Hermeneutics: Issues and Concerns
November 17-19, 1994, Lisle, Illinois
Have you ever wondered why godly people disagree on the interpretation of certain Bible passages? The problem is not that Scripture is intensely difficult to read, but that we, as readers, come to the "interpretation table" with different backgrounds, education, theologies, etc. which influence the way we understand passages and especially how we relate Biblical truths to each other and to our experience. So vital is this issue that the Evangelical Theological Society, a group of evangelical scholars, dedicated their entire 1994 conference to exploring this struggle. It is, after all, a source of great conflict within the church when people, lay and clergy alike, disagree on the meaning and application of the Bible. Undoubtedly, you have faced this very problem and need some insight as to what is going on. Indeed, this may even be a little unnerving for you. We recognize this situation and want to provide you with a tool that will help you sort through these issues in an intelligent and Biblically informed manner. That is the point of this CD. The Evangelical Theological Society, ACTS, and Galaxie Software, have coordinated to bring you the entire 1994 Evangelical Theological Society conference on CD in Real Audio. Some of the topics include answers to why my African, Asian, or European brothers and sisters read the Bible differently than I do living in North America. What can I learn from them? How does my culture affect my interpretation of the Bible and how does it help me understand why others in my culture read it differently than I do? Every informed Christian recognizes the importance of this topic. How do all these things and much more contribute to how I read Scripture and perceive my place in God's plan? And, how can I promote unity rather than disunity in the body of Christ in spite of differences in certain areas? This is the purpose of this CD and the reason you will want to listen to every one of the speakers. Think of the men of Issachar who knew the culture in which they lived and therefore knew what Israel should do (1 Chron 12:32). May God make you this kind of person as you diligently learn from these teachers. The good news is that while the complete set of tapes of the conference would cost $1,634, you can now have them all on CD for just $39.95.
"Baptism of the Holy Spirit" Part A | Dispensational Study Group |
"Baptism of the Holy Spirit" Part B | Dispensational Study Group |
First Plenary Session - "Two Turning Point in Contemporary Hermeneutical Debate / "The Globalization of Biblical Hermeneutics" | D.A. Carson / Craig L. Blomberg |
Opening Session of EMS / EMS First Plenary Session - "Religions and the Bible" | Gordon Smith |
Plenary Session - ETS Presidential Address - "The History of the Future" | L. Russ Bush |
Plenary Session - "Calvinism and Biblical Hermeneutics" / "The Author's Assertions as the Basis for Biblical Hermeneutics" | Moisés Silva / Walter C. Kaiser, Jr. |
EMS Plenary Session - "The Effects of Non-Christian Religions of Christianity" | Bob Pierce |
Last Plenary Session - , Part A | Craig Blomberg, Don Carson, Walt Kaiser, Moisés Silva, Earl Radmacher |
Last Plenary Session - , Part B | Craig Blomberg, Don Carson, Walt Kaiser, Moisés Silva, Earl Radmacher |
"A Thiselton-Ricoeur Hermeneutic that Undergraduates can Understand" | Doug Kennard |
"Inspired Subjectivity and Hermeneutical Objectivity" | John H. Walton |
"The Seventh Johannine Sign: A Study in Johannine Christology" | Andreas J. Köstenberger |
"The Role of Christian Studies in the Development of Early Western Higher Education" | Daryl E. McCarthy |
"Developing Biblical Models for the Formulation of a Moral Theology of Sexuality" | William C. Williams |
"How to Interpret General Revelation" | Norman Geisler |
EMS Discussion Session | |
EPS "How to Respond to Conceptual Relativism" | David K. Clark |
NEAS "Conder—Surveyor of Palestine" / "Early Inscriptions and Israelite History" | Jack P. Lewis / William H. Shea |
"A New Kind of Hermeneutics: Unconscious Hermeneutics" | Jeffrey H. Boyd |
"Irenaeus' Hermeneutic of Linkage" | D. Jeffrey Bingham |
"Literal—Grammatical-Historical Interpretation: A Reappraisal" | Ray Lubeck |
"The Strange Irrelevance of the Dispensational-Covenantal Debate over Hermeneutics" | Robert D. Culver |
"G. C. Berkouwer: The Move toward a Functional Hermeneutic in the Dutch Reformed Tradition" | Bruce R. Norman |
"Common Ground Between Religions: the Hard Rock of Natural Theology or the Shifting Sand of Human Fallenness?" | Terry E. Muck |
"Law and Morality: Friends or Foes?" | John Warwick Montgomery |
EMS "To whom Shall You Compare Me?" | Bob Chisholm |
EPS "The Historical Jesus and the Challenge of the Jesus Seminar: An Assessment" | Gary R. Habermas |
NEAS "Revisiting the Iron Age Room House in Palestine" / Recent Discoveries at Biblical Dan" | Chang-Hoc Ji / Keith N. Schoville |
"Preaching the Gospel in Rome: A Study of the Epistolary Framework of Romans" | Jeffrey A. D. Weima |
"Postmillennial or Premillennial: Moses Stuart and Hermeneutics" | William G. Travis |
"Have We Wrongly Interpreted Romans 7?" | Walt Russell |
"1 Corinthians 13:8-13, yet One More Look!" | Myron J. Houghton |
"Teaching Textual Criticism to Future Pastors: Can We Keep Future Congregations from Charging Them with Liberalism?" | Kendell H. Easley |
"The Foundation of Reformation Hermeneutics: A Fresh Look at Erasmus" | David S. Dockery |
"The Hermeneutics of Biblical Typology: Internal Controls for Identifying and Interpreting Scriptural Texts" | Richard M. Davidson |
"Metaphoric Code-Mixing in Luke-Acts" | Jonathan M. Watt |
EMS "World Religions in Missiological Perspective" | Michael Pocock |
NEAS "The Iron Age Fortresses of the Negev Highlands: Another Look" / "Tell Jalul 1994" | Paul J. Ray, Jr. / David Merling, Randall W. Younker |
"Two Passages in Mark: A Critical Test for the Byzantine Priority Hypothesis" | Maurice A. Robinson |
"Charismata as Hermeneutical Help? 'Private Spirits' in Catholic-Protestant Debate (1588-1650) and the Westminster Confession of Faith 1.10" | Byron G. Curtis |
"Interpretive Implications of Using Bible-Search Software for New Testament Grammatical Analysis" | Harry Hahne |
"Ascending Foundationalism: Rahner and Lonergan" | Stephen M. Clinton |
"Evangelical Poetics, Past and Present" | Donald T. Williams |
"The Theology of the 'We' Passages in Acts" | Stanley E. Porter |
"Concern for Creation" | Won-Yong Ji |
"Covenantal Marriage and Headship in 1 Peter 3" | Steve Henderson |
EMS "Salvation and the Old Testament" | Ed Gross |
EPS "Hermeneutics of Premillennialism" | John Sailhamer |
NEAS "The Excavations at Bethsaida Juias" / "The 1994 Excavations at Abila of the Decapolis" | Gordon Franz / W. Harold Mare |
"Claritas Scripturae: The Role of Perspicuity in Protestant Hermeneutics" | James P. Callahan |
"Chiasmus as an Interpretive Tool for the Seven Messages of Revelation" | Mark Wilson |
"Envisioning the Good News" / "The Use of the OT in Ezekiel" | Daniel Block / Mark F. Rooker |
"The Wesleyan Quadraleteral: A Theological Model for Evangelicals?" | Jeffrey S. Lamp |
"Rabbinic Thought and Jesus' Teachings of the Sermon on the Mount: What can Such Interdependence Teach the Church Today?" | Dennis Stoutenburg |
"To What Degree Are New Testament Epistles Ad Hoc? | David H. Johnson |
"Hermeneutics, the Bible and the Southern Baptist Convention, 1845-1979: The Way We Were" | Al Mohler |
"A Synchronic Approach to Biblical Law" | Joe M. Sprinkle |
EMS "Missions as a Principle of Circularity" | Doug Vardell |
EPS "Scientific Problems for Scientism" | Robert C. Newman |
NEAS "Electronic Potters: Using Computers to Store, Study, Reconstruct and Publish Ceramic Forms" | Dan Dyke, Mark Ziese |
"Text and Culture: A Review of . . . And Marries Another by Craig Keener" | William A. Heth |
"A Hermeneutic of Stewardship: The Biblical View of Animals" | Steve W. Lemke |
"Implicit Christians: An Evengelical Evaluation" | K. Neill Foster |
"The Biblical Distiction Between Eternal Salvation and Eternal Rewards: A Key to Proper Exegesis" | Bob Wilkin |
"The Puritan Practice of Hermeneutics" | Thomas D. Lea |
"The Music of Missions" | W. Creighton Marlowe |
"Hermeneutics, the Bible and the Struggle in the Southern Baptist Convention, 1979-1994" | Paige Patterson |
ATS Tributes to the late Gerhard F. Hasel | |
EMS "Pluralism in Practice: The Dangers of a Christian Animism" | Scott Moreau |
EPS "The Openness of God" | Richard Rice, John Sanders, Clark Pinnock, William Hasker, David Basinger |
NEAS "Four Mycenaean Temples and Their Impact on the Study of Mycenaean Religion" | Laura A. Dunn |
"Changes and Partings: Division Among the Brethren 1880 and the Present" | Robert G. Clouse |
NEAS Session 1: "Egypt and Allied Background to Ancient Israel" | Kenneth A. Kitchen |
"Spirituality and Scholarship: Friends or Foes?" | Henry W. Holloman |
"Twin Peaks: Complementary Chiastic Structures in Revelation 13-15" | A. Boyd Luter |
"Another Word on 'Thus all Israel shall be saved' (Romans 11:25): Dramatic Tension and the Davidic Connection" | Chip M. Anderson |
"Galatians 3:28: A Test Case for Sound Hermeneutics" | Virgil Warren |
"Missions, Hermeneutics and the Southern Baptist Convention" | R. Philip Roberts |
ATS "The Universality of the Flood: Biblical Evidences" | Richard M. Davidson |
EMS "Christianity and Religions in the History of the Church" | Jim Lewis |
EPS "The Openness of God" (continued) | |
"Where Two or Three are Gathered: Literary Structure as a Key to Meaning" | David McClister |
"Christian Identity: 'Sinners' Who Are Forgiven, or 'Saints' Who Sin?" | Robert L. Saucy |
"The Chronological Structure of Revelation" | John A. McLean |
"The Prophet and the Apocalypse" | S. M. Baugh |
"Hermeneutical Issues in the Use of the Bible to Defend Homosexual Orientation and Practice" | Guenther (Gene) Haas |
"Difficulties in the Historico-Grammatical Method" | Brian G. Toews |
"The Future of the Southern Baptist Convention, 1995 and Beyond" | Timothy George |
ATS "Physical Evidence for a World-Wide Flood" | Ariel Roth |
EMS "Pluralism and the Old Testament Prophets" | Wayne Strickland |
EPS "Heidegger, Correspondence Truth and Christian Theology" | John D. Morrison |
NEAS Session 2 - "Some Thoughts on the Historical Background of the Joseph Story" | Charles F. Aling |
"No Place to Call Home?: Systematic Theology and the Church" | W. David Buschart |
"Engaging the Secular Mind: Paul's Confrontation with Athenian Culture as a Model for Biblical Hermeneutics" | J. Daryl Charles |
"The Law and Jesus' Use of the Sabbath in Luke 4:18-19" | David E. Malick |
"The Parables of the Kingdom: A Paradigm for Consistent Dispensational Hermeneutics" | Ronald N. Glass |
"Hermeneutical Bungee Jumping: Subordination in the Godhead" | Gilbert Bilezikian |
"Did a Prophet Marry a Prostitute?" / "John Hick's Christology: Development or Distintegration?" | T. Van McClain / Douglas McCready |
ATS "Alleged Contradictions Between Genesis 1 and 2" | Randall W. Younker |
EMS Discussion Session | |
EPS "Abortion and Personhood Arguments: A Critical Analysis" | Francis J. Beckwith |
"The Word as 'Spirit' and 'Letter': Can the Grammatico-Historical Hermeneutic Acommodate a Supernatural Revelation?" | Sarah L. Hurty |
"Ethnohermeneutics: Its Difficulty and Necessity for All Christians of All Times" |
Enoch Wan |
"Reworking the Puzzle of Faith and Deeds in James 2:14-26" | Donald J. Verseput |
"On the Hermeneutics and Interpretation of Revelation 20:1-3: A Preconsummationist Perspective" | R. Fowler White |
"Philosophy of Mind and Hermeneutics, Part 2: The Intentional Fallacy and the Focus of an Author's Intent" | Douglas Scott Huffman |
"The Impact of Postmodernism on Evengelical Hermeneutics" | |
"The Method of Old Testament Theology" | C. Hassell Bullock |
ATS "The Days of Creation: Literal or Symbolic?" | Gerhard F. Hasel (deceased) read by his son, Michael Hasel |
NEAS Session 4: "Moses as High Priest or Sorcerer? A Response to Graham Hancock's Egyptian Explanation for the Ark of the Covenant" | Michael S. Heiser |
"The Raz-Pesher Motif" | Curtis K. McClain, Jr. |
"A Model for Interpreting Ezekiels Sign-Actions" | Kevin Friebel |
"A Semantic Study of Authentes and its Derivatives" | A. Wolters |
"Normativeness in the Book of Acts and Church Government" | Ron Minton |
"Metaphors of the Prophet Hosea" | Jack P. Lewis |
"From a Poet's Heart: The Hermeneutics of Biblical Poetry" | Daniel Estes |
"Hermeneutics and Evaluating Bible Translations" | Kenneth L. Barker |
ATS "The Gospel of the Geological Column" | John Baldwin |
"Literary Structure of the Book of Isaiah as the Hermeneutical Key to Understanding the Prophetic Message" | Archie W. England |
"The Three-Day Periods in Joshua 1-3: Resolving a Chronological Conundrum" | David M. Howard, Jr. |
"Paul Ricoeur and the Hermeneutics of Suspicion: A Brief Overview and Critique" | Geoffrey D. Robinson |
"1 Corinthians 13: A Test Case for New Testament Aphorism" | Ronn Johnson |
"Lessons from the Shortfalls of Recent Works on Hermeneutics" | Robert L. Thomas |
"Galatians 3:28 in Historical and Theological Context" | Roger S. Oldham |
"Hermeneutics in Modern Translation Practice: How Much Is Too Much?" | David G. Shackelford |
"Authority Bases and Hermeneutical Principles" | Michael A. Harbin |
"How Sufficient is the Bible for Counseling? The Hermeneutics of a War" | Gerry Breshears |
"Post-Metaphysical Hermeneutics: When Practice Triumphs Over Theory in Interpretation" | Kurt Anders Richardson |
EPS "Jesus as Cynic Sage?: The Apologetic Challenge of a Recent Trend in Historical Jesus Research" | Paul R. Eddy |
"A Voice in Ramah—Jeremiah 31:15 in Matthew 2:18" | Michael Suhany |
"Hermeneutics, Exegesis, and the Rule of Faith: An Ancient Key to a Modern Question" | William DiPuccio |
"Abusing Wittgenstein: The Misuse of the Concept of Lanuage Games in Contemporary Theology" | Michael Wayne Nicholson |
"Textlinguistics and Hermeneutics: Prophecy as Hortatory Discourse" | E. Ray Clendnen |
"Hermeneutical Principles in Hebrews 2 and 10" | Lanier Burns |
"The Hermeneutics of Annihilationism: The Theological Method of Edward Fudge" | Robert A. Peterson |
"Christ as Pauls's Bifocal Optic for Reading the Hebrew Scriptures: Mystery and Fulfillment in the Letter to the Romans" |
Ardel B. Caneday |
"Passover and Exodus in the Book of Revelation" | Wilber B. Wallis |
"Hermeneutics and Epistemology: Hirsch's Author Centered Meaning, Radical Historicism and Gadamer's Truth and Method" | Dwight Poggemiller |
"Luke's Contribution to a Biblical Theology of Religion" | William Larkin |
EPS "The Foundation: Toward an Evangelical Epistemology" | Kelvin Jones |
"Discourse Analysis as a New Testament Hermeneutic: A Retrospective and Prospective Appraisal" | Jeffrey T. Reed |
"Oral Patterning in Paul's Letters" | John D. Harvey |
"How Theologians 'Do In' Theology | C. Gordon Olson |
"Comparative Customs: A Credible Methodology for Biblical Hermeneutics?" | David C. Deuel |
"Discipleship and Minor Characters in Mark's Gospel" | Joel F. Williams |
"How Legal Hermeneutics Can Assist the Theologian Interpreting Scripture" | John Warwick Montgomery |
"British-Israelism and Christian Identity" | Richard V. Pierard |
"Does God 'Change His Mind?': Toward an Exegetical Solution to a Theological Dilemma" | Robert B. Chisholm, Jr. |
"Cross-Cultural Bible Interpretation: A View from the Field" | Larry W. Caldwell |
EMS "Christianity as a Minority Religion" | |
"A Lesson in Hermeneutics from the Book of Esther" | Karen H. Jobes |
"The Theology of the Temple Speech in Acts 3:11-26: A Jewish Perspective on the Interim Period" | David L. Woodall |
"Is Matthew 23:15 Proof of Jewish Missionary Activity?" | Mark Rapinchuk |
"Hermeneutics and the Doctrine of Scripture in Post-Reformation Reformed Thought" | Martin Klauber |
"Kingdom Reality: The Hermeneutic of the Biblical Writers" | James B. De Young |
"Afrocentric Biblical Interpretation" | Edwin Yamauchi |
"The Case Against Calvinistic Hermeneutics" | Ted M. Dorman |
"The Protestant Doctrine of the Perspicuity of Scripture: A Reformulation in the Light of Biblical Teaching" | Gregg R. Allison |
"Becoming Like God: An Evangelical Doctrine of Theosis" | Robert V. Rakestraw |
EMS Panel Dicussion: | |
"Gadamer and Evangelical Hermeneutics" | Bruce B. Miller II |
"Can We Reproduce the Exegesis of the New Testament? Why Are We Still Asking?" | Scott A. Swanson |
"The Literary Structure of the Book of Revelation According to Discourse Analysis (Textlinguistic) Methods" | Steve Waechter |
"The Deconstruction of the American Mind: An Analysis of the Hermeneutical Implications of Postmodernism" | Luiz Gustavo da Silva Goncalves |
"Generational Theory: Implications for Theology and Church" | Kenneth C. Harper |
"Viticulture's Contribution to the Interpretation of John 15:1-6" | Gary W. Derickson |
"Some Hermeneutical Methods in the Westminster Standards" | John Allen Delivuk |
"The Spirit of Glory and the Christian: A Study of the Use of Isaiah 11:2 in 1 Peter 4:14" | W. Edward Glenny |
"Augustine: Evolutionist or Creationist" | Marvin L. Lubenow |
EMS Panel Discussion (continued) | |
"The New Absolutes" | William D. Watkins |
"Me and Jesus? Countering Individualism with a More Collectivist Reading of Scripture" | Edmund Neufeld, Dennis Hiebert |
"The Woman as a Metaphorical and Epistemological Paradigm" | Stephen G. Brown |
"The Unique Transcendence of the Biblical Message" | Walter M. Booth |
ATS: Adventist Theological Society
EMS: Evangelical Missiological Society
EPS: Evangelical Philosophical Society
NEAS: Near East Archaeological Society
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Related Topics: Bible Study Methods