Soteriology Classroom
Student Notebook - Includes student notes that follow the presentation slides, along with syllabus, case studies, scripture memorization sheets, and bibliography.
Class PowerPoint - Available for purchase and immediate download. The Soteriology course PowerPoint contains over 400 slides with extensive teacher's notes including session objectives, explanation of the slides, suggested illustrations, and in depth information concerning the subjects. The PowerPoint?s are primarily created for teachers, but can benefit the student as well. Learn more...
Vocabulary Quizzes - There are two vocabulary quizzes. Quiz 1 is to be taken at the end of session 5 and quiz 2 at the end of session 10. These are to be graded by teachers of The Theology Program in their home church setting. Self-study students may also take the quizzes on their own for personal enrichment.
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Related Topics: Curriculum, Soteriology (Salvation), Theology