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Content On: Text & Translation


8. Literal versus Dynamic Translations - Part 3Hampton Keathley08/23/2024
7. Literal versus Dynamic Translations - Part 2Hampton Keathley08/23/2024
6. Literal versus Dynamic Translations - Part 1Hampton Keathley07/24/2024
5. Textual Criticism Part 2Hampton Keathley07/19/2024
4. Textual Criticism Part 1Hampton Keathley07/19/2024
3. A History of the Bible to the KJVHampton Keathley07/19/2024
2. Why Are There So Many Bible Translations?Hampton Keathley07/19/2024
NET Bible Translation SeriesHampton Keathley07/19/2024
1. Introduction: The History of the NET BibleHampton Keathley07/18/2024
Q. How are the Nephilim/giants mentioned in Scripture after the flood to be understood if one of the reasons of the flood was to destroy that unholy mixture of demons and the daughters of men recorded in Genesis 6?Bob Deffinbaugh09/28/2017
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Question & Answers:

Why doesn't the translation of the genitive in Mark 11:22 use the word of? How is theology used to translate this verse?
In what language did the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus happen?
I heard you were involved in the NET Bible translation. How would you say it differs from the NASB?