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    Every contribution to is used to increase Christian maturity through equipping individuals throughout the entire world with trustworthy Bible study resources. When you contribute, you are making it possible for to acquire, produce and provide thousands of trustable resources to millions of individuals.

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    Proceeds from product purchases through the Resource Center are used to support the ministry. works hard to develop or find the most trustworthy resources to help you study the Bible.

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  • Doctrinal Statement

    Overview is a broadly evangelical website with free access to the NET Bible with over 60,000 translators' notes and a collection of thousands of biblically based articles, Bible studies, sermons, and various other trustworthy Bible study resources. Our authors are carefully scrutinized for their faithfulness to accuracy and truthfulness in interpreting scripture.

    Biblical Topics: 
  • Ecclesiology and Eschatology - Course Description

    Get Started NOW... If you are ready to get started with the Introduction to Theology course, click here to go to classroom now... (coming soon)

    Course Description

    What is the Church? Why is the Church here? What is the Church supposed to be doing? And how it the Church supposed to do it? These are questions of Ecclesiology. What does the future hold? What are the events that we should expect to happen when God brings about the end of His current plan?

  • Humanity & Sin - Course Description

    Get Started NOW... If you are ready to get started with the Introduction to Theology course, click here to go to classroom now... (coming soon)


    Course Description

    Why did God create man? What is man anyway? What is the Fall? How can people be condemned for a sin they did not commit? Do we have a free will? Is there such a thing? Men and women: what is the big difference? Hard questions that affect the way we view and relate to one another.

  • How do we explain the obvious differences in the 'manifestations' of receiving the Holy Spirit then (Acts era) and now?

    I do think that there was something unique taking place in the Book of Acts, but it was something prophesied and foreshadowed in the Old Testament, and introduced in the gospels, namely that Acts describes the transition from God working primarily through Israel and the Jews to God working primarily through the church and Gentiles.

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    Topic ID: 
  • Desktop Wallpaper Designs

    Express Yourself!

    We hope you will find these free desktop wallpapers useful to express your passion for Trustworthy Bible Study Resources from - like the NET Bible and The Theology Program. For instructions, see here.

  • TTP Endorsements from Scholars and Students

    Scholars say...

    "If it is your desire to understand what you believe and why you believe it, then The Theology Program is for you. Here you will learn the basic principles of how to think biblically. Rhome and Michael take theology from the top shelf and place it where it belongs-where everyone can reach it."

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