Title | Posted On |
Is "Lucifer" the Devil in Isaiah 14:12? - The KJV Argument against Modern Translations | 03/22/2010 |
Interpretive Issues in 1 Timothy 2:12 | 10/19/2009 |
Romans 3:28 and Jas 2:24: A Comparison | 10/06/2009 |
Δικαιοσύνη Θεοῦ (Righteousness of God) and N. T. Wright | 10/04/2009 |
Reexamining "and the justifier" in Rom 3:26 | 09/28/2009 |
Second Century Papyri | 09/25/2009 |
The Historical Metzger | 08/04/2009 |
In Memoriam: Martin Hengel, Professor Extraordinaire | 07/22/2009 |
Update on Preserving the Word of God: The Hazards of Shooting an Oversized Majuscule | 07/20/2009 |
Romans 2:27 in the NET Bible | 07/07/2009 |
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The Number of Textual Variants: An Evangelical Miscalculation | 04/13/2009 |
Did the Original New Testament Manuscripts still exist in the Second Century? | 02/02/2009 |
Textual Criticism note on GA 1273 | 01/30/2009 |
Gregory-Aland 662 (Melbourne, Australia: NGV Ms. Felton 710-5) | 01/22/2009 |
Did the Original New Testament Manuscripts still exist in the Second Century? | 01/21/2009 |
John the Baptist’s Christology, Part I: The Virginal Conception of Jesus | 11/14/2008 |
Some Reflections on the Role of Women in the Church: Pragmatic Issues | 10/07/2008 |
NET, NIV, ESV: A Brief Historical Comparison | 09/09/2008 |
Photographing Five NT Fragments in Cambridge | 09/08/2008 |
Five Old Fragments of the Greek New Testament | 08/25/2008 |
My Favorite Passage that’s Not in the Bible | 06/24/2008 |
In Search of Biblical Manuscripts: The City Library in Kozani | 06/20/2008 |
The Significance of the Scribal Corruptions to the New Testament Text | 04/16/2008 |
Greek New Testament Manuscripts Discovered in Albania | 03/26/2008 |
Did the Original New Testament Manuscripts still exist in the Second Century? | 02/05/2008 |
A Brief Word Study on Σκύβαλον | 10/01/2007 |
Patmos 2007 Expedition | 10/01/2007 |
Infinitives in Aconjunctive Structural Parallel in the NT: What Do They Mean? | 08/15/2007 |
What Does it Mean to be Justified? A Brief Exposition of Romans 3.21-26, Part 2 | 07/17/2007 |
What Does it Mean to be Justified? A Brief Exposition of Romans 3.21-26, Part 1 | 07/09/2007 |
John 5.2 One More Time: A Response to Andreas Köstenberger | 06/18/2007 |
Luke 1:34 in Old Latin b | 04/25/2007 |
What Did the Prophets Know about Christ? A Brief Look at 1 Peter 1:11 | 03/14/2007 |
The Lost Tomb of Jesus | 03/06/2007 |
A New Ending for Mark 16? Maybe not... | 02/26/2007 |
1 Peter 2.2 - "pure spiritual milk" or "pure milk of the word"? | 02/20/2007 |
In Memoriam: Bruce M. Metzger (1914-2007) | 02/19/2007 |
John 5:2 and the Date of the Fourth Gospel ... again | 12/06/2006 |
Review of Mel White’s 'What the Bible Says—and Doesn’t Say—about Homosexuality' | 11/06/2006 |
The Syntax of Romans 3:22-24 Part 1 | 10/09/2006 |
My Take on Inerrancy | 08/11/2006 |
Is What We Have Now What They Wrote Then? | 05/22/2006 |
The Gospel according to Bart | 04/24/2006 |
Prisca in 1 Corinthians 16.19 once again | 04/17/2006 |
Mark 2:26 and the Problem of Abiathar | 03/22/2006 |
Interview of Daniel B. Wallace on Textual Criticism | 03/22/2006 |
The Validity of Ingressive Imperfects in the Greek of the New Testament | 03/20/2006 |
Review of Bart D. Ehrman, Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why (San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 2005) | 01/03/2006 |
"To the Jew First": The New Testament and Anti-Semitism | 11/04/2005 |
AD or CE? | 09/12/2005 |
The Making of a Good Christian Scholar | 08/17/2005 |
A Clash of Cultures: Evangelism in a Postmodern World (Part II) | 02/18/2005 |
A Clash of Cultures: Evangelism in a Postmodern World (Part I) | 01/27/2005 |
Honest to God! Or, God is not a Pit Stop (1 John 1:5-10) | 12/21/2004 |
Was Timothy God’s ‘fellow-worker’? A Text-Critical and Grammatical Examination of 1 Thessalonians 3.2 | 12/06/2004 |
Is 1 Thessalonians 2.13-16 an Interpolation? | 09/30/2004 |
Textual Criticism Series | 08/25/2004 |
Who is Ezekiel's Daniel? | 07/01/2004 |
Outline of Daniel | 07/01/2004 |
To Bow or Not to Bow? (An Essay on Daniel 3) | 07/01/2004 |
Is No Place Safe Any More? (Or, Where Is God in the Midst of Tragedy?) | 07/01/2004 |
In Memory of Wougger (Doug Orr) | 07/01/2004 |
The Church in Crisis: A Postmodern Reader | 06/30/2004 |
Leaders on the Business End of Discipline: Answers to Some Questions | 06/30/2004 |
A Tribute to Kris Boring: A Godly Servant-Leader (September 2, 1998) | 06/30/2004 |
Granville Sharp: A Model of Evangelical Scholarship and Social Activism | 06/30/2004 |
The Uneasy Conscience of a Non-Charismatic Evangelical | 06/30/2004 |
Charismata and the Authority of Personal Experience | 06/30/2004 |
Two Views on the "Sign Gifts": Continuity Vs. Discontinuity | 06/30/2004 |
My Understanding of the Biblical Doctrine of Election | 06/30/2004 |
The Myth about the Meaning of First Class Conditions in Greek | 06/30/2004 |
Scripture Twisting: Read me First! | 06/30/2004 |
Some Initial Reflections on Slavery in the New Testament | 06/30/2004 |
Sharp Redivivus? - A Reexamination of the Granville Sharp Rule | 06/30/2004 |
1 Peter 5:7 A Brief Comment and a Special Request | 06/30/2004 |
A Preliminary Exegesis of Hebrews 4:15 With a View Toward Solving the Peccability/Impeccability Issue | 06/30/2004 |
Hebrews 2:3-4 and the Sign Gifts | 06/30/2004 |
The Relation of θεόπνευστος to γραφή in 2 Timothy 3:16 | 06/30/2004 |
The “Temple of God” in 2 Thessalonians 2:4: Literal or Metaphorical? | 06/30/2004 |
1 Thessalonians 5:22— The Sin Sniffer’s Catch-All Verse | 06/30/2004 |
Rushdoony, Neoplatonism, and a Biblical View of Sex | 06/29/2004 |
Did Priscilla “Teach” Apollos? An Examination of the Meaning of ἐκτίθημι in Acts 18:26 | 06/29/2004 |
Family Devotions for the Young and the Restless | 06/28/2004 |
Fishing in the New Testament: A Misunderstood Analogy for Evangelism | 06/28/2004 |
Aquila and Priscilla in 1 Corinthians 16:19 | 06/26/2004 |
The Textual Problem of 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 | 06/26/2004 |
John 1:34 in the NET Bible | 06/26/2004 |
Does Mark 1:1 Call Jesus 'God’s Son’? A Brief Text-Critical Note | 06/26/2004 |
Which Son Obeyed his Father? The Textual Problem in Matthew 21:29-31 | 06/26/2004 |
What is the Head Covering in 1 Cor 11:2-16 and Does it Apply to Us Today? | 06/26/2004 |
7Q5: The Earliest NT Papyrus? | 06/26/2004 |
Changes to the KJV since 1611: An Illustration | 06/26/2004 |
Review of Peter M. Head, “Some Recently Published NT Papyri from Oxyrhynchus: An Overview and Preliminary Assessment,” Tyndale Bulletin 51.1 (2000) 1-16. | 06/26/2004 |
Inspiration, Preservation, and New Testament Textual Criticism | 06/26/2004 |
When Did Jesus Know? The Translation of Aorist and Perfect Participles for Verbs of Perception In the Gospels | 06/26/2004 |
Is Intra-Canonical Theological Development Compatible with a High Bibliology? | 06/26/2004 |
A Note on τηρήσω ἐκ in Revelation 3:10 | 06/25/2004 |
The Comma Johanneum and Cyprian | 06/25/2004 |
The Textual Problem in 1 John 5:7-8 | 06/25/2004 |
A Brief Note on a Textual Problem in 2 Peter 3:10 | 06/25/2004 |
Was Paul a 'Babe’ among the Thessalonians? 1 Thes 2:7 | 06/25/2004 |
Inerrancy and the Text-Critical Problem in Romans 5:1 | 06/24/2004 |
The Problem of Luke 2:2 "This was the first census taken when Quirinius was governor of Syria" | 06/24/2004 |
The Transfiguration of Jesus (Mark 9.1-10): Some Biblico-Theological Reflections | 06/24/2004 |
Do Christians Have Peace with God? A Brief Examination of the Textual Problem in Romans 5:1 | 06/24/2004 |
Do All Things Really Work Together for the Good? Romans 8:28 in its Context | 06/24/2004 |
May Women be Deacons? A Prelude to Dialogue | 06/24/2004 |
Junia Among the Apostles: The Double Identification Problem in Romans 16:7 | 06/24/2004 |
A Mishnaic Commentary on Matthew 26.29 and 39 | 06/22/2004 |
A Mishnaic Commentary on Matthew 9.23-24 | 06/22/2004 |
A Mishnaic Commentary on Matthew 1.19 | 06/22/2004 |
Is Self-Love Biblical? Matthew 22:39 | 06/22/2004 |
Luke 2:22 "their purification" or "her purification"? A Test-Case for Faith Vs. Reason | 06/22/2004 |
The Bible and Alcohol | 06/21/2004 |
Errors in the Greek Text Behind Modern Translations? The Cases of Matthew 1:7, 10 and Luke 23:45 | 06/21/2004 |
Should a Christian Set Goals? | 06/08/2004 |
The Conspiracy Behind the New Bible Translations | 06/03/2004 |
Crisis of the Word or A Message to Pastors and Would-Be Pastors (2 Timothy 2:15) | 06/03/2004 |
The Majority Text and the Original Text: Are They Identical? | 06/03/2004 |
Mark 1:2 and New Testament Textual Criticism | 06/03/2004 |
Some Second Thoughts on the Majority Text | 06/03/2004 |
The Birth of Jesus Christ | 06/02/2004 |
Why I Do Not Think the King James Bible Is the Best Translation Available Today | 06/02/2004 |
Why So Many Versions? | 06/02/2004 |
The Synoptic Problem and Inspiration: A Response | 06/02/2004 |
The Synoptic Problem | 06/02/2004 |
Passover in the Time of Jesus | 05/28/2004 |
The Resurrection of Christ: Theological Implications | 05/28/2004 |
Deacons and the Leadership of the Church | 05/27/2004 |
Revelation 3:20 and the Offer of Salvation | 05/25/2004 |
Corporate Election | 05/25/2004 |
The Holy Spirit and Hermeneutics | 05/25/2004 |
New Testament Eschatology in the Light of Progressive Revelation | 05/25/2004 |
Hell: Spiritual or Physical or Both? | 05/25/2004 |
The Five Big Events of the Millennium | 05/25/2004 |
Who Should Run the Church? A Case for the Plurality of Elders | 05/25/2004 |
What it Takes to Lead the Church | 05/25/2004 |
A Review of “Some Observations on the Text-Critical Function of the Umlauts in Vaticanus, with Special Attention to 1 Corinthians 14.34-35,” | 05/01/2004 |
The Translation of 2 Peter 1:19a | 05/01/2004 |
The Text and Grammar of John 1.18 | 05/01/2004 |
Matthew 16:20 among the Manuscripts: A Case Study in Scribal Habits | 03/23/2003 |
Wittenberg 2002 | 11/07/2002 |
Attack on America: A Christian Perspective | 09/16/2001 |
The Participle | 11/01/2000 |