All through the book of Deuteronomy Moses reminds the Israelites to “remember”. Remember is defined as “bring back into one's thoughts, call to mind”. The Israelites were to remember what God did for them in Egypt; they were to remember to keep the Sabbath holy; they were to remember the Covenant that He had made with them and to remember to keep His commandments. In the NT and specifically on the last night Christ was with His disciples He told them to “remember”. (1Cor 11:25). Prior to His ascension Jesus told them to remember that He would always be with them, until the end of the age. Paul told Timothy in 2Ti 2:8 “Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead,” So what will you remember on Easter? It is hoped that you will remember that Jesus came to earth for one reason: to pay the penalty for your sin and my sin. As Paul wrote: in 1Cor 15: 3-4 “Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day according to the scriptures” Take time this Easter to “remember”. Share your ideas with us.
1. The Chinese NET Bible project is well underway. See the new Group for Chinese Testers and join this new group.
2. We released Chinese NET Bible modules for: Sword, e-Sword and TheWord. Please visit the Chinese NET Bible project website to download free modules and buy premium ones.
3. We are pleased to release Rev. Danny Ma’s (馬有藻牧師) Bible commentaries on Isaiah, Zechariah, John, Acts,Romans, Paul’s thirteen letters and 1-3 John
4. We are currently looking for volunteer translators to help us work on the development of Chinese NET Bible study environment. If you are interested and have previous experience in English/Chinese translation, please contact us.
We want you to praise the Lord with us: Bob Deffinbaugh, one of’s most popular authors, has changed hats and transitioned his teaching elder role to Tom Wright. As part of his retirement, Bob will be working with 3 ministries, one of which will be After 35 years as a teaching elder, Bob will now help us add quality authors and work with them to put their life’s work on as a life-time legacy. In addition, he will help us develop an effective training program for churches and individuals. Our first effort is Effective Discipleship. He will be using his God-given talents to lead the effort. We praise God for Bob and his wife Jeannette as they seek to serve the kingdom in their “retirement” years.
New opportunities to Connect with the World via Social Media
In the past two months, has started some exciting, new social initiatives aimed at connecting God's people both to God and each other. Ryan Baltrip and Gabe Smith have been leading these new efforts for Here are some of the things we have been up to: 1) we have made the Facebook page a place to receive regular inspiration and devotional content. You can find the page at 2) we are actively using Twitter to engage and connect with others. You can find us at!/bibleorg also check out 3) We are developing a faith-based social environment that will allow people to connect with God and with others on deeper levels. We have other exciting plans and further social integrations in the works as well, so stay tuned...or better yet, get connected. Watch us grow! 15,315 in February: 15, 835 in March:. Who will be number 20,000? Get ready!
Gabe’s passion is to use the framework of Facebook and Twitter to connect with the global community and provide challenging and engaging content through social media in order to help people grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ, and to raise awareness of the variety of Bible study tools and information available from
Ryan’s passion is to develop a faith-based social environment and an online learning platform that helps the church meet the needs of their flock to be successful Christ followers. As the creator of Faithbook and the Jesus Page, Ryan comes to with his considerable skills and passion
Have you been to the forum lately? If not check out the sub-forum titled Current Events from the Christian Perspective
We welcome a new Heartprints Blogger: Brian Holt. Brian is a children’s pastor and brings with him twelve years worth of experiences in this position where he has served for over 12 years. Brian has worked in children's ministries ranging from mega-church to plant church size. Brian’s first post is called “Children’s Ministers have to be crazy!”
Need a Job? Are you a programmer familiar with Drupal? is seeking a Drupal Programmer. If you have a heart for ministry and have the qualifications for this position, please email the Director .
Are You A Graphics/User Interface Designer? We need your skills part-time to help us design our mobile app and make a consistent interface from it and the site
Ministry Opportunity: Are you a children’s pastor/ministry worker who loves to blog or write about your passion? Have you written curriculum? Have you written training articles or articles that would encourage others in Children’s Ministry? We are looking for people currently working in Children’s Ministry and/or people who have authored articles, training modules, or have blogged, and whose passion is to train others. See the Children’s Ministry Page for more information on what is there and ideas for the future. Please pray with us as contacts are made. May God send the ones He has chosen that we may fulfill Ps 78: 4ff. Send sample blogs or articles to SonShine to be considered
Interested in geology and the age of the earth? Read Ray Bohlin’s newest article titled: The Grand Canyon and the Age of the Earth. Ray often shares his thoughts and research on creation/evolution debate as well as other science-related issues.
Is your fellowship a Southern Baptist church that uses the LifeWay Explore the Book? Check out the articles and study guide resources for the Spring Quarter of 2012 here: Southern Baptist Sunday School Resources.
Are you using another Sunday School Curriculum? We are also open to highlighting your curriculum and articles and/or study guides to assist you in your Sunday School Program. We will work with you from the scope and sequence and help locate articles that will supplement your curriculum! Contact marketing if you are interested in our help in this endeavor!
NEWS AROUND TOWN: On the Internet Evangelism Page for this month Tony Whittaker noted:
“The soul never thinks without a picture” –Aristotle. To help you remember that April 29
th is
Internet Evangelism Day, Tony has put some video ideas together for your church.