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Deepening Intimacy

The central significance of prayer is not in the things that happen as results, but in the deepening intimacy and unhurried communion with God at His central throne of control in order to discover a “sense of God’s need in order to call on God’s help to meet that need” (E. M. Bounds, The Weapon Of Prayer). Prayer is first a Theocentric tryst, not just an egocentric quest; yet this is often what we make of it. To quote Florence Allshorn, “We still struggle to put Him first in a vague and limited way. I must pray till Jesus Christ hears me and gives me what I need. I am important, the great “I.” We must not miss the great truth that I am for Him primarily. It is a soul-shaking fact that I am not looking into some far-off sky where Someone is hidden to whom I cry;…but that He Himself has said “There is a place by my side.” I must see from there or I will not see; I must look at things from His standpoint…”

Born For Battle, R. Arthur Matthews

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