it mean to be meek and receive the earth? Also, what applications can we take from this beatitude?


Interpretation Question: What does it mean to be meek and what does it look like practically?

First, it should be said that there is no one English word that can fully capture the meaning of the Greek word. “Prautes” was used of a soothing medicine, a soft breeze, and a trained animal.1 It is typically translated meek, humble, or gentle. Since none of these fully capture the meaning, we’ll consider what it looks like to be meek.

1. The meek are self-controlled or Divinely controlled.2

As mentioned, the Greek word was used of a formerly wild animal that had been broken and trained by its master. Previously, the animal could not be ridden or controlled, but after being trained, it followed the master’s instruction. This is true of believers; when we first come to Christ, we often are wild and don’t fully submit to or trust our Master. However, through both trials and blessings, God teaches us to fully trust and obey him.

We saw this in the life of Abraham. When he first began to follow the Lord, he left his home and family to go to the land to which God called him. However, Genesis 11 tells us that he didn’t leave his entire family behind and that he stopped before reaching Canaan. He brought his father and nephew and tarried in Haran for many years until his father died. Abraham didn’t fully obey God—his obedience was delayed and partial. Then when he finally got to the promised land, there was a famine. Therefore, he immediately left and went to Egypt where he suffered by briefly losing his wife to Pharaoh (Gen 12). Later, as Abraham awaited the promised child, he took things into his own hands by marrying his wife’s servant, Hagar (Gen 16). This caused great strife in his family—strife which continues today between Jews and Arabs. However, in Genesis 22, when God calls him to sacrifice his son, Isaac, he immediately obeys though it would have cost him greatly. Hebrews 11:19 says he was willing to sacrifice his son because he believed God would raise him from the dead. Through his years of walking with God, and at times stumbling, he learned to continually trust and submit to God—he grew in meekness. Instead of responding with delayed obedience or clear disobedience, when God made him wait, put him in a trial, or commanded something perplexing, he learned to immediately obey. Abraham grew in meekness—he was God-controlled.

Young Christians often get mad at God when things don’t go their way. They are like partially trained horses that don’t fully trust their Master and occasionally try to buck him off. Psalm 32:8-9 says:

I will instruct and teach you about how you should live. I will advise you as I look you in the eye. Do not be like an unintelligent horse or mule, which will not obey you unless they are controlled by a bridle and bit.

As immature believers, God must, at times, exert force on us to obey. He must train us to be meek. But as we mature, his Word and pleasure become sufficient.

Application Question: In what ways have you experienced this gradual growth in submission to God and his Word, even as Abraham did?

2. The meek are gentle in response to personal offense, as they trust God with judgment.

Christ taught this in various ways and demonstrated it with his life. In Matthew 5:38-41, he teaches that if someone slaps us on the cheek, we should turn the other cheek. And, if someone makes us go one mile, we should willingly go two miles. If someone wants our shirt, we should give our jacket as well. This is the type of person that the world would call “weak,” but it is not weakness—it is power under control. It is not that the person cannot fight back, it’s that he won’t fight back. He trusts God to fight his battles; it is his job to bless.

We saw this in Joseph’s response to his brothers who had previously sold him into slavery. After Joseph’s father died, the brothers threw themselves down before Joseph—declaring that they were his slaves and pleading with him to not punish them. In Genesis 50:19-21, he responds:

“Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? As for you, you meant to harm me, but God intended it for a good purpose, so he could preserve the lives of many people, as you can see this day. So now, don’t be afraid. I will provide for you and your little children.” Then he consoled them and spoke kindly to them.

When he says, “Am I in the place of God?”, this means that it was not Joseph’s right to judge them. It was God’s. Joseph chose to bless them and provide for their children. Paul taught the same thing in Romans 12:19-21:

Do not avenge yourselves, dear friends, but give place to God’s wrath, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. Rather, if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink; for in doing this you will be heaping burning coals on his head. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Obviously, this is perfectly modeled in Christ. Peter said this about him, “When he was maligned, he did not answer back; when he suffered, he threatened no retaliation, but committed himself to God who judges justly” (1 Pet 2:23).

How do you respond when people hurt or insult you? The meek respond with gentleness. They bless and don’t curse. They seek to serve, instead of seeking revenge, as they entrust judgment to God.

Application Question: Why is it so difficult to leave justice with God in regards to personal offense? Should we, at times, defend ourselves? If so, when?

3. The meek are righteously angry at injustice towards others and dishonor toward God.

Righteous anger is a great virtue. Psalm 7:11 describes how God is angry at sin all day long; therefore, we should be as well. Without righteous anger, sin continues, people are abused, God is blasphemed, and nothing ever changes. Often, sin continues simply because we are not angry enough. We are apathetic and unconcerned about the rampant sin of society, the pain of others, and the injustices happening throughout the world; therefore, evil continues to spread.

The meek respond gently to personal offense but with righteous anger when others are injured or treated unjustly. Again, we see this perfectly modeled in Christ. When he was personally insulted, he was like a lamb. He never retaliated and often said nothing. He was powerful; he could have called myriads of angels to defend him, but he didn’t. He willingly submitted himself to God’s perfect will—including death for our sins. However, when it came to others being mistreated or God being dishonored, he was like a lion. He called the Pharisees serpents and whitewashed tombs. He went into the temple twice with a whip and drove out those cheating others and dishonoring God.

In Numbers 12, Moses was called the meekest man on the earth (v. 3). When his sister and brother were angry with him for marrying an Ethiopian woman, he did and said nothing. God defended him by judging his sister and making her leprous. In response, Moses pleaded for mercy and God healed her. But when Israel sinned against God by worshipping the golden calf, he broke the stone tablets, which the Ten Commandments were written on, ground up the idol and made the Israelites drink it (Ex 32). He was righteously angry, but not selfishly angry.

William Barclay translated the word “meek” as “Blessed are those who are always angry at the right time, and never angry at the wrong time.”3 Furthermore, he added:

If we ask what the right time and the wrong time are, we may say as a general rule for life that it is never right to be angry for any insult or injury done to ourselves—that is something that no Christian must ever resent—but that it is often right to be angry at injuries done to other people. Selfish anger is always a sin; selfless anger can be one of the great moral dynamics of the world.4

Application Question: In what ways have you experienced righteous anger when others were hurt or God was dishonored? How did you handle it?

4. The meek are humble before God and others.

They are humble because they know their spiritual poverty—how they fall short of God’s glory—and continually mourn it. Where the prideful desire to exalt themselves and, in the process, often put others down, the humble desire for God to be exalted and for others to be lifted up. Philippians 2:3-4 says, “Instead of being motivated by selfish ambition or vanity, each of you should, in humility, be moved to treat one another as more important than yourself. Each of you should be concerned not only about your own interests, but about the interests of others as well.” This is what Christ did, as he became a man and offered his life for others (Phil 2:5-11). This is how Paul was when he said that he would rather be cursed and cut off from Christ so that Israel may be saved (Rom 9:2-3). The humble seek the interests of God and others over their own. Are you humble?

Application Question: How would you describe the difference between pride and humility? How should humility be practiced?

Tests of Meekness

Application Question: How can we tell if we are meek?

We can discern if we are meek by honestly answering a few simple questions:

  1. Do I submit to God and his Word? Or do I get angry at God and rebel against him, especially when times are hard?
  2. How do I respond when people accuse or hurt me? In general, do I let God defend me or do I fight for my rights? Martin Lloyd Jones said it this way: “The test of meekness is not whether we can say we are poor sinners, but what we do when others call us vile sinners” (paraphrase).5
  3. Am I righteously angry when people dishonor God and hurt others? Or am I apathetic when it comes to the honor of God and the pain of others?
  4. Am I humble or prideful? Am I pursuing the benefit and blessing of others above my own? Or is my prosperity the driving force in my life? Is it important for others to think highly about me? Or am I content with God’s pleasure and approval?

Application Question: Which characteristic of the meek stood out most to you and why? Which aspect do you feel most challenged to grow in? What other questions are good tests of our meekness?

The Necessity of Meekness

Application Question: Why is it necessary to be meek?

1. Meekness provides a proof of salvation.

Again, when Christ said, “they will inherit the earth,” “they” is emphatic—meaning “they alone.” When people have truly been born again, they recognize their spiritual poverty and are led to mourn. This creates meekness in their lives. Because they see their sin before God, it creates a humility—leading them to submit to Christ’s lordship. They begin to imperfectly control their anger. Instead of seeking revenge, they begin to bless their enemies, instead of cursing them.

Christ says if these characteristics are not showing up in our lives, we are not part of his kingdom. The world is wild and unruly—they don’t obey God. But the believer has submitted control of his life to God and wants to obey him. Since he has been forgiven so much, he forgives others when they fail him. Because God’s nature abides in him, he is angry at his sin and that of others, so he fights against it.

Is meekness being demonstrated in your life—bringing assurance of salvation? Kent Hughes describes the importance of meekness for assurance this way:

Again, this is not to suggest that you are not a Christian if you fall into these sins [referring to being harsh, grasping, vengeful, and uncontrollable], but rather to point out that if they are part of your persona, if you are a self-satisfied “Christian” who thinks that the lack of gentleness and meekness is “just you” and people will have to get used to it, if you are not repentant, you are probably not a Christian.

Jesus’ words are not demanding perfection. The point is, however, that if a gentle/meek spirit is not at least imperfectly present in your life, if it is not incipient and growing, you may very well not have the smile of Christ, which is everything.6

2. Meekness is necessary as an act of obedience.

In Scripture, God commands believers to be meek. Colossians 3:12 says, “Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience” (ESV). Many times, we must respond in meekness simply as an act of obedience to our heavenly Father.

3. Meekness is necessary to receive and understand God’s Word.

In the ESV, James 1:21 says, “Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.” In order to receive the seed of the Word of God, we must have meek hearts—hearts willing to submit to our Master. If we rebel and fight against what Scripture teaches, the Word of God will never take root in our lives to save or sanctify us.

In fact, we need meekness—a willingness to submit to our Master’s Words—to even understand Scripture. John 7:17 says, “If anyone wants to do God’s will, he will know about my teaching, whether it is from God or whether I speak from my own authority.” If we don’t want to do God’s will, we won’t be able to truly understand God’s Word. We’ll twist and pervert Scripture to make it fit our desires, or we’ll reject it outright. We need this meek spirit in order to receive and understand Scripture.

4. Meekness is necessary in order to properly teach Scripture.

In 1 Peter 3:15 (NIV), Peter said:

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect

“Gentleness” is the same word for “meekness.” Without gentleness, we’ll harm people with God’s Word. We’ll argue, fight, and push people away. Paul said in Ephesians 4:15 that we must speak the truth in love. Without humility, we’ll puff ourselves up with our knowledge and condemn others. We’ll be like the Pharisees who sought to hurt and control others with Scripture, instead of edifying and healing them. In addition, without righteous anger—an important aspect of meekness—people will never recognize the seriousness of sin. We need meekness to properly teach God’s Word.

Application Question: What are your thoughts about the importance of meekness for assurance of salvation and to receive, understand, and teach Scripture? What are some other reasons why meekness is necessary?

Growth in Meekness

Application Question: How can we grow in meekness?

We develop meekness through several ways:

1. To grow in meekness, we must ask God for it.

Meekness is a supernatural characteristic. It is a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:23). Pride, lack of self-control, and fits of rage are fruits of our flesh (Gal 5:19-20). We must cry out for the Holy Spirit to bear the fruits of humility, self-control, and gentleness in our lives.

2. To grow in meekness, we must yoke ourselves to Christ, in discipleship.

Christ said this in Matthew 11:29, “Take my yoke on you and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Again, “gentle” can be translated “meek.” In biblical times, a young ox was yoked to an experienced ox so that he could be trained. Christ is the perfectly meek one. As we commit to Christ and abide in him through praying, studying his Word, serving, etc., he will train us to be like him. He will train us to keep our mouths closed when people criticize or hurt us and to trust that God will defend us. He’ll teach us to be righteously angry—consumed with God’s glory and justice for all.

Are you allowing yourself to be trained by Christ—the one who submitted his rights to God and trusted God’s judgment? Or are you allowing yourself to be trained by the world—seeking the earth now instead of in eternity?

3. To grow in meekness, we must grow in faith.

In the same way, a wild horse must learn to trust the master in order to be tamed, we must also learn to trust God to grow in meekness. This concept is also reflected in Psalm 37, in which Matthew 5:5 was originally quoted. David, the author of this wisdom Psalm, begins it with:

Do not fret when wicked men seem to succeed! Do not envy evildoers! For they will quickly dry up like grass, and wither away like plants. Trust in the Lord and do what is right! Settle in the land and maintain your integrity!

Psalm 37:1-3

It is easy to focus on the prosperity of the world who do not acknowledge God and sometimes persecutes the just. This often leads to discouragement and, at times, even following the world’s path. In Psalm 37:10-11, David said: “Evil men will soon disappear; you will stare at the spot where they once were, but they will be gone. But the oppressed will possess the land and enjoy great prosperity.”

Similarly, in Psalm 73, another wisdom Psalm, Asaph said his feet almost slipped, as he envied the arrogant and their prosperity (Ps 73:2-3). It wasn’t until he went into God’s sanctuary that he understood their ultimate end and found strength to persevere (Ps 73:17).

Likewise, if we are to inherit the land and God’s blessings, we must go into God’s sanctuary and see the end of the wicked—those who live for this world. We must learn to trust God to defend and reward us, and ultimately to judge the ungodly.

How do we grow in faith—our trust in God?

In short, Romans 10:10 says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. As we live in God’s Word, our minds become transformed by it. We begin to understand that in God’s economy, the first will be last and the last will be first. It is the meek and humble, not the proud and arrogant, who inherit the land. Without living in God’s Word, our faith will be weak, and we’ll get discouraged and possibly start following the path of the world—seeking to inherit the earth now.

Application Question: How is God calling you to pursue growth in meekness?

Inherit the Earth

Interpretation Question: What does it mean to inherit the earth?

To inherit the earth seems to have three aspects:

1. In the future, the meek will inherit the earth at Christ’s coming.

When God created the earth, he gave dominion of it to man. However, when Adam sinned, paradise was lost. Satan became the prince of this world, and sin brought this world into bondage. Instead of staying in a state of newness and fruitfulness, it decays, grows thorns, and causes pain. However, one day, at Christ’s return, he will give the world again to the meek. At that time, there will be a renewal of the earth—the lion will lie down with the lamb, the cow will feed with the bear, and children will lead them (Isaiah 11). There will be perfect peace in the world. Paradise will be ruled by the meek, as they are co-heirs with Christ (Rom 8:17).

2. Presently, the meek inherit the earth in the sense that they are not owned by their possessions.

Kent Hughes said it this way:

But there is also a present inheritance that abundantly enriches our earthly existence. There is a sense in which those who set their minds on riches never possess anything. This was given classic expression by one of the world’s wealthiest men when asked how much is enough money. “Just a little bit more,” he answered. He owned everything, yet possessed nothing!

It is the meek who own the earth now, for when their life is free from the tyranny of “just a little more,” when a gentle spirit caresses their approach to their rights, then they possess all.7

The world is constantly ruled by the spirit of more. They need the newest phone, the newest laptop, the newest clothes, and the newest car, and therefore never really possess anything. Instead, things possess them. However, when believers don’t focus on the things of this world, it allows them to “seek first the kingdom of heaven” and Christ says, “all these things will be added unto them” (Matt 6:33 paraphrase). God meets their needs now, and one day, they will possess all things.

3. Presently, the meek inherit the earth in that God often exalts them to places of leadership and authority now.

God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6). He took Moses who was the meekest man on the earth and put him in leadership over his chosen people. He took Joseph from slavery and prison and made him second in command over Egypt. He took David, a shepherd boy, and made him king over Israel. God blesses the meek and often gives them the land—leadership and authority—now.

“Blessed are the meek, for they [alone] will inherit the earth.” Only these people will receive the eternal inheritance of the earth. And only these people possess the earth now. For most, the world and its things possess them. God often places the meek in places of authority and leadership now, which is just a foretaste of eternity.

Application Question: What do you think about the statement, “Most people don’t possess things; things possess them”? In what ways is this true? Why should believers relate differently to earthly possessions? How have you seen or experienced God putting the meek in places of authority now?


The world says it is the proud, the tough, and the aggressive who inherit the earth. It is the survival of the fittest. But Christ says it is the meek—the ones who submit to God and trust him to defend them. It is those who humble themselves before their Master and submit to his leading who inherit the land.

Are you one of the meek? It is the meek, and the meek alone, who inherit the land. Thank you, Lord. Amen!

Copyright © 2019 Gregory Brown

Unless otherwise noted, the primary Scriptures used are taken from the NET Bible ® copyright © 1996-2016 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Holy Bible, New International Version ®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®) Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NASB) are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, and 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are from the King James Version of the Bible.

All emphases in Scripture quotations have been added.

BTG Publishing all rights reserved.

1 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 170). Chicago: Moody Press.

2 Hughes, R. K. (2001). The sermon on the mount: the message of the kingdom (pp. 34–35). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

3 Barclay, W. (2001). The Gospel of Matthew (Third Ed., p. 111). Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press.

4 Barclay, W. (2001). The Gospel of Matthew (Third Ed., p. 111). Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press.

5 Hughes, R. K. (2001). The sermon on the mount: the message of the kingdom (pp. 37–38). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

6 Hughes, R. K. (2001). The sermon on the mount: the message of the kingdom (p. 36). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

7 Hughes, R. K. (2001). The sermon on the mount: the message of the kingdom (p. 37). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

Related Topics: Christian Life, Kingdom

4. Blessed Are the Hungry (Matthew 5:6)

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Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.

Matthew 5:6 (NET)

One of the greatest indicators of health is hunger. When a person isn’t feeling well and he visits the doctor, the doctor often asks, “Have you been eating?” In the same way that physical hunger helps us discern our physical health, spiritual hunger helps us discern our spiritual health. It even displays if we are spiritually alive at all.

It is good to remember that the Beatitudes encompass both the character and aspirations of citizens of the kingdom of heaven. The first and last beatitudes end with the promise, “for the kingdom of heaven belongs to them.” This style of writing tells us that each of these characteristics will be present in the life of somebody who has entered the kingdom—somebody who is born again. But not only do these characteristics tell us if we are born again—spiritually alive—they tell us if we are spiritually healthy. No one has ever perfectly modeled these characteristics except for Christ, but if Christ lives in us, they will be displayed in our lives to some extent. Because they are the characteristics of our Lord, we should continually aspire to grow in them.

In this study, we will consider the fourth beatitude, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.”

Big Question: What does it mean to hunger and thirst for righteousness and thus be filled? How should this beatitude be applied?

Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness

Interpretation Question: What type of hunger and thirst is Christ referring to?

The words for “hunger” and “thirst” are not words used of somebody who is casually hungry and thirsty. They refer to someone who is starving for food and someone who will die without a drink.1 This is something most people from developed countries know nothing about. When we’re hungry, we open the refrigerator and grab a snack. If we’re thirsty, we pour a cup of water. But the ancient world, to whom Christ spoke, knew hunger and thirst well. Most families in Palestine could only eat meat once a week. Wages were low, if they existed at all, and did not allow for luxuries—it was just enough to survive. Travel often led people through large deserts with no water; therefore, thirst was a common companion.2 When a person is desperately hungry and thirsty, nothing else will satisfy them—not a beautiful sunrise or sunset, not entertainment or rest—only food and water will do.

The Greek words for “hunger” and “thirst” are present participles meaning a continual hungering and thirsting.3 There is a continual hunger and thirst in the life of true believers that separates them from the world. What is that hunger and thirst for? According to Christ, it is for righteousness.

There is something unusual in this Greek statement. Typically, Greek verbs like “hunger” and “thirst” have partial objects. For example, “I am hungry for some bread” or “I’m thirsty for some water.” But Christ uses an unqualified object. It’s like saying, “I’m hungry for all the bread” or “all the water.” True believers are hungry for complete righteousness—not partial righteousness.4 It’s not OK to love God, and yet compromise in their language, practice dishonesty, or commit immorality. These people want to be fully righteous—partial righteousness won’t do. They want to be perfect like their Lord. God created us for this. Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are his workmanship, having been created in Christ Jesus for good works that God prepared beforehand so we may do them.”

Application Question: What types of righteousness or good works do true believers hunger and thirst for?

1. Believers hunger and thirst for Christ’s imputed righteousness.

God, initially, creates this hunger in an unbeliever as he is convicted of his sin and failures before God. Romans 3:23 says, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 6:23 says, “For the payoff of sin is death”. God made man in the image of God—to be holy. However, all men have failed to be like God in action, word, and thought. Therefore, because God is righteous and holy, we are under his wrath and deserving of death (cf. John 3:36). Hebrews 12:14 (NIV) says “without holiness no one will see God.”

Therefore, how can man have a right relationship with God? How can a person be saved and have eternal life—abiding with God forever? Two thousand years ago, Christ, the Son of God, came to the earth as a man and lived the perfect life that we could never live. He always did what the Father told him to do. He always said what the Father said. He was the perfect child. However, the world, who loves sin and therefore hates righteousness, rejected and crucified Christ. On the cross, Christ not only suffered the scorn of man, but the wrath of God. Christ took the wrath we deserved for our sin so he could offer those who come to him the gift of perfect righteousness.

Romans 3:21-22 says,

But now apart from the law the righteousness of God (which is attested by the law and the prophets) has been disclosed—namely, the righteousness of God through the faithfulness of Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction

To all who believe in Christ—acknowledging in his life, death, and resurrection for the sins of the world—and turn from their sin to follow him, he imparts his perfect righteousness to their account. Second Corinthians 5:21 says, “God made the one who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that in him we would become the righteousness of God.”

Those who are truly born again have gone through the steps of the Beatitudes: They recognize their spiritual poverty, as they have fallen short of God’s glory—even their righteous deeds are as filthy rags before God (Is 64:6). They mourned because of their sin and because they were under God’s judgment. They became the meek who submitted to the Lordship of Christ and began to hunger and thirst for righteousness. Therefore, God saved them by imparting the perfect righteousness of Jesus to their account. They are now sons and daughters of God and will dwell eternally with him.

Have you recognized your sinfulness and inability before God? No amount of work will save you: church attendance won’t, taking the Lord’s Supper won’t, and neither will baptism. Our only hope for salvation is Christ’s perfect work on our behalf.

While believers hunger and thirst to be made right before God, the world is content—they say, “I’m a pretty good person; I believe God will accept me into heaven,” or they have no desire to be right with God at all. Others desire to be right with God, but instead of recognizing their inability to save themselves, they try to earn their salvation through works. Our only hope for salvation is Christ’s perfect work and sacrifice for our sins. When God resurrected Christ, he was saying, “I accept my Son’s sacrifice on your behalf.” Romans 4:25 says, “He was given over because of our transgressions and was raised for the sake of our justification.”

Have you experienced Christ’s imputed righteousness? Romans 10:13 tells us that anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. We must turn from our sin and accept Christ as our Lord and Savior, and he will save us.

2. Believers hunger and thirst for practical righteousness.

Those who have been made righteous by Christ in salvation will naturally hunger and thirst to serve God and others through righteous works. Righteous deeds are not the root of salvation, as taught by all other religions; they are the fruit of true salvation—of already being made righteous before God. James said that faith without accompanying works is dead (James 2:17). If our profession of faith does not produce a lifestyle of hungering for and practicing good works, our profession is false. In Matthew 7:21, Christ said, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven—only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.” Only those who do the will of the Father will enter heaven. Serving and obeying God is a proof of true salvation. This hunger for righteousness begins when we are spiritually born at salvation, just as hunger for food happens immediately with natural birth. A healthy baby desires the nutrients that come from his or her mother. And it’s the same for a spiritual baby—he will hunger and thirst for righteousness and God will fill him. God fills believers throughout this life with righteous works and deeds, and one day, he will ultimately fill them, as they become perfect like Christ (cf. 1 John 3:2). They will serve Christ and others eternally in the coming kingdom (cf. Lk 19:17,19).

Application Question: What are some specific aspects of practical righteousness that believers hunger and thirst for?

  • A practical righteousness that believers hunger and thirst for is the salvation of souls.

In John 4, we see the story of Christ meeting with the woman at the well. After talking with her briefly, she leaves to gather her Samaritan friends so they can meet the Messiah. The disciples approach Christ about getting some food to eat. However, Christ sharply responds to them saying: “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. Lift up your eyes, the fields are ripe for harvest!” (John 4:32-35, paraphrase). Soon after, many Samaritans came to hear him speak and believed in him (39-40).

It is the most natural thing for new believers to want to share their faith with all who will listen. They share it with their friends, family, co-workers, and even strangers. Often, they are viewed as over-zealous. But such enthusiasm is simply the natural hunger of someone who has been born again—they want others to know Christ.

It is good for us to remember that hunger is a sign of our spiritual health. Are you still hungry for souls to know Christ?

  • A practical righteousness that believers hunger and thirst for is knowing God’s Word.

When Christ was tempted in the wilderness by Satan to turn a rock into bread, Christ responded, “Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matt 4:4). No doubt, while Christ fasted for forty days, he was eating and drinking God’s Word. In fact, his very response came from Deuteronomy 8:3, and every other time he was tempted, he responded with Scripture.

It is the most natural thing for believers to desire God’s Word when they have truly been born again. Before salvation, they are apathetic towards Scripture. They don’t typically desire to read it, study it, listen to it being taught, or obey it. But when they are born again, it becomes their food. Like Job, they cry out, “I love your words even more than my daily bread” (Job 23:12, paraphrase). Like David, they declare, “O how I love your law! All day long I meditate on it” (Ps 119:97). Furthermore, he cries, “Seven times a day I praise you because of your just regulations” (Ps 119: 164).

Are you still delighting in God’s Word and meditating on it all day long? Or has it become a chore and a burden?

  • A practical righteousness that believers hunger and thirst for is the knowledge of God.

The Psalmist says:

O God, you are my God! I long for you! My soul thirsts for you, my flesh yearns for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.

Psalm 63:1

As a deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God! I thirst for God, for the living God. I say, “When will I be able to go and appear in God’s presence?”

Psalm 42:1

Moses who spoke to God face to face and had a more intimate relationship with God than other prophets, cried out, “Show me your glory!” (Ex 33:18). Paul, who met Christ in a vision at his salvation, who received the Gospel by a revelation of Christ (Gal 1:12), who went to the third heaven and heard unexplainable words (2 Cor 12:4), said that he counted everything a loss to gain Christ and that he desired to know him more intimately by experiencing the power of the resurrection, fellowshipping with his sufferings, dying like Christ, and resurrecting like him (Phil 3:8-10).

Though a believer meets Christ at salvation, that only whets his appetite. There should be a continual hungering to know and experience God more.

Are you still hungering and thirsting to know God and experience him?

  • A practical righteousness that believers hunger and thirst for are the specific works God has called them to.

Each believer is God’s workmanship; he has fashioned every believer in a specific way to serve him (Eph 2:10). As we walk with God, he cultivates both our desire and aptitude for these specific works, and then gives us opportunities to serve. Philippians 2:13 (NIV) says he works in us to “will” and to “act” according to his good pleasure. For some that will include parenting and raising godly children; for others that will include serving in business, education, or politics; for others, it might include serving in full-time ministry. As we walk with God, he cultivates a hunger and thirst for the specific righteous deeds he has called us to, which will glorify his name.

Application Question: How would you rate your hunger from 1 to 10 for the various practical righteous works mentioned—knowing God, his Word, and evangelizing? What specific and unique works has God cultivated a desire for in your life? How are you serving or pursuing service in that unique capacity?

Lack of a Spiritual Appetite

Application Question: Why do believers often lack a spiritual appetite?

There could be many reasons for lack of a spiritual appetite:

1. Some lack a spiritual appetite simply because they have never been born again.

A spiritual appetite is a necessary proof of salvation. Jonathan Edwards called these “religious affections.” We may have seasons when we are not as hungry, but if we have never experienced these affections, then we have never been born again. A continuous lack of appetite might represent a lack of true life.

2. Some lack a spiritual appetite simply because their diet is unhealthy.

Parents often tell their children: “Don’t eat sweets before dinner because they will ruin your appetite!” In the same way, many Christians are feasting on sin and things of the world, and these rob them of their spiritual appetite and therefore the blessing of God. God approves and smiles upon those who are desperately hungry for righteousness.

We see another good picture of this in 1 Peter 2:1-2. Peter says, “So get rid of all evil and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander. And yearn like newborn infants for pure, spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up to salvation.”

He calls for the believers to get rid of various types of sin, and then calls them to yearn for spiritual milk—referring to the Word—like newborn babies so that they can grow. The implication is that feasting on sin and the things of the world hinders our appetite for the things of God. John said it this way: “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him” (1 John 2:15). Essentially, he states, “You can’t love both.” If we are loving the things of this world—things that dishonor God or don’t acknowledge him—we will find our love for God decreasing. In the same way, when we are constantly feasting on things that acknowledge and honor God, our love for the things of the world will decrease and our love for God will increase.

3. Some lack a spiritual appetite simply because of busyness.

When it comes to natural hunger, many neglect eating simply because they are too busy. In the midst of their busyness, they don’t notice or pay attention to their hunger and therefore skip meals. No doubt, this happens spiritually, as well.

Certainly, we get a picture of this in the story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10. Christ visited the two sisters’ house. While there, Martha was busy being a good host—serving everybody. The problem, as she saw it, was that her sister, Mary, was simply sitting at Jesus’ feet while he taught. Martha became angry and confronted Jesus. She said to him, “Tell my sister to help me.” Christ simply responded, “Martha, Martha, you are busy about many things. She has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken from her” (38-42, paraphrase).

What’s paradoxical is that Martha was doing a good thing; she was serving God and others. However, good things are most commonly the enemy of the best things. Many are just like this. They are busy doing good things like work, ministry, recreation, etc.; however, they are neglecting what’s most important. They don’t have time to pray, study God’s Word, or worship; therefore, their spiritual appetite for these things decreases.

Personally, I have noticed that when I’m implementing the spiritual discipline of Sabbath—where I take one day a week to cease working and rest—that it rejuvenates me not only physically but spiritually. I find that I’m more thankful and joyful. I desire to pray, read God’s Word, and serve more. However, when I neglect my Sabbath, I start going into survival mode. I’m not thankful, joyful, or prayerful—I’m just trying to survive.

Are you still spiritually hungry? If not, why not?

Application Question: What practices, or neglect of practices, often leads to a lack of spiritual appetite in your life?

Fostering a Healthy Appetite

Application Question: How can we develop a healthy appetite for the things of God?

1. To foster a healthy appetite, we must confirm that we are born again.

We cannot conjure up a desire for the things of God. Romans 8:7 says, “because the outlook of the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to the law of God, nor is it able to do so.” First Corinthians 2:14 tells us,

The unbeliever does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him. And he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.

An appetite for the things of God is a supernatural work that God does within a person in order for him to respond to God in salvation (cf. Eph 2:8-9) and obey him (Phil 2:13). Therefore, if one has never accepted Christ or if one suspects that his profession is not genuine, he should confess his sins before God and commit to following Christ as Lord and Savior (cf. Rom 10:9-10, 13). God will save him, fill him with the Holy Spirit, and give him a new nature, which desires the things of God.

2. To foster a healthy appetite, we must stay away from appetite-killers.

We must repent of any sins—turning away from ungodly entertainment, relationships, and other practices. With good things, we must be disciplined with them or let them go as well. We must be vigilant in protecting our spiritual appetite.

3. To foster a healthy appetite, we must eat.

If a natural baby doesn’t eat for a day, the parents will take him to the doctor and that doctor will connect the baby’s arm to an IV. The doctor will force-feed the child because if the child doesn’t eat, he’ll die. We should do the same spiritually. Often the wisest thing we can do when we lack a spiritual appetite is force-feed ourselves. We should wake up in the morning and get into the Word and prayer. Before bed, we should do likewise. We should take advantage of spiritual opportunities like small groups, worship services, and other ministries. We must force-feed ourselves in order to cultivate our hunger.

4. To foster a healthy appetite, we must eat with others.

One of the most enjoyable activities on the earth is eating with others. Friends eat together, families eat together, people interested in one another eat together, strangers eat together to get to know one another. As we eat with others, it often increases our enjoyment of the food.

Proverbs 13:20 says, “He who walks with the wise becomes wise, but the friend of fools will suffer harm” (paraphrase). Wisdom and foolishness in Scripture are not intellectual issues but spiritual issues. The fool says in his heart there is no God (Ps 14:1). Therefore, the wise are those who love, honor, and obey God. By walking with the wise, we will become wise. If we walk with those who love and study God’s Word, it will increase our love and knowledge of the Word. If we walk with those passionate about evangelism, the spirit of evangelism will catch fire in our hearts.

However, the opposite is true as well. If we walk with those who are disobedient to God or who compromise their faith, we will do the same. It is often said that friends of the same feather flock together. Often our closes friends will be people like us—either people who desperately hunger for God and the things of God or people who lack spiritual hunger.

Which are you? Are you helping cultivate hunger for God in those around you? Or are you putting out their fire by your compromise?

Application Question: How is God calling you to pursue a healthier appetite? Are there any other ways believers can cultivate a healthy appetite?

The Promise to the Hungry

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be satisfied.

Matthew 5:6

This promise seems to have two aspects:

1. God promises to fill the hungry with righteousness.

The word “satisfy” can also be translated “fill” (NIV). Essentially, this means that our righteousness is proportional to our spiritual appetite. Those who hunger for God’s Word—God reveals it to them in deeper ways. Those who hunger for souls—God gives them disciples. Those who hunger to serve—God provides opportunities. Therefore, those who don’t hunger lack righteousness.

It has been those who desperately hungered for righteousness throughout history that God used the most. It was not the wisest or most talented. It was those that hungered. John Knox, who God greatly used to stir revival in Scotland, once said, “Give me Scotland or I die!” He was somebody who desperately hungered and thirsted, and God greatly used him as a result.

Are you desperately hungry for righteousness in your life and others? If so, God will fill it. If not, you will lack righteousness.

2. God promises to satisfy the hungry.

There is an emotional component to the word “satisfy.” Most are never satisfied because they pursue contentment in possessions, fame, power, and love. However, only righteousness can truly satisfy us—only knowing God and serving him and others. Anything else will leave us dry, both in this life and throughout eternity.

Application Question: In what ways have you experienced hunger for righteousness and God satisfying that hunger? In what ways have you experienced lack when you haven’t hungered?


Appetite is an indicator of our physical health, and it’s the same with our spiritual health. God smiles on and approves of those who desperately hunger and thirst for righteousness. They hunger for a more intimate relationship with God, a deeper knowledge of God’s Word, the salvation of the lost, and ultimately, God’s will to be done in every situation. Because they hunger and thirst, God fills and satisfies them. And one day, they will ultimately be satisfied with God’s presence and perfect righteousness in heaven.

Are you still hungering and thirsting for righteousness? If so, God promises to fill those desires.

Copyright © 2019 Gregory Brown

Unless otherwise noted, the primary Scriptures used are taken from the NET Bible ® copyright © 1996-2016 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Holy Bible, New International Version ®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®) Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NASB) are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, and 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are from the King James Version of the Bible.

All emphases in Scripture quotations have been added.

BTG Publishing all rights reserved.

1 Boice, J. M. (2002). The Sermon on the Mount: an expositional commentary (p. 41). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.

2 Boice, J. M. (2002). The Sermon on the Mount: an expositional commentary (p. 41). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.

3 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 181). Chicago: Moody Press.

4 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 183). Chicago: Moody Press.

Related Topics: Christian Life, Kingdom

5. Blessed Are the Merciful (Matthew 5:7)

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Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

Matthew 5:7 (NET)

As mentioned previously, the Beatitudes are character traits of those who have entered the kingdom of heaven (cf. Matt 5:3, 10). We have learned that believers are the poor in spirit—they recognize their lack of righteousness before God. This leads them to mourn over their sin. They become the meek—those who humble themselves and submit to God’s control. This leads them to the fifth beatitude—hunger for righteousness and the promise of God filling that hunger. This is a turning point in the Beatitudes. The first four are inner character changes that reflect the believer’s relationship with God; the last four are outward manifestations of those character changes, which reflect the believer’s relationship with others.1 As believers hunger for righteousness, God makes them the merciful (5:7), the pure in heart (5:8), and the peacemakers (5:9). Because of this righteousness, the world persecutes them (5:10).

In this study, we will consider the fifth beatitude, “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.”

Big Question: What does the fifth beatitude mean and how should it be applied?

The Merciful

Interpretation Question: What is mercy? What is the difference between mercy and grace?

Mercy is goodness offered to those in misery or distress. It often includes compassion or forbearance shown to an offender—somebody that deserves only justice. John MacArthur defines it as follows:

Mercy is meeting people’s needs. It is not simply feeling compassion but showing compassion, not only sympathizing but giving a helping hand. Mercy is giving food to the hungry, comfort to the bereaved, love to the rejected, forgiveness to the offender, companionship to the lonely. It is therefore one of the loveliest and noblest of all virtues.2

Scripture teaches us that God is merciful. Paul called God the “Father of mercies and the God of all comfort” (2 Cor 1:3). Psalm 103:8 says, “The Lord is merciful and gracious” (ESV). In Titus 3:5, Paul states that God saved us not because of our righteous deeds but because of his mercy. Hebrews 2:17 calls Christ our merciful high priest. The believer is merciful because God is merciful. When a person becomes born again, God’s mercy begins to manifest through his life in various ways. In fact, it will identify him.

Now it should be said that this concept—the very idea of mercy—was radical to the Roman world. Mercy was despised by Romans. MacArthur adds:

A popular Roman philosopher called mercy “the disease of the soul.” It was the supreme sign of weakness. Mercy was a sign that you did not have what it takes to be a real man and especially a real Roman. The Romans glorified manly courage, strict justice, firm discipline, and, above all, absolute power. They looked down on mercy, because mercy to them was weakness, and weakness was despised above all other human limitations.3

Though at times despised or considered weak by the world, mercy is a supreme virtue since it is a character trait of both God and his people.

We must ask, “What is the difference between mercy and grace?” These terms are often used synonymously; however, they are slightly different. Grace is unmerited favor to those who don’t deserve it. Mercy is unmerited favor towards the miserable or hurting. It often includes withholding justice others deserve.

Application Question: In what ways should believers show mercy to others?

1. Believers show mercy by helping those caught in desperate circumstances.

This is emphasized in both the Old Testament and New Testament. Israel was commanded to take care of foreigners because they once were foreigners in Egypt (Lev 19:34). They were called to not harvest the sides of their fields, as they should be left for the poor (Lev 23:22). They were also called to care for the widow and the orphan and not oppress them. Zechariah 7:9-10 orders, “The Lord who rules over all said, ‘Exercise true judgment and show brotherhood and compassion to each other. You must not oppress the widow, the orphan, the foreigner, or the poor, nor should anyone secretly plot evil against his fellow human being.’”

Similarly, James wrote to scattered Christians saying: “Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their misfortune and to keep oneself unstained by the world” (Jam 1:27). Like Israel before them, the early church focused on caring for those in desperate circumstances. When Paul and Barnabas were sent to the Gentiles by the apostles, they were asked to “remember the poor” (Gal 2:10).

Mercy was perfectly manifested in Christ. His ministry was primarily to the despised and downtrodden. He healed the sick and fed the poor. Christ declared this about himself in Luke 4:18-19:

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and the regaining of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

In Acts 2:45, the early church sold all they had and gave to the poor among them. As followers of Christ, we must also care for the poor, sick, struggling, and oppressed. We should be zealous about this ministry as well. It is our Christian duty. Those who are part of the kingdom will be greatly involved in these ministries. They are the merciful.

Darren Carlson, the President of Training Leader’s International, shared this about his conversation with refugees while visiting Christians in Athens:

I can't tell you how many times, I have heard this from Iranian and Afghan believers:

I left my country, and everywhere on my way to Greece, there were Christians. As I left my country, Muslims were literally shooting at me and my family. But in Turkey and Greece, Christians have welcomed me, clothed me, and fed me. When I got off the boat, it was Christians that were passing out food and water. When I came to Athens, it was Christians who gave me a shower, helped me with a medical issue, and gave me a meal with spices from my home. I became a Christian because they were so different than Muslims.

Caring for those in miserable circumstances must be the ethic and practice of Christians. Are you reaching out to the poor, needy, and desperate, as our Lord did?

2. Believers show mercy by helping those caught in sin.

Obviously, Christ perfectly displayed this as well. He came to save people from their sin. He told the woman caught in adultery and a cripple that he healed to sin no more (John 8:11, 5:14). He called people to repent, turn from their sin, and follow him. Ultimately, he delivers all who turn to him from the penalty and power of sin, and one day, he will deliver them from the presence of sin.

Followers of Christ should help people struggling with sin as well. Galatians 6:1-2 says,

Brothers and sisters, if a person is discovered in some sin, you who are spiritual restore such a person in a spirit of gentleness. Pay close attention to yourselves, so that you are not tempted too. Carry one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

How should we help those caught in sin? By using Scripture, we should lovingly correct other believers by showing them how they are thinking and acting incorrectly. Then, again by using Scripture, we should show them how to get right with God and help hold them accountable (cf. 2 Tim 3:16-17).

Mercy towards sinners does not only include helping believers get right with God, but it also includes helping unbelievers turn from their sin to follow Christ. Sharing the Gospel is the most merciful act we can do, and every believer should participate in this ministry.

Are you being merciful by lovingly correcting believers and sharing the Gospel with the lost?

3. Believers show mercy by forgiving those who sinned against them.

Colossians 3:13 says, “bearing with one another and forgiving one another, if someone happens to have a complaint against anyone else. Just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also forgive others.” The command to forgive as Christ forgave should turn us away from shallow attempts at forgiveness. Many declare, “I forgive you, but I don’t ever want to see you or talk to you again.” However, that is not how God forgives us. Scripture says God remembers our sins no more (Is 43:25). This doesn’t mean that God can forget; he can’t, since he is omniscient. It means that he no longer holds our sins against us as a barrier to intimacy or usefulness. We must do the same. This doesn’t mean that we don’t recognize people’s immaturity, propensity to bend the truth, or hurt us. It just means that we love them through those events and issues, and aim to help them grow in holiness—which may include things like correction, discipline, and times of separation (cf. Matt 18:15-17, 1 Cor 5:9-13).

Are you forgiving those who have failed you?

Application Question: What is your experience with mercy ministries, such as caring for orphans, widows, and the poor, as well as correcting those in sin and sharing the Gospel? What makes mercy ministries both difficult and enriching?

The Promise to the Merciful

Interpretation Question: What does God’s promise to the merciful mean practically—“blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy”?

1. God’s promise means that God will help the merciful in times of need.

Proverbs 19:17 says, “The one who is gracious to the poor lends to the Lord, and the Lord will repay him for his good deed.” In Matthew 6:1-3, Christ talks about God’s reward for those who give to the needy with right hearts, which includes heavenly reward (cf. Matt 6:19). In 2 Corinthians 9:7-8, Paul declares that if we are cheerful givers, God will provide grace to meet all our needs and to excel in good works. Verse 8 says, “And God is able to make all grace overflow to you so that because you have enough of everything in every way at all times, you will overflow in every good work.” The promise of mercy applies both to our practical and spiritual needs. If we excel at mercy, God will not only provide for our financial needs but open doors for greater service. God blesses those who are channels—not reservoirs.

Similarly, Malachi 3:10-12 says:

“Bring the entire tithe into the storehouse so that there may be food in my temple. Test me in this matter,” says the Lord who rules over all, “to see if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until there is no room for it all. Then I will stop the plague from ruining your crops, and the vine will not lose its fruit before harvest,” says the Lord who rules over all. “All nations will call you happy, for you indeed will live in a delightful land,” says the Lord who rules over all.

The tithe was used to take care of the temple, provide for the needs of the priests and Levites, and feed the poor. God promised that if his people excelled in giving tithes, he would open the heavens and bless them with something so large they wouldn’t be able to receive it. Because of God’s blessing, all the nations would call Israel blessed.

Likewise, when believers give abundantly to church ministries, mission and mercy organizations, and the needy, they spiritually and practically enrich themselves. Luke 6:38 says, “Give, and it will be given to you: A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be poured into your lap. For the measure you use will be the measure you receive.’” Psalm 41:1-3 says:

How blessed is the one who treats the poor properly! When trouble comes, the Lord delivers him. May the Lord protect him and save his life! May he be blessed in the land! Do not turn him over to his enemies! The Lord supports him on his sickbed; you completely heal him from his illness.

2. God’s promise implies that God will discipline believers for their lack of mercy.

Proverbs 28:27 says, “The one who gives to the poor will not lack, but whoever shuts his eyes to them will receive many curses.” These curses don’t just come from a lack of giving but a lack of mercy in general. In Matthew 6:14-15, we see how God disciplines those who don’t forgive others. It says, “For if you forgive others their sins, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, your Father will not forgive you your sins.”

This discipline is clearly demonstrated in the Parable of the Merciless Servant (Matt 18). In the parable, a master forgives a servant a great debt—the equivalent of twenty million in U.S. currency. Yes, immediately after this, the servant refuses to forgive his fellow servant a small debt of roughly two thousand dollars in today’s currency.4 Because of this, the master throws the unforgiving servant into jail to be tortured until the original debt was paid. In Matthew 18:35, Christ said this to his disciples, “So also my heavenly Father will do to you, if each of you does not forgive your brother from your heart.” This discipline shows up in many ways: trials, demonic attacks, sickness, etc. (cf. 1 Cor 5:5, 11:21-22, 30-31). James 2:13 reminds us that, “For judgment is merciless for the one who has shown no mercy.”

Unforgiveness and a lack of mercy in general hinder our intimacy with God and also bring harsh discipline.

3. God’s promise implies that lacking mercy proves that we’ve never received mercy and therefore lack salvation.

Some have misinterpreted this beatitude to mean that we can earn salvation by being merciful. However, this doesn’t take into account the context of the Beatitudes. As mentioned, there is a progression. The first four Beatitudes are inner changes in believers which begin at salvation and continue throughout sanctification. Then there are outer manifestations of these inner changes in the next four. In addition, the interpretation of mercy as a way of earning salvation clearly contradicts Scripture’s teaching that salvation is by faith alone—apart from works (cf. Gen 15:6, Eph 2:8-9). Though not a means of salvation, practicing mercy is both a fruit and proof of salvation. It provides believers with assurance of whether they possess saving faith or not.

This assurance manifests itself in two tests: First, if we are unmerciful to the needs of the world, then we are not saved. First John 3:17 says: “But whoever has the world’s possessions and sees his fellow Christian in need and shuts off his compassion against him, how can the love of God reside in such a person?” Additionally, in the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, Christ said this to the goats:

“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire that has been prepared for the devil and his angels! For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink. I was a stranger and you did not receive me as a guest, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.’

Matthew 25:41-43

Their lack of mercy proved their lack of salvation. God’s love had never changed their selfish hearts (cf. Rom 5:5); they lived to serve only themselves, not God and others.

Secondly, if we are unforgiving and vengeful towards those who hurt us, this may demonstrate that we have never received mercy. For it is those who have been shown mercy who will constantly show mercy to others. This doesn’t mean that if we struggle at times to forgive others or show mercy that we’re not saved. It means that if there is no struggle—that is, if we are just vengeful, unforgiving, and unconcerned about the desperate needs of others—then we are not born again.

Are you the merciful? Or are you unforgiving and unconcerned about the pains of others?

Application Question: How have you experienced a change in your life towards being more merciful as you’ve grown in Christ? In what ways have you experienced God’s promise either for showing mercy or neglecting to show it?

Growth in the Practice of Mercy

Application Question: How can we grow in the practice of mercy?

1. To grow in the practice of mercy, we must remember our own sin and desperate situation.

This is often what we don’t do. We see how others have failed us, but we forget that we have both failed God and others. We consider how stupid and inconsiderate someone else is, but forget times in our past when we were stupid and inconsiderate. We condemn the person who cut us off in traffic and yet forget that we’ve made mistakes in driving as well. Forgetting our own sins and failures leads to harshness in judging others. It is sin nature to emphasize our goodness and minimize our badness. In fact, we tend to condemn others as a means of building ourselves up. We say to ourselves (and often others), “I can’t believe they did that!” “I could do that better.” or “I would never do that!” Like the Pharisees, we primarily see our successes and not our failures—leading us to condemn others when they fail (cf. Lk 18:9-14). The Pharisees were unmerciful because they thought themselves to be so righteous.

However, it is the one who deeply mourns over his sin that is truly merciful (cf. Matt 5:4, 7). It has been said that, “Unless we recognize ourselves as chief of sinners, like Paul (1 Tim 1:15), we are not yet ready for ministry.” Unless we have become like Isaiah, who declared that he was deserving of judgment because of the sins of his mouth, we are not ready to be sent, like him, to serve those caught in sin (Is 6). If we don’t recognize our own great depravity, we will not be gentle or effective in our ministry to others. We will not be the merciful. In fact, we may be abusive.

Are you remembering your failures? You can tell by whether your response is typically gentle or harsh when others fail you.

Application Question: In what ways have you experienced yourself being overly harsh with others and their failures, especially with areas you previously struggled with? How have you seen this hypocritical spirit in others? How can we grow in awareness of our sins?

2. To grow in the practice of mercy, we must identify with others.

An aspect of mercy is sympathy and compassion. It is identifying with others’ pain and struggles. It is seeing through their eyes and walking with their feet. When we truly do this, we will work to alleviate their pain, and we’ll also forgive their misgivings. This is exactly how Christ sought to provide mercy for us. He didn’t stay in heaven and simply watch our pain and failures. He came down and became human. He felt and experienced poverty. He experienced the loss of a father at an early age. He was mocked, betrayed, and hurt. Though he never sinned, he experienced temptation and bore our sins on the cross. He identified with us so he could deliver us and forgive us.

This is the very reason why many don’t show mercy. We don’t want to see through the eyes and experiences of others. We want to help, but we don’t want to taste their cup of suffering. It is when touching the leper, sitting beside the person dying in the hospice, living with the poor, and eating and drinking with the lost that true compassion is developed. It is as we identify with the hurting and lost that true mercy—compassion in action—is fostered.

I experienced this while working with people with developmental needs for three years. Essentially, I was a house parent: I gave them their medications, prepared breakfast for them, bathed and shaved them, counseled them, and was available to them at night if anything went wrong. Before I started working with this population, I remember being hesitant and a little scared. I was scared simply because I had never really been around people with such special needs. Theologically, I knew my hesitancy was wrong, but practically, it was still there. However, when I started working with them, I fell in love with them. They became some of my closest friends. I loved talking and hanging out with them; eventually, they started coming to church with me. But, it wasn’t until I started living with them and serving them, that my heart started to grow for them. By identifying with them, a desire to alleviate their pain grew in me.

This is why believers are often radically changed by going on a mission trip or serving in a mercy ministry. By touching the broken, as our Lord did, their hearts are radically changed. They start to sympathize and work for their deliverance.

This is also true with forgiveness. It is the past experiences of others that lead them to act as they do, including hurting others. As people start to really consider the paths others have walked, in order to empathize with them, it becomes easier to forgive their failures. There is a French proverb that says, “to understand all is to forgive all.” In addition, it has often been said, “Hurt people, hurt people.” By understanding the hurts of those who hurt and fail us, it will be easier to forgive them.

Have you developed compassion for the hurting? Are you identifying with them?

Application Question: Why is identifying with others so important not only for mercy ministry but ministry in general? In what ways have you experienced the importance of identifying with others as the one receiving mercy or giving it?

3. To grow in the practice of mercy, we must develop our love for others.

God does not just want people to give or to help others in pain. He wants them to do it with the right heart—one full of love. Paul said, “If I give all my possessions to the poor and don’t have love, I gain nothing” (1 Cor 13:10, paraphrase). He also said we should not give out of necessity or compulsion for God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor 9:7). God wants believers to be just like him. He wants us to love serving and giving.

Micah 6:8 says: “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God” (NIV 1984). Micah says we must not only show mercy but love it. It is very possible for our acts of kindness and forgiveness toward others to stem from wrong motives, including simply being done out of obligation. First Peter 4:9 instructs us to “Show hospitality to one another without complaining.”

This is important to hear because people who serve in mercy ministries tend to struggle with bitterness and burn-out; the work is hard and the people are often difficult and ungracious. Even Christ was hated by the people he served. Mercy ministers will constantly experience criticism, attacks, and a lack of gratefulness from those they serve as well. It can be hard to keep a right heart at times.

However, God not only commands our actions, but he commands our hearts. He commands us to love him with all our heart, mind, and soul and to love our neighbors as ourselves (Mk 12:30-31). He calls us to give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will for our lives (1 Thess 5:18). Also, through living in the Holy Spirit, he provides us with the fruit of love, patience, perseverance, and self-control (Gal 5:16, 22-23). He will give us grace to be merciful and do it with the right heart.

Do you love showing mercy? Or is it simply an obligation? As we show mercy, we must have the right heart—one filled with love.

Application Question: Why is it so common for those serving in mercy ministries to become bitter and lose a right heart? In what ways have you experienced hurt from those you served? How did you overcome it or remain faithful? How can we grow to love mercy?

4. To grow in the practice of mercy, we must remember God’s promise to the merciful.

Proverbs 11:25 (NIV) says, “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” God promises to bless and refresh those who serve others. When Christ was burnt out, God refreshed him with the ministry of angels (Mark 1:13). When Elijah was weary, God refreshed him with food brought by ravens (1 Kings 19:3-6). When David was weary, he “drew strength from the Lord” (1 Sam 30:6). This promise brings encouragement especially when we, as ministers, feel like quitting or giving up. God promises to bless and refresh us.

This also should be an encouragement to those too depressed or discouraged to serve. Sometimes, the best way to receive encouragement or relief is to show mercy to others; for then, God will show mercy to us. Christ promised that by taking on his yoke of service, we will find rest for our souls (Matt 11:29). God’s promise is a tremendous motivation to practice the ministry of mercy.

Application Question: In what ways have you experienced God’s refreshment in ministry? Is there anybody that you feel God wants you to encourage and refresh for their faithful ministry efforts? In what ways is God calling you to pursue growth in mercy and seek his promise to the merciful?


Christ is our merciful high priest (Heb 2:17). He identified with us, as he came down to this world as a man. He preached the good news to the poor. He set free captives of sin and the devil. He fed the hungry and healed the sick. He died for our sins, and therefore was the perfect manifestation of mercy. If he lives in us, his characteristic of mercy should manifest in some way, no matter how small, in our lives. Blessed are the merciful for they (and they alone) shall receive mercy. Are you growing in mercy?

Copyright © 2019 Gregory Brown

Unless otherwise noted, the primary Scriptures used are taken from the NET Bible ® copyright © 1996-2016 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Holy Bible, New International Version ®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®) Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NASB) are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, and 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are from the King James Version of the Bible.

All emphases in Scripture quotations have been added.

BTG Publishing all rights reserved.

1 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (pp. 186–187). Chicago: Moody Press.

2 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 190). Chicago: Moody Press.

3 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 188). Chicago: Moody Press.

4 Hughes, R. K. (2001). The sermon on the mount: the message of the kingdom (p. 49). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

Related Topics: Christian Life, Kingdom

6. Blessed Are The Pure In Heart (Matthew 5:8)

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Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

Matthew 5:8 (NET)

As a reminder, the fourth beatitude, hungering and thirsting for righteousness, marked a pivot in the Beatitudes. From there, God begins to fill his people with righteousness. He makes them the merciful, the pure in heart, and the peacemakers. In many ways, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” is the chief beatitude. Some have wondered why it is not the first beatitude or the last, as the culmination.1 Throughout history, seeing and knowing God has often been considered the summum bonum—the highest good in life. Jeremiah quotes the Lord:

Let not the wise boast of their wisdom or the strong boast of their strength or the rich boast of their riches, but let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know me

Jeremiah 9:23-24 (NIV)

He names three things that people often pursue in life as the highest good: wisdom, strength, and wealth; however, the highest good is knowing God. This is essentially what Matthew 5:8 promises—to see and know God more intimately.

Moses cried out for this in Exodus 33:18, as he asked to see God’s glory. God responded to him that no one could see his face and live. However, he would show Moses his back—a manifestation of his glory, but not his full glory. Here in Matthew 5:8, Christ promises the highest good that man can achieve—seeing and knowing God. It is for this reason that some view this beatitude as the climax or pinnacle of the Beatitudes; the first five lead to it and the last two flow from it.2

In this study, we’ll consider the sixth beatitude: the blessing on the pure in heart and the promise of seeing God.

Big Question: What does the sixth beatitude mean and what applications can we take from it?

The Pure in Heart

Interpretation Question: What does it mean to be pure in heart?

The word “pure” has had a variety of uses: It was used of soiled clothes which had been washed clean, and an army of soldiers which had been purged of the discontented, unwilling, cowardly, and inefficient soldiers—with only first-class fighters remaining.3 It was also used of metals that had been refined until all the impurities were gone—leaving only pure silver, pure gold, etc.4 Therefore, the word generally means both “clean” and “unmixed.”

When Christ adds the word “heart” to it, he is not just referring to emotions. In the biblical mindset, “heart” refers to the mind, will, and emotions.5 Therefore, we must ask what does Christ mean practically by being “pure in heart”?

1. To be pure in heart refers to having an inner moral righteousness.

When people follow God and are born again, God begins to change their hearts. He starts ridding them of jealousy, anger, pride, and selfishness, and replacing these attitudes with selflessness, humility, love, patience, and other virtues. The more a person grows in these godly virtues, the more they see God. Therefore, to hold on to ungodly attitudes is to hinder our relationship with God and our ability to see him. We see this commonly in Scripture. James 1:7-8 describes how the double-minded man is unstable in all his ways and how he will receive nothing from God when he prays. The double-minded man is somebody who wants to live for the world and live for God at the same time (cf. James 4:3-4). Therefore, he is unstable and ineffective in prayer. Likewise, David said if he cherished iniquity in his heart, the Lord would not hear him (Ps 66:18). To love sin, to cultivate unforgiveness, or pride is to hinder our relationship with God and our ability to see him.

This was especially important for the Jews and Pharisees to hear, as they tended to focus on outward compliance to God’s laws instead of inward compliance. They thought if they hadn’t killed anyone, they had kept the law against murder, but Christ said to be angry is to commit murder in our hearts. They thought if they hadn’t committed adultery, they had kept that commandment, but Christ said to lust is to commit adultery. To commit either of these is to fail to both love God and man, which are the greatest commandments. Christ rebuked the Pharisees for this by calling them white-washed tombs—clean on the outside but filled with dead men’s bones on the inside (Matt 23:27). He described them as drawing near God with their mouths while their hearts were far from him (Matt 15:8). Clearly, the Pharisees didn’t give attention to cultivating pure hearts.

Psalm 24:3-4 (NIV) says, “Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? The one who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god.” This Psalm seems to describe the ideal worshiper. “Clean hands” refers to godly works, and a “pure heart” refers to inner morality. When our heart is right, it leads to right actions. This is the person that God allows into his presence. He seeks after worshipers, who worship him in spirit (heart) and truth (John 4:23).

Are you developing an inner morality? If so, you will increasingly see God. The more you cultivate honesty, integrity, patience, perseverance, hatred for sin, etc., the more you will experience God’s presence.

2. To be pure in heart refers to being sincere—free of hypocrisy.

This is certainly part of inner morality, but worth separating for emphasis. As we continue to study the Sermon on the Mount, and the Gospels in general, Christ will repeatedly mention this. In Matthew 6, he calls for the disciples to not be like the Pharisees and teachers of the law who did their acts of righteousness (praying, giving, and fasting) to be seen by men. He says if we do this, then we have received our reward—the acknowledgment of men—but we will not be rewarded by God.

This is something those who serve in ministry must be particularly aware of. It is easy to start to do good works for the applause of men. We can tell if this is in our hearts by how we respond when criticized or praised by others; criticism will overly discourage us, and praise will overly excite us. Are we really seeking God’s honor and praise alone? It is also possible to do good works primarily for financial purposes. Christ stressed that he was the good shepherd and all who came before him were just hirelings—doing ministry simply for pay. When the wolf comes, the hireling flees because he is only there for pay (John 10). How do we respond when we encounter trials in our ministry—our service to God and others? If we are just there for the benefits, we will not stay committed.

Are our motives for serving God pure? Or are they mixed and insincere?

3. To be pure in heart refers to being single-minded in devotion to God.

As mentioned, the word “pure” was used of cleansing an army—getting rid of the cowardly and the uncommitted and leaving only the most devoted and effective fighters. Sadly, we are often like this with God—divided between love for the world and its things, and love for God and his kingdom. Therefore, many Christians are stunted in their growth. They are not hearing God’s voice, not enjoying his presence, because this is something God gives to the single-minded—the devoted. Matthew 13:22 describes how “worldly cares and the seductiveness of wealth choke the word, so it produces nothing.” It’s the divided heart that misses God’s best.

In Philippians 3:13 (NIV), Paul said, “this one thing I do”—referring to his pursuit of knowing and being rewarded by Christ (cf. v. 10-12, 14). Sadly, for most, God is just one of their many things, and therefore, they miss out on a heightened intimacy with God. Through Jeremiah, God said this to the idolatrous Israelites who were deported to Babylon, “When you seek me in prayer and worship, you will find me available to you. If you seek me with all your heart and soul” (Jer 29:13). It is when we turn away from our idols and come after God with our whole heart that we will truly see him and know him.

Are you pursuing God with your whole heart or are you half-hearted?

Application Question: Which aspect of purity of heart stood out to you most and why (inner morality, sincerity, single-minded devotion)? What are common idols that distract people from single-minded devotion to God? Describe a season (or seasons) in your life when you were the most single-minded. What contributed to your passion and devotion? What eventually detracted from it?

Growth in Purity of Heart

Application Question: How can we grow in purity of heart?

1. To grow in purity of heart, we must make sure that we are saved.

It is the pure in heart, and they alone, who will see God. As with the other beatitudes, these characteristics are only true of the born again. Hebrews 12:14 says without holiness “no one will see the Lord.” What God does at salvation is give us a clean heart—a new nature. It is a promise of the New Covenant. Ezekiel 36:25-26 says,

“‘I will take you from the nations and gather you from all the countries; then I will bring you to your land. I will sprinkle you with pure water and you will be clean from all your impurities. I will purify you from all your idols. I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit within you. I will remove the heart of stone from your body and give you a heart of flesh.

At salvation, purity of heart begins; God gives us a new nature and new desires—desires to pursue him and obey him. This is one of the ways that we know that we are saved. We know something of purity of heart—singleness of mind—a desire to follow Christ as Lord and please him above ourselves and everybody else.

Have you experienced this new heart?

2. To grow in purity of heart, we must continually confess anything unpleasing to God.

While on earth, we will never be completely pure of heart. Jeremiah 17:9 says that our hearts are “deceitful above all things and beyond cure” (paraphrase) and yet, Christ still commands us: “be perfect, as your heavenly father is perfect” (Matt 5:48). Consequently, we must continually confess pride, anger, lust, and everything that dishonors God. In fact, we must ask God to help us discern the evil in our hearts, as we often are blind to its defects. In Psalm 139:23-24, David prays, “Examine me, and probe my thoughts! Test me, and know my concerns! See if there is any idolatrous tendency in me, and lead me in the reliable ancient path!” As we discern wrong attitudes and actions, we must confess and repent to God. When we do this, God is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).

Are you daily confessing and repenting of wrong attitudes, words, and actions?

3. To grow in purity of heart, we must guard and protect our hearts.

Our hearts are idol factories—prone to love and worship things other than God. Because of this, we must continually guard it, not only from sinful things but also good things that might steal our affections. Proverbs 4:23 says, “Guard your heart with all vigilance, for from it are the sources of life.” In Matthew 6:19-21, Christ, aware of this sinful tendency in our hearts, commanded believers to not store up riches on this earth, not because riches are inherently sinful, but because wherever our riches are, our hearts will be also. Riches tend to steal our hearts from God and seeking his kingdom first. We must be aware of this disease in our hearts—they are prone to love entertainment, clothes, cars, career, social media, popularity, etc., over God. For some of us, we must forsake certain possessions, even as Christ commanded the rich man (Matt 19:16-22). We can’t handle them appropriately; they will keep us out of the Word, away from prayer, and serving God. For others, we will just have to be disciplined in our use of these objects. This is a wisdom principle; each believer will have to discern this through the Holy Spirit and the counsel of godly saints. What might be a treasure (and therefore a temptation) to one person, might not be a treasure for another.

4. To grow in purity of heart, we must pray for it.

In prayer, we recognize that only God can truly change our hearts. In Psalm 51:10, David prayed: “Create for me a pure heart, O God! Renew a resolute spirit within me!” Create in me a heart that is solely devoted to you—one that beats to honor your name and build your kingdom. We must recognize our lack of a clean heart and cry out for it. In Psalm 86:11 (NIV), David again prayed, “Give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.” So many things pull me away from you, unify my mind to worship you, Lord. If we are going to grow in purity of heart, like David, we must cry out for it.

5. To grow in purity of heart, we must saturate ourselves with God’s Word.

Christ said this to his disciples in John 15:3, “You are clean already because of the word that I have spoken to you.” It was through hearing the Gospel and believing it, that the disciples were made clean, as Christ gave them new hearts. However, it is still through God’s Word that our hearts are daily made clean. Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any double-edged sword, piercing even to the point of dividing soul from spirit, and joints from marrow; it is able to judge the desires and thoughts of the heart.”

As we study God’s Word, it cuts us. It reveals wrong heart motives and makes us more into the image of Christ. It sanctifies us.

Are you living in God’s Word?

6. To grow in purity of heart, we must desire the promise of knowing God more than anything else.

If you really desire to see God more and more, then you will be willing to get rid of anything that corrupts your heart. Is it your entertainment—your music and TV watching—that defiles your heart with explicit content? If so, you must be willing to get rid of it to know God more. Is it your relationships that are drawing you away from Christ? If so, you must be willing to let go of them to know God more. If you don’t really want to see God and experience him, then you won’t do whatever it takes to be pure in heart.

Philippians 4:8-9 (NIV) says,

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

To think on what is noble, right, pure, and lovely, we must, by necessity, let go of what is common, wrong, compromised, and ugly. It is only when our thoughts and practices are right, that the God of peace will be with us, as we experience his presence and intimacy in a special way.

7. To grow in purity of heart, we must continually think on eternity.

First John 3:2-3 says,

Dear friends, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet been revealed. We know that whenever it is revealed we will be like him, because we will see him just as he is. And everyone who has this hope focused on him purifies himself, just as Jesus is pure).

The more we hope to see and serve Christ throughout eternity, the more we will want to purify ourselves because we want to please him. However, if our hearts are continually set on this world and the things of the world, we will become increasingly secular and worldly—dimming our spiritual sight.

Are you thinking on eternity and seeing Christ?

Application Question: What are some other practices that aid in developing purity of heart? In what ways is God challenging you to pursue growth in purity of heart?

Seeing God

Interpretation Question: What does the promise of seeing God mean?

1. Seeing God has a present aspect to it.

  • Believers will see God in creation.

In Psalm 19:1-2, David said that the heavens declare the glory of God and that they daily pour forth speech about him. In Psalm 29:7-10, David describes seeing and experiencing God in a thunder storm:

The Lord’s shout strikes with flaming fire. The Lord’s shout shakes the wilderness, the Lord shakes the wilderness of Kadesh. The Lord’s shout bends the large trees and strips the leaves from the forests. Everyone in his temple says, “Majestic! The Lord sits enthroned over the engulfing waters, the Lord sits enthroned as the eternal king.

David, a man after God’s own heart, even saw God in his imperfect and aging body, as he declared how he was fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps 139:14). Only the pure in heart have this type of sight. They see God even in imperfect things like creation, as it still bears his marks. Similarly, when the disciples were fearful about their futures, Christ comforted them with God’s work in creation (Matt 6). He asked, “Did you see the lilies of the field today—how God clothed them? Did you see the birds of the air—how God fed them?” Christ saw creation as revealing God’s love and providence. As we grow in purity of heart, we’ll see God more in his creation.

  • Believers see God in difficult circumstances.

We saw this with Joseph. After his father died, his brothers pleaded with him to not treat them harshly. Joseph responded, “As for you, you meant to harm me, but God intended it for a good purpose, so he could preserve the lives of many people, as you can see this day” (Gen 50:20). He saw God’s goodness in the storms of life where others might have doubted God, became angry at him, or turned away from him. We also saw this with Job—even after he had lost his family and much of his business—he declared, “The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. May the name of the Lord be blessed!” (Job 1:21). To him, both blessings and trials came from the hand of God. When Stephen was stoned, Christ appeared to him in the clouds—no doubt strengthening him to be the church’s first martyr (Acts 7:56). God works all things to the good of those who love the Lord, including trials (Rom 8:28).

Are you seeing his hand in your trials?

  • Believers see God in acts of worship.

The purer our hearts, the more we will see and experience God, as we study God’s Word, pray, fellowship with others, and serve. When our hearts are not pure, we will meditate on Scripture and receive nothing. We will worship and pray, but it’s as if the heavens are shut. We’ll serve, and it will only be a burden. God reveals himself to those with right hearts.

2. Seeing God has a future aspect.

Obviously, we will most clearly see God in heaven. First Corinthians 13:12 says, “For now we see in a mirror indirectly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know in part, but then I will know fully, just as I have been fully known.” This verse compares our vision of God to looking into a mirror. Ancient mirrors were made of polished stone or metal and therefore weren’t very clear—the reflection was dim at best. However, in eternity, we will see God face to face. We will know him, even as he knows us. This is the great hope of believers. Only those who are truly born again will ultimately see God.

Application Question: In what ways have you experienced the promise of seeing and experiencing God when your heart was pure before God? In what ways have you experienced a lack of intimacy with God when in sin or consumed with lesser things?


“Blessed are the pure in heart” is the climax of the Beatitudes. It is the climax because it brings the greatest blessing—seeing God. As seeing and knowing God becomes our highest pursuit in life, there will be no cost that we are unwilling to pay, and no height that we are unwilling to climb to know him. Blessed are the pure in heart for they, and they alone, will see God. Lord, purify our hearts. Amen.

Copyright © 2019 Gregory Brown

Unless otherwise noted, the primary Scriptures used are taken from the NET Bible ® copyright © 1996-2016 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Holy Bible, New International Version ®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®) Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NASB) are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, and 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are from the King James Version of the Bible.

All emphases in Scripture quotations have been added.

BTG Publishing all rights reserved.

1 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 202). Chicago: Moody Press.

2 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 202). Chicago: Moody Press.

3 Barclay, W. (2001). The Gospel of Matthew (Third Ed., p. 122). Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press.

4 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 204). Chicago: Moody Press.

5 Boice, J. M. (2002). The Sermon on the Mount: an expositional commentary (p. 46). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.

Related Topics: Christian Life, Kingdom

7. Blessed Are The Peacemakers (Matthew 5:9)

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Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God.

Matthew 5:9 (NET)

As Christ continues his lesson on the characteristics of believers, it is no surprise that after speaking on the “pure in heart” that he now focuses on the peacemakers. It is only those who daily conquer sin in their own lives—who work to bring peace to the civil war in their own hearts—that are ready to help others fight this battle as well.

Peacemakers are those who mourn over sin, those who purify their lives, and help others do the same. This does not make them popular. In fact, it often leads to persecution, as we’ll see in the next beatitude: “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness” (Matt 5:10). However, this ministry is needed.

In this study, we will consider what it means to be a peacemaker, how to grow in our peacemaking, and the reward of peacemakers.

Big Question: What does the seventh beatitude mean and what are some applications we can take from it?


Interpretation Question: What does it mean to be a peacemaker?

“Peace” or “Shalom” was a common Jewish greeting. It meant more than the absence of conflict; it expressed a desire that the one “greeted will have all the righteousness and goodness God can give. The deepest meaning of the term is ‘God’s highest good to you.’”1 In addition, it must be noticed that Christ doesn’t say blessed are those who “love peace,” but blessed are “the peacemakers.” Everybody loves the concept of peace, but very few are willing to be active in creating it. It is impossible to have peace without God’s righteousness. Peace without righteousness is just a truce with sin. The pursuit of true peace often results in trouble. Christ said, “I didn’t come to bring peace, but to bring a sword” (Matt 10:34, paraphrase). Christ, the Prince of Peace (Is 9:6), realized that to have true peace, there must, at times, be conflict. Christ died to reconcile God and people (Rom 5:1), and people with one another (Eph 2:14-18). Often a peacemaker is somebody who comes between two warring parties and takes the blows from each side in order to create peace.

What does it look like practically to be a peacemaker?

1. Peacemakers seek to reconcile people with God.

Second Corinthians 5:18-21 says:

And all these things are from God who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and who has given us the ministry of reconciliation. In other words, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting people’s trespasses against them, and he has given us the message of reconciliation. Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making His plea through us. We plead with you on Christ’s behalf, “Be reconciled to God!” God made the one who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that in him we would become the righteousness of God.

God is a holy God and therefore cannot have a relationship with sinful people. Therefore, all people are under the wrath of God because of our sins. The Gospel message is the truth that Christ bore God’s wrath on the cross for our sins, so we can have a right relationship with God. Romans 5:1 says, “Therefore, since we have been declared righteous by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Peacemakers are those who devote their lives to sharing this message. Because they have experienced it, they share it with others—hoping to reconcile people with God.

Are you sharing the Gospel message? This is what peacemakers do.

2. Peacemakers seek to reconcile people.

This starts with us and our relationship with others. Matthew 5:23-24 says that if we go to the altar to offer a gift and realize that somebody has something against us, we should leave the gift, reconcile with the person, and then offer the gift to God. Romans 12:18 says, “If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all people.” We forgive those who have sinned against us. We bless and don’t curse them. We humble ourselves and ask for forgiveness from those we sinned against. Because we’ve been reconciled with God, we seek to reconcile with others.

Not only do we seek to reconcile with others, but we seek to help others reconcile. In Philippians 4:2-3, Paul says,

I appeal to Euodia and to Syntyche to agree in the Lord. Yes, I say also to you, true companion, help them. They have struggled together in the gospel ministry along with me and Clement and my other coworkers, whose names are in the book of life.

Paul understood that division tends to spread, as people take sides. It opens the door for Satan (Eph 4:26-27) and removes the blessing of God from a community (Ps 133). Therefore, though Paul was away in prison, he urged two women in Philippi to reconcile. He also petitioned a member of the church to help them. In 1 Corinthians 6:1-11, when believers were suing one another before unbelievers, Paul called for the church to appoint wise men in the congregation to judge the dispute. He also counseled them to accept being wronged (even as Christ taught us to turn the other cheek) for the sake of unity. Satan is the divider, but Christ is the reconciler. Therefore, Christians aid Christ in this reconciliation mission. This means listening to others, exposing points of commonality, bringing God’s Word to bear upon the situation, and leading people towards a resolution.

3. Peacemakers confront sin in hopes of fostering righteousness.

This again starts with the peacemaker’s own life. In Matthew 7:3-5, Christ taught that if we are going to take the speck out of our neighbor’s eye, we must first take the log out of our own eye. Christ also said that if our eye offends us, we should pluck it out, and if our hand offends us, we should cut it off (Matt 5:29-30). In other words, believers should be ruthless in seeking to get rid of personal sin. As we conquer wrong thoughts and actions in our own life, we are more effective in leading others out of sin.

In Matthew 18:15-17, Christ lays out the process for confronting sin in others. He said:

“If your brother sins, go and show him his fault when the two of you are alone. If he listens to you, you have regained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others with you, so that at the testimony of two or three witnesses every matter may be established. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. If he refuses to listen to the church, treat him like a Gentile or a tax collector.

If a brother is in sin, we should confront him one-on-one. Most fail at this first point. Some fail because their contention is not a sin issue at all—it is a preference or wisdom issue. We shouldn’t treat sin the same as a preference or wisdom issue. Christ flipped tables and pulled out a whip over sin (John 2). He also went to the cross over it. Sadly, many do this over non-sin issues—dividing relationships, ministries, and work places. When in a potential conflict, one must ask, “Is this a sin or non-sin issue?” This type of deliberation will end many conflicts before they start.

Others fail at Christ’s direction by sharing the sin with others first—causing more conflict. Proverbs 16:28 says a whisperer separates friends. Or, they fail by not confronting the person at all. We say to ourselves, “This has nothing to do with me,” “It is his choice,” and so on. However, sin always affects more than just the person sinning. It dishonors God, and it hurts others, even if only by modeling sin—leading to its spread. Paul said a little leaven leavens the whole lump (1 Cor 5:6). If sin isn’t confronted in the body of Christ, it will spread to others. Therefore, the peacemaker, in obedience to God, confronts sin. He or she speaks the truth in love (Eph 4:15). If the person in sin doesn’t respond, he brings one or two others to petition the person to repent. If this doesn’t work, he brings it before the church. And if the person still doesn’t respond, the church disciplines the believer. As mentioned, if this process of confronting sin is not happening in a church, sin infects, spreads, and ultimately kills. It pushes people away from God and his Church.

This is a difficult ministry, but God says that he blesses the peacemaker. Christ confronted the Pharisees—the spiritual leaders who were misleading Israel. Christ confronted those who were being dishonest at the temple. He ultimately confronted all sin at the cross, as he bore the penalty for everyone’s sins so they could be reconciled to God.

Are you willing to confront sin—both yours and others? If so, you must desire God’s blessing more than the blessing of others.

Application Question: What makes this ministry so difficult? Why do so many choose to not participate in it? In what ways have you had to participate in peacemaking in the past? What were the results? Is there a specific situation that you feel God calling you to intervene and help bring peace?

Growth as a Peacemaker

Application Question: How can we grow as peacemakers?

1. To grow as peacemakers, we must continually get rid of sin in our own lives.

The more we conquer sin in our lives, the more effective we will be at helping others conquer it. People will more likely listen to us if we’re walking right with God than if we’re not. Also, we’ll be more successful at counseling others on how to be set free, if we’re experiencing victory ourselves. Therefore, we must continually confess and repent of sin to be effective at this ministry.

2. To grow as peacemakers, we must be painfully honest.

Jeremiah said this about the false prophets: “They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. ‘Peace, peace,’ they say, when there is no peace” (6:14 NIV). Where false prophets ignore the problem or don’t recognize the seriousness of it, peacemakers call sin, sin, and rebellion, rebellion. We must recognize sin in our own life and others. First John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” The Greek word for “confess” means to “say the same thing.” We must see our sin, and that of others, the same way God does. It put Christ on the cross; it divides us from God and others. If we are going to grow as peacemakers, we must be brutally honest about sin both individually and corporately.

3. To grow as peacemakers, we must be willing to risk pain.

Any time we confront sin—seeking to restore people to God and others—we risk being misunderstood, hated, and even persecuted. Such is the lot of peacemakers. As mentioned, it is no surprise that the next beatitude is, “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness.” If we are going to be peacemakers, we must be willing to risk pain. Proverbs 27:6 says, “Faithful are the wounds of a friend”—true friends are willing to hurt each other, in love, in order to heal each other.

4. To grow as peacemakers, we must develop healthy communication skills.

  • Healthy communication includes being a good listener. James 1:19 says, “Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters! Let every person be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger.” Note that he says we should be “quick to listen.” Literally, we must hurry up to listen. Typically, we only hurry up to speak. This leads to misunderstanding, as we often lack all the facts. As believers, we must listen to (1) what a person is saying, (2) and what a person is not saying. This includes asking clarifying questions to discern what’s really going on and the root of the issues. (3) We also must listen to the Holy Spirit. We should shoot arrow prayers up to God when engaging in a potentially explosive conversation. That’s what Nehemiah did, while talking with the King of Persia about restoring the walls of Jerusalem (Neh 2:4). This conversation could have led to his execution; therefore, he bathed it with prayer.
  • Healthy communication includes choosing our words and tone carefully. Proverbs 17:27 says, “The truly wise person restrains his words, and the one who stays calm is discerning.” To restrain one’s words means to weigh them and consider their potential effect, instead of simply speaking without much deliberation. We should ask ourselves, “Could this offend or hurt somebody?” “Is this the best way to say this?” A fool just says what’s on his heart—not considering how others might respond (Prov 29:11). In addition, thought must be given to the tone of our words. Proverbs 15:1 says, “A gentle response turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up wrath.” It has been said that communication is seventy percent nonverbal including body language and tone.
  • Healthy communication includes controlling our anger. James 1:20 says, “For human anger does not accomplish God’s righteousness.” Proverbs 15:18 says, “A quick-tempered person stirs up dissension, but one who is slow to anger calms a quarrel.”

5. To grow as peacemakers, we must return good for evil.

Since the peacemaker is often misunderstood, criticized, and even persecuted, he must make peace by sowing seeds of peace. Romans 12:18-20 says,

If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all people. Do not avenge yourselves, dear friends, but give place to God’s wrath, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. Rather, if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink; for in doing this you will be heaping burning coals on his head. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

As we sow peace, Lord willing, it will create righteousness. James 3:18 (NIV) says, “Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.” Are you returning good for evil?

6. To grow as peacemakers, we must develop perseverance.

Often sin takes a long time to root out. Our evangelism, prayers, and conflict resolution will often not immediately produce positive fruit. However, Galatians 6:9 encourages us, “So we must not grow weary in doing good, for in due time we will reap, if we do not give up.”

Don’t give up. There is a proper time for a harvest, and that time is within God’s sovereign plan. He will produce fruit, if we don’t give up.

7. To grow as peacemakers, we must trust God.

We cannot actually create peace; only God can. We must sow the right seeds and trust God. Second Timothy 2:24-25 (NIV) says,

And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth

The Lord’s servant doesn’t quarrel because his hope is in God. Only God can change hearts. We plant seeds and water them, but God makes it grow (1 Cor 3:6). We must remember this.

In addition, part of trusting in God is being faithful in prayer. We should fight our battles in prayer before we fight them in person. We should pray for blindness to be removed from people’s eyes, Satan to be bound, right words to say, and God to bring truth and righteousness.

Are you growing as a peacemaker?

Application Question: Which aspect of growing as a peacemaker do you feel most called to develop? Are there specific skills that you feel stronger at? Which ones? What are some other ways to grow or become more efficient at peacemaking?

Sons of God

Interpretation Question: What does it mean to be called sons of God?

In this context, the phrase “children of God” is better translated “sons of God”2 (cf. the ESV and NASB versions), since, in Jewish thought, the term ‘son’ bears the meaning “partaker of the character of.”3 For example, when Christ sent the disciples on missions, he told them to look for a house with a “son of peace.” “Son of peace” simply means a peaceful person (Lk 10:6 KJV). When Barnabas was called a “son of encouragement,” it meant he was an encouraging person (Acts 4:36). Therefore, to be called a “son of God” refers to someone who is Godlike—demonstrating God’s character. In the same way that Christ came to earth to reconcile people with God and people with one another, “sons of God” participate in the same ministry.4

The verb “shall be called” is a continuous future passive. It means that believers will not call themselves sons of God. Others will do so, and this will happen throughout eternity.5

The reward of peacemakers reminds us that those who continually participate in God-like peace-making are truly born again—truly children of God. If we don’t participate, then we may not be. Kent Hughes puts it this way:

If we are not peacemakers but troublemakers, there is high probability that we are not true children of God, regardless of how prominently we wear our evangelicalism. Peacemakers are sometimes troublemakers for the sake of peace, but not troublemakers who spread rumors and gossip about others. If you are constantly fomenting discontent, if you find joy in the report of trouble and scandal, if you are omnicritical, always fault-finding, if you are unwilling to be involved in peacemaking, if you are mean—if these negative qualities characterize your life, you are probably not a true Christian (cf. 1 Corinthians 6:9–11; Galatians 5:19–21 on the fate of those involved in slander, hatred, discord, dissension, and factions).6

MacArthur adds:

Peacemaking is a hallmark of God’s children. A person who is not a peacemaker either is not a Christian or is a disobedient Christian. The person who is continually disruptive, divisive, and quarrelsome has good reason to doubt his relationship to God altogether. God’s sons-that is, all of His children, both male and female-are peacemakers. Only God determines who His children are, and He has determined that they are the humble, the penitent over sin, the gentle, the seekers of righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, and the peacemakers.7

Are you a peacemaker? If so, God calls you a son or daughter of God—a partaker in his character—and others will know you by this designation throughout eternity.

Application Question: Are there any prominent peacemakers—sons or daughters of God—who come to your mind when you think of this beatitude? How do you feel called to model them?


“Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God.” Christ, the Son of God, was called the Prince of Peace. He brought peace between God and people, and people with others. He has committed this same ministry—the ministry of reconciliation—to us. It is a difficult ministry. Many want peace at all costs, but sons and daughters of God will not forsake righteousness or truth to have peace. That is just a truce with sin—something God will never do. There is often a cost for peace, and peacemakers are often the ones who pay it. Christ bore a cross and so must his disciples. Are you willing to pay the cost for peace? Lord, help us to be faithful peacemakers who reap a harvest of righteousness.

Copyright © 2019 Gregory Brown

Unless otherwise noted, the primary Scriptures used are taken from the NET Bible ® copyright © 1996-2016 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Holy Bible, New International Version ®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®) Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NASB) are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, and 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are from the King James Version of the Bible.

All emphases in Scripture quotations have been added.

BTG Publishing all rights reserved.

1 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 211). Chicago: Moody Press.

2 Carson, D. A. (1999). Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount and His Confrontation with the World: An Exposition of Matthew 5–10 (p. 28). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic.

3 Carson, D. A. (1999). Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount and His Confrontation with the World: An Exposition of Matthew 5–10 (p. 28). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic.

4 Barclay, W. (2001). The Gospel of Matthew (Third Ed., p. 126). Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press.

5 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 218). Chicago: Moody Press.

6 Hughes, R. K. (2001). The sermon on the mount: the message of the kingdom (p. 66). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

7 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (pp. 217–218). Chicago: Moody Press.

Related Topics: Christian Life

8. Blessed Are The Persecuted (Matthew 5:10-12)

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“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to them. Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you and say all kinds of evil things about you falsely on account of me. Rejoice and be glad because your reward is great in heaven, for they persecuted the prophets before you in the same way.

Matthew 5:10-12 (NET)

The first seven Beatitudes lead naturally into the eighth. The more we demonstrate the characteristics of the kingdom in our lives, the more we will be persecuted by the world. Persecution is the gold stamp on the believer’s life. The last beatitude is the only one with a double blessing. Christ says, “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness” (v.10) and “Blessed are you when people insult you” (v.11). It is these people and these alone who are part of the kingdom of heaven.

We must consider this beatitude well, as it will sustain us in dark times. When Charles Spurgeon was severely depressed over the criticism he received in his ministry, his wife printed all eight beatitudes on a large sheet of paper and tacked it on the ceiling above his bed. She wanted him to remember, first thing in the morning and last at night, that the righteous will be persecuted. There are no exceptions, and we must remember this as well.1

In Matthew 24:9, Christ taught that in the end times believers will be hated by all nations because of him. Persecution will only continue to grow as this world gets further away from God. As this world becomes darker, the light in believers will become even more offensive. Already, more Christians have died for the faith in the last century, than the other centuries combined. How can we remain faithful in suffering?

In this study, we will consider the persecution believers experience because of righteousness, the joy to be found in it, and its reward.

Big Question: What is the meaning of the eighth beatitude and what are some applications from it?


Interpretation Question: What does it mean to be persecuted?

The word “persecuted” means to “pursue” or “chase.” It can also be translated “harass.”2 In verse 11, Christ says, “Blessed are you ‘when’ people insult you”. “When” can also be translated “whenever.” This means that believers will not always be persecuted. They will experience times of peace and possibly times of popularity. Even Christ was not persecuted all the time.3

“Persecuted” is a passive perfect participle and could thus be translated “allow themselves to be persecuted.”4 What is shocking about these believers is that they are willing to undergo persecution in order to pursue righteousness, preach truth, and to honor God. They are willing to bear their cross for Christ’s sake (cf. Lk 14:27).

Observation Question: What are the three types of persecution Christ lists that believers will at times experience?

  1. “Insult” literally means to “to cast in one’s teeth.”5 This probably refers to people negatively talking about believers to their faces.
  2. “Persecute,” in the context of verse 11, probably refers to physical abuse, such as imprisonment.
  3. “Falsely say all kinds of evil against you” may refer to being talked about behind their backs.
  4. There will be times and seasons when Christians experience each of these.

Interpretation Question: Why will believers be persecuted?

Christ gave two reasons: “for righteousness” in verse 10 and “on account of me” in verse 11. These two statements are clearly parallel—referring to the same thing. As with Abel, Cain killed him not because of something he did wrong but because of something he did right. Abel offered an acceptable sacrifice to God which enraged Cain. Obviously, this also happened to Christ. John 3:19-20 comments on the world’s response to Christ:

Now this is the basis for judging: that the light has come into the world and people loved the darkness rather than the light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone who does evil deeds hates the light and does not come to the light, so that their deeds will not be exposed.

When people are living in sin, they naturally will hate those living in righteousness. To be the honest person in a class room where everybody is cheating (and to possibly report or speak out against those who are cheating) will provoke persecution. To work at a business, where others regularly gossip, talk negatively about the leadership, get drunk after work, practice dishonesty, etc., and be the one to decline to participate will again stir up resentment. It may lead to being harassed, passed over for promotion, or even fired. With Daniel, his co-workers got him tossed into the lion’s den (Dan 6). You may not face lions, but your persecution will increase as you, like Christ, expose sin and call for righteousness. Therefore, harassment, ostracism, and persecution are the lot of faithful believers.

Persecution for righteousness also happens as a result of spiritual warfare. In Job 1, when God drew attention to Job’s righteousness, it led Satan to accuse Job and seek permission to afflict him. Job lost his job, family, and eventually his health, and it was all rooted in the spiritual realm; he was attacked because of his righteousness. This commonly happens to believers, especially when they are on fire for God. Satan will afflict them because of their righteousness in order to deter them from living for God. To do this, he not only uses demons but also the world.

Interpretation Question: How was persecution experienced in the early church?

Persecution was experienced in at least three ways:

1. Persecution often manifested in one’s family life.

Typically, a child might become saved but the parents and siblings would not. A wife would accept Christ while the husband refused. As result, some believers were shunned, beaten, disowned, and possibly killed over their faith.

2. Persecution often manifested in one’s social life.

Social gatherings and celebrations commonly happened at temples. People would bring meat to be sacrificed; a portion was burned for the gods and another portion was given to the priests, but the majority went to those who sacrificed. They would celebrate by eating and drinking at the temples in honor of the gods. The typical invitation would say something like: “I invite you to dine at the table of our Lord Serapis”6 (or the name of some other god). This excluded Christians from those gatherings. How could they participate in a celebration meant to honor pagan gods? This even affected ordinary dinners at a neighbors’ house. Typically, before eating dinner, pagans would offer food and drink to their idols—similar to how Christians asks for the Lord’s blessing over their meals. How could a Christian participate with a clear conscience? Again, this led to separation, hatred, and ostracism.

3. Persecution often manifested in one’s work life.

Much of the ancient work life was also centered around worshiping the gods. A blacksmith might be offered a contract to make idols, or a mason to work on temples. This again would affect the conscience of Christians. In addition, cheating, cutting corners, and bribery was common in the work force. To refuse could lead to not only being hated but also losing employment. This was the lot of early Christians.

Tertullian, a second-century Christian leader, was approached by a man who said, “I have come to Christ, but I don’t know what to do. I have a job that I don’t think is consistent with what Scripture teaches. What can I do? I must live.” Tertullian replied, “Must you?” For Tertullian, there was only one option: Obey and honor Christ—survival was secondary.7

Heightened Persecution

At times, this persecution grew to startling heights. Under Nero, Christians were burned as torches to light up his garden. Meat was tied to Christians’ bodies, and they were given to the dogs to be torn apart in the amphitheater. By the end of the first century, the Roman emperors became deified. As the empire expanded, it became the primary way Romans tried to keep unity between all the nations under their rule. People could worship other gods and speak different languages, but they had to declare that Caesar was Lord. It was compulsory to give a verbal oath of this once a year. When completed, they would receive a verifying certificate called a libellus. After this public proclamation, people could continue to freely worship other gods. However, this was something faithful Christians refused to do, and therefore were considered traitors. Because of their refusal, they suffered the confiscation of property, loss of work, imprisonment, and often death.8

Certainly, Christians could avoid persecution by compromising their faith—declaring that Caesar was Lord, honoring the gods at the temples and people’s homes, and by not speaking out against sinful practices—and indeed, some did. However, Christ taught that in order to be his disciples, we must hate father, mother, and other family members. We must be willing to take up our cross (Lk 14:26-27). A “disciple” who is unwilling to bear his cross is no disciple at all, and according to this final beatitude, he is not part of God’s kingdom. In fact, Christ taught that those who denied him before others, he would also deny before the Father (Matt 10:33). In Luke 6:26, he declared, “Woe to you when all people speak well of you, for their ancestors did the same things to the false prophets.” Bearing the character of the Beatitudes always leads to bearing the persecution of the final beatitude. It won’t always be extreme in nature, such as imprisonment or burning; often it will be subtle—like being considered strange, weird, or archaic (cf. 1 Pet 3:16, 4:4)—but it will be there if we are truly part of the kingdom.

Are you willing to take up your cross to follow Christ?

Application Question: In what ways do you see persecution towards Christians growing in the world today? How have you experienced persecution for righteousness? How should a Christian respond if he or she lacks some form of persecution for righteousness?

Rejoicing in Persecution

Observation Question: How should believers respond to this persecution?

Believers are not called to retaliate or return evil for evil. We are not called to sulk in self-pity over our persecution. In verse 12, Christ calls believers to “Rejoice and be glad.” “Be glad” can literally be translated, “Leap for joy!” And this is what has happened throughout biblical history. In Acts 5:41, the apostles, after being flogged by the Sanhedrin, left rejoicing because they had been counted worthy to suffer for the name. In Acts 16:25, while in prison, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns. They rejoiced in the midst of their suffering.

Surprisingly, joy in suffering is not an uncommon experience for those being persecuted for the faith. Kent Hughes shares two powerful testimonies:

Samuel Rutherford, the saintly Scottish pastor, wrote from his prison sty, “I never knew by my nine years of preaching so much of Christ’s love, as He taught me in Aberdeen by six months imprisonment.” “Christ’s cross,” he also said, “is such a burden as sails are to a ship or wings to a bird.”

And in our own time a Romanian pastor describes how he was imprisoned and tortured mercilessly and yet experienced joy. Locked in solitary confinement, he had been summoned by his captors, who cut chunks of flesh from his body, and was then returned to his cell, where he was starved. Yet in the midst of this sadism, there were times when the joy of Christ so overcame him that he would pull himself up and shuffle about the cell in holy dance. So remarkable was his joy that on his release from prison and his return to his home, he chose to fast the first day in memorial to the joy he had known in prison.9

Interpretation Question: How is joy possible in the midst of great suffering for Christ?

1. Joy in suffering for Christ is a Divine bestowal.

This beatitude, as with the others, begins with “Blessed,” which can be translated “Happy.” When believers are willing to accept persecution for the sake of righteousness, God gives them a divine bestowal of joy. This has been the experience of believers throughout history. Like Stephen being “full of the Holy Spirit” as he saw Christ before being stoned in Act 7:55, many experience intimacy with God while suffering for the faith—resulting in great joy.

2. Joy in suffering for Christ is a discipline.

When Christ calls for us to “Rejoice and be glad,” these verbs are imperatives in the Greek. Therefore, they are not mere suggestions, but holy commands from our Lord. We must, as an act of obedience, choose to rejoice and leap for joy when criticized and thought strange for Christ. We do this in the same way that we seek to give thanks in everything, as this is God’s will for us in Christ Jesus (1 Thess 5:18).

3. Joy in suffering for Christ is a result of redeemed thinking.

Observation Question: What type of thinking leads to joy in the midst of suffering for righteousness, as demonstrated in Matthew 5:10-12?

(1) We must remember that suffering for righteousness, as with the rest of the Beatitudes, is a proof of our salvation. Christ says this about those persecuted for righteousness, “for the kingdom of heaven belongs to them.” “Them” is emphatic in the Greek—meaning “them alone.” Thus, to be without some form of persecution may prove we are not truly saved. (2) We must remember that suffering for righteousness will be greatly rewarded in heaven. James 1:12 says, “Happy is the one who endures testing, because when he has proven to be genuine, he will receive the crown of life that God promised to those who love him.” (3) We must remember that suffering for righteousness puts us in the company of the prophets. Elijah was hunted by Ahab and Jezebel. Jeremiah was imprisoned and tradition says stoned to death. Similarly, Isaiah was sawed in half. John the Baptist was beheaded. Jesus was crucified. Stephen was stoned. Ten of the eleven disciples (excluding the betrayer, Judas) were martyred. John, the eleventh, was exiled to the Island of Patmos by the Emperor Domitian. As we rightly consider suffering for righteousness, it should cause us to be glad—literally leap for joy! Paul taught that just as belief in Christ is a gift of God so is suffering for him. Philippians 1:29 says, “For it has been granted to you not only to believe in Christ but also to suffer for him.” Suffering for the faith is a gift from God, and therefore we should rejoice in it.

Interpretation Question: What are some other reasons that Scripture says we should rejoice in suffering?

(4) Scripture also teaches that we can rejoice because suffering produces perseverance in us, character, and hope in God (Rom 5:3-4). (5) We can rejoice in suffering because it makes us weak, and therefore, more able to display God’s power. God told Paul that his power was made perfect in weakness (2 Cor 12:7-8)—leading Paul to boast in his weaknesses and infirmities (v. 9-10). (6) We can rejoice in suffering because in the midst of it, we experience God’s comfort and therefore are equipped to offer comfort to others who suffer. Second Corinthians 1:3-4 says,

Blessed is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles so that we may be able to comfort those experiencing any trouble with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

As we rightly think on suffering for Christ and sufferings in general, we realize that though suffering is a cross to bear, it is also a crown to wear. The benefits are exceedingly great—so much so that biblically-minded Christians can truly leap for joy in them. God is working in believers for his good—making them into the image of Christ to the glory of God (Rom 8:28-29). Thank you, Lord, for your faithfulness in using the cross for the good! Amen!

Application Question: What are your thoughts about the possibility of experiencing joy in the midst of suffering for Christ? Why is this possible? How have you experienced joy in the midst of trials in general?


Paul told his protégé, Timothy, that “Now in fact all who want to live godly lives in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” (2 Tim 3:12). This is an inescapable fact. And, as this world becomes darker, the light that shines from believers will become even more offensive—leading every nation to hate Christians (Matt 24:9). Already, more Christians have died in the last century for the faith, than the other centuries combined.

However, let us remember that afflictions we experience in this life are light in comparison to the weight of glory and reward we will experience in heaven (2 Cor 4:17). We should consider it a gift to experience what our Lord suffered on this earth (cf. Phil 1:29). It means we are looking more like him. In addition, we also must remember when it is time to suffer for Christ’s name, grace will be available. The grace that saved us and the grace that sanctifies us will be available so we can suffer in a way that glorifies Christ (cf. Phil 1:19-20). Thank you, Lord!

Copyright © 2019 Gregory Brown

Unless otherwise noted, the primary Scriptures used are taken from the NET Bible ® copyright © 1996-2016 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Holy Bible, New International Version ®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®) Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NASB) are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, and 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are from the King James Version of the Bible.

All emphases in Scripture quotations have been added.

BTG Publishing all rights reserved.

1 Hughes, R. K. (2001). The sermon on the mount: the message of the kingdom (p. 72). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

2 Hughes, R. K. (2001). The sermon on the mount: the message of the kingdom (p. 73). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

3 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 222). Chicago: Moody Press.

4 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 224). Chicago: Moody Press.

5 Hughes, R. K. (2001). The sermon on the mount: the message of the kingdom (p. 73). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

6 Barclay, W. (2001). The Gospel of Matthew (Third Ed., pp. 128–129). Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press.

7 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 223). Chicago: Moody Press.

8 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (pp. 223–224). Chicago: Moody Press.

9 Hughes, R. K. (2001). The sermon on the mount: the message of the kingdom (p. 70). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

Related Topics: Christian Life, Kingdom

9. Salt Of The Earth (Matthew 5:13)

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“You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its flavor, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled on by people.

Matthew 5:13 (NET)

What should the church’s relationship with the world look like? There has been great debate on this throughout church history. Some believe the church is to be totally separate from the world. This has been seen in how some Christian communities isolate themselves from the world in monasteries. They are not to touch the world—listen to its music or entertainment; they are to be totally separated. Though this is not as popular today, some do this in different ways. They go to church with no unbelievers, are homeschooled or go to a Christian K-12, go to Christian colleges, work in Christian organizations, and literally never have contact with the world. I heard of one family that would not let their children go to youth group because some unbelievers were attending.

Other Christian communities seek to mimic the world in order to influence it. Church services play secular music, the pastor occasionally curses; believers enjoy the same entertainment and wear the same clothes as the world. In this community, it is often hard to tell the difference between Christians and nonbelievers. This is frequently all done in the name of being “seeker sensitive.”

There are commendable aspects to each of these practices: One emphasizes holiness and the other emphasizes evangelism. However, they both miss the mark.

What does Scripture say about the church’s relationship to the world? In Matthew 5:13-14, Christ calls the disciples the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Both of these metaphors symbolize how Christians should influence the world and are presented on the backdrop of the Beatitudes. In Matthew 5:3-10, Christ emphasizes the character traits of true believers—those who are part of the kingdom of heaven. They are the poor in spirit, the mourners, the meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. They are the merciful, the pure in heart, and the peacemakers. These attributes ultimately provoke anger and resentment from the world. Matthew 5:10 says the final trait of kingdom citizens is that they are persecuted because of righteousness. Though, at times, hated by the world, Christ said believers are necessary for it. They are the salt and light of the earth.

In this study, we will consider only one of these metaphors—salt. What does it mean to be the salt of the earth? How can we grow in saltiness? How does salt lose its flavor?

Big Question: What does it mean to be the salt of the earth and what applications can we draw from this passage?

Salt of the Earth

Interpretation Question: What did salt represent in the ancient context, and how does this metaphor apply to believers?

1. To be the salt of the earth means that believers are valuable to the world.

The Romans believed that, other than the sun, there was nothing more valuable than salt. In fact, Romans were paid in salt, which is where the phrase “He’s not worth his salt” was coined.1 Salt was also considered a mark of friendship. When two people shared salt, they were bound to look after one another’s welfare, even if they were previously enemies.2 Salt also was used to bind a covenant between two parties. It was a form of notarization. Parties would eat salt in the presence of witnesses to confirm the covenant (cf. 2 Chr 13:5).3

Therefore, when Christ called the disciples salt of the earth, these aspects would have naturally come to their minds. Salt was extremely valuable and so were they. Even wars have been fought over salt.4 Though at times hated by the world, believers are extremely valuable to it.

2. To be the salt of the earth means that believers preserve society from moral decay.

One of the primary uses of salt in the ancient world was as a preserve. There were no ice-machines or refrigerators in those days; therefore, to preserve food, it was placed in a saline solution.5 In fact, sometimes salt was even used to preserve bodies for their burial. It was a key ingredient used for mummification in Egypt.6

Interpretation Question: What does this metaphor tell us about the world and its nature?

This implies that the world is on a progressive path to destruction. Left to itself, societies and cultures will naturally decay. In Romans 1:18-32, Paul describes this process. Because the world suppresses the truth of God because of their love for sin, their hearts are continually darkened (v. 21). “Heart” refers to one’s mind, will, and emotions. Therefore, they turn to worshiping idols instead of the true God. They become consumed with sexual immorality. This then leads to practicing and approving homosexuality. Then Paul says this in Romans 1:28-32:

And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what should not be done. They are filled with every kind of unrighteousness, wickedness, covetousness, malice. They are rife with envy, murder, strife, deceit, hostility. They are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, contrivers of all sorts of evil, disobedient to parents, senseless, covenant-breakers, heartless, ruthless. Although they fully know God’s righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but also approve of those who practice them.

Religion erodes because people don’t want to acknowledge the true God. The family erodes as people lack love. Businesses and government erode as people lack ethics. Society becomes full of evil, murder, and strife. This is the natural decay happening in the world. This began right after the fall in Genesis 3. Cain killed Abel. Lamech, Cain’s son, killed another man. Eventually, in Genesis 6, God vowed to destroy the earth because every thought of humanity was continually evil (v. 5-7)—the world became completely rotten. And eventually God destroyed it through a world-wide flood, which left only eight people on the earth. In Genesis 11, the decay in humanity came to a forefront again. Instead of being fruitful and spreading throughout the earth as commanded, people rebelled against God and decided to stay in one place to make a name for themselves and to build a tower which reached to heaven (v. 4)—possibly referring to the worship of the stars, which was common in ancient Babylon. Therefore, God judged the world by giving them various languages—causing them to scatter throughout the earth. At times, God has wiped out whole nations because of their wickedness. This happened to Sodom and Gomorrah because they were abusing the poor (Ez 16:49-50) and committing lewd sexual acts (Gen 19:5). Therefore, God destroyed the city by raining sulfur and fire on it (Gen 19:24).

In the midst of this world-wide moral decay, believers are salt—a preserving influence on this world. They preserve the world in a negative sense by retarding the decay. But they also preserve it in a positive sense by promoting righteousness.

Application Question: How do believers preserve society from moral decay practically?

  • Believers preserve society by keeping back God’s destructive wrath.

In Genesis 18, Abraham petitioned God to not destroy Sodom and Gomorrah if there was a righteous remnant of only ten in the city, and God promised he would not. However, Sodom lacked ten righteous people, and therefore, God destroyed the land. In the same way, God holds back his wrath on a family, a business, a school, a city, or a nation because of a righteous remnant. Commonly, before he brings his destruction, he removes or protects that remnant, as was seen with Noah and Lot. Even the 144,000 Jewish followers of Christ in the tribulation period will be sealed and protected from God’s wrath (Rev 7). Some even believe that God will remove his church before the tribulation, and that it will only take seven years for the earth to become fully corrupt and be wiped out again by Christ at his coming (cf. 2 Thess 2:5-8, 1 Thess 5:9). Believers are the righteous remnant which protects society from God’s destructive wrath.

  • Believers preserve society by praying for it.

In Ezekiel 22:30-31, God said he sought for a man to stand in the gap but because he found none, he destroyed the land. Like Abraham interceding for Sodom and Gomorrah, Christians should often pray for presidents and kings, holiness in nations, the spread of the gospel, and the church to be salt and light. They should also continually pray for God’s mercy and forgiveness over the sins of others. In Amos 7, God was going to judge Israel two separate times, but both times Amos cried out for mercy, and God relented. In Amos 7:2, he said, “‘Sovereign Lord, forgive Israel! How can Jacob survive? He is too weak!” Believers must continually do the same. They must intercede for their family, church, government, and nation. When they do this, they preserve it from Satan’s influence and God’s destruction.

  • Believers preserve society by being a righteous influence on it.

This is done in many ways: Believers are a righteous influence by practicing godly behavior: caring for the weak and vulnerable in society, practicing honesty and integrity, championing righteous causes and condemning sin, etc. When this is done, it will spur hatred and anger in some, but with others, it will draw them to repentance. For many, it will initially show up in anger and then lead to repentance.

As we consider how morally decadent the world is, we must not be shocked. The world is supposed to decay. It has the treacherous disease of sin in it, and when it is fully grown, it always produces death (James 1:15). What we should be shocked at is the lack of positive influence from the church. When we see the corruption in the world, we must ask, “Where is the remnant? Where is the salt that retards decay and provokes righteousness?” It is no surprise that when societies have reached startling heights of corruption, the church has also; there was no remnant, or it was very small.

What are some other ways that the church is salt to the world?

3. Believers are salt by bringing flavor to society and creating thirst for Christ.

The ancient world used salt for seasoning, as we do. When eating something well-seasoned or spicy, it typically increases one’s thirst. Christians should serve a similar role in the world. Though the world mocks Christians—often claiming that they are boring and don’t know how to have fun, the reality is that society itself is bland like tasteless food. Everything it offers fails to satisfy. This is very clear when considering consumerism. “Buy this!” “Watch that!” “Eat this!” “Listen to that!” Everyone claims to have the latest and greatest product which will bring satisfaction; however, it all leaves a person ultimately unsatisfied. It may seem to satisfy briefly, but it leaves a person dry, as nothing can truly gratify the desire for eternity and God in the heart of man. Therefore, humanity is doomed to continually run after the next thing. People go from product to product, job to job, and relationship to relationship—only to find themselves unfulfilled.

In John 4:13-14, Christ said this to the woman at the well: “‘Everyone who drinks some of this water will be thirsty again. But whoever drinks some of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again.” That is exactly how this world is—nothing truly satisfies. All their wells leave them parched and dry.

When the world looks at believers and sees how different they are, it should provoke them to want to know why. When the world sees how believers can go through trials with joy and without complaining, when they are content instead of constantly dissatisfied, when they bless instead of cursing their enemy, when they suffer willingly for righteousness sake, it demonstrates what the world lacks—and draws them to Christ. The world is bland and therefore unsatisfying, but the true believer’s lifestyle should be like salt—provoking people to thirst for the satisfying water only Christ can give.

Kent Hughes tells a fitting story about Woodrow Wilson’s visit to a barber shop one time, which demonstrates the effect of salt:

“I was sitting in a barber chair when I became aware that a powerful personality had entered the room. A man had come quietly in upon the same errand as myself to have his hair cut and sat in the chair next to me. Every word the man uttered, though it was not in the least didactic, showed a personal interest in the man who was serving him. And before I got through with what was being done to me I was aware I had attended an evangelistic service, because Mr. D. L. Moody was in that chair. I purposely lingered in the room after he had left and noted the singular affect that his visit had brought upon the barber shop. They talked in undertones. They did not know his name, but they knew something had elevated their thoughts, and I felt that I left that place as I should have left a place of worship.”7

Are you being salty? Does your presence make a difference in your environment? Are you deterring people from sin and provoking them towards righteousness? Are you making people thirsty for Christ?

Application Question: In what ways have you experienced salt in the lives of others which made you desire to be more godly?

Growing in Our Saltiness

Application Question: How can a person grow in saltiness and therefore maximize one’s effectiveness in blessing the world and other believers?

1. To grow in saltiness, we must be different.

Salt must be different than the medium that it is placed on. When seasoning something, we don’t put meat on meat or veggies on veggies. We add salt, and it flavors and preserves the food. Therefore, believers must be different than the world. When the world cheats and is dishonest, believers must have integrity. When the world curses and swears, believers must only speak edifying words. When the world enjoys ungodly entertainment, believers must seek to enjoy only things that glorify God and bless others.

If we are just like the world, we will only further their decay, instead of retarding it or promoting positive change. Are you different or just like everybody else?

2. To grow in saltiness, we must allow ourselves to be sprinkled into ungodly places.

If salt is kept in the salt shaker, it is rendered ineffective. Sadly, that is how many Christians are. We are kept in the church and around other believers and therefore have no positive impact on the world. We must allow ourselves to be placed in companies, schools, and nations that are corrupt, so we can help bring righteousness. This is difficult because being righteous when others are not always brings persecution. In addition, it often leads to loneliness—feeling like we’re the only faithful ones (cf. 1 Kings 19:10). However, Christ was persecuted and experienced loneliness—he was alone in the wilderness and at his betrayal, when all his disciples left him. These negative experiences are, at times, necessary to bring positive change. To be effective, we must allow ourselves to be sprinkled into ungodly places.

3. To grow in saltiness, we must commune with other faithful Christians.

In the Greek, the “you” in “You are the salt of the earth” is plural. Christ was not referring to individuals specifically, but individuals as part of the community of believers. The more salt placed on something, the more flavored it becomes. Similarly, like iron sharpening iron, we must surround ourselves with other salty believers to be encouraged, challenged, and built up, so we can be more effective in the world. If we are not cultivating our faith in church, small groups, and ministries, we won’t be very effective around the lost. In fact, without faithfully communing with other salty believers, we will probably start to conform to the world rather than changing it (cf. Rom 12:2).

4. To grow in saltiness, we must commune with Christ.

It is only because we have Christ’s nature in us that we are salt—apart from that, we are just like the world. Therefore, to grow in saltiness, we must continually abide in Christ. In John 15:5, Christ said that he was the vine and that we are the branches. If we abide in him, we will produce much fruit. We must abide in Christ to be our most potent—suitable for application to the world.

5. To grow in saltiness, we must not be discouraged by our smallness.

It doesn’t take much salt to flavor something. Sometimes we may be the only Christian, and at other times, we may be part of a small minority. After Christ’s death, resurrection, and ascension, he only had 120 followers praying in an upper room (Acts 1), but soon they filled the Roman Empire. Today, Christianity is the largest religion in the world. It doesn’t matter how small we are individually, as a local church, or as a population. God only needs one disciple to stand in the gap to save a nation (cf. Ez 22:30, Jonah 3). We shouldn’t be discouraged at our smallness. God delights to make his power known through a small, faithful minority (cf. 1 Cor 1:27-29).

Are you growing in saltiness? The world and other believers need you.

Application Question: Have you experienced times of being more salty—seemingly more effective for Christ? What was the fruit of that season? What contributed to it? How do you feel God is calling you to currently pursue growth in saltiness?


But if salt loses its flavor, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled on by people.

Matthew 5:13b

Interpretation Question: What does Christ mean by salt losing its flavor or saltiness?

Salt, by nature, is a very stable compound and, therefore, can’t lose its essential properties. NaCl remains NaCl! Therefore, what does Christ mean by salt losing its flavor or saltiness (NIV). In the ancient world, salt was often found on river banks or sea beds, and sometimes, the salt had mixed with other minerals—making it less salty and even repulsive. It was not fit for food and could not be thrown into a field or garden, as it would kill the vegetation. Therefore, it would typically be thrown on a road or path and eventually ground into the dirt, as people walked over it.8

How does this apply to believers?

A true believer cannot lose his essential nature as salt, since Christ dwells in him. However, he can lose his effectiveness by mixing with the world. Typically, the process begins with friendship with the world (James 4:4), then becoming stained by the world (James 1:27), then loving the world (1 John 2:15), and then being fully conformed to the world (Rom 12:2)—where we look no different at all. James said, “Adulterers, do you not know that friendship with the world means hostility toward God” (James 4:4). John said, “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him” (1 John 2:15). There is an opposing principle working in the world system that draws people away from God. We must be careful of mixing, as it will not only draw us away from God but also faithful believers. This leads to ineffectiveness in our ministry to the world.

In fact, like contaminated salt which can’t be thrown into a field or garden without killing the vegetation, worldly believers are dangerous. Instead of drawing people to God, they push people away from him. Worldly believers not only promote sin in the world instead of retarding it, they also promote sin in the church. In 1 Corinthians 5:6, Paul said, “a little yeast affects the whole batch of dough”—sin spreads and contaminates others. Christ said one either gathers or scatters (Matt 12:30). There is no in between. We are either bringing others to Christ or pushing them away. Which are you doing?

Interpretation Question: What does “trampled on by people” refer to, if anything?

“Being trampled on by people” may ultimately refer to God’s discipline (Matt 5:13b). Hebrews 12:6 says that “For the Lord disciplines the one he loves and chastises every son he accepts.” To live a compromised life only brings the discipline of our loving Father. When Jonah rebelled against God, God brought a storm into his life—leading the sailors he was with to throw him off a ship and into the sea (Jonah 1). With the prodigal son, the father allowed him to leave the household. The son lost his wealth by gambling and intermingling with prostitutes. He eventually became a poor servant caring for pigs and eating their food. It was when he reached rock bottom that he turned back to the father’s house (Lk 15). No doubt, God often disciplines believers by allowing them to follow their sinful desires and receive the full consequences of their disobedience. Many times, this happens until they come back to their senses, like the prodigal son did. This is how a person is often “re-salted.” God works in them through discipline and God’s Word to turn them back both to himself and righteousness. If they won’t turn back, sometimes, he just takes them home. Ananias and Sapphira, because of their lying to the church and God, received an untimely death (Acts 5). God’s discipline is meant to help us become salty again, even if that only happens in heaven.

This is not only true individually as believers but also corporately as church communities. Christ told the church of Ephesus that he would remove their lampstand (Rev 2:5)—symbolizing their effectiveness in the community—because they lost their first love. The church of Ephesus no longer exists today. Sadly, this is true of many great historic churches. At one time, they were vibrant and salty—positively influencing their community—but now they are full of liberality and false doctrine. They exist but only to the detriment of the wider-community. They are soon to be removed totally. We must hear that salt that loses its saltiness is only fit to be trampled into the ground where it eventually disappears.

Have you lost your saltiness? If so, the Father’s discipline might be the best thing to meditate on, as the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Prov 9:10). It is the beginning of living a wise life—a life that honors God and blesses others.

Application Question: Share a time when you were not walking with God as you ought. What were the consequences of this? How did God bring you back? How have you witnessed or experienced God’s judgment personally, on another believer, or a Christian community? What made you think it was God’s judgment?


Believers are the salt of the earth—they are valuable. They preserve society from decay, and they flavor it—creating a thirst for Christ. Are you allowing yourself to be salt or have you become dangerous by compromise—only fit for the discipline of God? Lord, help your church to be salty!

Copyright © 2019 Gregory Brown

Unless otherwise noted, the primary Scriptures used are taken from the NET Bible ® copyright © 1996-2016 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Holy Bible, New International Version ®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®) Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NASB) are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, and 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are from the King James Version of the Bible.

All emphases in Scripture quotations have been added.

BTG Publishing all rights reserved.

1 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 241). Chicago: Moody Press.

2 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 241). Chicago: Moody Press.

3 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 241). Chicago: Moody Press.


5 Hughes, R. K. (2001). The sermon on the mount: the message of the kingdom (p. 78). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.


7 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 236). Chicago: Moody Press.

8 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 245). Chicago: Moody Press.

Related Topics: Christian Life, Kingdom

10. The Light of the World (Matthew 5:14-16)

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You are the light of the world. A city located on a hill cannot be hidden. People do not light a lamp and put it under a basket but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before people, so that they can see your good deeds and give honor to your Father in heaven.

Matthew 5:14-16 (NET)

What should the church’s relationship with the world be like? After teaching the Beatitudes, which are character traits of those who are truly part of God’s kingdom, Christ teaches about the relationship his followers will have with the world. They are to be salt and light.

Is there a difference between the two metaphors? If so, it is only slight. MacArthur shares:

Whereas salt is hidden, light is obvious. Salt works secretly, while light works openly. Salt works from within, light from without. Salt is more the indirect influence of the gospel, while light is more its direct communication. Salt works primarily through our living, while light works primarily through what we teach and preach. Salt is largely negative. It can retard corruption, but it cannot change corruption into incorruption. Light is more positive. It not only reveals what is wrong and false but helps produce what is righteous and true.1

The metaphor of light being used to describe the disciples would have seemed strange if not ludicrous to the original audience. Spurgeon adds:

“This title had been given by the Jews to certain of their eminent Rabbis. With great pomposity they spoke of Rabbi Judah, or Rabbi Jochanan, as the lamps of the universe, the lights of the world. It must have sounded strangely in the ears of the Scribes and Pharisees to hear that same title, in all soberness, applied to a few bronzed-faced and horny-handed peasants and fishermen, who had become disciples of Jesus.”2

Yet, this metaphor was not just applied to the disciples but to all believers. We are the light of the world. With that said, believers are light only because Christ is light. In John 8:12, Christ declared, “I am the light of the world. The one who follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”3 Christ is the Light; therefore, we reflect the light he gives us. We are like the moon—only a big ball of dust, not of much value by itself. But in the right place, at the right time, when the sunlight of Christ shines on us—magical things happen. People fall in love with Christ, marriages are restored, people turn from a life of destruction to a life of purpose. As the light of Christ reflects off believers, they light the world. But this light is something more than a reflection since Christ actually indwells us—changing us into his image. We are no longer darkness but are actually lights ourselves (cf. Eph 5:8).

In this study, we’ll consider the believers’ relationship with the world by considering the metaphor of light. In what ways are we light? How can we shine brighter?

Big Question: What does it mean for believers to be the light of the world? What applications can we take from this metaphor?

The Light of the World

Interpretation Question: What does the metaphor of light represent biblically?

John MacArthur’s comments are enlightening:

In Scripture the figurative use of light has two aspects, the intellectual and the moral. Intellectually it represents truth, whereas morally it represents holiness … The figure of darkness has the same two aspects. Intellectually it represents ignorance and falsehood, whereas morally it connotes evil.4

We see this in many places. Psalms 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp to walk by, and a light to illumine my path.” Here light refers to intellectual truth as seen in God’s Word. In Romans 13:12-14, it refers to moral deeds, and darkness refers to immoral deeds. It says,

The night has advanced toward dawn; the day is near. So then we must lay aside the works of darkness, and put on the weapons of light. Let us live decently as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and sensuality, not in discord and jealousy. Instead, put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh to arouse its desires.

Isaiah 5:20 refers to both the intellectual and the moral. It says, “Those who call evil good and good evil are as good as dead, who turn darkness into light and light into darkness, who turn bitter into sweet and sweet into bitter.”

Believers are light because they have been changed intellectually and morally. These changes are significant—making believers like a town on a hill, which illumines the sky for hundreds of miles. The light from believers cannot be hidden.

Interpretation Question: In what ways are believers light and the world darkness?

1. Believers are light because they know God, and the world is dark because they reject the true God.

Romans 1:21-23 describes the world as intellectually darkened in reference to knowing God, the Creator. It says,

For although they knew God, they did not glorify him as God or give him thanks, but they became futile in their thoughts and their senseless hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for an image resembling mortal human beings or birds or four-footed animals or reptiles.

The world has a darkened mind. They profess to be wise when they are really fools. They deny the living God by worshiping false gods or themselves or denying God’s existence all together. Psalm 14:1 says the fool says in his heart there is no God. The world is dark because they do not know or acknowledge God. But believers are light because they know the Light—they know God. Christ said this is eternal life, that they may know God (John 17:3).

2. Believers are light because they know the gospel and Scripture in general, and the world is darkness because they reject revelation.

Second Corinthians 4:4 says, “among whom the god of this age has blinded the minds of those who do not believe so they would not see the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God.” The world is blinded to the light of the gospel. First Corinthians 1:18 says, “For the message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” To the believer, the gospel is the power of God and the wisdom of God. Believers are light.

Not only are unbelievers blinded to the gospel but Scripture in general. First Corinthians 2:14 says, “The unbeliever does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him. And he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.” While the world rejects Scripture and cannot understand it, it is the believers’ daily bread (Job 23:12), constant meditation (Psalm 1:2), and joy (Psalm 119:24).

3. Believers are light because they practice righteousness, and the world is darkness because it doesn’t.

Again, Romans 13:12-14 says,

The night has advanced toward dawn; the day is near. So then we must lay aside the works of darkness, and put on the weapons of light. Let us live decently as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and sensuality, not in discord and jealousy. Instead, put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh to arouse its desires.

Believers are called to put aside the deeds of darkness and to clothe themselves with Christ.

Similarly, 1 John 3:10 says, “By this the children of God and the children of the devil are revealed: Everyone who does not practice righteousness—the one who does not love his fellow Christian—is not of God.” Children of God are identified by obeying God, and unbelievers are identified by disobedience.

Essentially, to be in darkness is to be ignorant of God and his Word and to rebel against both. The world is darkness, but believers are light. They know the truth about creation, the gospel, and God, and they live in view of these realities. But the world rejects these things.

Ephesians 5:8 says, “for you were at one time darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of the light.” We used to be darkness, but now, we are light and commanded to live in accordance with that reality.

Application Question: The implication of believers being light is that the world is in darkness. In what further ways is the world in darkness? In what ways have you experienced deliverance from former darkness, and how are you still experiencing it?

The Function of Light

Application Question: What are typical functions of light and how do these apply to believers in this world?

1. As light, believers expose darkness.

While Christ was on the earth, he exposed the false teaching of the Pharisees and scribes. He exposed the corruption taking place in the temple. It should be the same with believers. They shine light on dishonest practices, gossip, corruption amongst leaders, racism, etc. This often angers people. They are the ethical lights within a friendship, a family, a business, an education system, or a government.

Are you willing to expose the darkness? We expose darkness indirectly simply by living a moral life, but we also expose it directly by calling sin as it is. Kent Hughes put it this way:

We need to be ethical light when we are in the office, in the classroom, in the shop, and in the Church. We must be willing to risk being called “negative,” “narrow,” “judgmental,” “puritanical,” or “bigoted.” If God’s Spirit is calling us to stand up against wrong, it is up to us to be faithful.5

2. As light, believers give off light.

Ephesians 5:13 (NIV) says: “But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.” “When light touches something, it becomes light. It is lit up; and, to some degree, the object gives off light itself. It is converted and changed.”6

In the same way, the light of a believer’s life often changes a work environment, as sin is exposed and righteousness replaces it. It changes people’s lives, as they repent and give their lives to Christ. Light by nature is more powerful than darkness. It transforms environments.

In 1 Peter 2:12, Peter said this to believers: “and maintain good conduct among the non-Christians, so that though they now malign you as wrongdoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God when he appears.” Though persecuted and mocked by the world, believers, through their conduct, often change those around them, even if only slowly. When Christ comes, many will glorify God for the chaste lives of a Christian co-worker, friend, or family member who led them to Christ.

Light makes other things light—it gives off itself. We’ll consider several other functions of light which, in one sense, arise from how light gives off light. However, they are worth noting for emphasis.

3. As light, believers help others grow.

Plants can grow in a dark cave as long as light is present. In addition, research tells us that broken bones heal faster when they are soaking up sunlight.7 This all should be true of Christians in a dark world. As they shine their lights, friends, family, and co-workers grow.

Are the people around you growing—getting to know God more, changing their language, attitudes, and actions?

4. As light, believers wake people out of slumber.

When it’s spring time, people tend to wake up earlier because of the gradual increase of sunlight into their bedrooms. It’s also true that if you immediately turn on the lights while somebody is sleeping, it will often quickly wake the person up. In the same way, the ethical light of believers who are on fire for Christ will often awaken those who are spiritually lethargic or spiritually sleeping. They stir spiritual zeal in those who are spiritually lazy and help awaken those who are spiritually dead. As light, believers wake people out of slumber.

5. As light, believers warm those who are cold.

Light not only illuminates, it warms. When people are cold from standing in a shadow, they move to a place with more sunlight to get warm. When in a home that is cold, people go by the fireplace. Heat is emitted from light. Therefore, when believers are light, they warm people’s hearts—provoking them to love God and others. The impact of their warmth helps others repent of bitterness and anger and instead show acts of kindness. By loving, believers warm up homes, workplaces, and communities. Often people run to them to find fellowship, comfort, and encouragement.

Application Question: What are some other functions of light which believers represent in this world? What makes exposing the darkness in a company, church, or relationship difficult? How can we do this wisely? Share a time when God called you to expose darkness. How did it turn out?

Growth as Light

People do not light a lamp and put it under a basket but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before people, so that they can see your good deeds and give honor to your Father in heaven.

Matthew 5:15-16

Application Question: How can we grow as light? How can we be most effective?

1. To grow as light, we must stay near Christ, who is the Light.

Kent Hughes gave this illustration when considering how believers can shine even brighter:

A man returning from a journey brought his wife a matchbox that would glow in the dark. After he gave it to her, she turned out the light, but it could not be seen. Both thought they had been cheated. Then the wife noticed some French words on the box and asked a friend to translate them. The inscription said: “If you want me to shine in the night, keep me in the light.” So it is with us! We must expose ourselves to Jesus, delight in his Word, and spend time in prayer soaking up his rays.8

Second Corinthians 3:18 (ESV) says, “And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.” As we walk with our Lord and Savior, we are daily transformed into his image and glory. If we’re going to grow as light, we must spend time with the Light!

2. To grow as light, we must continually congregate with other godly believers.

When you place many burning coals together, the light becomes more intense, hotter, and burns longer. In fact, the “you” of “you are the light of the world” is plural referring not just to Christians individually but corporately. We are more effective as lights together. We strengthen our individual light by being around other godly believers who are on fire. We also increase our light by listening to messages and reading books by great lights in our community. As we do this, our light increases. Similarly, if we continually put ourselves around people who are not walking for Christ, our light and effectiveness will diminish. Proverbs 13:20 says, “He who associates with the wise grows wise but the companion of fools suffers harm.”

3. To grow as light, we must fight against tendencies to hide our light.

Matthew 5:15 is partially repeated in the parallel text of Mark 4:21. In Mark 4:21, Christ says, “‘A lamp isn’t brought to be put under a basket or under a bed, is it? Isn’t it to be placed on a lampstand?” Many commentators believe the basket and the bed represent common reasons that people hide their lights. The basket Christ referred to was probably a bushel for collecting grain. This perhaps demonstrates how many hide their light because of work. Many believers get so busy at work that they hide the light of Christ, or they hide it in fear of it hindering career progression. Our light is not to be hid under the bushel of work. But secondly, Christians tend to hide their light simply because of laziness, as symbolized by a bed. They are too lazy to go to church, read their Bible, serve on missions, or share the gospel. No wise person puts a lamp under a basket or a bed, and neither should believers, as our light is more important than any lamp in a house.

4. To grow as light, we must put ourselves in the most strategic positions.

In Matthew 5:15, Christ talked about putting a lamp on a stand. When placing a lamp in a house, people put it in the most advantageous position. We must consider this when deciding what we will do for work, where we will live and go to church, etc. How can we most effectively spread our light to others?

Also, we must remove anything that might dim our light or make it ineffective. There are certain environments that could hinder the effectiveness of our light either by not using it or threatening to blow it out by temptation. Believers must live as light by putting their lights on stands for all to see.

5. To grow as light, we must be balanced.

Charles Spurgeon gives this great insight:

“The text says that the candle gives light to all that are in the house. Some professors give light only to a part of the house. I have known women very good to all but their husbands, and these they nag from night to night, so that they give no light to them. I have known husbands so often out at meetings that they neglect home, and thus their wives miss the light.”9

Sadly, this is true for many Christians. We give our best at work and neglect home or give our best at home but neglect being lights at work. Some of us work really hard at a hobby or something we really enjoy but aren’t very faithful at church—nobody at our church is blessed by our light. If we’re going to grow as lights, we must be balanced—displaying God’s light wherever the Lord places us.

6. To grow as light, we must practice good deeds.

In Matthew 5:16, Christ said, “let your light shine before people, so that they can see your good deeds and give honor to your Father in heaven.” This is actually a command, not a suggestion. The word “good” can also be translated “beautiful.” It focuses not only on the quality of the works but the attractiveness of them as well. Their beauty draws others to God. Since light refers to truth and moral deeds, we must give ourselves to these works. Like Christ, we must teach God’s Word and share the gospel with others. We also must be given to mercy ministries—caring for the poor, infirmed, and oppressed. We must give ourselves to beautiful works which draw people to God.

Are you letting your light shine by doing good works to the glory of God?

7. To grow as light, we must have the right motive.

Again, Matthew 5:16 says, “let your light shine before people, so that they can see your good deeds and give honor to your Father in heaven.” We must notice the motive for shining our light. It is not so that people can glorify us, but so that they can glorify God. Most people are living to make a name for themselves instead of God (cf. Gen 11, the tower of Babel). Without the right motive, our lights will grow dim and ineffective. People often can discern the reasons that we do certain works. Are we doing good works for our benefit—to be seen and praised by others, to make money, to be promoted, etc.? If so, our lights will become dim and actually turn people away from God.

Sadly, this is very common among the religious. Christ warns about these dark motives throughout the Sermon on the Mount. He challenges his disciples and those listening to not be like the Pharisees and scribes who did their righteous works to be seen by others. He said they had their reward but would not be rewarded by the Father (Matt 6:1-8). He also said we should be consumed with storing up riches in heaven instead of on earth (Matt 6:19-21).

Psalm 115:1 sums up the attitude we should have in our daily activities perfectly. It says, “Not to us, O Lord, not to us! But to your name bring honor, for the sake of your loyal love and faithfulness.” Lord, let this be true of our hearts. Amen!

Application Question: How is God calling you to grow as a light? In what ways are you tempted to hide your light? In what ways do you believe God is calling you to place your light in the most effective position? How can we protect ourselves from wrong heart motives—like money and fame?


MacArthur shares stories about two godly saints which serve as a fitting conclusion to our study of being lights of the world:

It is said of Robert Murray McCheyne, a godly Scottish minister of the last century, that his face carried such a hallowed expression that people were known to fall on their knees and accept Jesus Christ as Savior when they looked at him. Others were so attracted by the self-giving beauty and holiness of his life that they found his Master irresistible.

It was also said of the French pietist Francois Fenelon that his communion with God was such that his face shined with divine radiance. A religious skeptic who was compelled to spend the night in an inn with Fenelon, hurried away the next morning, saying, “If I spend another night with that man I’ll be a Christian in spite of myself.”

That is the kind of salt and light God wants His kingdom people to be.10

Are you being a light in the world—drawing all to God by your words and actions? Lord, help this be true of us in Jesus’ name.

Copyright © 2019 Gregory Brown

Unless otherwise noted, the primary Scriptures used are taken from the NET Bible ® copyright © 1996-2016 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Holy Bible, New International Version ®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®) Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NASB) are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, and 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are from the King James Version of the Bible.

All emphases in Scripture quotations have been added.

BTG Publishing all rights reserved.

1 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 244). Chicago: Moody Press.

2 Guzik, D. (2013). Matthew (Mt 5:14–16). Santa Barbara, CA: David Guzik.

3 The New International Version. (2011). (Jn 8:12). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

4 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1986). Ephesians (pp. 205–206). Chicago: Moody Press.

5 Hughes, R. K. (1990). Ephesians: the mystery of the body of Christ (p. 167). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

6 Teacher's Outline and Study Bible - Commentary - Teacher's Outline and Study Bible – Ephesians: The Teacher's Outline and Study Bible.

7 Hughes, R. K. (2001). The sermon on the mount: the message of the kingdom (p. 86). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

8 Hughes, R. K. (2001). The sermon on the mount: the message of the kingdom (pp. 85–86). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

9 Guzik, D. (2013). Matthew (Mt 5:14–16). Santa Barbara, CA: David Guzik.

10 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 247). Chicago: Moody Press.

Related Topics: Christian Life, Kingdom

11. A Proper View Of Scripture (Matthew 5:17-20)

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“Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have not come to abolish these things but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth pass away not the smallest letter or stroke of a letter will pass from the law until everything takes place. So anyone who breaks one of the least of these commands and teaches others to do so will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever obeys them and teaches others to do so will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you, unless your righteousness goes beyond that of the experts in the law and the Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 5:17-20 (NET)

How should believers view Scripture?

Many believers have different views about Scripture. Some believe it is just good suggestions that we should consider for our lives. Some believe that Scripture is trustworthy when it comes to the gospel, but that its ethics no longer directly apply to our rapidly changing culture. Some believe it is fully God’s Word; while others believe it’s only partially God’s Word. Some believe it is full of errors and lacks authority; while others believe it is fully accurate and thus authoritative. What did Christ believe about Scripture?

When Christ said that he did not come to abolish “the law or the prophets,” this was a common way to refer to the whole Old Testament. Luke 16:16 uses the phrase “law and prophets” this way: “The law and the prophets were in force until John; since then, the good news of the kingdom of God has been proclaimed, and everyone is urged to enter it.” As Christ taught about those who are truly part of the kingdom of heaven in Matthew 5:3-16, some would have questioned if he was contradicting Scripture. Jewish teachers taught that people entered heaven by following the Mosaic law. Was Christ teaching a new way to be right with God and enter heaven? Was he getting rid of the Mosaic law and what the prophets taught? Christ discerns their questions and answers them; that is why he begins with, “Do not think I have come to abolish the Law and the Prophets.” Christ corrects their thinking about his views on the Old Testament. In studying his view of the OT, we can discern a proper view of Scripture in general.

In addition, as we study these verses, it must be said these are considered some of the most difficult verses in Scripture to interpret.1 What does Christ mean by proclaiming that he did not come to abolish the law and prophets but fulfill them? What is the believer’s relationship to the law? In addition, is there rank in heaven? In what ways are some called greatest and least in God’s kingdom? Finally, in what way must our righteousness surpass that of the Pharisees and experts in the law to enter the kingdom of heaven? This passage is filled with difficult questions.

In fact, godly believers have taken different sides on some of the topics that arise from this passage. However, as we study them, we must remember that God wants us to understand Scripture. It is our guide to obeying and following him. In addition, God has given us not only his Word but his Holy Spirit to help us in the process of interpretation. He has also given us other godly believers who have wrestled with the text before us.

As we study this text, we will consider Christ’s view of Scripture, so it can inform ours.

Big Question: What was Christ’s view of the Old Testament? How should this affect the believers’ view of Scripture in general?

Believers Should Recognize Christ as the Fulfillment of Scripture

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish these things but to fulfill them.

Matthew 5:17

Interpretation Question: In what ways did Christ fulfill the law or the prophets?

First, it is helpful to define some terms. For Jews, the term “Law” commonly referred to the 613 commands given to Israel in Exodus 20-31, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy.2 They detailed the ceremonial, civil, and moral laws of Israel. However, “Law” was sometimes used of only the Pentateuch—the first five books of the OT. At times, it was even used of the whole Old Testament (cf. John 10:34, 12:34). Also, the phrase “the Law or the Prophets,” as mentioned, was another way of referring to the entire Old Testament (cf. Matt 22:40, Lk 16:16). In addition, sometimes Jews would call the whole OT the “law of Moses and the prophets and the psalms” (cf. Lk 24:44).3

Christ said he did not come to abolish the law or prophets but to fulfill them. This is difficult because there is, obviously, some way in which he did abolish them. Believers are no longer under food laws, ceremonies, sabbath days, etc. (cf. Mk 7:19, Col 2:16-17). What did he mean by this controversial saying? It helps to understand that the word “fulfill” has the idea of completion, filling up, or accomplishing.4 Someone compared Christ’s relationship to the law to the destruction of an acorn. One can destroy an acorn in one of two ways: He can destroy the acorn by smashing it with a hammer, or by planting it in the ground so that it grows into an oak tree.5 Christ destroyed the law by the second way. He removed the acorn of the law by totally fulfilling it. In fact, he did this in such a way that believers are no longer under the Old Testament law. Romans 10:4 says, “For Christ is the end of the law, with the result that there is righteousness for everyone who believes.” Romans 6:14 says we are no longer under law but under grace.

In what ways did Christ fulfill the law and the prophets—the entire OT? There are many ways:

1. Christ fulfilled the OT by fulfilling its messianic predictions.

Beginning in Genesis 3:15, Scripture prophesies about the coming messiah. There was going to be a seed from the woman who would crush the head of the serpent. Many have seen this as the first prophecy of the virgin birth—there has only been one seed of a woman, everyone else has come from the seed of the man. A man born of a virgin would be bitten by Satan on the heel—a veiled prediction of Christ’s death on the cross—and the man would crush Satan’s head—which ultimately refers to Christ’s victory through his death and resurrection. From there prophecies continue: He would come through Abraham, through Jacob, through Judah, through David, and through Solomon. He would be born in Bethlehem, etc. The Gospels detail how Christ fulfilled these messianic predictions. There are around sixty major prophecies—twenty-nine of them fulfilled on the day of his death.

2. Christ fulfilled the OT by fulfilling its types and shadows.

Colossians 2:16-17 says: “Therefore do not let anyone judge you with respect to food or drink, or in the matter of a feast, new moon, or Sabbath days—these are only the shadow of the things to come, but the reality is Christ!” The food laws, religious festivals, and sabbath days were all shadows fulfilled in Christ. As shadows, aspects of Christ could be discerned from them which helped prepare people for the coming messiah. The Sabbath represented how Christ would be our rest. The Day of Atonement demonstrated how a perfect lamb would be a substitute for the people. When John saw Christ, he said, “Look, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29). The atonement lamb never removed people’s sins, that is why every year it had to be offered again. But after Christ, there is no longer a need to practice the Day of Atonement. Christ completed it. He perfectly fulfilled it (Matt 5:17).

In addition, Christ fulfilled many other types in the Old Testament, as seen in numerous narratives. In the same way God sent manna from heaven for Israel to eat, Christ said he was manna from heaven (John 6:32-35). When the Israelites were dying from snake bites, Moses called for them to look at a raised bronze snake and live. That was a picture of Christ on the cross and how those who believed in him would be saved (John 3:14-15). Christ is the last Adam (1 Cor 15:45). The first Adam willfully followed his wife into sin, but the last Adam died for his wife—the people of God—so that she might be saved. Christ fulfills not only the law, but the prophecies and the stories of the Old Testament. He is seen everywhere. In John 5:39, Jesus said, “You study the scriptures thoroughly because you think in them you possess eternal life, and it is these same scriptures that testify about me.”

3. Christ fulfilled the OT by perfectly obeying God’s law.

Galatians 4:4 says that Christ was born under the law. In Matthew 3:15, at Christ’s baptism, he declared how he must fulfill all righteousness. Christ obeyed the 613 commands in the Mosaic law perfectly. Since he was perfect, he can offer us his righteousness and take our sins (2 Cor 5:21). When going through the Gospels, it is important to understand that it was the misinterpretations of the law by the scribes and Pharisees that he didn’t obey—not the law itself.

4. Christ fulfilled the OT by paying the righteous demands of the law.

The penalty for disobeying God’s laws was death. Christ, though perfect, died for the sins of the world. Romans 6:23 says, “For the payoff of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Because of Christ’s death, we can accept his sacrifice for sins, follow him as Lord and Savior, and be saved eternally (cf. John 3:16, Romans 10:9-13).

5. Christ fulfilled the OT by giving believers power to keep the righteous requirements of the law through the Spirit.

Romans 8:4 says, “so that the righteous requirement of the law may be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.” This was prophesied in the Old Testament; God would write his laws on our hearts and give us power through his Spirit to fulfill them. Ezekiel 36:27 says, “I will put my Spirit within you; I will take the initiative and you will obey my statutes and carefully observe my regulations.”

Interpretation Question: If believers are not under the law anymore, in what way do we fulfill the righteous requirements of the law through the Spirit?

Romans 13:8-10 says,

Owe no one anything, except to love one another, for the one who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law. For the commandments, “Do not commit adultery, do not murder, do not steal, do not covet,” (and if there is any other commandment) are summed up in this, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Love does no wrong to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.

Similarly, Galatians 5:14 and 18 say, “For the whole law can be summed up in a single commandment, namely, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself’… But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.”

Though not called to practice food laws, sabbath days, etc., the Spirit, which Christ sent us, produces righteousness in our lives. The Spirit helps us put to death the misdeeds of the body (Rom 8:13) and helps us love God and others more (Gal 5:22-23). Christ fulfills the law by his Spirit working in us.

Finally, it should be added that Christ not only fulfills the OT but also the NT. He is the emphasis of the Gospels, as they reveal his life and teaching. The book of Acts describes his works through his apostles. The Epistles share his teaching through his apostles, and the book of Revelation describes his wrath, second coming, and ultimate rule on the earth. Christ is the fulfillment and focus of the entire Scripture. We should recognize him as we study God’s Word and help reveal him as we teach Scripture to others. We must have an entirely Christocentric view of Scripture.

Application Question: Why is it important to have a Christocentric view in studying and teaching Scripture—especially the OT? What symbol or shadow of Christ stands out most to you in the OT?

Believers Should Recognize the Perseverance and Authority of Scripture

I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth pass away not the smallest letter or stroke of a letter will pass from the law until everything takes place.

Matthew 5:18

Interpretation Question: What does the smallest letter or stroke of a letter refer to?

When Christ referred to the smallest letter or stroke of a letter, he was referring to specific aspects of the Hebrew letter system. The smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet is the “jot” or “yod.” The stroke of a letter refers to a “tittle,” which is a small mark that serves to distinguish one letter from another. It is similar to the way the bottom stroke of a capital E distinguishes it from a capital F.6 Jesus said the law would not pass away until heaven and earth pass away and everything is accomplished that was taught in the OT.

Interpretation Question: What does Christ’s comments about law in Matthew 5:18 teach about Christ’s view of Scripture?

1. Christ believed in the endurance of Scripture.

Sometimes people make arguments that Scripture has been tampered with, specific books lost, and that the copies that we have are not correct. However, Christ taught that God would preserve Scripture even down to the tiniest letter and the least stroke of a pen. Peter said that “the word of the Lord endures forever” (1 Peter 1:25).

This is made clear by all the attempts throughout history to stomp out God’s Word. It has endured constant criticism from both the science and history communities. It has endured manipulation from cults and false prophets. It has been burned and banned by nations. And yet, it still endures today. It is the most copied, printed, translated, and sold book every year. In addition, from a historical reliability standpoint (i.e. the number of copies and the time interval from the originals), it is the most accurate ancient manuscript. In fact, it has more historical evidence than any ten ancient manuscripts combined. There is no book like it. God has preserved his Word. Christ prophesied this, the evidence supports it, and believers trust it.

2. Christ believed in the authority of Scripture.

In addition, Christ’s comments demonstrate that he believed in the literal inspiration of Scripture—that the exact words of Scripture, and even the letters, were chosen by God and not just the ideas. This is important since some liberal theologians would argue against this today. They would say that you can’t trust what the Bible says about science or history—it’s the ideas that matter, not the details. However, Christ did not take that view. Every word of Scripture, even down to letter and least stroke of a pen, was important.

In fact, we see this in Christ’s discussion with the Sadducees in Matthew 22:30–32. The Sadducees were the liberal believers in Christ’s day. They did not believe in miracles, the resurrection, or even an afterlife. One day, they tested Christ on his belief of the resurrection. They concocted a scenario where a woman’s husband dies and then she marries his brother. The brother dies, and she marries another brother. He dies, she marries another, and so on, until the seventh died. Then she eventually died. The Sadducees asked Christ, “At the resurrection whose wife will she be?” On this, commentator William MacDonald says, “Basically, they argued that the idea of resurrection posed insuperable difficulties, hence it was not reasonable, therefore it was not true.”7 Look at how Christ responded in Matthew 22:30–32:

For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven. Now as for the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what was spoken to you by God, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? He is not the God of the dead but of the living!

Here, Christ’s argument rests on the tense of the word “am.” Essentially, Christ says, “Didn’t you notice that ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’ was written in the present tense?” Christ was saying that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are all still alive, and therefore, would one day be resurrected. This confronted their lack of belief in the afterlife and the resurrection. It also challenged their liberal view of Scripture. Every word of Scripture has been chosen by God, even down to the tense.

We can trust Scripture. It is authoritative even down to the tense and letters of words. Therefore, we can trust what Scripture says about science, history, life, death, and everything else. Scripture teaches its own inerrancy. Psalm 19:7-8 says, “The law of the Lord is perfect and preserves one’s life. The rules set down by the Lord are reliable and impart wisdom to the inexperienced. The Lord’s precepts are fair and make one joyful.” Scripture is perfect, reliable, and fair. Christ believed in the perseverance and authority of Scripture, and so must we.

Do you believe in everything Scripture teaches? It is trustworthy in what it teaches about God, creation, marriage, parenting, male and female roles, sin, righteousness, eternity, and itself.

Application Question: Why is the endurance and authority of Scripture so important to the Christian faith? In what ways have many forsaken belief in the endurance and authority of Scripture?

Believers Should Recognize that Eternal Reward Is Based on Our Response to Scripture

So anyone who breaks one of the least of these commands and teaches others to do so will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever obeys them and teaches others to do so will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 5:19

Observation Question: According to Matthew 5:19, what is the basis for reward and greatness in the kingdom of heaven?

In Matthew 5:19, Christ teaches something that is often very confusing to believers. He says that those who break one of the least of these commands and teach others to do so will be called least in the kingdom of heaven. And, those who practice God’s Word and teach others to do so will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

What is Christ referring to? It should be made clear—that this is not a salvation issue. Believers are not saved by teaching and obeying Scripture. It’s also not a loss of salvation issue (if that were possible); even the “least in the kingdom” are still part of the kingdom.

One of the things that Christ constantly teaches in the Sermon on the Mount is the reality of rewards in heaven. In Matthew 6, he teaches the disciples to not be like the Pharisees and scribes who did their righteous deeds to be seen by people. Their reward was being seen by others, but they would not be rewarded by the Father. Furthermore, in Matthew 6:19, he challenges the disciples to store up riches in heaven and not on earth. Reward seems to refer to both rulership and opportunities to serve in heaven. In the Parable of the Minas, the faithful servants are rewarded with cities to rule over (Lk 19:16-19). Those who are great in heaven will have more opportunities to rule with Christ and serve others.

Though salvation is not based on works, reward or loss of reward is. Second John 8 says, “Watch out, so that you do not lose the things we have worked for, but receive a full reward.” These works specifically have to do with our teaching and obeying of God’s Word. This is important to hear because often Christians think that only pastors are called to teach God’s Word. This is not true. In the Great Commission, God calls all believers to make disciples of all nations—teaching them everything that Christ commanded (Matt 28:19-20). All believers are called to teach God’s Word to others. We should share the gospel with the lost. We should teach other believers how to grow in Christ. Parents should teach their children (Eph 6:4); older women should teach younger women (Titus 2:3-4); husbands are called to teach their wives (Eph 5:25-26). We are all called to study and teach God’s Word.

Since it is possible for us to teach others to disobey God’s Word, interpretation is very important. If we misinterpret Scripture, we can lead others astray. Second Timothy 2:15 says, “Make every effort to present yourself before God as a proven worker who does not need to be ashamed, teaching the message of truth accurately.” Who will God approve? Those who work hard at studying Scripture in order to correctly teach truth. Laziness and bad interpretation will lead to lack of approval and lack of reward. There will be many in heaven with good intentions but harmful hermeneutics—the study of interpreting Scripture—who led others astray.

But it is not just our teaching that matters; our obedience matters as well. Paul said this to Timothy, “Be conscientious about how you live and what you teach. Persevere in this, because by doing so you will save both yourself and those who listen to you” (1 Tim 4:16). If we have correct doctrine, but don’t practice it, we will harm not only ourselves but those who watch and listen to us. Reward in heaven will be based on what we do with God’s Word. John MacArthur’s comments are helpful:

Greatness is not determined by gifts, success, popularity, reputation, or size of ministry but by a believer’s view of Scripture as revealed in his life and teaching.

Jesus’ promise is not simply to great teachers such as Paul or Augustine, Calvin, Luther, Wesley, or Spurgeon. His promise applies to every believer who teaches others to obey God’s Word by faithfully, carefully, and lovingly living by and speaking of that Word. Every believer does not have the gift of teaching the deep doctrines of Scripture, but every believer is called and is able to teach the right attitude toward it.8

Are you faithfully studying and teaching God’s Word to others? Sadly, many believers simply don’t care what it says. They think as long as they know the gospel and love God and others, that’s all that matters. Some might even declare that doctrine is dangerous because it divides. However, God has called us to study his Word and teach it to all, as we make disciples. Unfaithful Christians neglect studying God’s Word, and that reality will be displayed in their lack of reward from God in heaven. First Corinthians 3:15 talks about some Christians getting into heaven as escaping the fire—there will be no rewards for them.

Are you teaching and obeying God’s Word? Those who are faithful, God will reward. Those who aren’t will experience loss of reward.

Application Question: What makes the doctrine of reward in heaven so controversial, as some really struggle with this doctrine? Why is it important? Are you motivated by reward? Why or why not?

Believers Should Recognize that to Enter Heaven, Our Righteousness Must Conform to Scripture

For I tell you, unless your righteousness goes beyond that of the experts in the law and the Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 5:20

Interpretation Question: In what way must a believer’s righteousness surpass that of the Pharisees and the experts of the law to get into heaven?

This comment would have been startling to the Jews listening. Pharisees and teachers of the law (or scribes) were considered the most righteous people in Israel. “The Jews had a saying, ‘If only two people go to heaven, one will be a scribe and the other a Pharisee.’”9 The Jews would have thought, “If they can’t get into heaven, how can we?”

What did Christ mean by needing a greater righteousness to enter heaven?

1. Christ meant to show that man’s righteousness can never earn salvation and that imputed righteousness is needed.

The Jews believed that studying the law and practicing its righteousness led to being accepted by God and entering heaven. However, the law was never meant to save. It was meant to show how people were sinful and in need of the Savior. Romans 3:20 says, “For no one is declared righteous before him by the works of the law, for through the law comes the knowledge of sin.” Romans 3:23 says, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” According to the law, the consequence of one sin is death—separation from God eternally (Rom 6:23). Even the Pharisees and scribes were not righteous enough to get into heaven—they had fallen short of God’s glory and were under God’s judgment just like everybody else. Therefore, how can people secure a greater righteousness and be saved?

Romans 3:21-22 (ESV) says, “But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it—the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe…” Christ lived the perfect life that people could never live. Though he never sinned, he died on the cross for our sins. When he died on the cross, he took our sin and gave us perfect righteousness (2 Cor 5:21). This was the righteousness that Christ was calling the Jews to accept. It is only applied to those who believe in and follow Christ—they believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that he died for our sins, was buried, and resurrected.

Have you believed in Christ and therefore been made right for heaven?

2. Christ meant to show that only those who practice true righteousness, as fostered by the Spirit, are really saved.

The Pharisees and scribes loosened the demands of God’s law by only teaching the need to practice outward righteousness. They taught if one had not murdered or committed adultery, he had kept the law. These were called the traditions of the elders. But Christ corrects this laxing of the law. He said that anyone who has been angry or lusted had broken the laws of murder and adultery in his or her heart. The Pharisees had never been given God’s Spirit, so they could not practice true righteousness which was both internal and external. Christ called them whitewashed tombs—pretty on the outside but full of dead bones on the inside (Matt 23:27).

In addition, the Pharisees and scribes also changed many of God’s commands. In Matthew 5:43, Christ said, “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor’ and ‘hate your enemy.’” Love your neighbor came from Leviticus, but hate your enemy was an addition—something that Scripture never taught. The Pharisees and scribes again loosened the demands of God’s law by saying that people did not need to love their enemy. However, Christ taught what the law truly demanded—to even love one’s enemies and to in fact bless them.

When Christ taught that those who belong to the kingdom of heaven are the poor in spirit, the mourners, the meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, and the peacemakers (Matt 5:3-9), he was outlining the supernatural changes in the life of true believers. In the New Covenant, God gives believers new hearts. He writes his laws on them and gives them the Holy Spirit in order to obey these laws (cf. Jer 31:33, Ez 36:27). This is what the Pharisees did not have, which proved that they were not truly born again. True believers have a greater righteousness because it is both internal and external.

This is important to emphasize. Though we are saved by faith alone (cf. Eph 2:8-9), true faith is never alone. It always produces righteousness (cf. James 2, Eph 2:10). It will be a greater righteousness than that of Pharisees and scribes because it comes from a right heart that obeys God’s Word.

This will be a predominant theme throughout the rest of the Sermon on the Mount. Christ will continue to describe the character and righteousness of those in his kingdom. Are you part of his kingdom? We must have Christ’s imputed righteousness which comes through faith. But we also must have righteousness that conforms to God’s Word—proving our faith.

Application Question: What is the difference, theologically speaking, between works being the root of salvation and works being the fruit of it? Why is righteousness so important as a proof of true salvation (cf. James 2)? In what ways have you experienced the fruit of salvation—a changing life?


How should believers view Scripture? This is important because our view of Scripture has eternal consequences—affecting salvation and reward in heaven.

  1. Believers Should Recognize Christ as the Fulfillment of Scripture
  2. Believers Should Recognize the Perseverance and Authority of Scripture
  3. Believers Should Recognize that Eternal Reward Is Based on Our Faithfulness to Scripture
  4. Believers Should Recognize that to Enter Heaven, Our Righteousness Must Conform to Scripture

Copyright © 2019 Gregory Brown

Unless otherwise noted, the primary Scriptures used are taken from the NET Bible ® copyright © 1996-2016 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Holy Bible, New International Version ®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®) Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NASB) are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, and 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are from the King James Version of the Bible.

All emphases in Scripture quotations have been added.

BTG Publishing all rights reserved.

1 Carson, D. A. (1999). Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount and His Confrontation with the World: An Exposition of Matthew 5–10 (p. 36). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic.

2 MacDonald, W. (1995). Believer’s Bible Commentary: Old and New Testaments. (A. Farstad, Ed.) (p. 1218). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

3 Guzik, D. (2013). Matthew (Mt 5:17–18). Santa Barbara, CA: David Guzik.

4 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 263). Chicago: Moody Press.

5 Wiersbe, W. W. (1996). The Bible exposition commentary (Vol. 1, p. 22). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.

6 MacDonald, W. (1995). Believer’s Bible Commentary: Old and New Testaments. (A. Farstad, Ed.) (p. 1218). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

7 MacDonald, William. Believer’s Bible Commentary: Old and New Testaments. (A. Farstad, Ed.). Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1995), 1287.

8 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 272). Chicago: Moody Press.

9 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 277). Chicago: Moody Press.

Related Topics: Christian Life, Kingdom
