1. Fellowship of the Gospel (1:5) We get to know each other
2. Fellowship of the Spirit (2:1) We get to know ourselves
3. Fellowship of His Suffering (3:10) We get to know Christ
1. Rejoice in the fellowship of the saints (1:3-11)
2. Rejoice over afflictions that turn out for the furtherance of the Gospel (1:12-30)
3. Rejoice in the ministry for the saints (2:1-18)
4. Rejoice in the fellowship of such faithful saints as Timothy and Epaphroditus (2:19; 3:1)
5. Rejoice that our Hopes are in Jesus and not in the deeds of the law and the flesh (3:2-16)
6. Rejoice that our citizenship is in heaven rather than on earth and in fleshly indulgences (3:17; 4:1)
7. Rejoice even over such Christians as Euodia and Syntyche who, though at strife, have the root of thematter in them, whose names are written in the book of life (4:2,3)
8. Rejoice always and over all things (4:4-9)
9. Rejoice in the bounties of Gods people to those in need as was Paul (4:10-20)