Selected Bibliography on the Book of Isaiah
Related MediaBooks
Alexander , Joseph Addison. Commentary on the Prophecies of Isaiah. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1953.
Archer, Gleason. “Isaiah,” the Wycliffe Bible Commentary.
Calvin, John. Commentary on the Book of the Prophet Isaiah. Translated by William Pringle. Edinburgh: Calvin Translation Society, 1850-1954.
Clements, Ronald Ernest. Isaiah and the Deliverance of Jerusalem: A Study of the Interpretation of Prophecy in the Old Testament. Sheffield, England: J.S.O.T. Press, 1980.
Cress, Donald A. “Isaiah 7:9 and Propositional Accounts of the Nature of Religious Faith.” In Studia Biblica 1978: I. Ed by E Livingstone, pp. 111-117. 1979.
Delitzsch, Franz. “Isaiah.” In vol. 7: Isaiah. Two volumes in one. Translated by James Martin. Commentary on the Old Testament. 10 vols. N.p.: Reprinted ed., Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1973.
Feinberg, Charles Less. Is the Virgin Birth in the Old Testament? Whittier, California: Emeth Publishers, 1967.
Fensham, F. Charles “A Fresh Look at Isaiah 7:7-9.” In Perspectives on Language and Text, pp. 11-17. Edited by E Conrad and E Newing. 1987.
Gorgan. Geoffrey W. “Isaiah.” In The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, 6 (1986): 2-354. Edited by Frank E. Gaebelein. 12 vols. Grand Rapids: Regency Reference Library, 1972-.
Gray, George Buchanan. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Isaiah, I-XXXIX. Edinburgh:T.& T. Clark, 1912.
Hayes and Irvine. Isaiah: His Times and Preaching: The Eighth Century Prophet.
Hindson, Edward E. Isaiah’s Immanuel: A Sign of His Times or the Sign of the Ages. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1979.
J. Gresham Machen, The Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1930.
Kaiser, Otto. Isaiah 1--12. A translation of by John Bowden of Der Prophet Jesaja: Kapitel. 1-12. Second Edition. Philadelphia, Westminster Press, 1983
Laato, Antti. Who is Immannuel?: The Rise and the Foundering of Isaiah’s Messianic Expetations. Abo: Abo Academy Press, 1988.
Martin, Alfred, and Martin, John. Isaiah: The Glory of the Messiah. Chicago: Moody Press, 1983.
Oswalt, John. The Book of Isaiah: Chapters 1--39. NICOT. Grand Rapids: 1986.
Payne, J. Barton. Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy. New York: Harper and Row Publishers, 1973, p.292, fn. 61.
_______. “Right Questions about Isaiah 7:14.” In The living and active Word of God, pp. 75-84. Edited by M. Inch & R Youngblood. ????????, 1983.
Roberts, J. J. M. “Isaiah and His Children.” In Biblical and Related Studies, pp. 193-203. Edited by A. Kort and S. Morschauser. 1985.
Rosenbloom, Joseph R. The Dead Sea Isaiah Scroll: a Literary Analysis. A Comparison with the Masoretic Text and the Biblia Bebracica. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1970.
Studia Biblica 1978: Papers on Old Testament and Related Themes: Sixth International Congress on biblical Studies, oxford 3- 7. April 1978. Edited by E. A. livingstone. Sheffield: Journal For the Study of the Old Testament, 1979.
Taylor, Robert R. “Difficult Texts from Isaiah and Jeremiah (Is 2:1-4; 7:14).” In Difficult Texts of the Old Testament, pp. 343-355. Edited by W. Winkler. ??????????, 1982.
The Isaiah Targum. Introduction, translation, apparatus, and notes by Bruce D. Chilton. Wilmington, Deleware: 1987
The Severus Scroll and 1QIsa. Edited by Johathan Paul Siegel. Missoula, MT: Scholars press, 1975
Young, Edward J. The Book of Isaiah. NICOT. 3 vols. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1965-72
Young, Edward Joseph. Studies in Isaiah. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1954.
Blank, Sheldon H. “Immanuel and Which Isaiah.” Journal of Near Eastern Studies 13 (April 1954): 83-86.
Creager, Harold L. “Immanuel Passage as Messianic Prophecy.” Lutheran Quarterly 7 (November 1955): 339-343.
Gordon, Cyrus H. “ ‘Almah in Isaiah 7:14.” Journal of Bible and Religion 21 (April 1953): 106.
Gottwald, Norman K. “Immanuel as the Prophet’s Son.” Vetus Testamentum 8 (January 1958): 36-47.
Grothaus, Darel. “Scared to Death: Biblical Reflections on Isaiah 7.” Sojourners 12:2 (February 1983): 22-24.
Hammershaimb, Erling. “Immanuel Sign.” Studia Theologica: Scandinavian Journal of Theology 3 (1951): 124-142.
Hartmann, Kurt C. “More about the RSV and Isaiah 7:14.” Lutheran Quarterly 7 (November 1955): 344-347.
Hogenhaven, Jesper. “On the Structure and Meaning of Isaiah 8:23b.” Vetus Testamentum 37 (April 1987): 218-221.
Johnson, Elliott E. “Dual Authorship and the Single Intended Meaning of Scripture.” Bibliotheca Sacra 143 (July- September 1986): 218-227.
Kaiser, Walter C, Jr. “The Promise of Isaiah 7:14 and the Single- meaning Hermeneutic.” Evangelical Journal 6 (Fall 1988): 55- 70.
Moody, Dale. “Isaiah 7:14 in the Revised Standard Version.” Review and Expositor: A Baptist Theological Journal 50 (January 1953): 61-68.
Moriarty, Frederick L. “The Emmanuel Prophecies.” The Catholic Biblical Quarterly 19 (April 1957): 226-233.
Myers, Albert E. “Use of ‘almah in the Old Testament” Lutheran Quarterly 7 (May 1955): 137-140.
Nielsen, Kirsten. “Isa 6:1-8:18 as Dramatic Writing.” Studia Theologica: Scandinavian Journal of Theology 40 (part one): 1-16 1986.
O’Mahony, James. “God with Us: The Annunciation.” Or Frat 23:5 (1948-1949): 193-199.
Patterson, Richard D. “A Virgin Shall Conceive.” Fundamentalist Journal 4:11 (December 1985): 64.
Reymond, Robert L. “Who is the Almh of Isaiah 7:14?” Presbyterion: Covenant Seminary Review 15 (Spring 1989): 1- 15.
Sauer, Alfred von Rohr. “The Almah Translation in Isa 7:14.” Concordia Theological Monthly 24 (August 1953): 551-559.
Thompson, Michael E. W. “Isaiah’s Sign of Immanuel.” The Expository Times 95 (December 1983): 67-71.
Vasholz, Robert Ivan, “Isaiah and Ahaz: A Brief History of Crisis in Isaiah 7 and 8” Presbyterion: a Journal for the Eldership - Covenant Seminary Review 13 (Fall 1987): 79-84.
Wagner, Norman E. “Note on Isaiah 7:4.” Vetus Testamentum 8 (October 1958): 438.
Walton, John H. “Isa 7:14: What’s In A Name?” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 30 (September 1987): 289- 306.
Wolverton, Wallace I. “Judgment in Advent: Notes on Isaiah 8:5-15 and 7:14.” Anglican Theological Review 37 (1955): 284-291.
Willis, John T. “the Meaning of Isaiahy 7:14 and Its Application in Matthew 1:23.” Restoration Quarterly 21 (1978): 1-18.
Wilson, Robert Dick,”The Meaning of ‘Alma (A.V. Virgin”) in Isaiah VII.14,” Princeton Theological Review 24 (1926): 31
Young, Edward J. “The Immanuel Prophecy: Isaiah 7:14-16.” The Westminster Theological Journal 15 p97-124 (May 1953): 97- 124.
________. “The Immanuel Prophecy: Isaiah 7:14-16.” The Westminster Theological Journal 15 (November 1953): 16, 23- 50.
Unpublished Material
Bryant,Robert R. “Isaiah’s Prophecies of the First Advent of Christ.” ThM thesis Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas Texas, 1956.
McIntosh, P. Douglas. “The Innamuel Prophecy of Isaiah.” ThM thesis. Dallas Theological Seminary. Dallas Texas, 1971.
Northrup, Bernard Edward. “the use of almah (Hebrew)in Isaiah 7:14. ThM thesis. Dallas Theological Seminary. Dallas Texas, 1955
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