An Argument For The Book Of 2 John
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Message Statement: |
John Writes To Encourage A Loving Church To Exercise Discrimination In The Support (Hospitality) Which They Show With Respect To False Teachers |
I. SALUTATION: John the elder writes this letter to the church whom he and all who love the truth love and prays that grace and peace would be with them in truth and love from God the Father and from Jesus Christ the Father’s Son 1-3
A. Author and Recipients: John the elder writes this letter to the church whom he and all who love the truth love in truth 1-2
1. Author: John the elder writes this letter
2. Recipients: John writes this letter to the church (the elect lady and her children)1 whom he and all who love the truth love in the truth
B. Greeting: John prays that grace and peace would be with them all (us) in truth and love from God the Father and from Jesus Christ the Father’s Son 3
II. WARNING: John exhorts this loving church to exercise discrimination in their acceptance of those false teachers who are disobedient to Christ 4-11
A. John commends the church for walking in love 4
B. John cautions the church against showing indiscriminate love towards those who are being disobedient to Christ 5-11
1. John exhorts the church to love one another in terms of obeying Christ’s commandments 5-7
2. John warns the church about the perils of showing indiscriminate love towards the false teachers 8-11
a. John warns the church of the loss which they might experience by being persuaded by the lies of these false teachers 8-9
b. John warns the church against advancing their lies by entering into indiscriminate fellowship with the false teachers 10-11
III. CONCLUSION: John concludes his brief letter by presenting his intentions to come and encourage the church as well as with greetings from the church in Ephesus 12-13
A. John intends to come and personally encourage the church rather than write a lengthy letter 12
B. John sends the church greetings form the church in Ephesus 13
1 See the introduction for a discussion of the meaning of this phrase.
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