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26. Deliver Us From The Evil One (Matthew 6:13)

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And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Matthew 6:13 (NET)

The Lord’s Prayer is meant to be our pattern of prayer. Often, we struggle with what to say when coming to God in prayer. Christ’s sample prayer helps us with this. With each of the six petitions, we are called to add our own words and thoughts. The first three are concerned with God: his name, kingdom, and will. The last three focus on our needs: bread—referring to our physical and spiritual needs—forgiveness of sins, and finally, deliverance from the evil one.

In the fifth petition, forgive us our debts, we focused on past sins. In the last petition, deliver us from evil, we focus on future sins. In the fifth, we asked for forgiveness from actual sins. In the last, we ask to be delivered from potential sins.1

In this study, we will consider the last petition of the Lord’s Prayer—lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Big Question: What does the final petition of the Lord’s Prayer mean and what are its applications?

Do Not Lead Us into Temptation

Interpretation Question: What does the petition “do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one” mean?

The sixth petition is probably a form of parallelism.2 Deliver us from the evil one is another way of restating do not lead us into temptation. Some versions translate “evil one” as “evil.” Both are correct translations, and there is really no consensus on which is better. There is probably a nuance of both— “evil one” and “evil”—in the word.3 We need to be delivered from not only Satan, but also from evil in our flesh and in the world, and we must recognize that God is the only one who can help us.

This petition provokes some hard questions: How can we ask God to lead us not into temptation? Isn’t that a foregone conclusion? James 1:13 says, “Let no one say when he is tempted, ‘I am tempted by God,’ for God cannot be tempted by evil, and he himself tempts no one.” God does not tempt anyone. He is holy and just. Therefore, why does Christ encourage us to ask God to not lead us into temptation?

People have reconciled the petition in different ways:

1. Some reconcile the petition by translating the word “temptation” as “test.”

In English, the word “temptation” has a negative connotation. It means to “entice to sin.” However, in the Bible, that is not necessarily true. The word is neutral. It also can be translated as “test.”4 When used of Satan’s testing of people, it is translated “temptation.”5 However, since the context is prayer, many would argue for translating it as “test,” since God will not tempt anyone. The Good News Bible actually translates it, “Do not bring us to hard testing.”6

God will not tempt us, but he certainly will test us. We get a good picture of this when God approached Abraham and told him to sacrifice Isaac. Genesis 22:1 begins with, “Some time after these things God tested Abraham.” God tested Abraham to see what was in his heart. Did he truly love God more than his son? Was God truly first in his life? As with Abraham, God often tests us in areas that are closest to our heart—areas that we are most tempted to put before him. Are we passionate about some hobby? Are we consumed with our appearance or some relationship? Often, that is where God will test us. We must always guard our hearts against any type of idolatry—anything that might come before God.

Another prominent test in Scripture is when God tested Israel in the wilderness after delivering them from Egypt. There he allowed them to hunger and thirst. Deuteronomy 8:2 says: “Remember the whole way by which he has brought you these forty years through the desert so that he might, by humbling you, test you to see if you have it within you to keep his commandments or not.”

God tested them for many reasons: (1) He wanted to change them. Moses said that God humbled them through the testing. Pride keeps us from God and his blessing. James 4:6 says, “‘God opposes the proud, but he gives grace to the humble.” Literally, God fights against the proud. Pride shows up in our being independent from God. We don’t rely on his Word, his saints, or his presence. But when God humbles us, we realize that we need him, and we therefore draw near him more faithfully. Humility is the place of blessing. God humbled Israel in the wilderness by their hard circumstances. (2) He also tested them to know what was in their hearts. It is not that God didn’t know. He did. The trials really revealed Israel’s heart to themselves. In the wilderness, they complained, which showed they really didn’t trust God. They desired to go back to Egypt—which showed their love for the world. They also began to worship idols and practice sexual immorality—revealing how they loved sin and not God’s Word. Testing does the same for us. It is gracious of God to show us what’s in our hearts, so we can repent. We need trials to keep us humble and help us rely on God. And when he allows them, Scripture calls us to rejoice because we understand their purpose. James 1:2-4 says:

My brothers and sisters, consider it nothing but joy when you fall into all sorts of trials, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect effect, so that you will be perfect and complete, not deficient in anything.

With that said, though we should rejoice in trials and be faithful in them because trials help mature us, we should not pray for them or seek them out. In fact, we should ask God to deliver us from them. One would think this would not need to be said, but at times, throughout history, believers have developed a martyr spirit. In understanding the grace and blessing of trials, they would seek to be persecuted or would create trials that humbled them. I remember meeting a professing Christian in college that walked around with rocks in his shoes, as a way of taking up his cross for Christ. This is not a biblical understanding of trials. We should ask God to deliver us from them—not create them. When God allows them, we should rejoice and persevere in them. We certainly should continue to ask God to remove them, if that be his will, but whether he does or not, we must remain faithful in them.

However, others reconcile the petition of “do not lead us into temptation” in a different way.

Application Question: What things has God revealed about your heart through experiencing certain tests?

2. Others reconcile the petition by recognizing God’s sovereignty over all temptation and evil.

We get a good picture of this in the story of Job. In Chapter 1, God boasted to Satan about how faithful Job was. Satan replies, “Of course he is faithful, you have put a hedge of protection around him” (v. 10 paraphrase). He then challenges God to strike all that Job has, saying that Job would surely curse God because of it. God agrees and says: “All right then, everything he has is in your power. Only do not extend your hand against the man himself!” (1:12). God allows Satan to both test Job and tempt him to curse God. The only regulation was that Satan could not touch Job himself. Job lost his children and his wealth but still didn’t curse God. Chapter 2 is similar: God boasts about Job, and Satan challenges God to strike his flesh and bones, assuming if God did this, Job would curse God to his face. God replies, “All right, he is in your power; only preserve his life” (2:6). In this scenario, the only stipulation was that Satan not kill him.

God Limits Our Temptations

With each temptation/trial that Job went through, God set the limits on Satan—to not touch his body and later to not take his life. Similarly, God holds the temperature gauge on each trial and temptation we may encounter. He will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we are able to bear. First Corinthians 10:13 says:

No trial has overtaken you that is not faced by others. And God is faithful: He will not let you be tried beyond what you are able to bear, but with the trial will also provide a way out so that you may be able to endure it.

The ability to escape or endure often is accessed by taking advantage of the grace available to us, such as: the fellowship of the saints, God’s Word, prayer, serving, etc. For most of us, we will never encounter something like Job, because we would not be able to bear it. God reserves his greatest trials for those he has sufficiently prepared.

It must be noted that in both tests, Job was tempted by the devil to curse God, but only after God gave Satan permission. In one sense, it could be said God “led” Job to temptation by allowing him to be tempted. This reflects God’s sovereignty over evil.

Contrary to Dualism

Sometimes dualistic thought has crept into the church. Dualism teaches that in this universe there are two equal opposing forces—one for good and one for bad. In Christianity, this might reflect an eternal battle between God and Satan. However, Scripture does not teach this. Satan is not equal to God—nor is he eternal. Satan is a created being who depends upon God to exist just as all created things (cf. Col 1:17, Heb 1:3). He is a dependent creature and, therefore, to some extent, must submit to God. This is clearly displayed in the story of Job.

Further Examples

When considering the rest of Scripture, we see other times where God uses Satan for his eternal purposes—including the sanctification of believers. For example, in 1 Corinthians 5, Paul encourages the Corinthians to hand over a man having sex with his father’s wife to Satan. This handing over seems to represent excommunication from the church. When a believer is no longer functioning as part of the body, it opens the door for Satan to attack and tempt him more fully. First Corinthians 5:4-5 says,

When you gather together in the name of our Lord Jesus, and I am with you in spirit, along with the power of our Lord Jesus, hand this man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord.

What was the purpose of handing over this man to Satan? It was redemptive, as all discipline should be. This would allow for the destruction of flesh—probably referring to physical suffering (cf. 1 Cor 11:30) or experiencing the consequences of unbridled sin (cf. Lk 15:11-32)—so that the offender would ultimately be saved—representing repentance.

Another example of this would be the Holy Spirit leading Christ in the wilderness to be tempted by the devil (Matt 4:1). Again, God’s purpose in allowing this temptation was not for Christ to fall into sin, but for Christ to be made strong by persevering through it. Hebrews 2:10 says Christ was “made perfect” through what was suffered. To be our faithful high priest, he had to be able to relate to us and understand our suffering and temptations (cf. Heb 4:14-16). Therefore, his experience of temptation by the devil was necessary for him to save us completely (cf. Heb 7:25).

Application Question: What can we discern about God’s purpose in allowing temptations and trials?

(1) God’s purpose in allowing temptation and trial is never for us to fall into sin. That is Satan’s desire, but not God’s. Again, God cannot be tempted, nor does he tempt anyone (Jam 1:13).

(2) God’s purpose in allowing temptations and trials is to make us stronger and more faithful. If we resist temptation and persevere through the trial, we will grow closer to God, be more faithful to him, and be more equipped to help others (cf. James 1:2-4, Rom 5:3-4, 2 Cor 1:3-6). God’s ultimate desire is to bless us and not curse us through trials. After Abraham passed the test of offering his son, Isaac, God confirmed his previous promises and promised to bring the messiah through his lineage. After Job passed his test, God blessed him with double blessings. When Christ passed the test in the wilderness, God empowered him through the Spirit to begin his ministry.

(3) God’s purpose in allowing temptation and trials is to reveal what is in our hearts. Do we love God more than sin? Will we obey him no matter the situation, even if it leads to our pain? What do our responses to trials say about our heart and devotion to God?

Application Question: How do you understand the controversial petition of “do not lead us into temptation”? How should we reconcile this petition with God’s goodness and holiness? Share a trial that God allowed in your life and how God used it to mature you and bless you.

Deliverance from Evil

Application Question: How can we be delivered from evil or the evil one?

The word “deliver” is a very aggressive word in the original language. It can also be translated “to snatch.”7 We are asking God to snatch us from the clutches of evil. As with praying for our daily bread, God’s usual way of providing is not by miraculous means. When we pray for our daily bread, God may choose to provide food by ravens or to multiply bread, but not normally. God provides opportunities and strength to work, and through working and earning a wage, we provide bread for ourselves. It’s the same with being delivered from evil. Sometimes, it may be miraculous, but most times, God works through our prudence and diligence, as we take advantage of his means of grace. Therefore, we must ask, “How can we be delivered from evil?”

1. To be delivered from evil, we must consistently pray for deliverance.

Before Christ went to the cross, he told Peter and the disciples that Satan had asked to sift them like wheat (Lk 22:31). He also told them that they would all fall away from him. After this, Christ took Peter, James, and John—the leaders of the disciples—to pray with him in the Garden of Gethsemane. He says to them, “Pray that you will not fall into temptation” (Luke 22:39). Christ told them they were going to deny him, but he provided a way of escape (1 Cor 10:13)—prayer. In fact, they needed to not only pray but to specifically have an intense, fervent time of prayer. Christ told them to pray for an hour (Mk 14:37). They needed both quality and also a significant quantity of time with God. No doubt, we often fall into temptation because we are not faithful in prayer. Like the disciples, we sleep, work, or entertain ourselves, when we should be praying. This is part of the reason the Christian church, in general, is so weak and ineffective. Increasingly, prayer meetings are being removed from the church or sparsely attended. The church no longer prays. If we are going to conquer evil in our lives and in society, we must be people of prayer. We must pray for protection from the evil one, to be set free from besetting sins, and to be kept from trials that might overwhelm us.

Application Question: In what ways do you incorporate petitions for spiritual protection into your prayer life?

2. To be delivered from evil, in humility, we must recognize our weakness and vulnerability to it.

On our own, we cannot defeat the pull of sin in our flesh, the attraction of the world, and the power of the devil. These temptations are too strong for us—we need God’s grace.

Again, this is where many Christians fail. They unwittingly think they are too strong or live as though they are. Because they are so “strong,” they open the door to sensual music and TV shows. They surround themselves with those who are not serious about God and aren’t seeking to obey him. They are “too strong” and therefore that makes them weak.

Part of growing in spiritual maturity is recognizing our weakness. Paul said that nothing good dwelled in his flesh (Rom 7:18), and he called himself the chief of sinners (1 Tim 1:15). He recognized his great weakness, and that is what made him strong.

It was Peter’s boast, “If they all fall away because of you, I will never fall away!” that made him weak (Matt 26:33). He boasted in his strength to withstand temptation, and then he not only denied the Lord but also began to swear like the world to prove he didn’t know him (Matt 26:74). First Corinthians 10:12 says, “So let the one who thinks he is standing be careful that he does not fall.”

There is nobody who is not vulnerable. Because Moses disobeyed God, he was forbidden from entering the promised land and died outside its boundaries. The last story we read about Noah, the man who walked with God and was saved from the flood, was him being drunk, naked, and shamed by his son. David, a man after God’s own heart and the ideal king of Israel, in a moment of weakness, committed adultery and then had the husband, one of his best friends, killed. These stories are included in the Bible as warnings for us. Everybody is vulnerable to the temptation of sin! That is why Scripture commonly calls us to “flee sexual immorality,” “flee youthful lusts,” and “avoid all appearance of evil.” We are extremely vulnerable, and that is why we must constantly pray, “Lord, deliver us from evil.”

Application Question: How can we know if we are “too strong,” which ultimately makes us weak and vulnerable to spiritual attack? How have you experienced pride coming before the fall?

3. To be delivered from evil, we must understand that we are not alone.

The “us” implies that Satan is not only attacking us individually but also others. First Peter 5:8-9 says,

Be sober and alert. Your enemy the devil, like a roaring lion, is on the prowl looking for someone to devour. Resist him, strong in your faith, because you know that your brothers and sisters throughout the world are enduring the same kinds of suffering.

Peter says that one of the ways that we resist Satan is by remembering that other believers are undergoing the same sufferings. We must understand that we are not in this battle alone and, therefore, must rely on other saints. We must seek their counsel, accountability, and prayers. When Christ was weary unto death before going to the cross, he called his most trustworthy disciples to pray with him for an hour. We should similarly ask others to continually pray for us and with us when going through difficulties or struggling with sin. This means we must be transparent and open with others. Sadly, many are not. They are too ashamed to share their struggles, and consequently, their struggles only deepen.

In addition, we must not only seek support from other believers but also provide the same for them. We should pray for hedges of protection around our friends, family members, churches, and nations. We must constantly pray for other believers. After stating the various parts of the armor of God that believers must put on to stand firm in spiritual warfare, Paul calls believers to always be alert and keep on praying for all the saints (Eph 6:18). This is part of our duty in warfare. Christ prayed this way in John 17:15, “I am not asking you to take them out of the world, but that you keep them safe from the evil one.” We must continually pray this way for others as well.

We must understand that it is the Christian who is all alone—unsupported and not supporting others—who is most vulnerable to the evil one. They attend church but have no accountability, no mentorship, no one to be transparent with, and the enemy has a field day with them. Let this solo spirit not be in us.

Application Question: Why is supporting others and receiving support so important in being delivered from temptation and evil? Share how someone supported you and helped you get free from some besetting sin.

4. To be delivered from evil, we must be committed to God’s Word.

Though not referred to in this petition, it certainly must be practiced if one is going to conquer temptation and evil. David declared, “I have stored up your word in my heart, so I will not sin against you” (Ps 119:11). It was by studying, understanding, and memorizing God’s Word that David conquered sin and temptation in his life. Similarly, when Christ was being tempted by the Devil in the wilderness, he always responded with Scripture (Matt 4). We must do the same when tempted. If we don’t know God’s Word, we won’t be able to recognize or conquer temptations that come our way.

Being in a Bible preaching church that teaches the whole counsel of God is a great protection for believers. Daily meditating on God’s Word gives believers power to stand against the evil one. Studying the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, understanding its major doctrines, and memorizing it, and not just skimming Psalms and Proverbs for encouragement, is a tremendous grace for believers. It will enable them to stand in trials and temptations.

Application Question: Why is the Word of God so important in spiritual warfare? In what ways have you experienced conquering sin and temptation as you have faithfully studied and internalized God’s Word?


Most older versions of the Lord’s Prayer add the doxology, “for thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.” Newer versions typically add it in brackets or place it in the footnote section, as it lacks manuscript support—being that it was not included in the earliest and most reliable manuscripts.8 Since Jews typically ended prayers with a doxology9 (and probably because “deliver us from evil” seems to be a rather abrupt ending), a scribe most likely modified David’s doxology in 1 Chronicles 29:11 and added it to the Lord’s Prayer around the second century, as a part of the church’s liturgy.10 First Chronicles 29:11 says, “O Lord, you are great, mighty, majestic, magnificent, glorious, and sovereign over all the sky and earth! You have dominion and exalt yourself as the ruler of all.”

It is a beautiful and biblical doxology worth praying, as it focuses on God’s preeminence—though it was probably not in the original.

Application Question: Did you grow up memorizing the Lord’s Prayer with the doxology attached? Should people pray it, even if it is not in the original?


In line with the final petition of the Lord’s Prayer, Jude 1:24 says, “Now to the one who is able to keep you from falling, and to cause you to stand, rejoicing, without blemish before his glorious presence.” God is able to keep us and present us without fault; however, much of this grace is only given when we faithfully cry out, “Lord, do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” Prayer is key to spiritual protection and spiritual victory. It’s a recognition of our weakness and God’s strength. As we pray this, may the Lord aggressively snatch us out of the clutches of habitual sin, the draw of the world, and the traps of the devil. May we faithfully pray this for our own good and that of others.

Copyright © 2019 Gregory Brown

Unless otherwise noted, the primary Scriptures used are taken from the NET Bible ® copyright © 1996-2016 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Holy Bible, New International Version ®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®) Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NASB) are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, and 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are from the King James Version of the Bible.

All emphases in Scripture quotations have been added.

BTG Publishing all rights reserved.

1 Towns, Elmer L. Praying the Lord's Prayer for Spiritual Breakthrough (p. 167). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

2 R.C. Sproul. The Prayer of the Lord (Kindle Locations 797-800). Kindle Edition.

3 Green, M. (2001). The message of Matthew: the kingdom of heaven (p. 101). Leicester, England; Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.

4 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 395). Chicago: Moody Press.

5 Morris, L. (1992). The Gospel according to Matthew (p. 148). Grand Rapids, MI; Leicester, England: W.B. Eerdmans; Inter-Varsity Press.

6 Morris, L. (1992). The Gospel according to Matthew (p. 148). Grand Rapids, MI; Leicester, England: W.B. Eerdmans; Inter-Varsity Press.

7 O’Donnell, D. S. (2013). Matthew: All Authority in Heaven and on Earth. (R. K. Hughes, Ed.) (p. 172). Wheaton, IL: Crossway.

8 O’Donnell, D. S. (2013). Matthew: All Authority in Heaven and on Earth. (R. K. Hughes, Ed.) (pp. 172–173). Wheaton, IL: Crossway.

9 Morris, L. (1992). The Gospel according to Matthew (p. 149). Grand Rapids, MI; Leicester, England: W.B. Eerdmans; Inter-Varsity Press.

10 Biblical Studies Press. (2005). The NET Bible First Edition; Bible. English. NET Bible.; The NET Bible. Biblical Studies Press.

Related Topics: Christian Life, Kingdom

27. How To Fast Properly (Matthew 6:16-18)

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“When you fast, do not look sullen like the hypocrites, for they make their faces unattractive so that people will see them fasting. I tell you the truth, they have their reward. When you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to others when you are fasting, but only to your Father who is in secret. And your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you.

Matthew 6:16-18 (NET)

In Matthew 6, Christ deals with three commonly abused religious practices in Israel—giving, praying, and fasting. The religious leaders had made things that were good in and of themselves into bad things. The rituals of giving, praying, and fasting had become a form of self-worship. They did those acts to be seen and praised by men instead of to honor God and receive his approval.

It is appropriate that right after teaching about proper prayer, Christ focuses on fasting. One can pray without fasting, but one cannot fast biblically without prayer. They go together. Therefore, in one sense, Christ is continuing his teaching on prayer.

Fasting literally means “not to eat.”1 It is giving up food to focus on seeking God over some matter. It is to be so consumed with this matter that it becomes more important than food.2 Fasting, therefore, is a way to enhance our prayer life and our relationship with God.

Though fasting was very common in Israel, the Day of Atonement was the only required fast. On that day, they were called to “deny” themselves (Lev 16:29, 23:27), which was a Hebrew expression that included forsaking food.3 In addition, during the exile, Jews added specific months of fasting. They would fast on the fifth and seventh months (Zech 7:5)—probably as a way of seeking God to restore them to the land. Also, it is clear from at least four scribal additions of the word “fasting” in the New Testament, which are not in the earliest and best manuscripts (cf. Matt 17:21, Mark 9:29, Acts 10:30, 1 Cor 7:5), that it was strongly practiced and possibly overemphasized by early Christians.4

Obviously, in the New Testament, we no longer practice the Day of Atonement, as Christ paid for our sins once and for all on the cross. With that said, though we are never commanded to fast in the NT, it is clear that Christ expected believers to fast. In Matthew 6:16, he said, “when you fast,” implying that we would. Also, in Matthew 9:15, Christ declared that while he was alive, his disciples had no reason to fast, but after his death, they would fast. As many great saints before us fasted, including Moses, Samuel, Daniel, Christ, and the apostles, we must fast also.

In this study, we will consider how to properly fast.

Big Question: According to Matthew 6:16-18 and the rest of Scripture, what does proper fasting entail?

Proper Fasting

“When you fast, do not look sullen like the hypocrites, for they make their faces unattractive so that people will see them fasting. I tell you the truth, they have their reward. When you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to others when you are fasting, but only to your Father who is in secret. And your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you.

Matthew 6:16-18

Observation Question: According to Jesus, what practices were associated with the hypocrites and their fasting?

In Matthew 6:16, Christ describes how the religious leaders commonly abused the discipline of fasting. They would purposely look sullen by disfiguring their faces. “Disfigure their faces” literally means “covering their faces.”5 They commonly would do this with dirt and ashes—so that everybody could see. In addition, they would wear their oldest and dirtiest clothes during their fasts to be noticed by others.6

The Pharisees fasted on Monday and Thursday. They claimed that the reason was because Moses ascended and descended from Mount Sinai, where he received the law, on those days.7 However, those days just “happened” to be major market days, where people from the country would crowd the towns and cities to buy and sell.8 Clearly, those were the days the religious leaders had the biggest audience. Christ called them “hypocrites,” which was a word used of actors (v. 16). Their fasting was about putting on a show and receiving applause. They had received their reward in full, which was the praise of people, but they would receive no reward from God. Therefore, Christ warned his disciples to not fast like them.

Application Question: How should we practice proper fasting?

  1. When fasting, we must practice secrecy. Of course, when we choose to not eat, others may notice. But we should practice, as much as possible, not sharing this discipline with others. Why? It’s not because telling others is bad; it’s because our hearts are bad. They are too prone to spiritual pride and loving the praise of others. We practice secrecy to protect our sin-filled hearts. Certainly, there may be times to share that we are fasting—such as with a corporate fast or for accountability sake—but as a general principle, we must practice secrecy.
  2. When fasting, we should act normal. When Christ said that the disciples should put oil on their heads and wash their faces, he was not describing extravagant practices. These were normal acts of body care and grooming in ancient times. Oil was often scented and used, at least partially, as perfume. 9
  3. When fasting, we must focus on God alone and not others. He is the purpose of our fast—to seek his face in a special way. As we do this, God will reward our faithfulness.
  4. When fasting, we must fervently pray. As mentioned, one can pray without fasting, but not fast without praying. In every biblical account, the two are linked together.10 If we have no extra prayer and time in God’s Word, we are just not eating—which, by itself, brings no spiritual benefit.
  5. When fasting, we must practice obedient living. In Zechariah 7:4-5 and 8-10, God rebukes Israel for fasting without the accompanying righteousness. The text says,

The word of the Lord who rules over all then came to me, “Speak to all the people and priests of the land as follows: ‘When you fasted and lamented in the fifth and seventh months through all these seventy years, did you truly fast for me—for me, indeed? …Again the word of the Lord came to Zechariah: “The Lord who rules over all said, ‘Exercise true judgment and show brotherhood and compassion to each other. You must not oppress the widow, the orphan, the foreigner, or the poor, nor should anyone secretly plot evil against his fellow human being.’

To seek the Lord by fasting or any other religious act and yet to continue in unrepentant sin is worthless. Why seek the Lord in fasting if we plan to continue in sin and unrighteousness? That is exactly what the Pharisees were doing. It was just hypocrisy! Fasting must be accompanied by righteousness. David said if he cherished iniquity in his heart the Lord would not hear him (Ps 66:18).

Application Question: What has been your experience with fasting? How have you found it beneficial or not?

Reasons to Fast

Interpretation Question: What are some common reasons for fasting, as seen in Scripture?

1. Fasting is appropriate when mourning over some great pain or loss.

In Matthew 9:15, Christ said this in reply to the question of why his disciples didn’t fast, “‘The wedding guests cannot mourn while the bridegroom is with them, can they? But the days are coming when the bridegroom will be taken from them, and then they will fast.” When Christ died, the disciples would fast and mourn. Often when people are hurting over the loss of a loved one or some great pain, they don’t desire to eat. This is totally normal. But to biblically fast while mourning, we must direct those emotions and thoughts to the Lord, as we mourn in hope.

2. Fasting is appropriate when mourning over sin.

In Ezra 10, when the Israelites were intermarrying with unbelieving Gentiles, Ezra confessed their sins and mourned with fasting. Ezra 10:6 says, “…he did not eat food or drink water, for he was in mourning over the infidelity of the exiles.” He was hurting over their sins and desiring for them to repent.

At times, we also see fasting with national repentance. When Jonah called Nineveh to repent, they responded with mourning and fasting. The Ninevite king commanded for both people and animals to abstain from food and water, as they called upon the Lord and repented (Jonah 3:7-9). In addition, when Ezra and Nehemiah led Israel in repentance, the nation corporately fasted and confessed their sins together (Neh 9:1-3).

Similarly, when our family members, churches, and nations are in great sin, it is appropriate to mourn, confess their sins, and fast—seeking for God to turn them back to himself. It is also appropriate to mourn and fast when we are struggling with habitual sin.

Fasting is a natural response to mental, spiritual, or physical pain. Our problem is that sin often doesn’t deeply affect us. Sadly, we’re often too comfortable with it; therefore, we eat, drink, and continue as if nothing is happening. Matthew 5:4 says, “Blessed are those who mourn.” God blesses those who mourn, fast, and repent because of their sin and that of others.

3. Fasting is an appropriate means of seeking to conquer sin and temptation.

Similar to the last point, Isaiah 58:6 (NIV) says, “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?” Certainly, we should fast as a means of conquering sin and temptation in our own lives. Christ was fasting when he conquered Satan’s temptations in the wilderness (Matt 4). We should consider this when constantly plagued by a reoccurring depression, a stronghold of lust, or an addiction. Fasting is also a great way to confront cultural and societal evils like abortion, trafficking, government corruption, and discord in the church and family. God desires for fasting that loosens the chains of injustice, unties the cords of a yoke, and sets the oppressed free. Lord help us to fast in such a way.

4. Fasting is appropriate when seeking God’s favor in a desperate situation.

When David’s first child was ill unto death, he fasted and prayed that God would spare the infant (2 Sam 12:16). Similarly, in Nehemiah 1, Nehemiah fasts and prays for God to forgive Israel’s sin and that God would give him favor with the Persian king, as he desired to help rebuild Jerusalem. Likewise, when Israel was about to be slaughtered in Persia, Esther asked the people to fast as she sought the King’s favor. Esther 4:15-16 says:

Then Esther sent this reply to Mordecai: “Go, assemble all the Jews who are found in Susa and fast in my behalf. Don’t eat and don’t drink for three days, night or day. My female attendants and I will also fast in the same way. Afterward I will go to the king, even though it violates the law. If I perish, I perish!”

When we encounter desperate situations, it is appropriate to seek God’s favor through fasting and prayer.

5. Fasting is appropriate when seeking wisdom and revelation from God.

In Daniel 9 and 10—on two separate occasions—Daniel fasted, and God gave him revelation through an angel. Also, in Exodus 24, Moses received the law from God while fasting on Mount Sinai. Similarly, it was while the elders in Antioch were fasting that the Holy Spirit called Paul and Barnabas to global missions (Acts 13). It was that revelation that led to much of the Gentile world being reached. Certainly, we should employ fasting and prayer when seeking God’s guidance, making a big decision, and even trying to understand God’s Word. Our lack of fasting often shows how little we desire to know God’s will and understand his Word. MacArthur shares:

We often fail to understand God’s Word as fully as we ought simply because, unlike those great people of God, we do not seek to comprehend it with their degree of intensity and determination. Skipping a few meals might be the small price we willingly pay for staying in the Word until understanding comes.11

In what ways is God calling you to seek wisdom for a current situation, the future, or understanding from his Word through fasting?

6. Fasting is appropriate when preparing for some great ministry or task.

In Luke 4, Jesus fasted for forty days before beginning his ministry. After finishing, he left the wilderness in the Spirit’s power (cf. Lk 4:14). In addition, when elders were set apart for ministry in the early church, it was commonly done with prayer and fasting. Acts 14:23 says, “When they had appointed elders for them in the various churches, with prayer and fasting they entrusted them to the protection of the Lord in whom they had believed.” Fasting and prayer was preparation for their great work—it was a recognition that ministry could not be effectively done in human power. We need God’s grace for ministry, and we should seek it through prayer and fasting. No doubt, we often lack power for ministry because we lack intense times of prayer and fasting.

7. Fasting is appropriate for developing self-control.

In describing how Christians must be like spiritual athletes, Paul said, “Instead I subdue my body and make it my slave, so that after preaching to others I myself will not be disqualified” (1 Cor 9:27). William Barclay’s comments are helpful in considering how fasting can be helpful for discipline:

There are not a few of us who indulge in certain habits because we find it impossible to stop them. They have become so essential that we cannot break them; we develop such a craving for certain things that what ought to be a pleasure has become a necessity; and to be cut off from the thing which we have learned to desire so much can be a purgatory. If we practiced a wise fasting, no pleasure would become a chain, and no habit would come to rule our lives. We would have control over our pleasures, and not our pleasures over us.12

Fasting can help us avoid becoming slaves of our desires, and instead have control over them.

8. Fasting is appropriate in helping us extend mercy to others.

This might be implied by Isaiah’s rebuke in 58:6-7:

No, this is the kind of fast I want … I want you to share your food with the hungry and to provide shelter for homeless, oppressed people. When you see someone naked, clothe him! Don’t turn your back on your own flesh and blood!

It is appropriate to not eat out or abstain from some other luxury, so we can share with those who have needs. It seems Israel was fasting and yet there were people around them without food and clothes. God says that type of fasting is useless. We should fast in order to practice mercy.

Application Question: Which reason for fasting was new to you or stood out the most? Is there a specific purpose or matter you feel God is calling you to fast about?

Practical Tips for Fasting

Application Question: What are some practical tips to be applied when fasting or initially trying out fasting?

1. When initially beginning to fast, start out small.

Don’t try a forty day fast for your first time. Try skipping a meal or two. After skipping a meal or two, try fasting for a day or more. Typically, during the first day of fasting, one experiences headaches as the body gets rid of toxins. However, after the first day or so, one begins to experience a fasting high where they feel like they can keep going. As one feels more comfortable with the discipline of fasting or compelled to seek the Lord in a greater way, then he or she can gradually increase the time given to fasting.

2. When beginning a fast, one must decide what type of fast they will perform.

In Scripture, there are all types of fasts: (1) Most people will employ some type of partial fast—like drinking water but not eating food. People can only survive around thirty to forty days without food. In a partial fast, one must consider what types of food/drink to abstain from. In Daniel 1:12, the four Hebrews chose to eat only vegetables and drink only water. This is often called a Daniel fast. (2) Others practice absolute fasts—without food and water. People can only survive without liquid for a short period of time—only about three days—so that type of fast should be limited.

3. When fasting, it must be remembered that fasting is not simply giving up something—it is giving up something to pursue something greater, which is God.

Therefore, one must consider how he will spend that time with or for God that would normally be given to eating and drinking. It should be used to pursue God through prayer, worship, Bible study, service, etc.

Application Question: What are some other tips or practices you have found helpful or not helpful when fasting?

Fasting from Other Things

Application Question: Can believers fast from things other than food and drink?

In Scripture, fasts only included giving up food and drink. However, if we consider the ‘essence’ of a fast—giving up something important to focus more on God—then certainly giving up things other than food and drink might be more beneficial.13 We must ask ourselves, “Is there anything that is keeping me away from devotion to God or serving others?” There are many things that can distract us from God—some of them being good things, like social media, TV, sports, video games, relationships, etc. It is good for us to ask the Lord if he is calling us to fast from something in order to better seek him.

James Boice shares a powerful story about Pastor David Wilkerson’s time of fasting, which was the beginning of a famous ministry to gang members and troubled youth called Teen Challenge. This ministry has outlived its founder and is spread throughout the world. Boice shares:

Sometimes our fasting will lead us away from such things as entertainment, perhaps from television. This was the experience of David Wilkerson whose story is told in The Cross and the Switchblade. Wilkerson had been the pastor of a small Assemblies of God church in Philipsburg, Pa. Although the church had grown and the congregation had been able to erect several new buildings, the pastor himself was restless. One night as he sat watching the “late show” on television the thought came to him that he might profit from spending the time which he usually spent watching television, praying. In other words, he might “fast from television” and then see what happened.

Immediately he came up with a number of excuses. He was tired at night; he needed the relaxation. It was good for him to be in touch with the things most people were seeing and talking about. But his excuses were not entirely convincing. So he prayed, “Jesus, I need some help in deciding this thing, so here’s what I’m asking you. I’m going to put an ad for that [television] set in the paper. If you’re behind this idea, let a buyer appear right away. Let him appear within an hour … within half an hour … after the paper gets on the streets.”

His wife was not very impressed with the idea when he told her about it the next morning, but he went ahead and put the ad in the newspaper anyway. It was a humorous scene in the Wilkerson home the next day after the newspaper appeared on the streets. Wilkerson sat on the couch with the TV set on one side, his wife and children on the other, and the clock and the telephone before him. After twenty-five minutes, just as he was saying, “Well, Gwen, it looks like you’re right. I guess I won’t have to …” the telephone rang.

“Do you have a TV set for sale?” a man’s voice asked.

“That’s right. An RCA in good condition. Nineteen-inch screen, two years old.”

“How much do you want for it?”

“One hundred dollars,” Wilkerson said quickly.

“I’ll take it,” was the reply. “Have it ready in fifteen minutes. I’ll bring you the money.”

Well, that was the beginning. Out of the times of prayer that followed, David Wilkerson was directed by God to the plight of the teenage gang members in the heart of New York City. Out of his efforts to help them came a work that God has blessed and is continuing to bless not only in New York but in many other cities also.

I do not know how all of this will apply to you. But whatever your daily routine or habits, there are undoubtedly some things that you may want to lay aside temporarily to spend time with God. Probably you will not tell people about it. That is all right, but you have the promise of Jesus that the Father, who sees in secret, will reward you openly.14

Christ promises a ‘reward’ for those who seek the Lord with fasting and a right heart (Matt 6:18). What is God calling you to give up, so he can lead you into a deeper intimacy with him and service for his kingdom?

Application Question: If you were to begin a fast of something other than food, what would it be and why? How much time would be available if you did so?


Christ did not say “if you fast,” but “when you fast.” He expects his followers to fast. We live in a world that vies for our attention and affection. It is so easy to neglect the best thing for not only the good but also the bad. Fasting assures that the best thing stays the first. Are you practicing the discipline of fasting, so the best thing can remain the first thing? When you do this, God, who sees your secret sacrifices, will reward you in the open. Lord, draw your people to deep seasons of fasting and reward them with yourself and your righteousness. In Jesus Name, Amen!

Copyright © 2019 Gregory Brown

Unless otherwise noted, the primary Scriptures used are taken from the NET Bible ® copyright © 1996-2016 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Holy Bible, New International Version ®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®) Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NASB) are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, and 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are from the King James Version of the Bible.

All emphases in Scripture quotations have been added.

BTG Publishing all rights reserved.

1 Guzik, D. (2013). Matthew (Mt 6:16–18). Santa Barbara, CA: David Guzik.

2 Preacher's Outline and Sermon Bible - Commentary - The Preacher's Outline & Sermon Bible – Matthew I.

3 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 400). Chicago: Moody Press.

4 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 401). Chicago: Moody Press.

5 Radmacher, E. D., Allen, R. B., & House, H. W. (1999). Nelson’s new illustrated Bible commentary (p. 1152). Nashville: T. Nelson Publishers.

6 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (pp. 400–401). Chicago: Moody Press.

7 Guzik, D. (2013). Matthew (Mt 6:16–18). Santa Barbara, CA: David Guzik.

8 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (pp. 400–401). Chicago: Moody Press.

9 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (pp. 404–405). Chicago: Moody Press.

10 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 404). Chicago: Moody Press.

11 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 403). Chicago: Moody Press.

12 Barclay, W. (2001). The Gospel of Matthew (Third Ed., p. 274). Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press.

13 Boice, J. M. (2002). The Sermon on the Mount: an expositional commentary (pp. 210–211). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.

14 Boice, J. M. (2002). The Sermon on the Mount: an expositional commentary (pp. 211–212). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.

Related Topics: Christian Life, Kingdom

28. Practicing The Discipline Of Simplicity (Matthew 6:19-24)

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“Do not accumulate for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. But accumulate for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. “The eye is the lamp of the body. If then your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is diseased, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness! “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.

Matthew 6:19-24 (NET)

Application Question: What is the spiritual discipline of simplicity?

In Matthew 6:19-24, Christ continues to teach about the character of kingdom citizens. Those who are a part of the kingdom of heaven should not accumulate treasures on this earth. Instead, they should practice the spiritual discipline of simplicity—living on less to protect their hearts from materialism and to give more to kingdom work. The word “accumulate” has the connotation of “stacking or laying out horizontally, as one stacks coins.”1 It pictures wealth that is not being used—it is stored up so others can see and/or for overindulgence.2

Scripture speaks on wealth more than any other topic, as there are particular dangers that come with desiring and having wealth. It also has many stories of those who were greatly hurt by having a wrong relationship with wealth. In Israel’s conquest of the promised land, Achan took a garment from a conquered land, which God had forbidden. This led to God disciplining Israel and, ultimately, Achan’s death. Solomon fell away from God in part because of his great wealth. In the early church, Ananias and Sapphira experienced an early death because of their lying about wealth. Demas fell away because he loved this present world—possibly referring, in part, to its wealth. Here in the Sermon on the Mount, Christ teaches believers how to relate to riches. His followers should not store up wealth, which has often been referred to as the spiritual discipline of simplicity.

Simplicity is a discipline that has been lost among the church in developed nations. God has prospered much of the church; however, instead of using this wealth to have the Bible translated into foreign languages and to send missionaries, the wealth just gets stacked up and indulged.

Interpretation Question: When Christ calls believers to not store up treasures on earth, what is he clearly not referring to?

  1. Christ is not saying it is wrong to own property. In the Ten Commandments, we are commanded to not steal, this implies that we can own property and that we shouldn’t take the property of others.
  2. Christ is not teaching that we should despise material wealth. First Timothy 6:17 says God “richly provides us with all things for our enjoyment.” God gives us good things to enjoy, which often includes wealth.
  3. Christ is not teaching that we should neglect saving for future needs. Proverbs 6:6-8 tells us to consider the ant who stores in the summer. In 2 Corinthians 12:14, Paul also talks about how children don’t store up for parents, but parents for their children. First Timothy 5:8 also says whoever doesn’t provide for his family is worse than an infidel. We must provide for our families and saving is part of how we do that.

So, what is Christ talking about? Primarily, he is rebuking “selfishly” accumulating wealth. He says, “Do not accumulate for ‘yourselves’ treasures on earth.” God gives us wealth to provide for our daily bread, to help others, and to spread his kingdom. Luke 16:9 says, “And I tell you, make friends for yourselves by how you use worldly wealth, so that when it runs out you will be welcomed into the eternal homes.” We should not hoard our wealth, as though it is for our needs alone. God has called us to be channels of his blessings and not reservoirs. As with Abraham, God blesses us, so we can bless others (Gen 12:2).

In this study, we’ll consider other reasons why we should not selfishly store up wealth on this earth and instead practice simplicity.

Big Question: According to Matthew 6:19-24, why should believers not store up wealth on this earth and instead practice simplicity?

Believers Should Practice Simplicity Because Earthly Riches Are Temporary

“Do not accumulate for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. But accumulate for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal.

Matthew 6:19-20

Observation Question: What kinds of earthly treasures is Christ referring to in Matthew 6:19-20?

In Matthew 6:19-20, Christ basically compares earthly riches and heavenly riches. He seems to describe three of the ancient world’s riches—clothes, food, and money.3 As expensive as clothes often are, they are destroyed by moths and the process of decay. The word “rust” literally means “an eating.”4 Some versions translate it “vermin.” It seems to refer to rats, insects, foxes, etc., that eat up stored food. Other valuables like money and jewelry were often stored in one’s house—probably in a hole in the ground. Thieves would dig through the roofs and steal those valuables. For us, our valuables are lost because of inflation—the money we stored up doesn’t go as far as it used to. The housing market crashes. Our cars break down. Essentially, all earthly wealth is temporary—it will decay, or we’ll leave it at death—so we shouldn’t put our hope in it. Our hope should be in God.

In comparison, heavenly treasures cannot be stolen or destroyed—they are eternal. First Peter 1:4-5 describes our heavenly inheritance as something that is “imperishable, undefiled, and unfading” and that it is being reserved in heaven for us.

Interpretation Question: What are heavenly riches and how do we store them up?

Christ doesn’t describe what they are. But, as we study other texts, we can discern something about their character. In 1 Corinthians 3:11-15, Paul says:

For no one can lay any foundation other than what is being laid, which is Jesus Christ. If anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, or straw, each builder’s work will be plainly seen, for the Day will make it clear, because it will be revealed by fire. And the fire will test what kind of work each has done. If what someone has built survives, he will receive a reward. If someone’s work is burned up, he will suffer loss. He himself will be saved, but only as through fire.

At the judgment seat of Christ, believers will be judged based on their works (2 Cor 5:10). They will not be judged for their sins, for that happened on the cross. Paul pictures our works as either temporary—wood, hay, or straw—or eternal—gold, silver, precious stones. Temporal works—things not truly done for the kingdom of God—will not survive Christ’s judgment. But works done to spread God’s kingdom, including our daily endeavors done with a right heart to the glory of God, will be eternally rewarded.

In the context, treasures that are hoarded and selfishly stored up will not be profitable for the kingdom. They will be left on the earth. However, treasures that are used for the kingdom will be rewarded in heaven. They have lasting value.

Christ gives this comparison to show the greatness of heavenly treasures versus earthly treasures. Logically, the natural inclination should be to store up what lasts, which is heavenly treasures.

Again, what are these heavenly treasures? They seem to be associated with rewards in heaven. In the Parable of the Minas, the master, representing God, rewards his faithful stewards with authority over cities (Lk 19:17, 19). It seems that heavenly reward has to do with ruling in the coming kingdom. In addition, it seems to have something to do with gifting in the coming kingdom—capacity to serve God and others. Again, in the Parable of the Minas, the one steward that did not invest and make a profit from his mina, the master took that mina and gave it to a faithful servant (v. 24). Those who have been faithful with their gifts on earth will be given more gifts in eternity to serve God. To add to this, Scripture also mentions various crowns, which may be part of our heavenly reward (cf. 1 Cor 9:25, 2 Tim 4:8, Rev 4:10).

Whatever the rewards are in heaven, we can be sure they will be much greater and more enjoyable than anything this world has to offer. They are everlasting, which is the major reason that Christ says we should store up wealth in heaven instead of on this earth.

How are these treasures stored up?

Heavenly treasures are stored up as we participate in works that are eternal and not just temporary: growing in Christian character, serving the Lord with all our heart in whatever endeavors God calls us to, sharing the gospel, making disciples, giving to advance the kingdom of heaven. Let us live lives that focus on the eternal instead of the temporal.

Application Question: How does Christ’s command to not accumulate riches apply towards investing for retirement? How do we balance the principle of not storing up and yet taking care of our families, including their future (Matt 6:19, 1 Tim 5:8)? What are some primary ways you are aiming to store up treasures in heaven?

Believers Should Practice Simplicity Because Earthly Riches Have a Tendency to Become Idols

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Matthew 6:21

Interpretation Question: What does Christ mean by saying where our treasure is so is our heart?

Christ commands us to “not accumulate,” not because treasures in themselves are evil but because our hearts are evil. We tend to trust in our wealth to take care of us when there is a storm or catastrophe. We tend to focus on them instead of God. We also tend to believe that treasures will satisfy our hearts, and the world continually tells us so. “This new phone, laptop, house, or car will satisfy you!” the world declares. However, temporary things can never satisfy the eternal longings in our hearts. They will always leave us dry. In Matthew 13:22, Christ called this the “seductiveness of wealth.” Many are deceived by wealth to their spiritual detriment. Christ calls us to not accumulate riches because they have a tendency to steal our hearts and become our idols.

Interpretation Question: Does Christ’s reference to treasure only apply to material wealth?

Though Christ seems to be dealing with material wealth in general here, the concept certainly applies to any type of treasure. A treasure is anything that can become an idol. It is anything we rely on to satisfy us apart from God. It can be a hobby like music, a movie collection, degrees, homes, shoes, etc. It can even be a person or a career.

Application Question: How can we discern what our treasures are?

Kent Hughes gives us five questions to search our hearts and discern our treasures:

1. What occupies our thoughts when we have nothing else to do? What occupies our daydreams? Is it our investments, our position? If so, those are the things we treasure, and that is where our hearts really are.

2. Similarly, what is it that we fret about most? Is it our home or perhaps our clothing? If so, then we know where our treasure lies.

3. Apart from our loved ones, what or whom do we most dread losing?

4. What are the things that we measure others by? (This question is a very revealing mirror because we measure other people by that which we treasure.) Do we measure others by their clothing? By their education? By their homes? By their athletic prowess? Do we measure others by their success in the business world? If so, we know where our treasure lies.

5. Lastly, what is it that we know we cannot be happy without?5

Sometimes, like the rich man, we need to get rid of our riches because of their strong draw on our hearts. Some hobbies need to be let go of and some relationships as well. Their pull is too strong. However, many of our treasures we can’t or shouldn’t get rid of. For example, though our families can become idols, we are not called to let them go or get rid of them. For many of our treasures, God simply calls us to reprioritize them by putting God first and not being engrossed in them (1 Cor 7:31). We must pray in order to discern how God wants us to treat each specific treasure.

Application Question: What are the treasures that you have to guard your heart against idolizing? How is God calling you to protect your heart?

Believers Should Practice Simplicity Because Loving Earthly Riches Creates Spiritual Blindness

“The eye is the lamp of the body. If then your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is diseased, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!

Matthew 6:22-23

Interpretation Question: What does “eye” refer to in Matthew 6:22-23? What is a healthy eye and an unhealthy eye?

In the context, “eye” seems to refer to one’s heart—a person’s focus. Christ gives the illustration of an eye being the lamp of the body right after saying where a person’s treasures are, there their heart lies. Also, “eye” is commonly used in the OT as a metaphor for the heart. For example, Psalm 19:8 (NIV) says, “The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes.” This is a form of Hebrew parallelism—where the second phrase repeats the first in a different way for emphasis. Precepts of the Lord represent commands, and heart represents eyes.

In Matthew 6:22, the word “healthy” can be translated “generous” as in James 1:5 where Scripture says God gives wisdom “generously.”6 In the context, that seems to be the meaning of healthy. A person with a healthy eye is a person with a generous heart. Instead of selfishly storing up wealth, they generously share it with others and use it to build God’s kingdom. The person with an unhealthy eye is therefore greedy or stingy. This fits with the Jewish colloquialism of an evil or unhealthy eye. The KJV uses the metaphor of the “evil eye” to refer to someone who is selfish: “Eat thou not the bread of him that hath an evil eye” (Prov 23:6).

Christ’s point is that people who selfishly focus on storing up wealth develop a severe spiritual blindness—they are in “darkness” and can’t properly evaluate people or life.

Application Question: In what ways do people experience spiritual blindness from focusing on wealth—how does it negatively affect them?

Again, Kent Hughes gives great insight on the spiritual blindness that comes from a grasping spirit. He says:

1. It … clouds our vision of success. Because of our grasping spirits, some of us have defined success in financial terms and have thereby condemned ourselves to perpetual failure because we never quite reach our goal. What a tragedy!

2. A grasping spirit also clouds our vision of others’ worth. If others do not join us in the scramble for the things of this world, we call them spiritless or lacking in ambition or worse. I have seen missionaries despised by Christians because of their choice to serve Christ in a way that means a lower income.

3. A grasping heart also keeps us from having a healthy vision for our children’s lives. Their chosen profession must fit our economic and social criteria, we think. Never mind that Christ was a carpenter. And our sons’ and daughters’ future spouses had better move them toward our criteria too!

4. A grasping spirit also distorts our vision of God’s will for our own lives. We selfishly assume God would never lead us onto a path that would involve a diminishing of our status, position, or bank account. How different are the Master’s words.7

5. Furthermore, and perhaps most seriously, a selfish fixation on things clouds our ability to understand and profit from the Scriptures. No wonder the Bible is so minimized and ignored by twentieth-century man.8

How many wives are neglected by husbands who have an unhealthy eye—a focus on wealth and moving up the corporate ladder? How many parents neglect their children for lack of clear vision? How many people struggle with perpetual dissatisfaction with life because of bad vision?

How is your vision? Are you missing God’s best and stumbling through life because of unhealthy spiritual sight? A generous person who stores his riches in heaven will be able to discern God’s will and what is best—his sight will be full of light. A person whose focus is storing up on the earth will wrongly evaluate God’s will and purpose for himself and others—his sight is full of darkness. We must practice simplicity to protect our spiritual vision.

Application Question: In what ways have you seen the pursuit of wealth affect people’s vision negatively? What are the effects? How have you struggled with a skewed vision because of treasuring wealth?

Believers Should Practice Simplicity Because Earthly Riches Tend to Master Us

“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.

Matthew 6:24

Finally, Christ says that believers should not accumulate earthly wealth because of the tendency of wealth to master and control our lives. When he says, “No one can serve two masters,” he is not using a working metaphor but a slave metaphor. Certainly, people can work multiple jobs and have multiple bosses. However, in slavery, which was common in the ancient world, the slave was owned by his master. One could not be partially owned by a master and partially owned by another.

In the same way, we can only have one master—God or something else. Money has a tendency to control people and keep them from serving Christ. Some try to live for this world—storing up its wealth and pleasures—and, at the same time, try to live for God. However, Jesus teaches this is impossible. One will love one and hate the other. Love and hate in this context should not be taken in an absolute sense. This was a common Jewish idiom meaning to strongly prefer one thing over the other.9 Christ said the same thing in referring to how a disciple must hate father and mother to follow him (Lk 14:26). Of course, it is God’s will for us to love our family. However, Christ must be first. It’s the same with how we relate to riches. God must be our master—for he will not share our allegiance with money or anything else.

Sadly, many, though professing to follow Christ, are really following money—as it controls them. You can always discern one’s master by where their devotion lies. Wealth tells them what degree to get, what job to pursue, what car to drive, what neighborhood to live in, who to marry, and who their children will marry. Wealth is really their master—not God. Financial and career aspirations keep them from ever truly being devoted to God and serving him with all their heart. Those aspirations keep them from ever being as profitable for the kingdom as they could be. It’s a sad commentary on much of the church.

MacArthur said this about the opposing commands of these two masters—God and money:

The orders of those two masters are diametrically opposed and cannot coexist. The one commands us to walk by faith and the other demands we walk by sight. The one calls us to be humble and the other to be proud, the one to set our minds on things above and the other to set them on things below. One calls us to love light, the other to love darkness. The one tells us to look toward things unseen and eternal and the other to look at things seen and temporal.10

Is God, wealth, or something else your master? We must not accumulate riches on this earth because it has a tendency to master and control us.

Application Question: In what ways have you seen or experienced how financial and career aspirations can negatively control believers in the church? How should people break free from this control?

General Principles for Practicing Simplicity

Application Question: What are some general principles for practicing the discipline of simplicity?

  1. To practice simplicity, we must learn contentment with what we have. Paul said contentment with godliness is great gain. If we have food and covering we should be content (1 Tim 6:6, 8). If we don’t learn contentment, we will be constantly dissatisfied and running after more—a new phone, computer, TV or car!
  2. To practice simplicity, we must learn to distinguish between a need and a want. This relates to the previous point. God has promised to provide our needs and not our wants. We should learn contentment with our needs. When we’re content, we won’t be continually grasping after more.
  3. To practice simplicity, we must shun anything that produces an addiction in us. Addictions become our idols and distract us from what’s best, which is God. Again, we must ask ourselves, “What is my treasure?”
  4. To practice simplicity, we must practice generous giving. One of the primary reasons that we shouldn’t store up is to help those in need and to aid the spreading of the gospel. Christ called for us to use our wealth to make friends in eternal dwellings (Lk 16:9). We must share generously so others can know Christ and fellowship with us in heaven.
  5. To practice simplicity, we must stay out of debt. Romans 13:8 says, “Owe no one anything, except to love one another, for the one who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law.” Debt keeps us from loving others as we should. People can’t go to missions or seminary because of debt. They can’t serve at a ministry that doesn’t pay well because of debt—housing debt, school debt, and credit card debt. They can’t give or serve generously because of debt!
  6. To practice simplicity, we must be willing to live by faith. After Christ calls for the disciples to not accumulate riches on earth, he calls them to not worry about their future needs—what they will eat, drink, or wear (Matt 6:25-34). If they sought first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, all things would be added to them (Matt 6:33). Simplicity is a life of faith. As we pursue God and his kingdom first, we trust that God will provide our daily and future bread. This doesn’t mean we can’t save for a rainy day or for retirement, but it should rid us of the insecurity of worrying about how much is enough and simply storing up out of fear. Our first priority is God and his kingdom, and as we pursue that, we trust he will meet our daily and future needs.
  7. To practice simplicity, we must remain humble. As with giving, praying, and fasting (cf. Matt 6:1-8, 16-18), even simplicity can be practiced out of pride—leading to self-worship and judgmentalism. It is no surprise that after calling believers to practice simplicity and not worry about food, drink, and clothing (v. 19-34), that Christ tells believers to not judge lest they be judged (Matt 7:1). How God calls each believer to practice simplicity will be different. For one, he tells to leave all, like the rich man, and to serve him with only bare necessities. And to another, he calls to live in moderation. As we practice simplicity, we must remain humble—lest it turn into pride which only alienates us from God and others.

Application Question: Why is the discipline of simplicity so important? Do you practice this discipline? If so, in what ways? How is God calling you to grow in this practice?


One of the ways we get free of the clutches of loving, pursuing, and being controlled by wealth is through practicing the discipline of simplicity. Instead of storing up the latest electronics in our home, the fanciest cars in our driveways, etc., we aim to live on less so we can protect our hearts and give and do more for the kingdom of God.

If we choose to forsake Christ’s command to not accumulate earthly riches, the harsh words of James 5:1-3 await us. It says:

Come now, you rich! Weep and cry aloud over the miseries that are coming on you. Your riches have rotted and your clothing has become moth-eaten. Your gold and silver have rusted and their rust will be a witness against you. It will consume your flesh like fire. It is in the last days that you have hoarded treasure!

Many believe James is a commentary on the Sermon on the Mount since it shares so many similar themes. The closets and garages where we have stored up needless shoes, dresses, suits, and various devices which could have been used to feed the poor and spread the gospel will testify against us in the last days. We have hoarded on the earth in these last days, instead of being generous and storing up heavenly riches. How are you using God’s wealth?

Why does Christ call for believers to practice simplicity?

  1. Believers Should Practice Simplicity Because Earthly Riches Are Temporary
  2. Believers Should Practice Simplicity Because Earthly Riches Have a Tendency to Become Idols
  3. Believers Should Practice Simplicity Because Loving Earthly Riches Creates Spiritual Blindness
  4. Believers Should Practice Simplicity Because Earthly Riches Tend to Master Us

Copyright © 2019 Gregory Brown

Unless otherwise noted, the primary Scriptures used are taken from the NET Bible ® copyright © 1996-2016 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Holy Bible, New International Version ®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®) Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NASB) are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, and 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are from the King James Version of the Bible.

All emphases in Scripture quotations have been added.

BTG Publishing all rights reserved.

1 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 409). Chicago: Moody Press.

2 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 409). Chicago: Moody Press.

3 Hughes, R. K. (2001). The sermon on the mount: the message of the kingdom (p. 206). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

4 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 411). Chicago: Moody Press.

5 Hughes, R. K. (2001). The sermon on the mount: the message of the kingdom (p. 209). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

6 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (pp. 413–414). Chicago: Moody Press.

7 Hughes, R. K. (2001). The sermon on the mount: the message of the kingdom (p. 214). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

8 Hughes, R. K. (2001). The sermon on the mount: the message of the kingdom (pp. 214–215). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

9 Carson, D. A. (1999). Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount and His Confrontation with the World: An Exposition of Matthew 5–10 (p. 86). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic.

10 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 415). Chicago: Moody Press.

Related Topics: Christian Life

29. How To Overcome Worry (Matthew 6:25-34)

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“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Isn’t there more to life than food and more to the body than clothing? Look at the birds in the sky: They do not sow, or reap, or gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you more valuable than they are? And which of you by worrying can add even one hour to his life? Why do you worry about clothing? Think about how the flowers of the field grow; they do not work or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his glory was clothed like one of these! And if this is how God clothes the wild grass, which is here today and tomorrow is tossed into the fire to heat the oven, won’t he clothe you even more, you people of little faith? So then, don’t worry saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear?’ For the unconverted pursue these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But above all pursue his kingdom and righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. So then, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Today has enough trouble of its own.

Matthew 6:25-34 (NET)

How can we overcome worry and fear?

It has been said that the most repeated phrase in Scripture is, “Do not be afraid.” Some variation of it is mentioned over 350 times. God said it to Gideon when calling him to lead Israel (Judges 6:23). God said it to Jeremiah when calling him to be a prophet to the nations (Jer 1:8). Christ said it to the women at his resurrection (Matt 28:10). Philippians 4:6 says, “Do not be anxious about anything.”

When Adam sinned in the garden, a new word entered his vocabulary. He said, “I was ‘afraid.’” Now man continually lives with fear—fear of failure, fear of success, fear of death. Fear became the norm because there was an absence of love. John says, “perfect love drives out fear” (1 John 4:18). People’s relationships with God and others are fractured. Therefore, people are constantly plagued by fears, which often inhibit their ability to love and receive love.

Here in Matthew 6:25-34, Christ commands his disciples to not worry about their needs—what they will eat, drink, or wear. Previously, in Matthew 6:19-24, Christ taught the disciples to not store up treasures on earth. Believers should not store up wealth like the rest of the world, but they also should not be consumed with worry about their needs, as God will provide for them.

Some might say, “Aren’t some forms of worry healthy?” Certainly, we should be concerned. Concern helps us to be diligent and prudent. In 2 Corinthians 11:28, Paul says, “Apart from other things, there is the daily pressure on me of my anxious concern for all the churches.” He had a constant concern over the welfare of the churches. We should be concerned about our spiritual lives and that of others, and many other things. But we should not worry. Worry negatively affects us and is rooted in our lack of trust in God.

In this passage, Christ said the disciples had “little faith” (v. 30). They had faith to believe God for eternal salvation but not for his daily provision. A preacher once said:

Worry is sin because it denies the wisdom of God; it says that He doesn’t know what He’s doing. It denies the love of God; it says He does not care. And it denies the power of God; it says that He isn’t able to deliver me from whatever is causing me to worry.1

In this study, we will consider how to overcome worry.

Big Question: What principles does Christ give about overcoming worry in Matthew 6:25-34?

To Overcome Worry, We Must Focus on Eternal Matters Instead of Temporary Ones

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Isn’t there more to life than food and more to the body than clothing?

Matthew 6:25

“Therefore” points back to verses 19-24, where Christ calls the disciples to store up treasures in heaven instead of on the earth. Then he describes how wealth can spiritually blind and master us. Essentially, Christ calls believers to focus on eternal matters—like riches in heaven—instead of focusing on temporary matters like wealth or our basic needs. In verse 25, he says, “Isn’t there more to life than food and more to the body than clothing?”

When believers live only for food, clothes, etc., they debase themselves to being like animals. Life becomes all about serving our physical body. Really that is what most advertising is about: “Eat this!” Wear this! Watch this!” It is all about making the body attractive, pleasant smelling, comfortable, and entertained. Christ later says the pagans worry about these things (v. 32). Their primary concerns are temporal matters—not eternal ones—and they live in a constant rat race to fulfill those desires. However, believers are citizens, not only of this earth, but of heaven. Therefore, we must be primarily concerned about the affairs of heaven, even as we abide on the earth. Christ emphasizes this in Matthew 6:33 when he says seek first God’s kingdom and his righteousness.

To overcome worry, we must focus on eternal matters—like becoming holy, seeing others saved, growing, and building God’s kingdom. Colossians 3:1-4 says:

Therefore, if you have been raised with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Keep thinking about things above, not things on the earth, for you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ (who is your life) appears, then you too will be revealed in glory with him.

Often the way you conquer a passion is by focusing on a greater passion. To focus on earthly matters like riches and basic needs will always breed worry and anxiety. Focusing on eternal matters delivers us from those worries and brings God’s peace.

Application Question: What is the difference between concern and worry? What are the things that you commonly worry about? How is God calling you to focus more on eternal matters?

To Overcome Worry, We Must Focus on Our Father’s Providential Care

Look at the birds in the sky: They do not sow, or reap, or gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you more valuable than they are?... Why do you worry about clothing? Think about how the flowers of the field grow; they do not work or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his glory was clothed like one of these! And if this is how God clothes the wild grass, which is here today and tomorrow is tossed into the fire to heat the oven, won’t he clothe you even more, you people of little faith?

Matthew 6:26, 28-30

Next, Christ gives three examples of God’s providential care in order to encourage believers to not worry but to instead trust God. He says look at the “birds in the sky,” how God feeds them (v. 26). Look at the “flowers of the field,” how they grow. Their clothes are better than that of Solomon (v 28-29). We can discern this with the naked eye as we consider their rich colors and designs; however, if one looked through a microscope, the rich complexity of color and texture would be even more apparent. God also provides for the grass, even though its lifespan is short (v. 30). When Christ says the grass is thrown into the fire “to heat the oven,” he probably refers to how the ancients would grab nearby grass and flowers and use them for fuel to further heat up their clay ovens.2

Interestingly, Christ talks about how God feeds the birds and clothes the flowers and grass and yet we know these happen by “natural” processes. This reflects the doctrine of God’s providence. This means God is not like a watchmaker who creates a watch, with the mechanisms inside, and simply allows it to run all on its own—apart from the makers intervention. God is intricately involved in every aspect of his creation. Scripture says Christ sustains all things by his word (Heb 1:3). Everything is totally dependent upon God. He gives man life, breath, and everything else (Acts 17:25). Even our moment by moment breaths cannot happen apart from God’s grace. Therefore, though birds gather their food, God is involved in their hunt for it. God is involved in the intricate processes of flowers blooming and grass gaining its color. Nothing happens apart from God in this world. It all happens in such a way that one could say, “God did it” (Job 1:21, Amos 3:6, Isaiah 45:6).

The action of the birds to feed themselves reminds us that we are still responsible to work in order to provide for ourselves and others. Paul said that a person that doesn’t work shouldn’t eat (2 Thess 3:10). Christ’s command to not worry should not create laziness or complacency in us. We should work, and work hard, as unto the Lord (Col 3:23). However, Christ’s teaching should create trust, as we understand God’s sovereign care for us.

Certainly, this is one of the reasons we often struggle with fear. We think God has left us, and we have to survive on our own. We may not actually think that most times, but our thoughts and actions imply that, when we live and act out of fear and worry. If we are going to overcome worry, we must focus on God’s providential care for us.

Application Question: How do you reconcile God’s providence with the actions of created beings? Does this comfort you? Why or why not?

To Overcome Worry, We Must Recognize Our Great Value to God

Look at the birds in the sky: They do not sow, or reap, or gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you more valuable than they are?

Matthew 6:26

Interpretation Question: In what ways are humans (and specifically believers) more valuable than other parts of creation?

It must be noticed that Christ doesn’t say the “bird’s Father.” He says the disciples’ Father feeds them. Christ then says, “Aren’t you more valuable than they are?” Birds are not made in the image of God, nor being recreated in his image (2 Cor 3:18). They are not sons and daughters of God—co-heirs with Christ (Rom 8:17). God made man his chief in creation. In the recreation, which happens at the new birth, he makes us one with Christ and indwells us. We are certainly more valuable than birds, flowers, and grass. How much more will God make sure that we have all our needs? He doesn’t promise us our wants. Sometimes we worry because we lack our wants. God promises to provide our needs (Phil 4:19).

Therefore, a great amount of our worry happens because we don’t understand our immense value to God. Romans 8:31-32 says,

What then shall we say about these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Indeed, he who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, freely give us all things?

If God gave his best for us—his Son—how will he not also provide everything else we need? We are of supreme value. God gave it all for us.

Application Question: How can we grow in understanding our value?

1. We must constantly study Scripture to know our value.

We must learn everything that God says about us and everything that he promises to us. We must internalize these truths. The more we do this, the more we’ll overcome worry. Constantly studying God’s Word is especially important because the world always tells us something different: We are an accident of evolution with no purpose. We need degrees, position, money, and beauty to have value. But, God says, “You are my everything—the apple of my eye! I gave it all for you.” We must constantly hear and accept his voice to overcome worry.

2. We must constantly pray to understand our value.

In Ephesians 1:18 (NIV), Paul prays, “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people.” He petitions for the Ephesians to know [experientially] the riches of God’s inheritance in his people. He doesn’t pray for them to know their inheritance in God, but believers as God’s inheritance. To God we are his reward—we are his joy and passion. We are special to him. Since Paul prays for the Ephesians to know this, it means that they didn’t know it as they should, and prayer was a means to grow in this knowledge. Therefore, we must constantly pray to know it as well.

Zephaniah 3:17 says, “The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing” (ESV). Our God enjoys us so much he sings over us and wants to quiet our fears with his love. We must continue to grow in understanding this reality to overcome our fear. No doubt, this is the reason that Satan constantly attacks God’s character. He wanted Eve and Job to think God was untrustworthy and evil and, therefore, curse God to his face. If Satan can get us to doubt God’s character and our value to him, he can consume us with doubt, suspicion, fear, and depression—all to our own detriment. Do you know your great value to God? You’re his beloved child.

Application Question: What are some of the lies the world system teaches believers (and people in general) about our identity? How have these lies/societal expectations affected you negatively? In what ways has God been revealing to you your supreme value to him? How has this affected you?

To Overcome Worry, We Must Recognize How Unproductive It Is

And which of you by worrying can add even one hour to his life?

Matthew 6:27

Christ says worry will not make us live longer. In fact, it might help us die early. MacArthur shares:

You can worry yourself to death, but not to life. Dr. Charles Mayo, of the famous Mayo Clinic, wrote, “Worry affects the circulation, the heart, the glands and the whole nervous system. I have never met a man or known a man to die of overwork, but I have known a lot who died of worry.”3

Worry does not benefit us physically, mentally, or spiritually. Proverbs says anxiety in the heart of a man brings depression (Prov 12:25). Typically, we start to worry about something, and it affects our entire mood (and often that of others). Next, we find ourselves down and discouraged. Worry also negatively affects us spiritually. In Matthew 13:22 (NIV), in the Parable of the Sowers, Christ describes the seed sown upon thorny ground as “the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful.” When we are constantly worrying, it hinders our ability to receive God’s Word and apply it to our lives. No doubt, there are many in the church who listen to their favorite pastor’s podcasts every week, read all the new latest Christian books, and yet their labor profits them nothing. Worry stunts their spiritual growth.

This makes perfect sense. If the Bible is God’s words for us, as it contains his teachings about our value to him, his providence over our lives, and promises to us, and yet we still live in worry, then essentially, we are calling God a liar. How can God’s Word profit us if we don’t believe him? How can anybody’s words profit us if we don’t trust what they are saying. If every word is received with suspicion, then we won’t make plans based on what they are saying. In the same way, to worry is to say that God and his Word are untrustworthy, and therefore, Scripture will not profit us.

It should be noted that “life” can also be translated “height” or “stature” (c.f. Zacchaeus was little in stature, Lk 19:3).4 Since the word for “hour” is a unit of measurement, some versions translate this, “Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?” (as in the KJV). Worrying won’t increase your life or your height. It is illogical, unproductive, and harmful!

Application Question: In what ways have you experienced the harm of worry—physically, mentally, and spiritually?

To Overcome Worry, We Must Pursue God’s Promises

So then, don’t worry saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear?’ For the unconverted pursue these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But above all pursue his kingdom and righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Matthew 6:31-33

Some have counted over 3,000 promises in Scripture, and Matthew 6:33 is one of the greatest. Christ promises the disciples that if they made God’s kingdom and his righteousness their chief priority, all their needs would be met. The word “pursue” is a present imperative meaning that this must be one’s unceasing quest, not an occasional endeavor.5 When God’s kingdom and righteousness are our priority, God meets our needs, which ultimately delivers us from fear and worry.

Interpretation Question: What does God’s kingdom and righteousness refer to?

There is considerable overlap with both of these concepts, so we shouldn’t be too dogmatic about the specifics. With that said, the kingdom is the place of God’s reign. Therefore, every time a person comes to know Christ—they become part of the kingdom. Christians must make evangelism their primary endeavor whether at work, church, home, or abroad. They must constantly pray for people to know Christ and take advantage of opportunities to witness and invite others to church. They must make their life attractive by being righteous and not living a compromised life, which just pushes people away from God. When Christians live like the world, the world doesn’t understand why they need to follow Christ.

Seeking first God’s righteousness also includes the conquering of sin in our lives and replacing it with righteous acts and attitudes. We must pursue the fruits of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, longsuffering, mercy, etc. We must pursue righteousness by serving and discipling other believers. But it also includes social justice—pursuing God’s righteousness outside the walls of the church. Believers should feed the poor, fight for the rights of the unborn, the trafficked, and neglected. Believers must pursue righteous ethics in education, government, and our communities. As this happens, others are drawn into the kingdom.

When we pursue God’s kingdom and his righteousness, God meets our needs, which implies the opposite of this promise is also true. When we don’t pursue his kingdom, but instead neglect God and enjoy the world and sin, we will often lack. As in the Parable of the Prodigal Son, God often allows his wayward children to go away from him, enjoy sin, and reap the consequences of it. He allows them to experience lack until they come to their senses and return home (Lk 15). With Israel in the Old Testament, when they neglected tithing, practicing the Sabbath, caring for the poor, etc., God allowed famine and other calamities to turn them back to their priority—God’s kingdom and his righteousness.

How often does that happen to us individually, corporately as a church, and nationally as a nation? This is part of the reason we must pursue God’s kingdom. As believers are consumed with the greatest concerns, God blesses them—delivering them from lesser worries.

With that said, there are many other promises given in Scripture that help us overcome worry.

Interpretation Question: What are some other promises that help us overcome worry?

Philippians 4:6-7 says,

Do not be anxious about anything. Instead, in every situation, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, tell your requests to God. And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

If we pray in every situation, if we bring our petitions (requests) before God in every situation, and if we give thanks in every situation, God will give us his peace. Worry often overwhelms us because we are not people of prayer—people who constantly pray in every situation. We pray only when things are bad and not when they are good. Or we pray when things are good and get mad at God when they are bad. Or we don’t pray at all. This type of person will lack peace. Sometimes we lack peace because we fail to bring our petitions before the Lord. We don’t ask for peace; we don’t ask for reconciliation in a difficult relationship. In addition, we don’t give thanks in all things. Instead we complain, worry, and get angry. We can’t receive God’s promise of peace in those situations.

Another promise in Isaiah 26:3 says, “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.” If we are going to have peace when life is bad, we must make it our aim to keep our minds on God. Get rid of ungodly TV shows, ungodly magazine articles, ungodly music, and ungodly conversations. If we put nothing but God in our hearts and minds through worship, prayer, fellowship, and serving, we’ll find our worries dissipate.

Are you pursuing God’s promises? This is how we conquer worry!

Application Question: How have you seen yourself, your community, or your nation experience lack because God’s kingdom and righteousness were not prioritized? What types of social justice issues is God calling you to get involved in and how? How have you experienced God’s peace when taking advantage of his promises?

To Overcome Worry, We Must Focus on God’s Grace for Today

So then, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Today has enough trouble of its own.

Matthew 6:34

It must be noted that Christ says today will have “trouble.” The fact that Christ calls us not to worry is not based on the fact that believers are exempt from hardship. We have no such promise. In this world, we will have “trouble and suffering” (John 16:33). We live in a sin-filled world—we will hurt people and they will hurt us. Because of man’s sin, God’s curse is on creation—we experience earthquakes, flooding, drought, and other natural disasters. The curse affects our work—there is pain and toil in our daily labor, and it’s often unfruitful. We get a failing grade on a paper, though we worked our hardest to complete it. Our work projects give us mental stress and at times fall apart. Through pain and toil, we will provide for ourselves on this earth (Gen 3:17-18). There will always be some trouble in the day, and some days will have more than others.

However, amidst the troubles, God promises to give us grace for the day. Lamentations 3:22-23 (NIV) says, “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” As we wake up in the morning and seek his face, grace is distributed. As Israel in the wilderness only received enough bread for the day, God often does the same with us. He often gives grace for the step that we are on, but not the next step—only grace for the day.

Interpretation Question: Why does God only provide grace for the day and not for tomorrow or next year?

The reason is because God desires us to be dependent on him, instead of independent of him. If he provided grace for the week, we would neglect God till next week. If he provided grace for the year, we would neglect him until next year—all to our own detriment.

God will always provide grace for the day. It is when we bear the burden of the next day, it is too much for us. George Macdonald said: “No man ever sank under the burden of the day. It is when tomorrow’s burden is added to the burden of today, that the weight is more than a man can bear.”6 Kent Hughes adds:

Worrying does not enable you to escape evil. It makes you unfit to cope with it. The truth is, we always have the strength to bear the trouble when it comes. But we do not have the strength to bear worrying about it. If you add today’s troubles to tomorrow’s troubles, you give yourself an impossible burden.7

So how should we overcome our worries? Live in the day! Take advantage of the grace God gives you to be faithful today. You’ve got a trial in your family? Do your best to love them today! Don’t worry about how you will love them tomorrow. You’ve got a difficult boss that you can’t stand? Honor and serve him today! Tomorrow God’s mercies are new. Don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Thank you, Lord! Amen!

Application Question: In what ways have you experienced God’s grace for today and not the next day? How has God kept you dependent as you waited on his direction or provisions? Why does he often only provide grace and mercy for the day and not the next?


How can we overcome worry?

  1. To Overcome Worry, We Must Focus on Eternal Matters Instead of Temporary Ones
  2. To Overcome Worry, We Must Focus on Our Father’s Providential Care
  3. To Overcome Worry, We Must Recognize Our Great Value to God
  4. To Overcome Worry, We Must Recognize How Unproductive It Is
  5. To Overcome Worry, We Must Pursue God’s Promises
  6. To Overcome Worry, We Must Focus on God’s Grace for Today

Copyright © 2019 Gregory Brown

Unless otherwise noted, the primary Scriptures used are taken from the NET Bible ® copyright © 1996-2016 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Holy Bible, New International Version ®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®) Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NASB) are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, and 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are from the King James Version of the Bible.

All emphases in Scripture quotations have been added.

BTG Publishing all rights reserved.

1 MacDonald, W. (1995). Believer’s Bible Commentary: Old and New Testaments. (A. Farstad, Ed.) (p. 2281). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

2 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 424). Chicago: Moody Press.

3 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 423). Chicago: Moody Press.

4 Carson, D. A. (1999). Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount and His Confrontation with the World: An Exposition of Matthew 5–10 (p. 97). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic.

5 Carson, D. A. (1999). Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount and His Confrontation with the World: An Exposition of Matthew 5–10 (p. 100). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic.

6 Hughes, R. K. (2001). The sermon on the mount: the message of the kingdom (p. 224). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

7 Hughes, R. K. (2001). The sermon on the mount: the message of the kingdom (p. 224). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

Related Topics: Christian Life, Kingdom

30. Effectively Performing Spiritual Surgery (Matthew 7:1-6)

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“Do not judge so that you will not be judged. For by the standard you judge you will be judged, and the measure you use will be the measure you receive. Why do you see the speck in your brother’s eye, but fail to see the beam of wood in your own? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me remove the speck from your eye,’ while there is a beam in your own? You hypocrite! First remove the beam from your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. Do not give what is holy to dogs or throw your pearls before pigs; otherwise they will trample them under their feet and turn around and tear you to pieces.

Matthew 7:1-6 (NET)

How can we effectively perform spiritual surgery? How can we help someone caught in sin? Just like a medical doctor needs wisdom to perform a surgery, believers also need wisdom to perform spiritual surgery. In fact, it takes more than wisdom—it takes character. In Matthew 7:1-6, Christ describes what’s needed to minister to somebody caught in sin—to take a speck, also translated splinter, from one’s eye (v. 4).1

Throughout the Sermon on the Mount, Christ has been warning his disciples about the false teaching and self-righteousness of the Pharisees (cf. Matt 5:20). They lessened the demands of the law on lust, divorce, the treatment of enemies, oaths, etc. Their spiritual disciplines such as giving, fasting, and prayer were simply for self-promotion and not to honor and please God. Christ called his disciples to not be like them (cf. Matt 6).

When Matthew 7:1-6 is considered in that background, it is clear that Christ’s command to not judge is another challenge for the disciples to not be like the Pharisees and other hypocrites. Since the religious leaders of Christ’s time desired to exalt themselves in the eyes of others, condemning and judging was another way of lifting themselves up. A great picture of this is seen in the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. In Luke 18:11-14, the Pharisee prays, “Thank you, God, that I’m not like other people” as he points to a tax collector. Then he says, “I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I own” (paraphrase). The religious leaders criticized and condemned others as a way of building themselves up.

Sadly, that often happens in the church as people begin to grow in knowledge and discipline. First Corinthians 8:1 says “knowledge puffs up.” After people start to grow in the knowledge of Scripture, they sometimes harshly condemn others who come to different conclusions on secondary issues. They even condemn those light years ahead of them in spiritual maturity. Their little knowledge makes them prideful and judgmental. The same commonly happens when we gain a measure of self-discipline. We often despise those who struggle with the very things we previously struggled with. We forget that we were once immature, that we sometimes missed church, didn’t read our Bibles, and struggled with particular sins. When we’ve forgotten our own propensity to weakness, we become little Pharisees—judging and condemning others. We exalt ourselves by putting others down.

It seems that Christ is warning the disciples of this pharisaical behavior as he tells them to not judge, so that they will not be judged. Ultimately, he is teaching them how to properly help people who are struggling with sin. Though born again, we have sin natures that we will always battle with for the rest of our lives (Gal 5:16-17). We also live in a world that is anti-god, and we have an enemy who constantly tempts us. Therefore, we will always struggle with sin while in this body, and we will always need to help others who struggle. How can we do this effectively? This process is very delicate, which is, in part, why Christ compares it to eye surgery.

In this study, we will consider how to effectively perform spiritual surgery as we help people get free from various sins.

Big Question: What principles can be discerned from Matthew 7:1-6 about helping those caught in some sin?

To Effectively Perform Spiritual Surgery, We Must Avoid a Judgmental Disposition

“Do not judge so that you will not be judged. For by the standard you judge you will be judged, and the measure you use will be the measure you receive.

Matthew 7:1-2

Interpretation Question: Does Christ’s command to “not judge” mean that we should never judge anybody?

“Do not judge so that you will not be judged” is probably the most abused text in the Bible. Unbelievers that can’t quote any other Scripture verse, know this one. It is often used to say that we should never judge anyone—even those in unquestioned sin.

However, that is a wrong interpretation of this verse. When interpreting Scripture, we must be sure to consider the context—the context of the surrounding verses, the chapter, that particular book, and the entire Bible. If a person pulls any one verse out of Scripture, apart from recognizing the unity of the Bible, one can make that verse mean almost anything. Without even considering the many texts outside of this chapter that call Christians to discernment, the surrounding verses alone tell us that Christ is not forbidding all judgment.

For example, in Matthew 7:6, he says to not give what is holy to dogs nor pearls to swine. There are some people in the world, and often in the church, who will not only reject but become hostile to the Word of God. They may even try to tear us apart if we present it to them. In that situation, we must discern their character and potentially not share God’s pearls with them. They have the character of a wild animal who can’t appreciate what’s holy or valuable. Soon after that, Christ describes how there are wolves in sheep’s clothing—false prophets—within the church, and we must discern them by their fruits. Again, we must practice righteous judgment to do this (7:15-20). In fact, Christ goes on and says there are many in the church who are not saved at all. Eventually, he will tell them, “Depart from me, you workers of iniquity, I never knew you” (Matt 7:23 paraphrase). In response to this, we must judge ourselves to see if we are truly born again. Therefore, Christ is not forbidding all judgment.

Then we must ask, “What type of judging is he forbidding?” Understanding this is important because it will help us better minister to others, unlike the Pharisees, who simply hurt others in the name of ministry.

Interpretation Question: What type of judging is Christ forbidding, which can be a hindrance to ministering to others?

1. Be careful of judging people’s hearts.

A judgmental spirit will often attribute the worst possible intentions to others. In 1 Corinthians 4:4-5, Paul said:

For I am not aware of anything against myself, but I am not acquitted because of this. The one who judges me is the Lord. So then, do not judge anything before the time. Wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the motives of hearts. Then each will receive recognition from God.

Often when critiquing others, we go beyond the bounds of human judgment. “He shared that because he wants people to think he’s spiritual! She did that because she is so prideful and jealous!” We must leave heart motives to God. Judge nothing before the time, as God is the only one qualified to know and judge the heart motives of others.

2. Be careful of judging people out of an evil attitude.

We must consider our own heart when we point out the sins and failures of others. Are we pointing out their failures because we genuinely love them and want the best for them? Or is it out of anger, pride, or jealousy? When we point to people’s failures out of pride, anger, or jealousy, there will often be joy in their failure or demise. Sometimes, there is even a spirit of retaliation, which desires to spread and broadcast others’ failures. This spirit is often seen in gossips.

On the contrary, when pointing out failures is motivated by love, pain and heart break will accompany it. First Corinthians 13:6 says that love “is not glad about injustice, but rejoices in the truth.” Also, 1 Peter 4:8 says, “love covers a multitude of sins.” It does not spread gossip or speak evil of others behind their backs. All these wrong attitudes and actions shall be judged by God. A whisperer separates friends (Prov 16:28). They harm the work of God.

3. Be careful of judging people without all the information.

Scripture forbids hasty judgments. Proverbs 18:10 says, “The one who gives an answer before he listens—that is his folly and his shame.” It’s interesting to consider that in Scripture, even God, who is omniscient, gathers information before pronouncing final judgment. With Adam, God asked if he had eaten from the forbidden tree—though God, obviously, knew the answer. With Sodom and Gomorrah, God sent angels down to see if the outcry against it was true (Gen 18:21). If God, who is omniscient, gathers all the facts before making a conclusion, how much more should we? This is especially true when hearing only one side of the story from two warring parties. We should not jump to conclusions when only hearing one side. Someone said there is always three sides to the story. What one said, what the other said, and then there is the truth. Sadly, our sin and the sins of others often shade the truth in any situation, which Christ implies through the illustration of the speck and beam, as these affect a person’s view of the facts.

Essentially, the primary reason many of us are ineffective at ministering to others is that we often try to play God. We judge people’s hearts and motivations; we judge with our own evil intentions, and we often lack all the information. We are not God. God knows all things, including hearts’ motives, and his intentions are always good. We must remember that when we judge. God is the final court, and we should not step into his jurisdiction.

Interpretation Question: What did Christ mean by the warning attached to the prohibition of not judging?

Matthew 7:1-2 says, “Do not judge so that you will not be judged. For by the standard you judge you will be judged, and the measure you use will be the measure you receive.” It means that if we are critical, unloving, and unwise in how we minister to others, God will treat us harshly as well. In the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant (Matt 18:23-35), when that servant didn’t forgive his fellow servant, God handed him over to the torturers. Likewise, if we are merciful and loving in the administration of justice, God will be the same way with us. Matthew 5:7 says, “Blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy.”

It is good to remember that Spirit-filled judgment is constructive, as it builds others up. While pharisaical judgment is destructive, as it hurts others and ultimately hurts us. We must avoid the latter at all cost if we are going to effectively minister to those struggling with sin.

Application Question: How have you seen the phrase “Do not judge, lest you be judged” abused? How can we practice godly judgment instead of pharisaical judgment?

To Effectively Perform Spiritual Surgery, We Must Gain Clear Vision through Personal Repentance

Why do you see the speck in your brother’s eye, but fail to see the beam of wood in your own? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me remove the speck from your eye,’ while there is a beam in your own? You hypocrite! First remove the beam from your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

Matthew 7:3-5

When Christ uses the analogy of one person having a speck in his eye and the other a beam of wood, he describes how sin blinds our ability to evaluate and minister to others. The word “speck” is probably better translated “twig” or “splinter.”2 Both of these people have serious sin issues which affect their sight, but the one trying to help the other has the biggest problem—making him unequipped for ministry.

This propensity to focus on other’s sins and diminish our own began at the fall in the Garden of Eden. After Adam’s sin, instead of recognizing his own failure and the gravity of it, he focused on the seeming failures of others. When God asked him if he ate from the forbidden tree, he replied, “The woman ‘YOU’ gave me, gave to me and I did eat” (paraphrase). Essentially, he blamed God and the woman. Since our sin nature is prone to selfishness, we now tend to minimize our sin and magnify the failures of others. This leads to misevaluating others’ failures and being overly harsh to them.

A great picture of this is the story of David and Nathan (2 Sam 12). David committed adultery with Bathsheba, killed her husband, and then married her. In response, Nathan shares with David a story about a servant with one lamb that he loved, and a ruler who had many sheep. When guests came to visit, instead of killing one of his many sheep, the ruler killed his servant’s lamb—the one he loved. When David heard this story, he was outraged. He declared, “That man shall surely die!” Then Nathan replied, “You are that man!”

See David was ready to kill a ruler who unjustly took another man’s lamb, when David had committed a worse sin. He killed a man and took his wife, though David had many wives. David was suffering from spiritual blindness because of the beam in his eye. Sadly, many leaders in the church, like David, have beams in their eyes. They have the beam of pride, anger, greed, or lust, which all hinder their ability to properly evaluate and minister to others. In their ministries, they commonly hurt people because of their spiritual blindness. Many Christians have left the church wounded because of leaders who hurt them, all the while claiming to be ministering to them. But this is not just true of spiritual leaders, it is true of many members in the church. They are not prepared to perform spiritual surgery on others because they haven’t first judged themselves.

Application Question: How can we remove the beams of various sins that blind us so we can properly minister to others?

1. To remove our beams, we must constantly evaluate our sins.

When Christ says “see” the beam in our own eye, the word has the idea of serious and continuous meditation.3 It’s easy to get in the Word or listen to sermons and think primarily about how others need to hear these messages. We need to first focus on what God is speaking to our hearts and how we can become more like him. As we abide in God’s Word and prayer, we must give serious attention to discerning our sins.

2. To remove our beams, we must ask others to help evaluate our sins and short comings.

Because of our propensity to spiritual blindness, we all need Nathans in our lives. They might not get it right all the time, but we should love them for their willingness to challenge us when we seem to be straying from the path. Who is your Nathan? Who have you given permission to speak prophetically into your life?

3. To remove our beams, we must confess and forsake anything that might blind us.

We will not be prophetic when we are holding onto sins or things that are not pleasing to God. We must confess and forsake them. Scripture says, “flee all appearance of evil” (1 Thess 5:22). We must run away from anything that might dull our senses—ungodly entertainment, relationships, practices, etc. When a doctor comes to perform surgery, we don’t want him to have anything in his system that might dull his senses and hinder his effectiveness. It must be the same for us as spiritual nurses and doctors. We must confess and repent of all sin and compromises in order to effectively minister to others.

Application Question: In what ways have you experienced how sin causes spiritual blindness—the inability to evaluate your own sin and others’? Who is your accountability—who helps you evaluate your own sin?

To Effectively Perform Spiritual Surgery, We Must Gently Care for People

You hypocrite! First remove the beam from your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

Matthew 7:5

In considering the analogy of eye surgery, it reminds us of our need to be gentle with those struggling with sin. Our eyes are very delicate and easy to permanently damage, and therefore, when a doctor is performing surgery, he must be gentle. We must do the same when ministering to others. If we are harsh and judgmental like the Pharisees, we will only hurt others—losing our ability to minister to them and possibly causing them to rebel against God. Instead of being harsh and condemning like the Pharisees, we must be gentle.

In Galatians 6:1, Paul says, “Brothers and sisters, if a person is discovered in some sin, you who are spiritual restore such a person in a spirit of gentleness. Pay close attention to yourselves, so that you are not tempted too.” Paul recognizes our tendency to be harsh with those struggling in sin, and therefore calls us to be gentle.

It seems that the immature are especially prone towards harshness, as Paul commands the spiritually mature to this task. Part of the reason harshness is common for the spiritually immature is because they often don’t recognize their vulnerability. They previously struggled with certain sins, but now they feel confident and strong. They forget how vulnerable they are and how easy it is to stumble. Their perceived strength is really a weakness that blinds them and makes them ineffective ministers. They have only replaced one sin with another—the sin of pride—which causes them to judge others. In contrast, the spiritual are not just spiritual because of their ability to conquer sin, but also their humility. They recognize they are always vulnerable to failure, which draws them even closer to God and makes them more gracious with others. No doubt, we see this in Paul who called himself the chief of sinners and least of all God’s people (1 Tim 1:15, Eph 3:8). In his maturity, Paul recognized how weak and vulnerable he really was. It has been said that until a person sees himself as a chief of sinners, he is not yet ready to minister to others. That person will be prideful and harsh.

Application Question: How can we practice gentleness in our ministry to others?

1. As mentioned, gentleness comes from recognizing our own sin and vulnerability to fall back into it.

David, a man after God’s own heart, committed adultery and then murder. Moses fell to anger and was kept out of the promised land. Noah fell into drunkenness before he died. Recognition of our weakness will protect us and help us be humble in our ministry to others. First Corinthians 10:13 says, “So let the one who thinks he is standing be careful that he does not fall.”

We gain this awareness the more we see and experience God. In Isaiah 6, when Isaiah saw God, he saw his own imperfections. He cried out, “Woe is me! I am a man of unclean lips.” The more we experience God’s light, the more we will see our own darkness and vulnerability to it, apart from God.

2. Gentleness comes from ministering through the Spirit.

True ministry doesn’t happen out of our power. If we minister in the flesh, we only get fleshly results. We will find ourselves often frustrated, angry, and impatient. But spiritual ministry comes from abiding in the Spirit (Gal 5:16)—through prayer, time in God’s Word, worship, fellowship with the saints, and obedience. As we abide, the Spirit produces the fruit of gentleness in us so we can better minister to others, especially those who have failed us.

Application Question: Why is gentleness so important when ministering to those caught in sin? In what ways have you experienced the importance of gentleness as you received ministry or offered it?

To Effectively Perform Spiritual Surgery, We Must Practice Discernment as We Share Truth

Do not give what is holy to dogs or throw your pearls before pigs; otherwise they will trample them under their feet and turn around and tear you to pieces.

Matthew 7:6

Interpretation Question: Who or what was Christ referring to when he referred to dogs, pigs, what is holy, and pearls?

Before a doctor performs surgery, he evaluates the readiness of the patient. On some occasions, though surgery is needed, one postpones or cancels it all together for various reasons. Surgeons must practice great discernment. In the same way, spiritual surgery should not be performed indiscriminately. It must be accompanied by wisdom and discernment.

Because of this reality, Christ says that we should not give what is holy to dogs or throw pearls to pigs. What is holy and pearls seem to refer to the doctrines of the kingdom. Christ called God’s kingdom the pearl of great price that a person sells everything to purchase (Matt 13:45-46). The dogs and pigs Christ spoke of were not domesticated dogs and pigs. He referred to wild dogs who were scavengers, which people lived in fear of. Sometimes they would attack people to steal their food. Also, since pigs were considered unclean, Jews did not domesticate them as the Gentiles often did. Christ probably referred to wild boars, who, like dogs, were often dangerous.4 Christ essentially says, “As we seek to minister to others, we must practice discernment.” Some who we preach the gospel to or try to deliver from some sin will only become violent towards us. In that case, we should cease to offer it. Dogs and pigs will not recognize the value of God’s truth. They will mock it and us.

We saw this in Christ’s ministry. He was not indiscriminate with God’s Word. He told the disciples when they went into towns and preached the gospel, if people rejected it, they should wipe the dust off their shoes and go somewhere else (Matt 10:14). When Christ was taken before Herod and questioned, Christ did and said nothing. Herod didn’t really care about the gospel, and therefore, Christ didn’t share it. Herod only wanted to see a spectacle (Lk 23:6-10). Even with Israel, who continually rejected God’s Word, Christ eventually stopped sharing it with them clearly. In Matthew 13, after the Pharisees’ rejection of Christ in Matthew 12:24-32, as they said his works came from Satan, Christ began to teach using parables. Why did Christ give parables? It was a form of judgement. Listen to what Christ said when asked by his disciples about his parabolic teaching:

He replied, “You have been given the opportunity to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but they have not. For whoever has will be given more, and will have an abundance. But whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. For this reason I speak to them in parables: Although they see they do not see, and although they hear they do not hear nor do they understand.

Matthew 13:11-13

Because Israel continually rejected Christ’s Word, he began to hide the truth from them through parables. After sharing, he would explain the meaning to his disciples alone. Israel had rejected the pearl of great price, and therefore, Christ stopped offering it.

Sometimes, it seems like God has done the same with many of our churches today. Instead of them receiving clear teaching from God’s Word, all that is shared from many pulpits is stories and illustrations with vague references to Scripture. If so, this is a form of judgment. Like Israel, the church has developed the character of wild dogs and pigs who cannot stand the pearl of great price and, therefore, are under judgement (cf. 2 Tim 4:3-4). God simply ceases to offer it.

With all this said, certainly we must demonstrate both the diligence and patience of Christ. We must distribute God’s truth far and wide, and with those who are willing to listen or want more, we must continually offer it. With those who reject it, we must wait until they are ready and share it with others in the meantime.

This is important for ministry in general. Sometimes those we hope to help are not yet ready for it. For a season, it may be prudent to withhold or step away from them, as we pray and wait for God to prepare their hearts. Sometimes, he may do this through a trial that softens the ground of their hearts. At other times, he may prepare their hearts as they watch our lives or that of other faithful Christians. God is ultimately the one who prepares the heart for growth. We just sow the seed and water it.

But either way, we must gain discernment if we are going to do ministry—whether that be to unbelievers who need the gospel or believers caught in some sin. Certainly, with believers God gives more instructions on how to minister to them: He says, go to them once to confront the sin. If they reject, go with another believer. If they still reject, take it before the church. If they still reject, treat them like an unbeliever (Matt 18:15-17, 1 Cor 5:9-13). They should be separated from until they repent. They have the character of a wild dog and pig.

Application Question: How can we gain discernment so we can better minister to others caught in sin?

1. To develop discernment for ministry, we must pray for it, and at times, ask other believers for their counsel.

James 1:5 says if anyone lacks wisdom, let them ask of God who gives liberally. Also, Proverbs 15:22 talks about how a multitude of counselors brings success. Each person and situation are different—we need God’s wisdom to help us discern the best way to minister to others. In fact, in the next verses, he says we should ask, seek, knock until God answers (Matt 7:7-8). In the context, that may, at the minimum, be talking about how we gain discernment for ministry. We must continually seek the Lord for it.

2. To develop discernment for ministry, we must watch people’s responses to God’s Word.

It is not that we should stop sharing the gospel or challenging those in sin. We shouldn’t. It’s when they persist in rejecting it that their character is revealed. So, in order to discern one’s character, we must faithfully share God’s truth with them. If they become overly critical and even violent, it may be prudent to prayerfully withhold the pearls until the right time.

Application Question: Why is discernment of people’s hearts so important in ministry? How have you witnessed an overzealous and unwise sharing of truth which only led to great anger and antagonism? Have you ever had to stop sharing God’s message because people were so antagonistic towards it? What happened in those situations?


How should we effectively perform spiritual surgery as we help others get free from sin?

  1. To Effectively Perform Spiritual Surgery, We Must Avoid a Judgmental Disposition
  2. To Effectively Perform Spiritual Surgery, We Must Gain Clear Vision through Personal Repentance
  3. To Effectively Perform Spiritual Surgery, We Must Gently Care for People
  4. To Effectively Perform Spiritual Surgery, We Must Practice Discernment as We Share Truth

Copyright © 2019 Gregory Brown

Unless otherwise noted, the primary Scriptures used are taken from the NET Bible ® copyright © 1996-2016 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Holy Bible, New International Version ®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®) Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NASB) are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, and 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are from the King James Version of the Bible.

All emphases in Scripture quotations have been added.

BTG Publishing all rights reserved.

1 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 435). Chicago: Moody Press.

2 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 435). Chicago: Moody Press.

3 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 436). Chicago: Moody Press.

4 Carson, D. A. (1999). Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount and His Confrontation with the World: An Exposition of Matthew 5–10 (p. 112). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic.

Related Topics: Christian Life, Kingdom

31. Growing In Kingdom Character (Matthew 7:7-12)

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“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Is there anyone among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you then, although you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! In everything, treat others as you would want them to treat you, for this fulfills the law and the prophets.

Matthew 7:7-12 (NET)

How can we grow in kingdom character?

Throughout the Sermon on the Mount, Christ has been teaching about the character of those in his kingdom. He began with the Beatitudes, which are eight characteristics that will be in the life of someone who is truly born again. They are the poor in spirit—they humbly recognize their bankruptcy and need for God. They are the mourners—when the world boasts over sin, true believers mourn their own and that of others. They are the meek, those who hunger for righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, and the peacemakers. All these characteristics ultimately lead to them being persecuted by the world (Matt 5:3-10).

Then Christ contrasted the false righteousness of the Pharisees with the righteousness of those in the kingdom (cf. Matt 5:20). The Pharisees lessened God’s commands, so they could fulfill them. They taught that if one had not committed murder, he had fulfilled God’s commands. But Christ taught that being angry with someone was to receive the same judgment as murder. They taught that if a person didn’t commit adultery, he had kept the law, but Christ taught if one had lusted, he committed adultery in his heart. The Pharisees practiced an outward righteousness alone, but God requires both outward and inward purity.

In Matthew 6, Christ described how the Pharisees made a show of their religion—they fasted, prayed, and gave to be seen by others, rather than to honor God. But Christ taught that kingdom citizens must practice secrecy—seeking to be rewarded by God instead of men.

In Matthew 7:1-6, Christ told the disciples to help others take specks out of their eyes—referring to personal sin—by getting rid of their own sin first and discerning the receptiveness of those they ministered to.

Anyone who has truly considered the standards of God’s kingdom becomes crushed by them. How can we love and bless those who hate us (Matt 5:44)? How can we at all times guard our eyes from lust (Matt 5:28)? How can we be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect (Matt 5:48)? Many who have considered Christ’s standards have left dejected. They have said to themselves, “If I can’t be perfect like God, why try?” Some turn to sin because they feel incapable of being righteous. Others condemn themselves and become depressed.

Christ realizes the difficulty of the kingdom’s standards and therefore teaches the disciples the secret to developing and maintaining them. Simply said, they must ask, seek, and knock.

Though this is not the conclusion of the Sermon on the Mount, it is Christ’s conclusion on teaching about the righteousness of the kingdom. In the rest of Matthew 7, he discusses how difficult it is to get into Christ’s kingdom—it is a narrow road, there are false prophets along the way, and many are prone to self-deception about their faith.

In Matthew 7:7-12, we will study how to grow in kingdom character.

Big Question: What principles can we learn from Matthew 7:7-12 about growing in kingdom character?

To Grow in Kingdom Character, We Must Pray for it

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

Matthew 7:7-8

Interpretation Question: What exactly should believers ask, seek, and knock for?

Christ teaches that believers must ask, seek, and knock, and if we do, we will receive. This is obviously a call to prayer. Christ spent considerable time on prayer throughout his sermon, including giving the Lord’s Prayer, which is to be the believer’s pattern of prayer. The fact that he returns to it shows how important prayer must be for kingdom citizens. It has often been said that prayer for the believer is like oxygen. We must constantly give ourselves to it. Paul taught that we should pray without ceasing (1 Thess 5:17).

However, it must be noted that Christ does not tell us what to ask, seek, and knock for. Because of this, some have considered this prayer like a blank check. We can ask for anything, and if we have faith, we will receive it. But this does not recognize the context of Matthew 7:7-8. As mentioned, this is given in the context of the Sermon on the Mount—after Christ teaches about the great righteousness of God’s kingdom.

God never promises us that we will be wealthy, healthy, and free from problems. If we pray for those things, we have no Scriptural assurances that God will answer our requests. However, we do have promises that if we pray for God’s will, which includes us developing righteous character, God will positively answer.

First John 5:14 says, “And this is the confidence that we have before him: that whenever we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.” When we pray God’s will, we can be sure that he will answer that prayer. Therefore, in order to pray effectively, we must give ourselves to studying God’s Word to discern God’s will. God’s will, when properly interpreted, is meant to be pursued in prayer.

Christ’s promise of receiving when we ask, seek, and knock is true only when we are pursuing the will of the King. God promises to answer those prayers. Matthew 5:6 says, “‘Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.” If we truly hunger to get rid of sin in our lives, if we truly hunger to be used to preach the gospel, if we truly hunger to have his peace, patience, love, and joy in our lives, God will give them to us. But, he commands that we pray for them.

We can discern that Christ is calling believers to seek the righteousness of the kingdom, not just by the context, but also as we consider the parallel passage in Luke 11:9-13. It says:

“So I tell you: Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. What father among you, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead of a fish? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, although you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”

When Luke shares Christ’s promise of the Holy Spirit for asking, seeking, and knocking, in the original language there is no article before Holy Spirit. When this happens, commentators believe this refers to the ministries of the Holy Spirit, instead of the person.

Do we want the Spirit’s peace? We must pray for it. Do we want God’s wisdom? We must ask? Do we want Divine love to love the unlovely? We must cry out for it. Are you crying out for righteousness? James 4:2 says that we have not because we ask not.

James Boice said our lack of prayer for righteousness explains a great deal of the weakness and powerlessness of the contemporary church. He adds:

Every now and then a minister is asked by some Christian, “Why is it that I cannot seem to find victory in the Christian life? Why does the Bible seem difficult to understand? Why do I still seem in bondage to some besetting sin? Why am I such a poor witness? Why do the high principles of Christian conduct have such little effect on my job and on the affairs of my family?” The answer is that you do not ask God for these blessings. You do not have because you do not ask.

“Why is it,” many a minister is asking, “that I do not have the power of God in my teaching? Why is the Bible so dead? Why are there so few persons being converted? Why are there no leaders to expand and reinforce the ministry?” Again the answer is simply that you are not praying.

“Why are there so few outstanding candidates for the Christian ministry?” many Christian laymen are asking. “Why is the church so weak, the preaching so poor, our impact upon our society so ineffective, our goals so unrealized?” Again God answers, “You are neglecting your prayer life.” You do not have because you are not asking.1

Are you asking?

Application Question: Why do believers commonly neglect praying for righteousness? What aspect(s) of righteousness do you feel God is calling you to currently seek him in prayer for and why?

To Grow in Kingdom Character, We Must Pray Persistently

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

Matthew 7:7-8

In the original language, Matthew 7:7 is written in a present imperative. In considering this, Kent Hughes’ comments are helpful:

In the Greek language there are two kinds of imperatives. The aorist imperative gives one definite command, such as “shut the door” or “pick up the newspaper.” The present imperative, however, commands continuous action—“keep on shutting the door” or “keep on picking up the newspaper.” So our text really reads: “Keep on asking and it will be given to you; keep on seeking and you will find; keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you.”2

This means that Christ is not only commanding us to pray for kingdom character, but to pray persistently. It is one thing to occasionally pray to share the gospel, to stop using foul language, or to stop lusting. It is another to pray for those things constantly. To pray persistently shows that we desperately desire righteousness, and God rewards that type of fervor.

Again, in the parallel passage in Luke, Christ gives a parable right before calling believers to ask, seek, and knock to illustrate our need for persistence. Luke 11:5-9 says:

Then he said to them, “Suppose one of you has a friend, and you go to him at midnight and say to him, ‘Friend, lend me three loaves of bread, because a friend of mine has stopped here while on a journey, and I have nothing to set before him.’ Then he will reply from inside, ‘Do not bother me. The door is already shut, and my children and I are in bed. I cannot get up and give you anything.’ I tell you, even though the man inside will not get up and give him anything because he is his friend, yet because of the first man’s sheer persistence he will get up and give him whatever he needs. “So I tell you: Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.

Many know this type of persistence in prayer when a relative is deathly ill or when in a desperate financial situation, but few of us are persistent in prayer for righteousness.

Interpretation Question: Why is persistence in prayer needed to grow in kingdom character?

Persistence is needed because of our constant battle with sin and the evil one. We will stumble and make mistakes, but even when that happens, we must not give up in prayer until God delivers us. Also, the forces of evil line up to hinder any kingdom advances, whether they be personal or communal. Persistent prayer helps us win those battles.

If we are going to grow in kingdom character, we must pray with persistence. Like Christ in the wilderness praying and fasting for forty days, like his praying in Gethsemane for three hours before going to the cross, we must desperately and persistently seek the Lord for righteousness, and when we do, God will hear. God said this to Israel through Jeremiah, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart” (Jer 29:13 NIV).

God is seeking for someone to come after him and his kingdom with all his heart and soul—to pursue him and his righteousness with prayerful persistence. When he finds that person, he will use him or her mightily for his purposes (2 Chr 16:9). Will you be that person?

Application Question: Have you ever experienced a time when you sought the Lord persistently and desperately for some aspect of righteousness? If so, what was the situation and what was the result?

To Grow in Kingdom Character, We Must Pray in Faith

Is there anyone among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you then, although you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!

Matthew 7:9-11

Interpretation Question: What does Christ’s illustration of the Father’s generosity teach believers about how they should pray?

Next, Christ gives a somewhat humorous illustration of a father being deceptive with his child to show our heavenly Father’s generosity and how we must pray in faith. He describes how human fathers, who have evil inclinations, generally provide for their children. If a child asked for bread, the father wouldn’t give him a stone. This probably referred to a round, flat stone one could find on the shore that resembled round, flat bread.3 In addition, if a child asked for fish, a father wouldn’t give him a snake. This probably didn’t refer to a live snake but a cooked snake. In Jewish law, snakes were unclean and therefore couldn’t be eaten (Lev 11:12). The idea, then, is that a father will not provide something spiritually harmful. Jewish fathers would typically provide for both physical and spiritual needs.4 It’s an argument from the lesser to the greater. Certainly, God, who is perfect and not deceptive, will provide for his children. By giving this illustration, Christ seeks to provoke faith in his disciples.

Scripture often teaches about our need for faith, as it is the doorway to receiving God’s good gifts, including salvation (cf. Eph 2:8-9). Consider the following verses:

Now without faith it is impossible to please him, for the one who approaches God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.

Hebrews 11:6

But if anyone is deficient in wisdom, he should ask God, who gives to all generously and without reprimand, and it will be given to him. But he must ask in faith without doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed around by the wind. For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord, since he is a double-minded individual, unstable in all his ways.

James 1:5-8

He told them, “It was because of your little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; nothing will be impossible for you.”

Matthew 7:20

In order to receive God’s promises, including the promise of righteousness (cf. Matt 5:6), we must pray in total confidence of God’s character. If Scripture clearly promises something, we must believe those promises as we pray; otherwise, God will not answer. A doubleminded man will receive nothing from God.

It is for this reason that Satan always attacks the character of God. With Eve in the garden, Satan wanted her to think God was not good and that he didn’t have good plans for her—that God was withholding what was best. When she believed that lie, she sinned against God and missed his best. Doubting God and his plan for us will not only lead us into sin but rob us of many of his blessings.

Many can’t receive wisdom, the fruits of the Spirit, or freedom from some habitual sin, because of a flawed view of God—they doubt his goodness and therefore lack faith.

Application Question: How can we grow in faith so that we can receive God’s promises and therefore grow in kingdom character?

1. Faith is increased as we ask God for it.

Surely, faith to trust God, regardless of our circumstances, is something we must ask, seek, and knock for. If we truly desire it, God will provide it. In Luke 17:4-5, when Christ taught the disciples that they must forgive a person seven times in a day if they ask for forgiveness, they cried out, “Increase our faith!” They felt the impossibility of Christ’s command and cried out for faith. We must do the same as we recognize our lack of trust for God and his good plan for our lives.

Are you crying out for greater faith?

2. Faith is increased as we live in God’s Word.

Romans 10:17 says, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God” (paraphrase). When we meditate on God’s faithfulness to his people throughout Scripture and the promises in his Word, it increases our faith. We must drink from Scripture daily, so we can not only pray in faith but live by faith. A person who is weak in God’s Word will be weak in faith.

Are you living in God’s Word?

3. Faith is increased as we walk with those who are strong in faith.

“The one who associates with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm” (Prov 13:20). Wisdom in Scripture refers to knowing and obeying God. Proverbs 9:10 says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” When we walk with others who are serious about their faith and living it out, our faith is increased. However, when we are around those who are not serious about God or even disobedient, it will weaken our faith and our reception of God’s gifts.

Who are you walking with?

Application Question: In what ways has God strengthened your faith through prayer, time in God’s Word, and walking with godly brothers and sisters? How have you seen it weakened at times by lacking these? How is God calling you to pursue greater faith so you can enjoy more of his promises, including his righteousness?

To Grow in Kingdom Character, We Must Imitate God’s Loving Nature

In everything, treat others as you would want them to treat you, for this fulfills the law and the prophets.

Matthew 7:12

Finally, Christ gives what has often been called the “Golden Rule.” We must treat others as we would want them to treat us. Often it is thought that the Golden Rule originated with Christ; however, this truth has been taught in many religions and ancient societies. Confucius said, “Do not to others what you would not wish done to yourself.”5 Also, Rabbi Hillel, when summarizing the law, said, “What is hateful to you, do not do to anyone else. This is the whole law; all the rest is commentary. Go and learn it.”6 Therefore, this seems to be a form of natural law that God has written on the hearts of people since the beginning of time (Rom 2:15); no doubt, it is a remnant of being made in the image of God.

However, it has been noted that ancient versions of the Golden Rule are always given in the negative, while Christ gave it in the positive. Christ’s version of the Golden Rule is much harder and demanding. It is one thing to not steal. It is another to generously give to others. It is one thing to not slander someone; it is another to always edify them with our words. The negative version calls us to not sin, but the positive version calls us to love. As Christ said, to love summarizes God’s commands in the law, and ultimately the Sermon on the Mount.

Interpretation Question: Why does Christ give this in the midst of teaching believers to seek after kingdom character?

The ESV translates the verse, “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them.” “So,” or it can be translated “therefore,” connects to Christ’s teaching of how God graciously provides for his children when they ask him. Consequently, Christ is teaching that we grow in kingdom character by imitating our Father’s loving and generous nature. We must love others just like our Father loves us. Consider the following verses:

Therefore, be imitators of God as dearly loved children and live in love, just as Christ also loved us and gave himself for us, a sacrificial and fragrant offering to God.

Ephesians 5:1-2

Instead, be kind to one another, compassionate, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ also forgave you.

Ephesians 4:32

Therefore, believers can never become content spiritually—the standard is too high! We must love like God. We must forgive others like God forgives us. We must serve others like God serves us. To grow in kingdom righteousness, we must imitate God by increasing in the knowledge of him through study of his Word and walking with him.

Are you imitating the Father by treating others with love?

Application Question: What makes the Golden Rule so challenging? In what ways is God challenging you to treat others like you want them to treat you?


The standards of God’s kingdom are impossible to achieve through human power. Therefore, the natural question that arises when seriously contemplating Christ’s Sermon on the Mount is, “How can we grow in kingdom character?”

  1. To Grow in Kingdom Character, We Must Pray for it
  2. To Grow in Kingdom Character, We Must Pray Persistently
  3. To Grow in Kingdom Character, We Must Pray in Faith
  4. To Grow in Kingdom Character, We Must Imitate God’s Loving Nature

Copyright © 2019 Gregory Brown

Unless otherwise noted, the primary Scriptures used are taken from the NET Bible ® copyright © 1996-2016 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Holy Bible, New International Version ®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®) Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NASB) are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, and 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are from the King James Version of the Bible.

All emphases in Scripture quotations have been added.

BTG Publishing all rights reserved.

1 Boice, J. M. (2002). The Sermon on the Mount: an expositional commentary (p. 237). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.

2 Hughes, R. K. (2001). The sermon on the mount: the message of the kingdom (pp. 234–235). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

3 Hughes, R. K. (2001). The sermon on the mount: the message of the kingdom (p. 237). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

4 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 445). Chicago: Moody Press.

5 Stott, J. R. W., & Stott, J. R. W. (1985). The message of the Sermon on the mount (Matthew 5-7): Christian counter-culture (p. 190). Leicester; Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.

6 Guzik, D. (2013). Matthew (Mt 7:12). Santa Barbara, CA: David Guzik.

Related Topics: Christian Life, Kingdom

32. Two Pathways—One Leading To Life (Matthew 7:13-14)

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“Enter through the narrow gate, because the gate is wide and the way is spacious that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. But the gate is narrow and the way is difficult that leads to life, and there are few who find it.

Matthew 7:13-14 (NET)

How can we enter the kingdom of heaven?

Throughout the Sermon on the Mount, Christ taught about the character of those in his kingdom, as seen in his list of Beatitudes. They are the poor in spirit, those who mourn over sin, they are the meek who submit to the Lord’s leadership, they hunger for righteousness, and so on. Ultimately, this leads them to be persecuted (Matt 5:3-10). They practice a higher standard of righteousness than so called spiritual leaders like the Pharisees and scribes (Matt 5:20). While hypocritical leaders are consumed with the outward appearances of religion, true kingdom citizens focus on the inward reality. Their disciplines are done to be honored by God and not by people. They continually confess and rid themselves of sin and seek to help others do the same (Matt 7:1-6).

Here at the end of the Sermon on the Mount, Christ gives his conclusion—the application of the sermon. He calls all listening to choose which path they will take, which kingdom they will be a part of. No one is born into God’s kingdom, at least not by natural means. It matters not if one’s parents were Christians, if they were baptized or dedicated as infants, no one enters until they have made a decision to enter.

Christ’s command to enter does not deny the fact that salvation is by grace alone; it simply affirms the reality that those who choose God have been given grace to be saved. Ephesians 2:8-9 says, “For by grace you are saved through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God; it is not from works, so that no one can boast.” Even our faith—our ability to choose God—is a gift from him.

At the end of Christ’s sermon, he challenges his hearers because many would be tempted to simply stand in amazement (cf. Matt 7:28-29). They would say to themselves, “No one ever spoke like this. ‘Love your enemies. Bless and don’t curse them!’” Many have admired Christ’s words throughout history. Because of his words, Christ has been called a great teacher or prophet. However, few who have heard these words have truly felt the weight of them and been pressed to make a decision. Which kingdom will we be a part of? There are two rival gates with two different pathways, leading to two rival kingdoms—one is the kingdom of this world and one is the kingdom of heaven.

As Christ calls us to choose one of the pathways, he gives us characteristics of each, so we can make an informed and wise decision. This is very similar to the description of two paths in Psalm 1. The Psalmist describes the pathway of the wicked which leads to destruction and the pathway of the righteous which leads to life. The righteous delight in God’s Word and meditate on it all day long. They become like trees which prosper in the various seasons of life. In the beginning of the worship hymnal of Israel, the Psalmist calls worshipers to choose. True worshipers follow the pathway of the righteous and so do true disciples of Christ.

MacArthur’s comments on these two paths are helpful:

There have always been but two systems of religion in the world. One is God’s system of divine accomplishment, and the other is man’s system of human achievement. One is the religion of God’s grace, the other the religion of men’s works. One is the religion of faith, the other the religion of the flesh. One is the religion of the sincere heart and the internal, the other the religion of hypocrisy and the external. Within man’s system are thousands of religious forms and names, but they are all built on the achievements of man and the inspiration of Satan. Christianity, on the other hand, is the religion of divine accomplishment, and it stands alone.1

In this study, we will consider these two opposing pathways, so we can make a wise decision or wisely discern which we are on.

Big Question: What are characteristics of the two opposing pathways?

The Wide Pathway

“Enter through the narrow gate, because the gate is wide and the way is spacious that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.

Matthew 7:13

Observation Question: What are characteristics of the wide pathway?

1. The wide pathway is the road all begin on.

Though Christ’s parabolic saying seems to picture a person at a crossroads—making a decision between two options—it seems best to picture the person standing in front of only one gate, as the narrow gate needs to be found. All begin on the wide pathway. The rest of Scripture supports this: We are born spiritually dead and antagonistic to God (Eph 2:1, Rom 8:7). In order to be saved, we must repent and turn to God (Acts 2:38). Christ says that one must choose to enter the narrow gate. No decision needs to be made to enter the broad path. This is the pathway the entire world is on. We must choose to get off this path.

2. The wide pathway is spacious and easy to follow.

The Preacher’s Outline and Sermon Bible said:

The broad and easy way can be followed without thought. There is plenty of space to walk in; there is plenty of space for the attractive things of the world to grow and allure; there is plenty of space for a person to wander about. It is difficult to wander off its path. The broad way is the way of the unthoughtful, the undisciplined, the lazy, the worldly, the ungodly, the materialistic, and the carnal.2

This pathway is inclusive, as it includes the various views, religions, and lifestyles in this world. It is the pathway of self-achievement and works.

3. The wide pathway is popular.

Christ says only few find the narrow path, and therefore, the broad way is popular and tempting. Since crowds are on it, it is very alluring. Those who don’t follow it are looked down upon, considered strange, and often persecuted.

4. The wide pathway leads to destruction.

Destruction does not mean those on this pathway cease to exist. They don’t. All will live eternally either in damnation or blessing. Destruction refers to eternal ruin (cf. Matt 8:12, Rev 14:11, 20:10). However, this ruin doesn’t just happen at the end of the pathway, it happens throughout. The world’s views on marriage, parenting, education, success, etc., all lead to constant ruin. God made this world based on spiritual principles. When these are denied, it causes hurt, pain, depression, and even death (Rom 8:6). The wide pathway leads to earthly and eternal ruin.

Application Question: Which aspects about the wide pathway stood out to you most and why?

The Narrow Pathway

“Enter through the narrow gate…But the gate is narrow and the way is difficult that leads to life, and there are few who find it.

Matthew 7:13-14

The narrow pathway refers both to the need for conversion and the continuing process of sanctification.

Observation Question: What are characteristics of the narrow pathway?

1. The narrow pathway is hard to find.

Unlike the broad way, the narrow way has to be found (v. 14). For some this is easier than others. Some are raised in Christian homes and are exposed to the gospel from a young age. Others live in places with no gospel witness. Creation witnesses to them of God’s existence and glory (Ps 19), but they lack any opportunity to hear biblical revelation. Others are exposed, as Christians live in their society, but they have either rejected it or not considered it. Whatever a person’s situation, the narrow way is not easy to find. Only few find it and even less accept it.

2. The narrow pathway is unpopular.

In life, people typically take the path of least resistance. Therefore, people are naturally inclined to follow the broad path of the world. To find and follow the narrow path, one must turn away from the crowd—sometimes even leaving friends and family to do it (Luke 14:26). Sometimes it is a lonely pathway; though those who follow it are never truly alone because Christ is with them.

3. The narrow pathway must be entered by one’s deliberate and calculated choice.

The great preacher Alexander Maclaren poetically declared that the side-posts of the gate to the kingdom were the first two beatitudes.3 One side-post is poverty of spirit (Matt 5:3). One must come before God recognizing his spiritual bankruptcy and desperate need for God. He needs God in order to become righteous and acceptable to enter heaven. The second side-post is mourning over sin (Matt 5:4). Because this person is far from being right with God, he mourns his sin and desperate situation.

It is this reality that causes the person to cry out to God for salvation. It causes him to choose to enter the kingdom of heaven’s gates. Romans 10:9-10 says

because if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and thus has righteousness and with the mouth one confesses and thus has salvation.

To enter this narrow path, we must make a deliberate choice. We must, in faith, accept that we are sinners under God’s wrath because he is holy, perfect, and just. We must cry out for God’s mercy which is found in Christ. Christ bore the wrath for our sin so that we can have his righteousness (2 Cor 5:21). Those who accept him shall be saved. Christ will walk with them along the narrow path of the kingdom and take them into eternity.

4. The narrow pathway is restricted because of biblical revelation.

God’s Word guides kingdom citizens. God’s Word is the gate, as a person needs to hear and respond to the gospel to be saved. However, biblical revelation is also the pathway. It guides and, in some sense, restricts both the believer’s actions and attitudes. God’s Word keeps the believer from the broad path of the world. In John 8:31, Christ said, “‘If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples.”

5. The narrow pathway requires believers to leave many precious things.

Since the path is narrow, one cannot bring everything with them. (1) We must constantly forsake our sins. In Ephesians 4:22-24, Paul calls us “to put off the old man and put on the new” (paraphrase). We cannot live in lust, anger, pride, and other vices anymore. We must put on love, joy, peace, longsuffering, and other virtues. (2) We must put off self. As seen in the Lord’s Prayer, we must cry out for God’s will to be done, not only in our own lives but in the world (Matt 6:9-10). In Galatians 2:20, Paul said, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me” (paraphrase). We must give up selfish ambitions for kingdom ambitions. (3) We must give up the crowd, and many times, even, our friends and families. In Luke 14:26, Christ said that if anyone wants to follow him, he must hate his father, mother, brother, sister and even his own life to be his disciple. Christ declared that he didn’t come to bring peace but a sword (Matt 10:34). The members of one’s household would often become one’s enemy. This is a sad reality, but following Christ often separates us from our loved ones. To go down the narrow path, we must be willing to leave many precious things.

6. The narrow pathway is difficult.

It is difficult for many reasons: We will always battle sin. We will fight against ungodly attitudes and actions. We must declare war against our body, as we pluck out our eye and cut off our arm (metaphorically) to be holy (Matt 5:29-30). Following Christ is a call to be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect (Matt 5:48). But this fight against sin is not only to conquer our own sin but to help others conquer sin as well. In Matthew 7:1-6, Christ calls for his disciples to help others to take the specks or splinters out of their eyes. This ministry is marked with a lot of pain and frustration, both at ourselves and others when failing in the battle with sin. Pain also comes as others become angry at us because of our ministry to them.

As mentioned, the narrow pathway is also difficult because of the hate and persecution we will commonly experience. In the last beatitude, Christ said that kingdom citizens will be persecuted because of righteousness (Matt 5:10). They will be persecuted because of their moral beliefs. Those on the broad path hate any restrictions that hinder their comfort. To teach that adultery, abortion, or homosexuality is a sin will cause an uproar in many societies around the world. But also, simply because one chooses to not participate in acceptable sins like sex before marriage, drunkenness, etc., many will mock believers. It is a difficult pathway. Paul said that “all who want to live godly lives in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” (2 Tim 3:12). The broad road is easy, but the narrow way is very difficult.

7. The narrow pathway leads to life.

Though difficult, this pathway leads to life. In fact, to enter it is to experience new life. In John 17:3, Christ said, “this is eternal life—that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ.” Kingdom citizens, though hated and mocked by the world, have a greater quality of life because of intimacy with God. There can be peace in the midst of a storm—joy in the midst of hardship. Christ said, “I came that you may have life and life more abundantly” (John 10:10 paraphrase). In fact, as we walk with Christ, we will find this difficult path easy to follow. Christ said,

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke on you and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and my load is not hard to carry.”

Matthew 11:28-30

Ultimately, those who follow this narrow path will spend eternity in the heavenly kingdom. They will rule with Christ on this earth (Matt 5:5).

Application Question: Which aspects of the narrow path stood out to you most and why?

General Applications

Application Question: What are some applications we can take from Christ’s call to pursue the narrow path?

1. Christ’s call to follow the narrow path reminds us of our need to teach people about the costs of following Christ when presenting the gospel.

Christ was not like many modern evangelists and revivalists that boast in how simple and easy the gospel is. In Matthew 7:13-14, Christ essentially calls people to count the cost (cf. Lk 14:25-34). The narrow road is hard to find and difficult to follow. One can’t bring everything with them. He calls for people to consider this reality. However, with this hard road there is life. Yes, we must share that following Christ brings eternal life, but we also must share it is a costly road—it may even cost people their lives. Christ’s message reminds us to present the full gospel without sugar coating it. If the Lord has called them, they will respond (John 6:37).

2. Christ’s call to follow the narrow path reminds us of the importance of asking for a decision when presenting the gospel.

Moses laid before Israel a blessing and a curse, as he challenged them to follow God (Deut 11:26-28). Joshua did the same as he called for Israel to choose who they would serve (Josh 24:14-15). Elijah asked Israel who they would follow—Baal or God (1 Kgs 18:21). We must not be scared to be prophetic. Yes, we must plant the seed of the gospel, but we must also ask people to decide. Peter said, “Repent and be baptized, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38 paraphrase).

3. Christ’s call to follow the narrow path reminds us of the importance of application in our teaching and studying of the Bible.

As mentioned, Matthew 7:13-14, marks the beginning of the conclusion and application of the Sermon on the Mount. Christ taught the character of the kingdom and its citizens and now calls for a commitment. In the same way, biblical teaching must not just disseminate knowledge. It must also challenge people to action. Paul taught Timothy to devote himself to exhortation and teaching (1 Tim 4:13). Exhortation, or preaching, is the application and call to obedience part of the message.

Similarly, as we study the Bible, we must not just aim to understand but to obey. James 1:22 says, “Be doers of the word and not hearers only” (paraphrase). We must study God’s Word to apply it to our lives and that of others. Christ’s call to enter the narrow gate gives us an example for both our teaching and study of the Bible.

Application Question: What are some other applications that can be drawn from Matthew 7:13-14? What are some tips for finding applications when studying the Bible?


There are only two pathways—one leading to destruction, and the other leading to life. One is readily found; the other must be searched for. One is popular; the other is unpopular. One is easy; the other is difficult. Choose wisely, for our eternal destiny depends on this choice. Which will you choose?

Copyright © 2019 Gregory Brown

Unless otherwise noted, the primary Scriptures used are taken from the NET Bible ® copyright © 1996-2016 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Holy Bible, New International Version ®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®) Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NASB) are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, and 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are from the King James Version of the Bible.

All emphases in Scripture quotations have been added.

BTG Publishing all rights reserved.

1 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 451). Chicago: Moody Press.

2 Preacher's Outline and Sermon Bible - Commentary - The Preacher's Outline & Sermon Bible – Matthew I.

3 Hughes, R. K. (2001). The sermon on the mount: the message of the kingdom (p. 243). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

Related Topics: Christian Life, Kingdom

34. Marks Of True Faith (Matthew 7:21-29)

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“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of heaven—only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. On that day, many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in your name, and in your name cast out demons and do many powerful deeds?’ Then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you. Go away from me, you lawbreakers!’ “Everyone who hears these words of mine and does them is like a wise man who built his house on rock. The rain fell, the flood came, and the winds beat against that house, but it did not collapse because it had been founded on rock. Everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain fell, the flood came, and the winds beat against that house, and it collapsed; it was utterly destroyed!” When Jesus finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed by his teaching, because he taught them like one who had authority, not like their experts in the law.

Matthew 7:21-29 (NET)

How can we distinguish true faith from false faith—true believers from false ones?

Throughout the Sermon on the Mount, Christ taught about the characteristics of the kingdom of heaven and its citizens. They are the poor in spirit—when the world doesn’t recognize their need for God, true believers do, and they cry out to him for salvation and sanctification (Matt 5:3). They are the mourners—when the world enjoys and promotes sin, kingdom citizens mourn over it (Matt 5:4). They are more than just outwardly righteous, like the Pharisees and religious leaders, they practice an inward righteousness (Matt 5:20). They pursue this inner righteousness through spiritual disciplines like giving, praying, fasting, and confessing sin (Matt 6). As they get rid of sin in their own lives, they help others do the same in order to honor God (Matt 7:1-6).

In Matthew 7:13-14, Christ began his conclusion to the Sermon on the Mount. He called people to choose between two pathways—the narrow road of the kingdom of heaven which leads to life or the broad road of the world which leads to destruction. By mentioning the narrow road, he describes how hard it is to enter the kingdom of heaven. It is not the path of least resistance—it is the hard road. It is difficult to find and difficult to follow. To compound the difficulty of getting into the kingdom, Christ shares that there are false prophets who deceive people and keep them off the narrow road (v. 15-20).

Finally, Christ concludes his sermon by describing another common reason people are kept out of the kingdom of heaven—simply self-deception. Yes, some are deceived by false prophets, but others deceive themselves! The reality of false and true believers is reiterated throughout Scripture. In Matthew 25:1-12, Christ describes ten virgins—five with oil and five without. When the bridegroom—Christ—returns, the five without oil try to enter the wedding banquet, but Christ says to them, “I don’t know you.” Also, in Matthew 25:31-46, at Christ’s return, he will separate the sheep and goats. Both call him Lord, but only the sheep enter into eternal life. In Matthew 13, Christ describes the kingdom as wheat and weeds (v. 36-43), good fish and bad ones (v. 47-50)—all representing the reality of true and false believers in the church.

It is because of this reality that Scripture commands Christ’s followers to “make their calling and election sure” (2 Peter 1:10) and to examine themselves to see if they are truly in the faith (2 Cor 13:5). Sadly, many have been taught that if they simply said a prayer or professed Christ, they are saved and should never doubt it—they have a flawed view of assurance of salvation. However, there are many who will call Christ Lord in the last days, who have served him in the church—casting out demons and prophesying in his name—who will be excluded from life. They were deceived about their salvation—they really were on the broad road that led to destruction. The kingdom of heaven is truly difficult to enter!

In Matthew 7:21-29, Christ describes those who profess Christ as Lord but are excluded from the kingdom. He describes them not only as self-deceived, but also people who built their religious houses on a sandy foundation which eventually will be destroyed at God’s judgment.

In this study, we will consider marks of true faith which distinguish authentic believers from false ones.

Big Question: What are marks of true faith which distinguish authentic believers from false ones?

True Faith Is More than an Orthodox Profession of Christ

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of heaven

Matthew 7:21a

Observation Question: What are some positive aspects of the false believers’ profession?

Christ describes how there will be some who stand before him on the day of judgment (cf. Matt 25:41) and call him, “Lord, Lord,” but will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Certainly, there is nothing wrong with the profession. Romans 10:13 says, “For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Every true believer calls Christ, “Lord.” The profession is spectacular on many fronts: (1) By calling Christ, “Lord,” it was courteous and respectful. (2) By calling him “Lord,” it represented orthodox theology, as it probably refers to his deity. The Greek word can simply mean “sir”; however, it was commonly used in the Septuagint (the Greek translation of the Old Testament) for the word “Yahweh.”1 This person knew that Christ was more than a man, he was God. (3) The fact that “Lord” is repeated twice means that it was fervent and passionate. (4) It also seems to be a public profession, as it was done on the day of judgment. Again, this confession is spectacular. John Stott said this about the profession:

What better Christian profession could be given? Here are people who call Jesus ‘Lord’ with courtesy, orthodoxy and enthusiasm, in private devotion and in public ministry. What can be wrong with this? In itself nothing. And yet everything is wrong because it is talk without truth, profession without reality. It will not save them on the day of judgment.2

The problem with this orthodox profession is that it is by itself. Simple belief without an act of the will does not save. James said that even the demons believe there is one God (Jam 2:19)—they are monotheistic and yet are not saved. Demons have orthodox faith but are not part of the kingdom.

Sadly, many are raised in the church and have an orthodox profession but are not truly saved. Kent Hughes said this:

All true Christians say, “Lord, Lord.” But not all who say “Lord, Lord” are true Christians! Intellectual orthodoxy does not indicate saving faith. You can be absolutely correct in your belief about Christ’s nature and person, his substitutionary atonement, his resurrection, and his return, you can have even fought against heretics, and yet not be truly saved.3

This is important to hear because some think that orthodox belief alone saves. This view is called “Free Grace Theology”—opponents call it “Easy Believism.” They would say one does not need to commit to Christ, be a disciple, or repent of sins in order to be saved. Salvation comes by intellectual belief alone. However, this text, as well as many others would deny this. There is no true salvation without discipleship, taking up one’s cross, and following Christ wholeheartedly (cf. Lk 14:25-33, Acts 2:38). Any other profession is simply a false one.

Application Question: How have you experienced “Easy Believism”—profession without repentance, commitment, and discipleship?

True Faith Is More than a Seemingly Successful Ministry

On that day, many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in your name, and in your name cast out demons and do many powerful deeds?

Matthew 7:22

Interpretation Question: Were the miracles of these false believers genuine or false?

These false believers also professed many mighty works done in the name of Christ. They prophesied, cast out demons, and did many powerful deeds. Certainly, these professors could have been lying or the works they did could have been done through demonic power—just like Pharaoh’s sorcerers who mimicked Moses. However, what’s interesting is Christ doesn’t rebuke them. He doesn’t declare that their works were dubious or demonically inspired. This lends to the fact that they were genuine—though the faith of these professors was not. How can this be?

Certainly, this was true of Judas, who wasn’t truly saved and ultimately betrayed Christ. Christ empowered the disciples, including Judas, to preach the good news, cast out demons, and perform miracles (Matt 10:1-8). Judas performed these works and yet wasn’t truly a believer. In John 6:64, Christ said Judas didn’t believe in him, and in John 6:70-71, Christ called him a devil. However, Christ’s power worked through him.

Similarly, God anointed Balaam, a prophet of Baal, to bless Israel and give a prophesy about the coming messiah (Num 23). Caiaphas, the high priest who helped put Christ to death, also prophesied about Christ’s coming (John 11:51-52).

It must be remembered that performing miracles, giving great messages, and having many converts aren’t proof of true salvation. God can empower a donkey to speak for him (Num 22). Christ said that if others don’t speak for God, even the rocks will cry out (Lk 19:40). Empowerment and fruitfulness is not proof of God’s favor or salvation.

Sadly, a successful or fervent ministry often becomes a means of assurance for many professing believers. They were raised as pastors’ kids or missionaries’ kids and have always served the church. However, service is not proof of salvation. Even more damaging is that there are many like Judas who have big ministries and well-known Christian names who are not saved. A successful ministry is not proof of regeneration. The Lord has always used even unbelievers to get his works done.

For this reason, maybe it is those who serve in and lead ministries who are most prone to self-deception. Like the Pharisees, they think their study of Scripture and serving others are proof of their eternal life (cf. John 5:39); however, they’re not. True faith is more than having a seemingly effective ministry.

Application Question: Why are those who serve and lead ministries more prone to being self-deceived about their salvation? In what ways have you seen or experienced this?

True Faith Is More than Attending Church, Listening to Sermons, and Reading Scripture

“Everyone who hears these words of mine and does them is like a wise man who built his house on rock. The rain fell, the flood came, and the winds beat against that house, but it did not collapse because it had been founded on rock. Everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain fell, the flood came, and the winds beat against that house, and it collapsed; it was utterly destroyed!”

Matthew 7:24-27

To further illustrate the reality of false faith, Christ describes two builders who built houses on different foundations—rock and sand. Both builders hear God’s Word. This could mean they potentially attend the same church and hear the same biblical sermons. They both read the Bible and probably use the same Christian lingo. On the exterior they look the same, but on the foundation, or heart level, they were completely different. One of them was just a listener—he never put what was learned into practice. He was just a hearer of God’s Word. He may have enjoyed learning and might have been a seminary professor, Christian author, or pastor. Like the Pharisees and scribes, this person loved Scripture; however, he failed to properly apply it.

James, whose epistle many believe is a practical commentary on the Sermon on the Mount, said this: “But be sure you live out the message and do not merely listen to it and so deceive yourselves” (Jam 1:22). What are they deceived about? They are deceived about their faith. It is not genuine.

Similarly, Christ says this about those who simply listen: “Everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them is like a foolish man who built his house on sand” (v. 26). The word “foolish” is the same Greek word that we get the English word “moron” from.4 Sadly, there are many like this in the church. Scripture says that Herod loved to listen to John the Baptist preach (Mark 6:20), and yet, eventually put him to death. No doubt, some who marveled at Christ’s words at the end of this sermon (v. 28-29), eventually cried out, “Crucify him!” before his death. Being a hearer of God’s Word is not a proof of salvation.

Many love to read the Bible, listen to it preached, and try to understand its mysteries. Who wouldn’t want to study the most quoted, translated, and sold book ever? There is no book like it! However, to listen alone does not prove one has saving faith. Yet, the church is filled with people like this every Sunday. Like Judas, they listen intently, but they live very differently throughout the week. They have false faith. It is not genuine. They are deceiving themselves (cf. Jam 1:22).

Application Question: What makes the Bible attractive even to those who aren’t truly saved? Why is it so easy to study it and yet not obey it?

True Faith Includes a Lifestyle of Obedience to God’s Word

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of heaven—only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven…

Matthew 7:21

Interpretation Question: How can we reconcile Christ’s declaration that only those who do the Father’s will enter the kingdom of heaven with Scripture’s teaching of salvation by grace alone, through faith alone (cf. Eph 2:8-9)?

Returning to the first illustration, after Christ declares that an orthodox profession is not enough, he says that only those who do God’s will enter heaven. Does this mean people are saved by their works? No, Scripture teaches that all are saved by grace through faith, but that true faith produces godly works (Eph 2:8-10). With that said, Scripture also declares saving faith is an act of obedience to God. John 6:28-29 says: “So then they said to him, ‘What must we do to accomplish the deeds God requires?’ Jesus replied, ‘This is the deed God requires—to believe in the one whom he sent.’” To believe in Christ is the beginning of obedience to God and the door to true salvation. John 3:16 says, “For this is the way God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” As mentioned, this belief is more than intellectual. It includes an act of the will—a commitment to follow and obey Christ as Lord.

The proof of this belief is a life that continually seeks to obey God’s Word. John 8:31 says, “‘If you continue to follow my teaching, you are really my disciples.” Only those who continue in God’s Word—meaning studying and obeying it—are truly saved. John said it this way:

Now by this we know that we have come to know God: if we keep his commandments. The one who says “I have come to know God” and yet does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in such a person. But whoever obeys his word, truly in this person the love of God has been perfected. By this we know that we are in him. The one who says he resides in God ought himself to walk just as Jesus walked.

1 John 2:3-6

Only those who obey the Father will enter into heaven. Are you obeying? Are you committed to a lifetime of studying God’s Word, so you can properly understand it and obey it?

Application Question: In what ways is God calling you to grow in studying his Word so you can properly obey him better? What are your major hindrances to obeying God?

True Faith Includes a Growing and Abiding Relationship with Christ

Then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you. Go away from me, you lawbreakers!

Matthew 7:23

Again, in the first illustration, Christ simply replied to the one with orthodox theology and a spectacular ministry with, “I never knew you.” “To know” was a Hebrew idiom used of intimate relations. It was often used in the Old Testament for sexual intimacy (cf. Gen 4:1, 17 in KJV).5 Certainly, this professor had some knowledge of Christ. Even Judas was Christ’s friend. But Judas, because he never truly repented, didn’t know Christ in a saving manner. True salvation brings an intimate relationship with God. Christ said, “This is eternal life, to know God and Christ who God sent” (John 17:3 paraphrase). In Romans 8:15, Paul said that the Spirit of God enables believers to cry “Abba Father.” True salvation creates an intimate relationship with the Lord that will continually grow throughout eternity.

In Philippians 3:8, 10-11, Paul said this about his salvation experience:

More than that, I now regard all things as liabilities compared to the far greater value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things—indeed, I regard them as dung!—that I may gain Christ … My aim is to know him, to experience the power of his resurrection, to share in his sufferings, and to be like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead.

To Paul, everything was a liability or a loss compared to knowing Christ. He wanted to experience Christ’s power, suffering, death, and resurrection. Paul was consumed with the man he met on the day of his conversion. It should be the same for us. We will never know him perfectly on this earth, but we should desire to grow in this intimacy with him throughout our lives. Moses, who knew God intimately, cried out, “Show me your glory!” (Ex 33:18). David, who was a man after God’s own heart, said that he desired God like a deer pants for water (Ps 42:1).

Are you seeking to grow in your knowledge of God? Did your conversion create an insatiable desire in you to know God and his Word more? Christ described true believers as those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (Matt 5:6). Are you hungering and thirsting to know God more?

Application Question: How have you experienced an insatiable desire to grow in intimacy with God? Why do we at times lack a desire to know God more? How is God calling you to cultivate your current desire for him?

True Faith Includes a Life of Repentance—Turning away from Sin

Then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you. Go away from me, you lawbreakers!’

Matthew 7:23

Next, Christ says to the person with orthodox theology and an impressive spiritual resume, “Go away from me, you lawbreakers!” “Lawbreakers” or it can be translated “workers of iniquity” is a present indicative verb in the original language—indicating continuous, regular action.6 This means that Christ is not simply talking about someone who sins. Every person sins, including true believers. Christ refers to those practicing a lifestyle of unrepentant sin. The very fact that someone who professes Christ fights against their sin, seeks to repent, and continually gets right with God is an assurance of their salvation. The problem with these professors is that they lacked that. They lived like the world—a lifestyle of enjoying and probably, at times, promoting sin—not running away from it.

In 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Paul said this:

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived! The sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, passive homosexual partners, practicing homosexuals, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, the verbally abusive, and swindlers will not inherit the kingdom of God. Some of you once lived this way. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

It is not that the righteous don’t struggle with these things, it’s that they don’t live a lifestyle of unrepentant sin. If they struggle with lust or dishonesty, they may fall down, but they won’t stay down. The Spirit inside of them won’t let them stay down. Proverbs 24:16 says that the righteous person falls seven times but gets back up. John MacArthur said it this way:

When a couple lives together without being married, when a person practices homosexuality, is deceptive and dishonest in business, is hateful and vengeful, or habitually practices any sin without remorse or repentance, such persons cannot be Christian-no matter what sort of experience they claim to have had or what sort of testimony they now make. God’s Word is explicit: “Do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived.”7

The very fact that Paul says, “Do not be deceived,” (both in 1 Corinthians 6:9 and Ephesians 5:6) means that some in the early church were trying to deceive believers. In 1 Corinthians 6:13, Paul seems to quote some of the twisted logic of these people in the church: “‘Food is for the stomach and the stomach is for food, but God will do away with both.’ The body is not for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body.” When talking about sex, these false teachers said, “Having sex is totally normal! It’s biological just like eating food.” However, Paul said that our bodies were made for the Lord. The same type of language is used today to support sex before marriage, homosexuality, etc. They would say that it’s biological, totally normal, and nothing to be ashamed of. However, Scripture says, “Don’t be deceived! God will judge people for lifestyles of sexual immorality. Those who practice it will not enter the kingdom of heaven!”

The church is full of those who twist Scripture and lead many down the broad road—the easy path—that is acceptable to the rest of the world. However, the narrow path is difficult, and it is the only one that leads to life. True salvation includes repentance—a turning away from sin to follow Christ in salvation and a continual turning away from sin as we follow him in sanctification.

Are you repenting of sin or living in it like the world? A tree is known by its fruit (Matt 7:17-20).

Application Question: In what ways are liberal views of sin, especially sexual sin, which say that it is acceptable and normal, entering the church? How have you experienced this? How should Christians respond to this reality?

True Faith Perseveres through Trials

Everyone who hears these words of mine and does them is like a wise man who built his house on rock. The rain fell, the flood came, and the winds beat against that house, but it did not collapse because it had been founded on rock.

Matthew 7:24-25

Interpretation Question: What is Christ referring to when he describes the storm that destroys the false professor’s spiritual house?

In the second illustration, when Christ refers to the storm that beats down on the houses, it potentially refers to two things: The first one is trials. The fact that the storm destroys the spiritual house of a false professor proves that his faith was spurious. True faith that is built on God’s Word lasts during trials, while false faith doesn’t. Several passages support this. First Peter 1:6-7 says:

This brings you great joy, although you may have to suffer for a short time in various trials. Such trials show the proven character of your faith, which is much more valuable than gold—gold that is tested by fire, even though it is passing away—and will bring praise and glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.

Peter said that the trials these believers were encountering revealed the “proven character” of their faith. It can also be translated, “These trials show that your faith is genuine” (NLT). Trials prove whether our faith is genuine or not. In Matthew 13:21, Christ described a person with shallow faith: “when trouble or persecution comes because of the word, immediately he falls away.” When trials come, especially those dealing with persecution over God’s Word, they immediately fall away. If professing Christ means being persecuted, they will say nothing or leave Christ. If God doesn’t answer a prayer and allows them to go through a trial, they become angry at God and turn their back on him. If the Bible teaches something they don’t agree with—the wife’s submission to her husband, that sexual immorality is sin, etc.—they turn away. Sometimes they leave the faith all together. At other times, they twist the faith to suit their beliefs which ultimately means they are no longer building on the rock of God’s Word, which will be proven in the final judgment.

We get a good picture of how trials prove faith in comparing the denials of Christ by Peter and Judas. Both denied Christ, but Peter came back—his faith was genuine. However, Judas never returned—his faith was false. He instead killed himself.

What do trials say about your faith? Do trials push you closer to God or further away from him? Is your faith genuine or spurious?

Application Question: How have trials drawn you closer to Christ or pushed you away from him? How have you seen trials push those who formerly professed Christ away from him?

True Faith Will Be Revealed at the Final Judgment

Everyone who hears these words of mine and does them is like a wise man who built his house on rock. The rain fell, the flood came, and the winds beat against that house, but it did not collapse because it had been founded on rock.

Matthew 7:24-25

The storm not only represents trials in general, but it also specifically represents God’s final judgment. In the Old Testament, storms were often used as symbols of God’s judgment—especially the final judgment.8 For example, Ezekiel 13:13-14 says:

“‘Therefore this is what the sovereign Lord says: In my rage I will make a violent wind break out. In my anger there will be a deluge of rain and hailstones in destructive fury. I will break down the wall you coated with whitewash and knock it to the ground so that its foundation is exposed. When it falls you will be destroyed beneath it, and you will know that I am the Lord.

Also, the fact that Christ is referring to the final judgment is clear from the context. To conclude his sermon, Christ warned people of the final judgment to turn them to the narrow road. He taught that the broad way leads to destruction (v. 13), following false teachers and therefore bearing bad fruit leads to being thrown in the fire (v. 19), and that profession without obedience leads to being turned away from Christ (v. 23). The spiritual house of this professor being destroyed speaks of the same judgment (v. 24-25).

Some will follow Christ simply because of understanding God’s love and all that he has done for us, but others (and maybe most) will only turn to the narrow road because of fear of judgment—fear of hell. For this reason, Christ speaks about hell twice as much as heaven.9 It is a real place of eternal, burning torment, just as heaven is a real place of eternal blessing. At the end of Christ’s sermon, he essentially says, “Waste no time! Turn from the broad road! Turn from your life of sin! Turn from your cultural religion to a true faith! Today is the day of salvation, for tomorrow is not guaranteed!” Therefore, we must also warn others of judgment, just like our Lord did. For some, only the threat of eternal fire will turn them to Christ. Lord, have mercy.

Application Question: What was the primary aspect of God’s character that turned you to Christ for salvation? Was it God’s love or God’s justice (i.e. fear of hell) that drew you to him, and why?


The church is full of weeds and wheat, bad fish and good fish, virgins without oil and virgins with oil, and goats and sheep. There will always be those who profess Christ but lack the fruit of the Holy Spirit in their lives. There is no growth in holiness, no fear of God, and no cross in their life. They are on the broad road. They claim a cheap grace instead of a costly grace. They will ultimately be turned away from God on the day of judgment. They were never truly saved.

For this reason, Scripture calls us to make our calling and election sure by growing in Christ and pursuing holiness (2 Peter 1:5-11). We are called to prove our repentance by our good deeds—producing fruits worthy of repentance (Acts 26:20, Matt 3:8). We are called to examine ourselves to see if Christ is really in us (2 Cor 13:5). Is Christ in you? Do you possess marks of true faith?

  1. True Faith Is More than an Orthodox Profession of Christ
  2. True Faith Is More than a Seemingly Successful Ministry
  3. True Faith Is More than Attending Church, Listening to Sermons, and Reading Scripture
  4. True Faith Includes a Lifestyle of Obedience to God’s Word
  5. True Faith Includes a Growing and Abiding Relationship with Christ
  6. True Faith Includes a Life of Repentance—Turning away from Sin
  7. True Faith Perseveres through Trials
  8. True Faith Will Be Revealed at the Final Judgment

Application Question: How should people examine the reality of their faith? What are some helpful texts to use (cf. Matt 5:3-10, 1 John, James)? How often have you received teaching on the topic of assurance of salvation (i.e. How to know whether we are truly saved)? Why is having assurance of salvation so important?

Copyright © 2019 Gregory Brown

Unless otherwise noted, the primary Scriptures used are taken from the NET Bible ® copyright © 1996-2016 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Holy Bible, New International Version ®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®) Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NASB) are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, and 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are from the King James Version of the Bible.

All emphases in Scripture quotations have been added.

BTG Publishing all rights reserved.

1 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 477). Chicago: Moody Press.

2 Stott, J. R. W., & Stott, J. R. W. (1985). The message of the Sermon on the mount (Matthew 5-7): Christian counter-culture (p. 207). Leicester; Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.

3 Hughes, R. K. (2001). The sermon on the mount: the message of the kingdom (p. 255). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

4 Hughes, R. K. (2001). The sermon on the mount: the message of the kingdom (pp. 257–258). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

5 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 479). Chicago: Moody Press.

6 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (p. 479). Chicago: Moody Press.

7 MacArthur, J. F., Jr. (1985). Matthew (Vol. 1, p. 475). Chicago: Moody Press.

8 Carson, D. A. (1999). Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount and His Confrontation with the World: An Exposition of Matthew 5–10 (p. 141). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic.

9 Hughes, R. K. (2001). The sermon on the mount: the message of the kingdom (p. 259). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

Related Topics: Christian Life, Kingdom

Appendix 1: Study Group Tips

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Leading a small group using the Bible Teacher’s Guide can be done in various ways. One format is the “study group” model, where each member prepares and shares in the teaching. This appendix will cover tips for facilitating a weekly study group.

  1. Each week the members of the study group read through a selected chapter of the guide, answer the reflection questions (see Appendix 2), and come prepared to share in the group.
  2. Prior to each meeting, a different member is selected to lead the group and share his answer to Question 1 of the reflection questions, which is a short summary of the chapter read. This section of the gathering could last from five to fifteen minutes. This way, each member can develop his ability to teach and will be motivated to study harder during the week. Or, each week the same person could share the summary.
  3. After the summary has been given, the leader for that week facilitates discussion of the remaining reflection questions and selected questions from the chapter.
  4. After discussion, the group shares prayer requests and members pray for one another.

The strength of the study group is that the members are required to prepare their responses before the meeting, allowing for easier discussion. Another is that each member has the opportunity to further develop his ministry skills through teaching. These are distinct advantages.

Copyright © 2019 Gregory Brown

Appendix 2: Reflection Questions

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Writing is one of the best ways to learn. In class, we take notes and write papers, and all these methods are used to help us learn and retain the material. The same is true with the Word of God. Obviously, all of the authors of Scripture were writers. This helped them better learn the Scriptures and also enabled them to more effectively teach it. In studying God’s Word with the Bible Teacher’s Guide, take time to write so you can similarly grow both in your learning and teaching.

  1. How would you summarize the main points of the text/chapter? Write a brief summary.
  2. What stood out to you most in the reading? Did any of the contents trigger any memories or experiences? If so, please share them.
  3. What follow–up questions do you have about the reading? Are there parts you do not fully agree with?
  4. What applications did you take from the reading, and how do you plan to implement them in your life?
  5. Write several goals: As a result of my time studying God’s Word, I aspire to . . .
  6. What are some practical ways to pray as a result of studying the text? Spend some time in prayer.

Copyright © 2019 Gregory Brown
