This 108-part expository study of the gospel of John was preached at Flagstaff Christian Fellowship from 2013-2015. Audio and manuscripts are available for each lesson.
For permission to reproduce/distribute these resources from Steve Cole (including the Word document and audio files found on the individual lesson pages below) please see's ministry friendly copyright and permissions page. Likewise, to reproduce/distribute PDF/audio versions of his messages which may be found on Flagstaff Christian Fellowship's website see their permission statement.
- Lesson 1: The Nature and Purpose of John’s Gospel (John 20:30-31)
- Lesson 2: Jesus: Revealer of God (John 1:1-5)
- Lesson 3: God’s Witness, Your Verdict (John 1:6-13)
- Lesson 4: The Word Became Flesh (John 1:14)
- Lesson 5: Why You Should Believe in Jesus (John 1:15-18)
- Lesson 6: Who Are You? (John 1:19-28)
- Lesson 7: Who is Jesus? (John 1:29-34)
- Lesson 8: Friends Bring Friends to Jesus (John 1:35-51)
- Lesson 9: Meeting Jesus (John 1:35-51)
- Lesson 10: The Joyous Salvation that Jesus Brings (John 2:1-11)
- Lesson 11: Jesus Cleans House (John 2:12-17)
- Lesson 12: How to Come to Jesus (John 2:18-22)
- Lesson 13: Does Jesus Believe in You? (John 2:23-25)
- Lesson 14: Why Religion Can’t Save You (John 3:1-7)
- Lesson 15: Why You Need the New Birth (John 3:6-13)
- Lesson 16: How Jesus is Like a Snake (John 3:14-15; Numbers 21:4-9)
- Lesson 17: God’s Shocking Love (John 3:16-18)
- Lesson 18: Why People Reject Christ (John 3:19-21)
- Lesson 19: A Lesson in Humility (John 3:22-30)
- Lesson 20: Once More: Why Believe in Jesus? (John 3:31-36)
- Lesson 21: Living Water for a Thirsty Woman (John 4:1-14)
- Lesson 22: Coming to Salvation (John 4:15-26)
- Lesson 23: The Priority of True Worship (John 4:23-24)
- Lesson 24: The Witnesses God Uses (John 4:27-42)
- Lesson 25: From Foxhole Faith to Saving Faith (John 4:43-54)
- Lesson 26: The Impotence of Religion, the Power of Christ (John 5:1-16)
- Lesson 27: Is Jesus Crazy or is He God? (John 5:17-23)
- Lesson 28: Eternal Life or Judgment? (John 5:24-30)
- Lesson 29: The Witnesses to Jesus (John 5:30-40)
- Lesson 30: What Keeps People from Christ (John 5:39-47)
- Lesson 31: How Christ Meets Needs (John 6:1-15)
- Lesson 32: Growing to Know the Lord for Who He Is (John 6:14-21)
- Lesson 33: Seeking Jesus Rightly (John 6:22-36)
- Lesson 34: The Certain Success of Jesus’ Mission (John 6:35-40)
- Lesson 35: A Lesson in Witnessing to Skeptics (John 6:41-47)
- Lesson 36: What Are You Eating? (John 6:48-59)
- Lesson 37: The Antidote to Spiritual Defection, Part 1 (John 6:60-71)
- Lesson 38: The Antidote to Spiritual Defection, Part 2 (John 6:60-71)
- Lesson 39: What Do You Think About Jesus? (John 7:1-13)
- Lesson 40: God’s Time or Man’s Time? (John 7:1-13)
- Lesson 41: Jesus: True, Yet Rejected (John 7:14-24)
- Lesson 42: Don’t Be Confused About Jesus! (John 7:25-36)
- Lesson 43: Rivers of Living Water—for You and from You (John 7:37-39)
- Lesson 44: The Divisive Jesus (John 7:40-52)
- Lesson 45: Caught in the Act (John 7:53-8:11)
- Lesson 46: Jesus: Light of the World (John 8:12-20)
- Lesson 47: Terrible Words from the Loving Savior (John 8:21-29)
- Lesson 48: True Freedom (John 8:30-36)
- Lesson 49: True and False Children of God (John 8:37-47)
- Lesson 50: Challenging Jesus (John 8:48-59)
- Lesson 51: The Light of the World in Action (John 9:1-12)
- Lesson 52: How Do You Know? (John 9:13-34)
- Lesson 53: The Blind See, but the Seeing are Blind (John 9:35-41)
- Lesson 54: The True Shepherd and His Sheep (John 10:1-6)
- Lesson 55: The Door to Abundant Life (John 10:7-10)
- Lesson 56: Why Follow Jesus? (John 10:11-21)
- Lesson 57: Secure Forever (John 10:22-30)
- Lesson 58: Reasons To Believe (John 10:30-42)
- Lesson 59: Loved, But Suffering (John 11:1-6)
- Lesson 60: Using Time Rightly (John 11:7-16)
- Lesson 61: Overcoming Faith (John 11:17-27)
- Lesson 62: The Teacher’s Tears (John 11:28-37)
- Lesson 63: Believing is Seeing, but Seeing is not Believing (John 11:38-57)
- Lesson 64: Wasting Your Life on Jesus (John 12:1-11)
- Lesson 65: Following Jesus for the Right Reason (John 12:12-19)
- Lesson 66: We Wish to See Jesus (John 12:20-24)
- Lesson 67: Why You Should Hate Your Life (John 12:24-26)
- Lesson 68: Christ Lifted Up (John 12:27-36a)
- Lesson 69: Why People Don’t Believe in Jesus (John 12:36b-43)
- Lesson 70: The Final Notice (John 12:44-50)
- Lesson 71: Love, Humility, and Cleansing (John 13:1-11)
- Lesson 72: Do You Wash Dirty Feet? (John 13:12-20)
- Lesson 73: From the Light into the Night (John 13:21-30)
- Lesson 74: Loving as Jesus Loved (John 13:31-38)
- Lesson 75: Comfort for Troubled Hearts (John 14:1-11)
- Lesson 76: Doing Greater Works Than Jesus (John 14:12-14)
- Lesson 77: How to Do Greater Works than Jesus (John 14:15-20)
- Lesson 78: Knowing Christ More Intimately (John 14:21-24)
- Lesson 79: Joy and Peace for Troubled Times (John 14:25-31)
- Lesson 80: Fulfilling Your Purpose in Life (John 15:1-6)
- Lesson 81: Growing Closer to Christ (John 15:7-11)
- Lesson 82: Are You A Friend Of Jesus? (John 15:12-17)
- Lesson 83: What To Expect In The World (John 15:18-27)
- Lesson 84: Witnessing To A Hostile World (John 16:1-11)
- Lesson 85: How the Holy Spirit Works (John 16:12-15)
- Lesson 86: Sorrow Turned into Joy (John 16:16-24)
- Lesson 87: Overcoming Spiritual Failure (John 16:25-33)
- Lesson 88: Doing God’s Will in a Hostile World (John 17:1-5)
- Lesson 89: The People God Uses (John 17:6-12)
- Lesson 90: What in the World is Worldliness? (John 17:13-19)
- Lesson 91: Understanding Christian Unity (John 17:20-23)
- Lesson 92: Blessings Now Plus Heaven Ahead! (John 17:24-26)
- Lesson 93: Jesus In Control (John 18:1-11)
- Lesson 94: When You Fail The Lord (John 18:12-27)
- Lesson 95: What Will You Do With Jesus? (John 18:28-19:16)
- Lesson 96: Jesus, the King of Truth (John 18:33-38a)
- Lesson 97: Friend of Caesar or of Christ? (John 19:12-16)
- Lesson 98: So Great a Salvation (John 19:17-30)
- Lesson 99: The Cross and Our Commitment (John 19:31-42)
- Lesson 100: The Evidence for Jesus’ Resurrection (John 20:1-10)
- Lesson 101: From Sorrow to Hope (John 20:11-18)
- Lesson 102: Mission: Possible (John 20:19-23)
- Lesson 103: The Aim of the Gospel (John 20:24-31)
- Lesson 104: Blessing for Believers (John 20:29-31)
- Lesson 105: Serving Christ Effectively (John 21:1-14)
- Lesson 106: Loving and Serving Jesus (John 21:15-17)
- Lesson 107: Trusting the Sovereign Lord (John 21:18-25)
- Lesson 108: John: A Final Flyover (John, Various Texts)
Related Topics: Christology, Gospels, Soteriology (Salvation)