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What follows is an organized and curated list of content. Click here for an exhaustive list of content on Revelation


Kenneth Boa: 78. Revelation [] Part of the series: Visual Survey of the Bible.

78. Revelation []

Mark Dever: What are We Waiting For? – The Message of Revelation [] Capitol Hill Baptist Church.

Ray Stedman: The Revelation of Jesus Christ [, , Translated] Part of the series: Adventuring through the Bible. Peninsula Bible Church. Spanish translation available.


: [] 31 lessons.

Bill McRae: The Seven Churches of Revelation [] 7 lessons.

Johnny V. Miller: Revelation [] 39 lessons.

Mark Dever: Finally [] 7 lessons. Revelation 1:1-11:19. Capitol Hill Baptist Church.

Mark Dever: The End [] 8 lessons. Revelation 12-22. Capitol Hill Baptist Church.

Mark Dever: What the Future Holds [] 5 lessons. Capitol Hill Baptist Church.

Mark Driscoll: Revelation 11 lessons. Mars Hill Church.

S. Lewis Johnson: Revelation [, ] 48 lessons. Believers Chapel.

John MacArthur: Revelation 87 lessons.

Tom Nelson: Revelation, vol. 1 10 lessons.

Tom Nelson: Revelation, vol. 2 10 lessons.

Tom Nelson: Revelation, vol. 3 7 lessons.

Ray Stedman: Revelation [] 23 lessons. Peninsula Bible Church. Spanish translation available.


J. Hampton Keathley, III: Studies in Revelation [] 31 lessons.

John F. Walvoord: The Revelation of Jesus Christ 22 text lessons.

Women's Studies

Tracie Wallace: 10. The Wrath of Christ (Revelation 19:10-21) [, Curriculum]

11. The Worship of Christ (Revelation 5:1-14; 19:1-8) [, Curriculum]

12. The Fellowship of Christ Face to Face (Revelation19:7-9; 21:1-7, 9-11, 21-26; 22:3-5 ) [, Curriculum]

Crickett Keeth: Introduction to Rekindle the Fire [, Curriculum] 8 lessons.


Bob Deffinbaugh: 8. The Hope of Heaven: The Final Word on Heaven (Revelation 21-22) [, , ]

5. A Heaven to Seek (Revelation 21:1-22:5) []

Lesson 1: The Purpose of Prophecy []

Lesson 2: The Preeminent Person of Prophecy (Revelation 1) []

Lesson 3: The Church at Ephesus: Lost Love []

D. Ragan Ewing: The Identification Of Babylon The Harlot In The Book Of Revelation []

W. Hall Harris III: An Out-of-this-World Experience: A Look at "κόσμος" in the Johannine Literature [, Technical]

Greg Herrick: Interpretive Models for the Book of Revelation as a Whole []

Charles Powell: Progression Versus Recapitulation in Revelation 20:1-6: Some Overlooked Arguments [, Technical]

Jack C. Sofield: Two Terrible Trials []

Michael J. Svigel: The Apocalypse Of John And The Rapture Of The Church: A Reevaluation []

Daniel B. Wallace: A Note on τηρήσω ἐκ in Revelation 3:10 [, Technical]

Revelation 3:20 and the Offer of Salvation []

Study Helps and related

Tom Constable: Tom Constable’s Expository Notes on Revelation [] This is also available in the Study Environment.

J. Hampton Keathley, III: 6. The Prophetic Book of the New Testament []

David Malick: An Introduction To The Book Of Revelation []

An Argument of the Book of Revelation (part 1) []

An Argument of the Book of Revelation (part 2) []

Daniel B. Wallace: 27. Revelation: Introduction, Argument and Outline []