Her Fiancé Drowned
A young woman named Anne Steele had encountered one trial and disappointment after another. Being a devout Christian, she continuously sought to praise Godeven in sorrow. She was engaged to be married, and had looked forward to her wedding day with eagerness. The big day finally arrived and so did the guestsbut the groom was missing. After about an hour of waiting, a messenger brought the tragic news that Annes fiancé had drowned. The sudden shock was almost too much for her, but after a while she regained her spiritual composure.
Later Anne Steele penned the song that is still found in many hymnbooks:
Father, whateer of earthly bliss Thy sovereign will denies,
Accepted at Thy throne of grace, let this petition rise:
Give me a calm, a thankful heart, from every murmur free!
The blessings of Thy grace impart, and make me live to Thee.
- H.G.B.