Articles:TitleAuthorPosted On Q. Why Did Israel Reject Jesus As The Messiah? What Is Israel’s Future Hope?Bob Deffinbaugh03/28/2024 2. Reformation Sunday: Why the Five Points Matter (Various Scriptures)Steven Cole11/07/2017 Lesson 2: Are You Elect? (1 Thessalonians 1:2-4)Steven Cole08/05/2016 1. The Privileges Of Election (1 Peter 1:1-2)Gregory Brown07/29/2014 What Theology is This? Dave Hunt’s Misrepresentation of God and CalvinismSteven Cole10/01/2013 A Review of "Debating Calvinism" (Multnomah Publishers, 2004), by Dave Hunt & James WhiteSteven Cole09/30/2013 Lesson 49: God’s Purpose, God’s Choice (Genesis 25:1-26)Steven Cole08/29/2013 Lesson 25: Great Privilege, Great Responsibility (Genesis 12:1-3)Steven Cole08/26/2013 Lesson 11: Endurance (2 Timothy 2:8-13)Steven Cole04/15/2013 Introduction to Genesis 11:24-13:18Bob Utley07/25/2012 Show/Hide More2. The Encouragement of Election (1 Thessalonians 1:1-10)Bob Deffinbaugh08/04/2010 9. Faith That Looks to Jesus’ Coming (Jam. 5:1-12) - includes audio messageKay Daigle06/08/2007 1. CommunionGreg Herrick10/25/2006 Session 4 - The Doctrine of the Atonement, Part 1Michael Patton06/16/2005 Session 2 - Predestination, Part 1: A Defense of Unconditional ElectionMichael Patton06/16/2005 Session 3 - Predestination, Part 2: A Defense of Conditional ElectionMichael Patton06/16/2005 20. Future Blessings for the People of God (Isaiah 54:1-17)Allen Ross12/15/2004 17. The Announcement of Comfort to the Redeemed (Isaiah 52:1-12)Allen Ross10/29/2004 18. God’s Eternal Decree (Romans 8:29)Bob Deffinbaugh08/18/2004 22. Divine Election is Questioned (Romans 9:14-23)Bob Deffinbaugh08/18/2004 19. The Glory of God (Romans 8:30)Bob Deffinbaugh08/18/2004 23. Israel’s Failure Is the Scripture’s Fulfillment (Romans 9:24-33)Bob Deffinbaugh08/18/2004 21. Man Opposes; God Disposes (Romans 9:1-13)Bob Deffinbaugh08/18/2004 My Understanding of the Biblical Doctrine of ElectionDaniel B. Wallace06/30/2004 11. The Sovereignty of God in Salvation (Romans 9)Bob Deffinbaugh06/24/2004 3. Even the “Best of Us” Are Called to Mortify SinGreg Herrick06/09/2004 11. The Calling and the Conduct of the Christian (Ephesians 4:1-16)Bob Deffinbaugh05/26/2004 2. The Glory of God in Divine Election (Ephesians 1:3-6a)Bob Deffinbaugh05/26/2004 Corporate ElectionDaniel B. Wallace05/25/2004 26. The Principle of Divine Election (Genesis 25:1-34)Bob Deffinbaugh05/12/2004 2. The Calling and Design of the Church: (Ephesians 1-3)Lehman Strauss05/10/2004 Question & Answers:QuestionsHow do we know whether or not we've been chosen?Is it necessary to pray people will respond to the gospel if God has determined they will?Can we blame poor evangelism when people’s fail to believe in Christ?If a Christian changes his mind and wants to go to hell, will God force him to be saved?Is everyone or are only some “drawn” by the Holy Spirit?What is “irresistible grace”?How should we pray for unbelievers since God sovereignly elects people?If God chose me to be saved then ultimately I had no choice. Is this right?Can you give me a little insight as to what Paul is trying to say in Romans 9:14-26?Is The word “foreknowledge” In Acts 2:23 in the instrumental dative case? Does foreknowledge mean omniscience, or is it an attribute of God?