1. Introduction: (Getting Started Studying the Bible)
This study is in two parts. The first part concerns the emphasis which the people of God in the Bible put upon God’s word in their lives. It traces this theme through scripture in a limited survey. The second section focuses on the practice of studying God’s word. The reader is encouraged to read both sections. After the student has worked through this paper, he or she should read, “How to Study the Bible: For Beginners—Stage Two” on the BSF website. In that article some of the concepts mentioned here get extended treatment at the level of an entire book, not just a paragraph.
Also, it should be noted that the survey is, of course, partial in nature. Not every passage relating to a particular theme is noted. Thus, there are many more passages that could have been cited in each category, but that would make the entire paper far too long. The passages listed in each category are sufficient, I think, to establish the point being made.
Related Topics: Bibliology (The Written Word), Bible Study Methods