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How can I break a pornography habit and live the life God wants me to?

The Christian life is a life of growth and struggle. We never get to a point where we do not struggle. This is evident from Paul’s statement in Gal. 5:16-17. The issue is learning to walk and be led by the Spirit. While some people seem to gain victory over such life-dominating patterns quickly, for most it is a life-long struggle. One of the reasons for the struggle is people are seeking their happiness or sense of satisfaction out of things and experiences rather than in the Lord. Only when He is the number one love of our life can the rest of life fall into place. What happens is that we want a miracle cure without dealing with the fundamental object of our faith and source of life. So, God doesn’t allow us to experience deliverance because such deliverance would not force us to go to the root of the issue—seeking first a deeper walk with Him so he can reign in our lives. This takes time and is something we constantly need to evaluate.

I would encourage you to spend time reading and meditating on Psalm 119. This whole psalm is devoted to the importance and empowering work of the Word of God. By-in-large, it is one prayer after another in connection with the way God uses His Word in one’s life; the Psalmist declares the truth of the energizing power of the Word. Note what 119:45 says, “I will walk at liberty (i.e., victoriously through growth), for I seek your precepts.” Notice the prayer in verse 37-38, “Turn away my eyes from looking at vanity, And revive me in Thy ways. 38 Establish Thy word to Thy servant, As that which produces reverence for Thee.” I would suggest that you pray many of these verses to God as you read and meditate on them. Try to note the principles the psalmist is using as he seeks to deal with life in the light of the Word.

I would encourage you to see our study, ABCs for Christian Growth in the “Bible Studies / Spiritual Life” section.

Related Topics: Sanctification, Temptation

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