Does God care only about our salvation and spiritual blessings?
The Bible shows us that, as a general principle, God is intimately and infinitely interested in His people in a providential way. This is evident by numerous passages. Compare Psalm 139 which teaches us that God is not only intimately acquainted with all our ways, but that no matter where we are, His right hand will lead us. Further, Ps. 68:19-20 teaches us that “Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden, The God who is our salvation (deliverance). 20 God is to us a God of deliverances; And to God the Lord belong escapes from death.” Many other passages point to God’s personal concern and protection. In the New Testament compare 1 Peter 5:6-7 and Hebrews 13:5-6.
However, in the sovereign working of God’s wisdom, He works in ways that we simply do not understand as with Job and many believers who have had to suffer or see their loved one’s suffer. This does not mean He does not care, only that He is at work in infinite and wise ways beyond our understanding. Our need is to cling to Him and humble ourselves under His mighty hand. We are to do this in keeping with His timing and purposes by casting all our care on Him knowing that He cares for us.
We can and should pray for ourselves, our families, and our friends, but our basic desire and prayer should be that they will know, serve, and glorify the Lord. The goal is not to use God like a ‘genie,’ but to be used of God while living for eternity and eternal rewards. This is the perspective we need.
Related Topics: Soteriology (Salvation), Theology Proper (God), Spiritual Life