Where the world comes to study the Bible

Chinese Project Team

Project Management Structure:

Project Manager (Chao Wang)
  • Scholar Team (Lead- Ed Lee)
    • Work off feedback from users
  • Tech Support team (Lead- Hampton Keathley(acting), Xiaofei Jiang, Katherine Lam,)
    • Digital Publishing formatting
    • Integrate  CNET into Bible study programs
      • TheWord
      • netbible reader  for web, standalone and mobile devices
        • standalone and mobile devices (not yet available)
      • E-sword
      • Make a print ready file to be used for paper copies
      • Other?
    • Maintain the source files and revision control of the word docs
    • Set up data base for user feedback and ticket system
    • Investigate if we should develop a Chinese clone of
  • Marketing, sales, distribution (Lead- vacant, need volunteers)
    • Business development
    • Interface with the Chinese approval structure
    • Interface with others that have Chinese content to integrate into our tools and a Chinese clone of (if we do it)
    • Develop print strategy
    • Work on budget and fund raising
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