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5. Jesus Heals the Ten Lepers (Luke 17:11-19)

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Main Point: We should each be truly thankful for what Jesus has done for us.

Key Verse:

When one of them saw that he was healed, he came back. He praised God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked Him. - Luke 17:15

Props: Two pieces of identical white cloth—one that is dirty, tattered and torn, and one that is clean and bright.

Say: From the time we are tiny children, our parents are constantly reminding us to have good manners. When you ask for something, what do your parents always tell you to say? Please. And when you receive something, what are you supposed to say? Thank you.

When your parents remind you to say “please” and “thank you” they are helping you to understand thankfulness. Let’s say you receive a gift you really wanted for Christmas. You are probably very happy that you have received the gift. But being thankful takes it a step further: you’re not just happy that you HAVE the gift, you are filled with thankfulness to the giver as well. You think of all the giver had to do to make sure you could get the gift. They took the time to go shopping. They paid for it. They wrapped it in pretty paper. And because you are so amazed by the giver’s generosity and love, you freely show your thankfulness by giving them a big hug, or saying “thank you” over and over, or writing a note and sending it in the mail.

Today we are going to look at a story in Luke 17 about a time that Jesus gave an amazing gift to ten men. And while all ten of them may have been happy that they received a gift, only one of them chose to show their thankfulness to Jesus. Let’s read together in Luke 17:11-19.

Teacher Note: The story of Jesus healing the ten lepers in Luke 17 appears immediately after a teaching conversation Jesus has with His disciples after one asked Him to “increase our faith.” In this conversation, Jesus indicates that obedience to God is not something extra we do to receive His thanks and rewards. Rather, it is our duty to serve Him, just like it is a servant’s duty to serve his master. Our pride sometimes twists this truth and tells us that we should expect God to thank us for all we do to serve Him. But Jesus teaches here that true faith is total dependence on God and a willingness to unselfishly do His will. This conversation, combined with the story of the ten lepers, puts gratitude in its proper perspective. God is the one deserving of gratitude because of the grace and mercy He freely gives to those who do not deserve it.

Jesus Heals 10 Lepers


Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. He traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. As he was going into a village, ten men met him. They had a skin disease. They were standing close by. And they called out in a loud voice, “Jesus! Master! Have pity on us!”

Jesus saw them and said, “Go. Show yourselves to the priests.” While they were on the way, they were healed. - Luke 17:11-14

Say: Before we read on, it is important to understand exactly what leprosy was and why it was such a big deal that Jesus healed these ten men.

In all of our lives, bad things happen from time to time. Sometimes these bad things are consequences for bad choices, but other times bad things happen simply because we live in a sinful world. The Bible says that the men in this story had a skin disease called leprosy. It doesn’t say that they deserved leprosy but just that they HAD leprosy. It was a disease they suffered from because they were living in a sinful, fallen world.

When God created the world, it was perfect. There was no sickness; there was no death. Everything was beautiful, happy and good. But when sin came into the world, it spoiled everything! There are accidents and cancer and divorce. There are tornadoes, tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes, crime and sickness. It is not hard to see how awful sin is!

So because we live in a fallen, sinful world, there are terrible diseases. The disease of leprosy is one of them.

Say: Some of you are probably wondering what this disease really is. Leprosy is a terrible condition where a person’s skin begins to rot and fall off. Many lepers lose all of their fingers and toes because of the disease. It is very painful and smelly. You could tell if a person had leprosy because their body would be covered with sores. People with these sores are commonly referred to as lepers.

Leprosy was a common skin disease a long time ago, and there are still people in some parts of the world today who have leprosy. There are lepers in India, China, and Japan as well as in parts of Africa and the West Indies and in South America.

Leprosy is very contagious. It is very easy to “catch” leprosy. Even just touching a person who has leprosy or touching something that they touched could make you get the disease. So whenever a person caught leprosy in Bible times, they had to live outside the community. In fact, one of the laws that God gave the Israelites in the Old Testament says, “As long as he has the infection [of leprosy] he remains unclean. He must live alone. He must live outside the camp.” - Leviticus 13:46

If Mr. ______ (adult volunteer) found out that he had leprosy, he could no longer be in here with us, he would have to leave our building and even leave our town! He couldn’t hug his wife and children, because they might get the disease. Wouldn’t that be sad?!

You can see that leprosy wasn’t just bad for a person’s body, but it was also terrible for their ability to enjoy friends and family, since they lived alone. Sometimes lepers would get very lonely and seek out other lepers to live with. That’s why the ten men in this story were together. They all had leprosy, and they were not allowed to be a part of their original family community. In some parts of the world today, groups of lepers living together are called “leper colonies.”

Leprosy made a person “unclean”. Because leprosy was so contagious, people long ago would shout “UNCLEAN! UNCLEAN!” when they were walking on the road or were in the company of people who did not have leprosy. No one wanted to be near a person with this terrible disease, so they would hurry away from anyone shouting the word “unclean.” The religious leaders, who liked to add rules to the laws that God had given His people, said that lepers could not even go to the Temple like everyone else could. This wasn’t just because they were afraid of catching leprosy, it was because the religious leaders also thought lepers were “unclean” spiritually. How sad for those with leprosy. Not only did they have a terrible disease, but they were also falsely accused of having unclean hearts, too.

APPLICATION: Wouldn’t it be terrible if someone accused you of being a bad person, just because you had a cold or strep throat? What if getting sick meant you could never see your family again? What if someone told you that God didn’t want anything to do with you because you were sneezing and coughing? That would be terribly unfair, wouldn’t it?

Say: That’s why the men in our story stood at a distance from Jesus and called out to Him. These ten lepers knew that they could not go near anyone because they had a contagious illness. But they also believed they were bad people who were unacceptable to God.

The men had probably been waiting for Jesus at the edge of the village. When they saw Jesus crossing the border between Galilee and Samaria, they yelled, “Jesus, Master, have mercy upon us.”

When the lepers saw Jesus, they yelled, “Jesus, Master, have mercy upon us.”

Jesus then told the them to show themselves to the priest. At some point, as they were going to do that, the ten lepers noticed that their leprosy was gone. They had been healed!

Say: Their skin changed from being full of sores and disease (show the cloth that is dirty, tattered & torn) to being clean and healthy (put that cloth down & hold up an identical, brand new clean piece.)

Only One Leper Shows Gratitude

Say: Now let’s continue reading to see what happens next. Look at Luke 17:15-19.

When one of them saw that he was healed, he came back. He praised God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked Him. The man was a Samaritan.

When Jesus saw the Samaritan, He immediately wondered about the other nine men who had also been healed.

Jesus asked, “Weren’t all ten healed? Where are the other nine? Didn’t anyone else return and give praise to God except this outsider?”

Then Jesus said to him, “Get up and go. Your faith has healed you.”

Say: It is hard to believe that only one of the ten men Jesus healed came back to thank Him. Certainly, the other nine men noticed that they were healed, but they did not take the time to return to say, “Thank you.”

It’s very likely that once the other nine saw they were healed, they ran home to their families and friends. After all, they had been living far away from them for some time. Can you imagine how excited they were? Can you imagine how happy their families must have been to see them again?

Though these nine other men were so, so happy to be healed, they didn’t return to Jesus to publicly GIVE THANKS. They didn’t “praise God with a loud voice and throw themselves at His feet” like the leper who did return to thank Jesus.

APPLICATION: When Jesus gave His life for you and me, His blood healed us from a disease much more hideous than leprosy. Do you remember when we talked earlier about how sin spoils everything? Well, sin spoils us too! Like a terrible disease, sin ruins us.

Sin is a great spiritual need that requires healing. We seem to recognize physical needs better than spiritual needs. When we’re hungry, we eat. When we’re sick, we go to the doctor. When we’re tired, we sleep.

In each of our lives, there are sins like hate, anger, greed, lying, and selfishness. Just like leprosy is a physical disease, these sins are spiritual diseases that need to be healed. And Jesus wants to heal them! He wants us to call out to Him for help, just like the ten lepers called out to Him for help.

And like the one leper who returned, we should worship, praise, and thank God at all times. We can do this when we’re alone, but God also wants us to give thanks to Him publicly and with other believers.

Say: The ten lepers in Luke 17 were given a great gift. The problem was, nine of them didn’t receive it with true thankfulness. Sure they were happy that they had received the gift of healing, but they didn’t CHOOSE to thank the gift giver. When Jesus asked, “Where are the other nine?” He clearly was asking, “Why aren’t they giving thanks to God?”

The same question could be asked of us today: “Why aren’t these people giving Me thanks?” Jesus has given us the unbelievable free gift of forgiveness. We didn’t have to do anything to earn it. Even though our sin deserves to be punished, Jesus took that punishment for us when He died on the cross. How many of you think that’s the biggest, best gift we will ever receive?

But the problem is, many people accept the free gift of forgiveness and never do anything to show their THANKFULNESS to Jesus.

The message from God is clear: we should have a heart filled to overflowing with thanksgiving to God, AND we should also tell God and others how thankful we are! God has done so much for us! He deserves our thanks!

Here is what Psalm 107:1-2 says about thankfulness:

Give thanks to the Lord, because He is good.
His faithful love continues forever.
That’s what those who have been set free by the Lord should say.

Say: Jesus was publicly crucified to heal our sins. We should find the time to publicly thank Him for that amazing gift. We should live a life of thankfulness, just like the one leper who returned to give thanks to Jesus. We should do what Colossians 2:7 tells us: “Grow strong in what you believe, just as you were taught. Be more thankful than ever before.

Key Verse:

When one of them saw that he was healed, he came back. He praised God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked Him. — Luke 17:15

Main Point: We should each be truly thankful for what Jesus has done for us.



© 2007 All rights reserved worldwide. May be reproduced for personal, nonprofit, and non-commercial uses only. 

Unless otherwise noted the Scriptures taken from: Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version, (NIrV®)

Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998 by International Bible Society / Used by permission of IBS-STL. All rights reserved worldwide.

Special thanks to John R. Cross, The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, GoodSeed International.

Related Topics: Children, Children's Curriculum

6. Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler (Matthew 19:16-30; Mark 10:17-27; Luke 18:18-27)



Main Point: We must put God’s kingdom first in our lives.

Key Verse:

But put God’s kingdom first. Do what He wants you to do. - Matthew 6:33a

Prop: A can of Coke and a large cup


Say: The culture that Jesus lived in believed that they could live forever in heaven with God if they were “good enough” and kept all of God’s laws. God gave the law, the 10 Commandments, to show people that no matter how good they were, they could never measure up to God’s perfect holiness. The law was given to show people their need for a Savior. Teacher, show and read the 10 Commandments.

Say: As the people heard these rules and then tried to live by them, they soon realized that it was impossible to keep them all. And it’s impossible for us too!

The Bible says that if we’ve broken even one of God’s laws, it’s the same as breaking them all! James 2:10 Suppose you keep the whole law but trip over just one part of it. Then you are guilty of breaking all of it.

God is perfect and holy. His holiness cannot tolerate even a hint of sin.

For the most effective lesson, demonstrate this: Pop open a can of Coke, and pour it all into a large cup. Ask for a volunteer who would like a nice, cold Coke. When volunteer is about to take it, say, “Wait a minute.” Teacher, SPIT into the cup and then offer it. (Of course, DO NOT let the child take it!) Ask: Now, do you want the Coke? No! Why Not? Because it’s ruined!

For young kids, you could just explain the situation. Say: Suppose you are about to drink a nice, cold Coke. (Hold up a can of Coke.) Just as you’re about to take a big sip, your friend tells you that another kid put a drop of his SPIT in your Coke. Would you want to drink the coke? No! Why not? Because even though I love Coke, I would not ever want to drink another person’s spit!

Say: The nice, pure Coke is spoiled. Just as one drop of spit ruined the entire Coke, so one sin breaks the perfect relationship that God had with people.

God gave the 10 Commandments to show us that we are NOT good enough to be accepted in God’s sight. We are sinners, and we need a Savior.

Our Need

Most people agree that they have sinned by doing or thinking wrong things. But few people admit that they are HELPLESS sinners. Many people think that they can “do something” to take care of their sin. They have the wrong idea that the good things they do can outweigh the bad things they do. But it does not work that way. Hold up the cup of Coke. Is there more Coke or spit in my cup? There is much more good Coke than icky spit in here. But that does not make this okay to drink. The tiny bit of spit ruined the entire cup of good Coke. The Coke is no longer pure. That’s the way it is with our lives. Because we sin (even one time), we are no longer pure like God is pure.

The Bible teaches that there is NOTHING we can do to make ourselves acceptable to God. No good deeds can undo the sin in our lives (just like I could never get all the spit molecules out of the Coke.) In fact, even the good things that we do are viewed as filthy rags.

Isaiah 64:6a says: All of us have become like someone who is “unclean.” All of the good things we do are like polluted rags to (God).

God wants to save everyone from their sin, but only those who understand that they are helpless to “fix” their own sin can be saved. It’s like the person must realize this Coke is completely ruined - I need a new Coke!

The Rich Young Ruler

Say: One day, a young (Matthew 19:22), rich ruler came to Jesus and asked Him a very important question. He asked, “What do I have to do in order to live forever with God in heaven?”

At first, it may look like Jesus gave him a very unusual answer, but you will see how Jesus is helping this man understand his NEED for God.

The Bible says that Jesus looked at him and LOVED him (Mark 10:21). Jesus told him, “Keep the commandments: don’t kill, don’t steal, don’t lie, and honor your parents.”

The young man told Jesus that he had been keeping all of these rules since he was a child. Ask: At this point, do you think this man was saw his NEED for God? No, not yet. He thought he had earned a place in God’s kingdom by keeping the commandments.

Then the young ruler asked Jesus if there was anything else he should do. Jesus told him that he needed to sell everything he owned and give all the money to the poor, then follow Jesus. NOW the rich man heard a commandment that he couldn’t keep.

God should have been #1 in his life. But God wasn’t first in the man’s life; all of his stuff was more important to him. All of his stuff was blocking the way to his relationship with God.

People often misunderstand the point of what Jesus said here. Having money is not a sin! Loving money is a sin.

Love for money causes all kinds of evil. Some people want to get rich. They have wandered away from the faith. They have wounded themselves with many sorrows. - 1 Timothy 6:10

Jesus knows every person’s heart. He knew how much the young man loved being rich. Jesus knew that the young man trusted his money more than he trusted God. The man believed that no matter what problem came his way, he had enough money to help him through. For example, if he got sick, he could pay the best doctors. If there was a shortage of food, he could pay more than anyone else to buy what was left. The man loved and trusted his money.

But Jesus knew better! Jesus knew that money does not last and it leads people into sin. People who love money want more and more and more of it.

Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income. - Ecclesiastes 5:10a

Even more importantly, Jesus knew that money cannot buy things like peace and joy. And it certainly cannot buy a place in God’s kingdom. Jesus loved the man, so Jesus wanted what was best for him. Jesus wanted the man to trust God, not money. God does satisfy us. And unlike money, God will never leave us!

Jesus wasn’t merely telling this man to give up his money, Jesus was telling this man that money was blocking his way to God. God was not #1 in his life, and He should be!

Say: When the rich ruler first came to Jesus, the man thought of himself as a pretty good guy. He thought he had kept every one of God’s rules. But when Jesus told him to sell everything he owned and give the money to the poor, he realized that he had not kept every commandment! He did not love God above all other things.

So, how did the man respond? Did he sell everything and feel great relief because he no longer had to worry about how much money he had? Did he give up everything to simply trust God and put God first?

When the young man heard this, he went away sad. He was very rich. - Matthew 19:22

Ask: Why do you think he was sad? Because Jesus asked him to give up what was most valuable to him. Because he was turning down Jesus’ offer of eternal life in God’s kingdom.

Say: The young man was called a ruler, but truly he was a slave. He was enslaved to his stuff, and this kept him from having a loving relationship with God. Jesus told him that to be a true disciple, a true follower of Jesus, all this stuff would have to go because God would have to be first in his life. Luke 16:13 says, “You cannot serve both God and money.” The sad ruler chose money.

As the man walked away, Jesus told His disciples that it was really difficult for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven, but it was possible with God (Matthew 19:23-26). (Teacher Note: Knowing this is the case, why do we ever long for more money?)

Application: When the love of money (or the love of stuff) grabs onto your heart, you find yourself walking away from Jesus.

Ask yourself if there is anything in your life “blocking the way” to a deep relationship with Jesus. Is there anything or anyone that you love more than God? Do you trust any person more than you trust God? Do you spend way more time thinking about soccer or ballet than about God? If so, ask God to change your heart!

The Bible teaches us that we are to love God MOST, above all other things (Exodus 20:3). This is actually the very first commandment! And this was the one thing that made it so hard for this young man to be a true follower of Jesus.

Just like with the young ruler, Jesus offers you the opportunity to be freed from the slavery of money and things to find true freedom, peace, and joy in God. Those who love money or stuff are constantly worried that they will lose it! We can never lose the love of Jesus!!!


Key Verse:

But put God’s kingdom first. Do what He wants you to do. - Matthew 6:33a


Main Point: We must put God’s kingdom first in our lives.

© 2007 All rights reserved worldwide. May be reproduced for personal, nonprofit, and non-commercial uses only. 

Unless otherwise noted the Scriptures taken from: Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version, (NIrV®)

Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998 by International Bible Society / Used by permission of IBS-STL. All rights reserved worldwide.

Special thanks to John R. Cross, The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, GoodSeed International.

Related Topics: Children, Children's Curriculum

7. Jesus at the House of Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10)

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Main Point: Anyone who believes in Christ is a new creation.

Key Verse:

Anyone who believes in Christ is a new creation. The old is gone! The new has come! - 2 Corinthians 5:17

Props: A plastic caterpillar (or picture of a caterpillar). A plastic butterfly (or picture).


Say: One time a rich young ruler came to Jesus and asked Him what one thing he must do to receive eternal life. Maybe you remember the story. The young man was good at keeping the rules, but Jesus told him that the kingdom of God wasn’t just about keeping rules.

Jesus wanted this young man to be His follower, but He also knew that the man had turned his money into an idol. He loved his riches as much or more than he loved God! So Jesus told the man to sell everything and give the money to the poor. Then he would be able to follow Jesus and be part of the kingdom of God. But something surprising happened next. The rich young ruler became very sad and walked away from Jesus. He loved his money so much that he didn’t want to give it up, even to follow the Son of God.

Here’s what Jesus said next to His disciples: “How hard it is for rich people to enter God’s kingdom! Is it hard for a camel to go through the eye of a needle? It is even harder for the rich to enter God’s kingdom!” (Luke 18:24-25)

This worried the disciples. “Then who can be saved?” they asked. Jesus answered, “Things that are impossible with people are possible with God.” (Luke 18:26-27)

Today we are going to read a story about another rich man who met up with Jesus. But unlike the rich young ruler, who wanted eternal life but wasn’t willing to change his life, the rich man in today’s story is a beautiful example of what Jesus told his disciples. “Things that are impossible with people are possible with God.”

The man in today’s story is named Zacchaeus. He was a tax collector, which meant that most people hated him. He was also very, very small in size, which meant that he probably got lost in a crowd. But Jesus didn’t care about either of these things. Jesus wanted to spend time with Zacchaeus, and Zacchaeus was more than happy to become Jesus’ friend. Look with me at Luke 19:1-10.

Teacher Note: Any children who have sung the Sunday School song, “Zacchaeus,” will be able to tell you Zacchaeus’ distinguishing characteristic—his short stature.

Zacchaeus was a wee little man/And a wee little man was he/He climbed up in that sycamore tree/For the Lord he wanted to see.

But the kids are probably less likely to know other facts about Zacchaeus. He was a tax collector. He was despised and looked upon as the worst of sinners by most people. And finally, he was a completely changed man after spending some time with Jesus.

Although we don’t know what Jesus said to Zacchaeus after arriving at the tax collector’s home, we do see the result of their interaction. Zacchaeus was changed, through and through. Because of his encounter with the Son of God that day, the wee little tax collector became a new creation.

So really, the fact that Zacchaeus was small matters little to the story. The fact that his sinner’s heart repented completely is going to be our focus today.

Zacchaeus Is Curious About Jesus


Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. A man named Zacchaeus lived there. He was a chief tax collector and was very rich.

Zacchaeus wanted to see who Jesus was. But he was a short man. He could not see Jesus because of the crowd. So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree. He wanted to see Jesus, who was coming that way. - Luke 19:1-4

Teacher Note: Jesus was passing through Jericho on His way to Jerusalem, where the events of Holy Week would soon unfold. Many, many Jews from Galilee were passing through Jericho that day on their way to observe Passover in Jerusalem. Jericho was a gateway into Roman-controlled territory and a major tax collection site, which is likely why Zacchaeus was so wealthy. He had much opportunity to abuse the system that funded the occupying Roman army.

Say: Zacchaeus was a man who worked for the Roman government collecting taxes. A tax is money collected by a government from its citizens. For example, when you buy a book at the bookstore, a certain amount of tax is added to the price of the book. The government then collects the tax money that you pay on the book. Most grown ups pay taxes on the money they earn at work, on the things they buy, on their homes, on their cars. You get the idea.

In Jesus’ time, Israel was under the control of the Roman empire. People in Israel didn’t like this at all. They were not a free nation. They had to obey Roman laws and submit to Roman authority. And because tax collectors worked for the Roman government, they were a constant reminder that Israel was once again under the authority of a foreign government. Every time a citizen had to pay money to a tax collector, they probably thought really bad thoughts about the person taking their money.

That was more than enough to make tax collectors unpopular, don’t you think? But there was something else that made people hate the tax collectors. Many of the tax collectors were also very dishonest, and collected more money than they were supposed to. What do you suppose they did with the extra money they collected? That’s right. They put it in their own pockets and kept it!

So for these reasons tax collectors were not very popular people in their communities. And because Zacchaeus was the chief tax collector—the boss of all the other tax collectors—he was probably especially disliked.

When Jesus traveled through Zacchaeus’ town of Jericho, He was on His way to Jerusalem, where He would celebrate the last supper with His disciples.

So many people followed Jesus wherever He went at this point in His ministry. Everyone wanted to hear Him teach about the kingdom of God. Everyone wanted to see Him heal the sick. And Zacchaeus was no exception. We’re not told why he was so curious about Jesus, but Zacchaeus the tax collector was very eager to see what Jesus was doing.

There was only one problem. Zacchaeus was much smaller than everyone else in the crowd that surrounded Jesus. He tried standing on his tip toes, but that didn’t work. He tried pushing his way to the front of the crowd, but that didn’t work. Maybe he even asked if he could climb up on someone’s shoulders! But who would let the chief tax collector do that?

Finally, Zacchaeus had an idea. He ran ahead of the crowd and climbed up into the biggest tree he could find. It was a sycamore fig tree. Finally, little Zacchaeus the tax collector, could see what Jesus was up to. He had a bird’s-eye view of all the action.

Application: Zacchaeus was curious about Jesus and wanted to see with his PHYSICAL eyes what all the commotion was about. But God was also working in Zacchaeus’ heart to enable him to see with SPIRITUAL eyes. God wanted the little tax collector to see that Jesus could bring salvation to every single person in that crowd, even a hated outcast like Zacchaeus. God wants us to see Jesus like that, too. When we listen to stories about Jesus and learn about what He said and did, we are like Zacchaeus watching from a distance. But when we truly understand that Jesus is the Son of God who died so that our sins can be forgiven and we can have eternal life, then we are seeing with our spiritual eyes!

Now let’s read on in Luke 19:5-7.

Zacchaeus Is Called By Name


Jesus reached the spot where Zacchaeus was. He looked up and said, “Zacchaeus, come down at once. I must stay at your house today.” So Zacchaeus came down at once and welcomed Him gladly.

All the people saw this. They began to whisper among themselves. They said, “Jesus has gone to be the guest of a ‘sinner.’ ”

Zacchaeus climbed up into the tree so that he could see the attention that Jesus was getting. Now HE was the center of attention!

Jesus stopped right under the tree where the little tax collector was perched did something really surprising. He called Zacchaeus by name! The two men had never met before, yet Jesus knew everything about Zacchaeus. Because Jesus is God, He knew all there was to know about the man in the tree—his name, his job, even the number of hairs on his head!

Application: Psalm 139:13 says, You created the deepest parts of my being. You put me together inside my mother’s body. God knew everything about you before you were even born, because He is the one who made you! And John 10:3, which tells us that Jesus is the Good Shepherd and we are His dearly loved sheep, says: ...The sheep listen to His voice. He calls His own sheep by name and leads them out.

Ask: Did Jesus know that Zacchaeus was a sinner? Yes! And Jesus, the Good Shepherd, called out to him anyway. Happily Zacchaeus listened to the Good Shepherd’s voice, and that made all the difference in his life. When we listen to the Shepherd calling us by name and respond to Him, our lives will be changed too!

Say: When Zacchaeus heard Jesus tell him to come down from the tree, what did he do? He came down immediately. There must have been something amazing about Jesus to make the tax collector scramble down from the branches as fast as he could! All throughout the New Testament are stories of people who stopped whatever they were doing to follow Jesus. Ask: Who did we learn about who left everything to follow Jesus? Peter, James and John were the fishermen who left their nets right on the beach to follow Jesus!

How do you think Zacchaeus felt when Jesus said He wanted to stay at the little tax collector’s house? Excited. Nervous. Confused. Zacchaeus was probably feeling all those emotions and more. We aren’t told exactly what he thought. But we are told in Luke 19:7 how the CROWD felt about Jesus going to the home of a tax collector: They began to whisper among themselves. They said, “Jesus has gone to be the guest of a ‘sinner.’ “

Tax collectors like Zacchaeus were especially looked down upon by the Pharisees and rule makers. To them, he was among the worst of sinners. Zacchaeus wouldn’t even have been allowed to be part of the synagogue or to worship with others. But here Jesus was, inviting Himself to a tax collector’s house, acting like He was His friend. So people began to whisper and complain, even though every single person in Jericho that day was a sinner just like Zacchaeus.

Romans 3:23 says, Everyone has sinned. No one measures up to God’s glory. That includes Pharisees. And that includes you and me. We may not be tax collectors, we may not be thieves or murderers, but we are all sinners. And any sin, big or small, separates us from God.

When Jesus says to any sinner “follow Me,” and that sinner decides to follow Him, God forgives their sin and gives them a new life. They are part of the kingdom of God! If only the people in the crowd had opened their eyes to that truth, they would have been rejoicing that Zacchaeus was about to become a whole new person instead of complaining about Jesus’ friendship with a “sinner.”

Let’s continue reading to learn just how different Zacchaeus was after Jesus came to his house! Look at Luke 19:8-10.

Zacchaeus Becomes A New Creation


But Zacchaeus stood up. He said, “Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of what I own to those who are poor. And if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay it back. I will pay back four times the amount I took.”

Jesus said to Zacchaeus, “Today salvation has come to your house. You are a member of Abraham’s family line. The Son of Man came to look for the lost and save them.”

Wow. This Zacchaeus was behaving very differently than the rich young ruler we talked about at the beginning of the lesson! The rich young ruler did not follow Jesus because he loved money more than he loved Jesus. He like some of the things that Jesus said, but he wasn’t ready to give up everything to be part of the kingdom.

Zacchaeus, though, was completely changed by his encounter with Jesus. Zacchaeus repented of his sins right there, in front of Jesus and the crowd. True repentance means that you “change your mind” and “turn away from sin.” Zacchaeus demonstrated his repentance by saying he would give half his money to the poor and that he would make things right with anyone he had cheated in his job as tax collector. In fact, he wasn’t just going to pay back what he stole from people, he was going to pay back FOUR TIMES what he stole!

Zacchaeus truly became a new man that day. But how is that possible? 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, Anyone who believes in Christ is a new creation. The old is gone! The new has come!

That is what happened to Zacchaeus when he decided to repent and follow Jesus. When the tax collector became part of the kingdom of God, he was changed from the inside out. Before he met Jesus, Zacchaeus was kind of like a caterpillar. Hold up the plastic caterpillar or picture of a caterpillar. Caterpillars are very hungry. They just eat, eat, eat all the time. They are so greedy that if you put one in a jar with a bunch of green leaves, the leaves will disappear before you know it! Zacchaeus was greedy like that, wasn’t he?

But when a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, it is changed completely, from the inside out. Hold up the plastic caterpillar or picture of a caterpillar. Nothing about the butterfly even resembles the creepy, crawly, greedy, munching caterpillar it used to be. It is a totally new creation. When a butterfly flits by on a sunny summer day, it brings joy to all who see it because it is so beautiful!

Application: Meeting Jesus changed Zacchaeus into a completely new person. And Jesus wants everyone to believe in Him so they can be new creations, too! Jesus died on the cross to pay the price for our sins. When we believe that, repent, and follow Him—just like Zacchaeus did—Jesus will change our lives and make us new and beautiful!

Key Verse:

Anyone who believes in Christ is a new creation. The old is gone! The new has come! - 2 Corinthians 5:17

Main Point: Anyone who believes in Christ is a new creation.



© 2007 All rights reserved worldwide. May be reproduced for personal, nonprofit, and non-commercial uses only. 

Unless otherwise noted the Scriptures taken from: Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version, (NIrV®)

Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998 by International Bible Society / Used by permission of IBS-STL. All rights reserved worldwide.

Special thanks to John R. Cross, The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, GoodSeed International.

Related Topics: Children, Children's Curriculum

8. Jesus and the Widow’s Offering (Mark 12:41-44; Luke 21:1-4)

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Main Point: God notices those who give to Him with a pure heart.

Key Verse:

Man looks at how someone appears on the outside. But I look at what is in the heart. - 1 Samuel 16:7b

Props: A disassembled toy or other item with multiple parts (preferably one that looks difficult to put together). A box to hold the parts of the toy/item. An assembly manual or a stack of printed papers that look like an assembly manual. A ziploc bag containing four cookies, and a second bag containing half a cookie.

Dump the parts of the disassembled item out onto a table. Flip through the assembly manual while looking perplexed. Say: I’ve been trying to put this toy together for days! But the instructions are really hard to understand. Act like you’re trying to put the toy together. It says to put piece E in slot J, but it doesn’t fit. And I can’t even find slot G! I’m totally lost! These instructions make no sense! Ask: I think there MUST be an easier way than following all these directions. What do you think? What might help me out? Listen for answers, and if it’s not suggested by the kids, Say: I think it would be a whole lot easier if the maker of this toy just came here and showed me how to do this. People just learn better that way, don’t you think?

You know, Jesus must have known that people need to see things with their own eyes to understand. Today we’re going to look at a time when Jesus helped His disciples learn about a confusing idea by showing them someone who was doing things right. If Jesus just told His followers what to do, they might not get it. But by watching someone else do the right thing, the disciples understood so much more.

The person Jesus used as an example in this case was a widow. And even though she was very poor because her husband had died, this widow was a wonderful example of what it means to be generous and to give with a pure heart. Jesus wanted His disciples—and us—to follow her example when we give to God and others.

Say: Remember last week, Jesus had just come to Jerusalem. It was one week before He would give up His life on the cross. When He went to the temple, He saw the money changers and animal traders selling things in the temple. He ran them out boldly, because the temple was a place to worship God, not a place to cheat people out of their money! Ask: How did the Pharisees and religious leaders feel about that? They were angry. They began plotting to kill Jesus.

Since Jesus is God, He knew the true hearts and thoughts of these religious leaders. He knew that while they looked good on the OUTSIDE—seeming to do everything by the rules—they were filled with wickedness on the INSIDE.

Let’s turn to Mark 12:41-44 and read about how the poor widow behaved very differently from these people who seemed so important on the outside.

Teacher note: Even though this passage of scripture involves issues of monetary giving, we should make sure that the children understand that there are many ways to give and be generous. Sure, giving money is good. But people can also be generous with their possessions, with their time, with their forgiveness, with the Gospel, etc. Make sure to focus on the importance of sacrificial giving in all circumstances, not merely on the generous giving of money.

“Sacrificial giving is parting with what we’d rather keep. It’s keeping the old and giving away the new or giving away both. The giving of the first Christians was spontaneous, unguarded, and uncalculated.

“Sacrificial giving appears to be unreasonable. In reality, though, it’s perfectly reasonable. It brings God glory, meets others’ needs, and ensures us eternal rewards. And all the while God takes care of our immediate needs.

“Sacrificial giving makes no human sense. But we are to think like Christ, not the world.” — Randy Alcorn, from Money, Possessions, and Eternity, p. 203.

Two Types Of People, Two Types Of Giving


Jesus sat down across from the place where people put their temple offerings. He watched the crowd putting their money into the offering boxes. Many rich people threw large amounts into them.

But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins. They were worth much less than a penny.

Jesus asked his disciples to come to Him. He said, “What I’m about to tell you is true. That poor widow has put more into the offering box than all the others. They all gave a lot because they are rich. But she gave even though she is poor. She put in everything she had. She gave all she had to live on.” — Mark 12:41-44

Teacher note: Jesus didn’t just happen to see this scene unfolding, He actually sat down to observe what was going on. He was interested enough in what people were doing with their money to watch them and then to use what He saw to teach His disciples—and us—about sacrificial giving.

Say: While He was in the temple, Jesus decided to watch people putting their gifts into the temple treasury. The Bible doesn’t say if the Pharisees were among those making gifts, but it does say that many rich people were throwing money into the boxes. The religious leaders loved to hang out with rich people and had a lot in common with them.

When some rich people in Bible times gave an offering to the poor, they wanted everyone to notice them. They would even have people blow trumpets so that people would stop and watch them make their offering. Here is what Jesus said about that:

“When you give to needy people, do not announce it by having trumpets blown. Do not be like those who only pretend to be holy. They announce what they do in the synagogues and on the streets. They want to be honored by others. What I’m about to tell you is true. They have received their complete reward.” - Matthew 6:2

Application: Some people were impressed by all that trumpet blowing! But Jesus wasn’t. Jesus didn’t want His disciples to think that religious leaders were more important than others. And we shouldn’t believe that certain people are better than others, either. No matter how nicely someone dresses, no matter how popular they are, no matter how perfect they seem, no one is better in God’s eyes than anyone else. We should not be impressed by those who LOOK and ACT important. Instead, we should notice those who have pure hearts and think of others as more important than themselves.

The widow in this story was a person with a pure heart. Jesus wanted the disciples to follow her example, not the example set by the religious leaders and those who showed off when they gave.

Giving With A Pure Heart

Say: Let’s look at how the poor widow made her gift. Remember Mark 12:42-44? It said,

...a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins. They were worth much less than a penny.

Jesus asked his disciples to come to Him. He said, “What I’m about to tell you is true. That poor widow has put more into the offering box than all the others. They all gave a lot because they are rich. But she gave even though she is poor. She put in everything she had. She gave all she had to live on.”

Ask: How can this be? How can a penny be more than $100? How can the widow’s gift be the one that Jesus finds the most beautiful? It’s because the widow gave generously and with a pure heart.

People might look at how much money rich people give. But God cares more about HOW we give than HOW MUCH we give. God knows what we are thinking and feeling when we give. If we are giving to impress people, He knows it. If we are giving because we love God and love others, He knows that, too.

1 Samuel 16:7 says, Man looks at how someone appears on the outside. But I look at what is in the heart. So when the people were making their gifts in the temple that day, and Jesus was watching them, He saw more than the size of their gifts. He saw how generous and pure their hearts were as they put their money in the box.

Jesus knew that the woman was not just a poor widow. She was truly NEEDY. Those two coins were all she had, and when she put them in the box, there was nothing left. The widow’s offering demonstrated her deep love for God. And it showed that she trusted that God would provide food, clothing and everything else that she needed. Her gift was a beautiful sacrifice.

No one in the temple noticed this poor woman…BUT JESUS SAW HER! And He used her as an example to teach His disciples about what it means to give sacrificially.

Application: A sacrificial gift is one that isn’t easy to give. The widow’s coins were a sacrifice because they were all she had. There are other ways to give sacrificially, too. Let’s do a little demonstration to see how we might follow the widow’s example. I need two volunteers.

Have one volunteer sit on the floor while the other stands in front of you. Say: My friend here has a problem. He/she is really, really, really hungry. And I have a bag full of delicious cookies. Hold up the bag of four cookies for everyone to see. Say: Friend, ask me if you can have a cookie. After the volunteer asks for a cookie, take one cookie out and hold it up for everyone to see. Say: I guess you can have one, but this is my favorite kind of cookie. If I gave you all of them, then I wouldn’t have any left for myself. But if anyone asks, make sure you tell them it was me who shared with you, OK? Give the cookie to the volunteer and send them back to their seat.

Ask: Was this an example of sacrificial giving? No! I wanted the cookies for myself, but I also wanted people to think I was a good person. That’s why I offered my friend just one of the cookies in the bag. Now let’s see how this situation would be different if I followed the example of the poor widow in the temple.

Have the second volunteer stand in front of you. Say: This friend is very hungry, too. Everyone in the class has a snack except him/her. When I packed my snack for today, there was only half a cookie in my pantry. Hold up the second bag containing the half cookie for everyone to see. I’ve been thinking about that half cookie all day long. It’s finally snack time, and I am very hungry. But my friend is hungrier. He/she didn’t have anything to eat for breakfast! Say: Friend, ask me if you can have my half cookie. After the volunteer asks for your cookie, take it out of the bag and hold it up for everyone to see. Say: I know you’re extra hungry, friend. Even though I only have half a cookie to give you, it’s delicious. I hope you enjoy it! Give the cookie to the second volunteer and send them back to their seat.

Hold up the first bag that still contains three cookies. Say: Even though the whole cookie from this bag was bigger than the half cookie from the other bag, it was not a sacrifice for me to give it to my friend. I still have three cookies left for myself. Hold up the empty second bag. But when I gave my friend the half cookie from this bag, it was all I had to give. It was a very small snack, and when I gave it away, I had no snack left at all. That was a sacrifice. And I gave it with a generous and pure heart. Remember, God doesn’t look at HOW MUCH we give. He looks at HOW we give. So in God’s eyes, the half cookie was the bigger gift.

Say: Jesus knew that it is very easy for people to get confused about doing the right thing. Sometimes people tell us one thing and God tells us another. That’s why Jesus tried to give us examples to follow. Remember when we talked about building the complicated toy at the beginning of the lesson? It’s easier to imitate someone who is building the toy correctly than it is to follow confusing instructions.

Jesus knew that we might be confused about sacrificial giving. That’s why He gave us the example of the poor widow to follow. She had almost nothing to give, yet she gave everything she had. Religious leaders and rich people might be noticed by people, but the widow’s sacrificial gift was the one that GOD noticed.

The poor widow in the temple truly understood what Jesus was saying in Matthew 6:19-21...

“Do not put away riches for yourselves on earth. Moths and rust can destroy them. Thieves can break in and steal them. Instead, put away riches for yourselves in heaven. There, moths and rust do not destroy them. There, thieves do not break in and steal them. Your heart will be where your riches are.”

By giving with a generous and pure heart, the poor widow was storing away rewards that would last FOREVER!

Key Verse:

Man looks at how someone appears on the outside. But I look at what is in the heart. - 1 Samuel 16:7b

Main Point: God notices those who give to Him with a pure heart.



© 2007 All rights reserved worldwide. May be reproduced for personal, nonprofit, and non-commercial uses only. 

Unless otherwise noted the Scriptures taken from: Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version, (NIrV®)

Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998 by International Bible Society / Used by permission of IBS-STL. All rights reserved worldwide.

Special thanks to John R. Cross, The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, GoodSeed International.

Related Topics: Children, Children's Curriculum

9. Jesus Washes His Disciples’ Feet (Matthew 26:14-39; Luke 22:24-27; John 13:1-17)

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Main Point: Jesus wants us to do for others as He has done for us.

Key Verse:

I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet. So you also should wash one another’s feet. I have given you an example. You should do as I have done for you. - John 13:14-15

Props: A shallow bucket/basin; towel; water; an adult volunteer who is willing for you to wash their feet; a bicycle

Atmosphere: Set up a low table in the front of the room. Use many candles, and teach this with low lighting to get the effect of nighttime.


Say: We have been learning so many things about Jesus. Last week we learned that Jesus wants us to remember Him. He left us a “picture” – communion. When we take communion, we are to remember Jesus and all that He’s done for us. Today we’re going to see what Jesus did during the last few hours before He went to the cross. Remember, Jesus is God and He knows everything! He knew He would lay down His life very soon.

Jesus Washes The Disciples’ Feet (John 13:1-17)

Say: Here we are at the Last Supper on the night before Jesus knew that He was going to die. He was about to be betrayed by Judas, one of His own disciples. Soon, Jesus would be beaten, made fun of, and nailed to a cross. Even though Jesus knew all these things, His disciples did not understand that He was going to die and then rise again. It’s interesting to see what Jesus did for His disciples on His very last night with them.

Teacher: You may demonstrate this. Say: Jesus got up from the meal. He wrapped a towel around His waist. He poured water into a large bowl. Then He began to wash His disciples’ feet. He dried them with the towel that was wrapped around Him. In those days, foot washing was needed in every home. The streets were dusty and dirty. Roads even had garbage and waste from the animals that traveled up and down the same streets. People in those days wore sandals without socks, and their feet could become very dirty.

The dinner-time custom was to lean back around the table at the evening meal. It’s hard to enjoy a meal when there is a very bad smell, isn’t it? Usually, the lowest servant in the household was expected to wash the feet of guests. Having your guests’ feet washed was a way to show honor to your guests.

Since the last supper was held in a private home, with just Jesus and His disciples, we can easily see why there were no servants there.

(Jesus) came to Simon Peter. “Lord,” Peter said to Him, “Are you going to wash my feet?”
Jesus replied, “You don’t realize now what I am doing. But later you will understand.”
“No,” said Peter. “You will never wash my feet.”
Jesus answered, “Unless I wash you, you can’t share life with Me.”
“Lord,” Simon Peter replied, “not just my feet! Wash my hands and my head too!”
Jesus answered, “A person who has had a bath needs to wash only his feet. The rest of his body is clean. And you are clean. But not all of you are.”
- John 13:6-10

Ask: Who do you think Jesus is talking about here when He says that not all of you are “clean”? Judas.

What do you think Jesus was trying to teach us by washing His disciples’ feet? Jesus wants us to serve others; wants us to think of others. Say: Jesus was showing His disciples how much He loved them (John 13:1), and that they should serve others (John 13:14).

“Do you understand what I have done for you?” He asked them. “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord.’ You are right. That is what I am. I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet. So you also should wash one another’s feet. I have given you an example. You should do as I have done for you.

“What I’m about to tell you is true. A servant is not more important than his master. And a messenger is not more important than the one who sends him. Now you know these things. So you will be blessed if you do them. - John 13:12b-17

Application: One of the things Jesus was teaching was that we should serve others. If Jesus, who is Lord of all, would choose to lower Himself to do the job of the least important servant by washing His friends’ feet, then we should always be willing to serve others. Jesus said to follow His example. Foot washing was very common in Bible times, but not very common today. Ask: What is something you might do to serve another person today? Listen for answers.

Cleansing Of Sin (John 13:8-11)

Say: One of the many wonderful things about each Bible story is that the Lord is usually teaching us more than one thing. The Bible is so rich! Every time you read it, God can show you more about Himself and your relationship to Him.

Another thing we can learn from Jesus washing His disciples’ feet is that we all need daily cleansing through forgiveness to have fellowship with the Lord.

Unwashed feet is a picture of a believer trying to walk with the Lord, study the Word, pray, or serve Him while that person has known sin in his life. By this, I mean that the person knows he is committing a sin over and over, but is unwilling to try to stop doing that sin. An example might be that a boy always speaks disrespectfully to his mother. The boy knows that the Bible says, “All of you must have respect for your mother and father.” (Leviticus 19:3) But the boy ignores God’s command, and talks to his mother in a mean and sassy way. Symbolically speaking, that boy has filthy feet! How can the boy walk with Jesus, who is perfect and pure, when the boy’s feet are covered in dirt? Jesus said, “If you love Me, you will obey what I command.” (John 14:15) By ignoring Jesus’ commands, by keeping sin in his life, the boy is showing that his relationship with Jesus is not valuable to him. Just the opposite, if the boy hears that the Bible commands him to respect his mom, so he goes to Jesus and asks for forgiveness and the grace to stop talking back to his mom, he is showing Jesus that he loves Him and wants to obey Him.

Say: Would you like to learn two Greek words today? It’s fun to know words from another language. The New Testament was written in Greek. And there are two words used for the word “wash” in these verses.

Show the words: NIPTW (pronounced nip-toe) and LOUW (pronounced lu-oh)

There is niptw, which was used for washing only a part of the body, such as the hands, face, and feet. You would use this word for washing your hands before dinner.

The second word is louw, which meant to bathe the body. It referred to a thorough washing of the entire body. You would use this word for taking a good long shower.

Jesus used both words in verse 10. We might say it this way: “He who has bathed (louw) his entire body needs only to wash (niptw) his feet.”

In verse 10, Jesus pointed out the difference between being completely bathed and having one’s feet washed by the Lord. When a person understands their helpless, sinful condition and comes to Jesus because He died to take away their sin, which is like the person getting the best, most complete bath ever. Jesus washes them inside out! Their sin is taken away and forgotten (Hebrews 8:12). Forgiveness is theirs (Romans 8:1-2). They will NEVER have to pay the penalty for their sin (John 10:28). But then, as they walk through life, they sin again (1 John 1:6-10). That sin keeps them from living the victorious kingdom life. It keeps them from abiding in Jesus and bearing spiritual fruit. Coming to Jesus, confessing and repenting of our daily sin is like a foot washing. Jesus made it very clear that once we trust in Him, we don’t need another “total bath”, only the “daily cleansing” from the sins that occur as we walk down the dusty, dirty streets of life.

Teacher: Hold the bicycle next to you. Let’s say I really wanted a bicycle, so my parents bought me this bike. Wouldn’t it be silly for me to keep asking for a bicycle? Everyday, I stood next to this bike and said, “Please buy me a bike. I really want a bike.” Of course, that would be ridiculous. I already have this nice bike. The problem is: I am not using it to get places or to have fun! I’m still walking everywhere I go! Now, what would I have to do to use this bike the way I’m supposed to use it? You have to get on it and pedal! Right, I already own the bike. Now I just need to get on it and go!

Everyone who puts his or her trust in Jesus is forgiven of their sin! Jesus has given them forgiveness, just like my parents gave me this bike. Forgiveness is theirs! (Ephesians 1:6-8) They don’t have to beg for forgiveness again, just like I didn’t have to ask for a bike after my parents already gave me one. But we still sin everyday, so what do we do about those sins? The Bible tells us to confess and repent of our sin (Acts 19:18, Revelation 2:5).

We confess - we agree with God that our attitude or action is wrong.

We repent - we change our heart and mind about the sin and go in the opposite direction.

When I confess and repent, I “throw off” that sin that had a grip on me (Hebrews 12:1). Now I can live in victory. By God’s grace, I can do the things that God wants me to do (Ephesians 1:4-14). I will bear wonderful fruit like kindness, goodness, and patience. Those who trust in Jesus already have His forgiveness, but if we don’t confess and repent of our daily sins, we are not letting His forgiveness change our lives. Applying Jesus’ forgiveness to my life by confessing and repenting is like finally getting on my bike and riding it! My life is different; it is better in every way.

All of Jesus’ disciples, except for Judas (who was about to betray Jesus), had trusted and believed in Jesus. They were clean in the sense of a “total bath” of salvation from sin’s penalty. They all, however, needed - and would need throughout their lives on earth - daily cleansing to live the full kingdom life.

When Peter refused to allow the Lord to wash (niptw) his feet, the Lord responded, “If I do not wash (niptw) you, you have no part (fellowship) with Me.” Jesus was not saying that Peter could not trust and believe in God. The issue was whether Peter would live the victorious, kingdom life that Jesus wanted him to live.

Application: The confessing and repenting of your daily sins is the niptw (washing part of yourself) that Jesus said was so very important. You must confess and repent so that you can abide in Jesus, so His grace will fill your life. Be sure to go to Jesus every day for your “foot washing,” so you can live the full kingdom life!


Key Verse:

I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet. So you also should wash one another’s feet. I have given you an example. You should do as I have done for you. - John 13:14-15


Main Point: Jesus wants us to do for others as He has done for us.

© 2007 All rights reserved worldwide. May be reproduced for personal, nonprofit, and non-commercial uses only. Brought to you by KidzLife

Unless otherwise noted the Scriptures taken from: Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version, (NIrV®)

Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998 by International Bible Society / Used by permission of IBS-STL. All rights reserved worldwide.

Special thanks to John R. Cross, The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, GoodSeed International.

Related Topics: Children, Children's Curriculum

3. The Cupbearer and the Baker (Genesis 40)

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Main Poinzt: God never forgets His children.

Key Verse:

I, the Lord, made you, and I will not forget you. - Isaiah 44:21b NLT

Props: Cup of juice (Silver cup would be great), loaf of bread

Teacher: Before class, choose an adult leader, or a student who can read loudly, to read Psalm 139:7-10 when you call on him or her.


Say: Last week, we ended our story with Joseph thrown in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. Potiphar’s wife had made up a big lie about Joseph. She was so angry that Joseph wouldn’t pay attention to her that she accused him of something he did not do.

Joseph was thrown into the dungeon that was under Potiphar’s house. Ask: It may seem that everyone had forgotten about Joseph, but who was with him? God was with him! Say: There is nowhere you can go that God does not go with you! Listen to the words that King David wrote to the Lord. Teacher: Call on your volunteer to read Psalm 139:7-10.

How can I get away from your Spirit? Where can I go to escape from you? If I go up to the heavens, you are there. If I lie down in the deepest parts of the earth, you are also there. Suppose I were to rise with the sun in the east and then cross over to the west where it sinks into the ocean. Your hand would always be there to guide me. Your right hand would still be holding me close. - Psalm 139:7-10

David goes on to say that even the darkest night is not dark to God. He sees through darkness as if it’s broad daylight. Remember that you are never alone. God is with you! He’s with you on your first day of school when you walk into a classroom of strangers; He’s with you when your friends turn their backs on you; He’s with you when your parents argue; He’s with you when someone you love passes away. God sees you no matter where you are, and He will never forget you.

The Bible says that God blessed Joseph while he was in prison. God made sure that the warden, the person in charge of the prison, liked Joseph a lot. Just like upstairs in Potiphar’s home, Joseph was put in charge of everything in the prison. The warden no longer worried about anything because God gave Joseph success in everything that he did (Genesis 39:21-23).

The Cupbearer & The Baker (Genesis 40:1-4)

Say: While Joseph was in prison, two other important men where thrown into jail with him.

...The cupbearer and the baker of the king of Egypt offended their master, the king of Egypt. Pharaoh was angry with his two officials, the chief cupbearer and the chief baker, and put them in custody in the house of the captain of the guard, in the same prison where Joseph was confined. The captain of the guard assigned them to Joseph, and he attended them. - Genesis 40:1-4a NIV

One of the men was the cupbearer. Teacher: Hold up your cup of juice. Say: Remember, Pharaoh was an important leader. Sometimes important leaders have powerful enemies, such as the kings of countries that he gone to war with. One of those enemies might even try to poison Pharaoh. Ask: How do you think Pharaoh could be sure that his drink wasn’t poisoned? Listen for answers. Say: Pharaoh appointed a man that he trusted to be his cupbearer, which means cup holder. Choose a volunteer; ask him to hold the cup. The cupbearer would be very careful to protect Pharaoh’s drinks. If Pharaoh was feeling suspicious, the cupbearer might even have to drink from the cup first. Have volunteer take a sip of juice. Then if he didn’t die, Pharaoh would know the drink wasn’t poisoned. Thank your volunteer.

The second man who was thrown into jail was Pharaoh’s baker. We can all guess what he did for Pharaoh. Hold up your loaf of bread. Again, since Pharaoh had many enemies, the man who made food for him had to be a person that he trusted. We aren’t told what the men did, or even if the men had committed the same offense. We are just told that Pharaoh was really angry.

Ask: Do you think it was a coincidence that these two men were thrown into the same prison as Joseph? Listen for answers. Say: It was no coincidence. God had a plan and God’s plans are always good! (Jeremiah 29:11) Potiphar had control over the dungeon. He put Joseph in charge of these two new prisoners.

Note to Teacher: This act of Potiphar’s leads us to believe that he still trusted Joseph, at least to a degree. It is possible that he trusted Joseph more than he trusted his wife. After all, Joseph was known for his loyal character. It would seem that perhaps Mrs. Potiphar was not known for hers. But when she made a spectacle of Joseph’s robe in her clutches, Potiphar was forced to make a choice: either side with his wife, or side with Joseph, admitting that his wife was chasing after another man.

God gave Joseph the grace to obey Potiphar’s command (Titus 2:11-12). Joseph cared for the two men for some time. He even knew them well enough to know when they were unhappy. Most importantly, Joseph taught the men about the one true God.

Application: The Bible tells us we should take care of the needs of others (James 1:27, Luke 6:31). Joseph cared for the other prisoners even when he was in a terrible situation. Caring for others is a great way to take your focus off of your own troubles! Hebrews 6:10 tells us that God will not forget your work and the love you show to others when you help them.

Two Dreams (Genesis 40:4-19)

After quite a while in prison, both the cup-bearer and baker had a dream on the same night. The men didn’t understand what their dreams meant, and it bothered them.

When Joseph saw them the next morning, he noticed that they both looked upset. “Why do you look so worried today?” he asked them.

And they replied, “We both had dreams last night, but no one can tell us what they mean.” - Genesis 40:6-8a NLT

In their part of the world, people took their dreams very seriously. Before God’s word was written down in the Bible, God often spoke to people through dreams (Numbers 12:6, Judges 7:15, 1 Kings 3:5). Kings and Pharaohs had men who claimed that they could interpret dreams. Since the cupbearer and baker were in prison, they did not have access to Pharaoh’s interpreters. They didn’t know that the only true interpretations came from the Lord. Joseph let them know that only the all-knowing God could tell them what their dreams meant. Because Joseph abided with God, God would reveal the meanings to him.

“Interpreting dreams is God’s business, Joseph replied. “Go ahead and tell me your dreams.”

So the chief cupbearer told Joseph his dream first. “In my dream,” he said, “I saw a grapevine in front of me. The vine had three branches that began to bud and blossom, and soon it produced clusters of ripe grapes. I was holding Pharaoh’s wine cup in my hand, so I took a cluster of grapes and squeezed the juice into the cup. Then I placed the cup in Pharaoh’s hand.”

“This is what the dream means,” Joseph said. “The three branches represent three days. Within three days Pharaoh will lift you up and restore you to your position as his chief cupbearer. And please remember me and do me a favor when things go well for you. Mention me to Pharaoh, so he might let me out of this place. For I was kidnapped from my homeland, the land of the Hebrews, and now I’m here in prison, but I did nothing to deserve it.” - Genesis 40:8b-15 NLT

Say: Clearly God was with Joseph. God gave Joseph the meaning of the cupbearer’s dream. Things would turn out very well for the cupbearer - soon he would be out of prison, serving Pharaoh once again.

Joseph trusted God completely. Joseph knew that the interpretation would happen exactly as God had revealed. So, Joseph asked the cupbearer to remember him when he was out of prison. Joseph wanted the cupbearer to ask Pharaoh to set him free because he was innocent. There was still one more dream:

The chief baker saw that Joseph had given a positive meaning to the (cupbearer’s) dream. So he said to Joseph, "I had a dream too. There were three baskets of bread on my head. All kinds of baked goods for Pharaoh were in the top basket. But the birds were eating them out of the basket that was on my head." - Genesis 40:16-17

Again, God let Joseph know exactly what the dream meant. Sadly, things were not going to go well for the baker. It must have been hard for Joseph to tell bad news to the baker, but he had to tell the truth. The Bible says to always speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). Joseph told the baker that in three days, Pharaoh was going to order that he be killed, and hang his body for everyone to see. This was a terrible fate for the baker!

Note to Teacher: We know that once again, Joseph trusted that God was telling exactly what was going to happen. Knowing that Pharaoh would execute the baker, Joseph did not ask the baker to put in a good word for him.

Now, God was not going to cause these things to happen. He was just telling the future ahead of time. Why would God want these men, including Joseph, know what was about to happen?

God gave these dreams:

  • To reveal that He was the one and only true God.
  • To give the baker the opportunity to repent (turn from his sin) and TRUST in God.
  • To show Joseph that dreams that are given by God always come true.

Application: God has many ways of speaking to people today. The clearest way is through His written word, the Bible. Hold up your Bible. God’s word is not just words on a page, or just good advice. It is the very truth of God, and it changes people.

God has breathed life into all of Scripture. It is useful for teaching us what is true. It is useful for correcting our mistakes. It is useful for making our lives whole again. It is useful for training us to do what is right. By using Scripture, a man of God can be completely prepared to do every good thing. - 2 Timothy 3:17-16

The word of God is living and active. It is sharper than any sword that has two edges... It judges the thoughts and purposes of the heart. - Hebrews 4:12

God also speaks through prayer, preaching, teaching, prompting by the Holy Spirit, and in some parts of the world, through dreams. But be sure of this: God will NEVER speak in any way that is against His written word. Any time you think God has spoken to you, check it against what the Bible says. God wants to reveal Himself to you, and guide your life by His truth.

Dreams Into Reality (Genesis 40:20-23)

Pharaoh’s birthday came three days later, and he prepared a banquet for all his officials and staff. He summoned his chief cupbearer and chief baker to join the other officials. He then restored the chief cupbearer to his former position, so he could again hand Pharaoh his cup. But Pharaoh impaled the chief baker, just as Joseph had predicted when he interpreted his dream. - Genesis 40:20-22 NLT

The dreams came true, exactly as Joseph had foretold. Sadly, the baker was killed for what he had done. But the cupbearer was forgiven. This means the cupbearer was returned to Pharaoh’s favor; Pharaoh trusted him once again. Can you imagine how excited Joseph must have been about this? Finally, the cupbearer could tell Pharaoh all about Joseph. He could tell Pharaoh that Joseph was a good man who had done nothing wrong. Surely, Pharaoh would let Joseph out of prison and he could go home to his father. I can just imagine that every time the prison door opened, Joseph jumped up hoping to be set free... But it wasn’t to be:

Pharaoh’s chief cupbearer, however, forgot all about Joseph, never giving him another thought. - Genesis 40:23 NLT

After Joseph had unselfishly cared for the cup-bearer in prison and even interpreted his dream, the cup-bearer never gave Joseph a second thought. Apparently, as soon as the cupbearer was out of prison, he wanted to be completed separated from everything there. What a heartbreaking disappointment this was for Joseph! The Bible says, “Hope that is put off makes one sick at heart.” (Proverbs 13:12a)

Joseph was stuck in that prison for TWO more years! (Genesis 41:1) But Joseph was not alone in that prison. God remained with him. God gave Joseph the grace that gave him strength and comfort. God’s grace was like a hug around Joseph day and night.

I wish I could tell you the end of the story right now so you would know that God was in complete control of the situation. Even though the cupbearer forgot about Joseph, God did not! God did not forget the promise He made to Joseph back in Canaan through Joseph’s two dreams. Come back next week to hear the amazing way that Joseph got out of prison!

Application: People often disappoint us. They forget about us, or forget promises they made to us. But God never forgets His children! God reminds us that He is with us by wrapping His grace around us like a big hug.


Key Verse:

I, the Lord, made you, and I will not forget you. - Isaiah 44:21b NLT


Main Point: God never forgets His children.

© 2007 All rights reserved worldwide. May be reproduced for personal, nonprofit, and non-commercial uses only. 

Unless otherwise noted the Scriptures taken from: Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version, (NIrV®)

Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998 by International Bible Society / Used by permission of IBS-STL. All rights reserved worldwide.

Special thanks to John R. Cross, The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, GoodSeed International.

Related Topics: Children, Children's Curriculum

1. Joseph Sold Into Slavery (Genesis 37)

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Main Point: We must depend on God’s grace to turn away from sin.

Key Verse:

(God’s grace) teaches us to say no to godless ways and sinful longings. - Titus 2:12a

Props: Richly colored fabric, gold trim or tassels; 2 balloons and a pin


Say: God had made some amazing promises to a man named Abraham (Genesis 12:2-3). God promised to bless him, and give him many children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and so on. God promised that the entire world would be blessed through Abraham’s family. Miraculously God gave a son to Abraham and his wife, Sarah, even though they were WAY too old to have a child. Ask: Who can remember the name of their son? Isaac. And who can remember the name of Isaac’s twin boys? Jacob and Esau. Say: Jacob was the younger son, but he received his father’s blessing. Jacob had four wives, but the only wife he really loved was Rachel. All together, Jacob had twelve sons. His two youngest sons were from his beloved wife, Rachel. The older of these two was Joseph and the younger was Benjamin. Back then, the oldest son would often be the father’s favorite child. Even though Joseph wasn’t the oldest of all of Jacob’s sons, he was the oldest son of his favorite wife. So out of all of Jacob’s sons, Joseph was Jacob’s very favorite.

For the next several weeks, we are going to learn about the AMAZING life of Joseph. The story of Joseph is better than any movie you’ve ever seen. It is the TRUE story of God’s incredible plan for Joseph, and the entire world. It is the story of forgiveness and God’s over-flowing grace. It is a story of seeing circumstances the way God sees them instead of the way we see them.

Joseph’s Dreams (Genesis 37:1-11)

Ask: Now, do you think that Joseph’s brothers noticed that Joseph was their dad’s favorite? Listen for answers. Say: Those brothers certainly knew which one was dad’s favorite, and they didn’t like it one bit! At times, Joseph would tell his father when his brothers weren’t behaving well (Genesis 37:2). And Jacob treated Joseph differently from his other sons.

Jacob loved Joseph more than any of his other children because Joseph had been born to him in his old age. So one day Jacob had a special gift made for Joseph - a beautiful robe. But his brothers hated Joseph because their father loved him more than the rest of them. They couldn’t say a kind word to him. - Genesis 37:3-4 NLT

Say: Sadly, Jacob made it very clear that he had a favorite son. When Joseph was a teenager, Jacob had a fancy robe made for him. The Bible says it was a colorful coat. It was the type that was worn by royalty (Gesenius’s Lexicon). In Bible times, dyes for fabric were very expensive. A richly colored robe was a sign of great importance. Teacher: Show your fabric and trim. Explain that the robe may have been made of similar fabric with elaborate trim. Say: Joseph’s brothers were shepherds who took care of dirty sheep all day. None of them had a coat like this. By wearing the coat, they thought Joseph was saying he was better than them. Then something happened that made the brothers even more jealous.

One night Joseph had a dream, and when he told his brothers about it, they hated him more than ever. “Listen to this dream,” he said. “We were out in the field, tying up bundles of grain. Suddenly my bundle stood up, and your bundles all gathered around and bowed low before mine!”

His brothers responded, “So you think you will be our king, do you? Do you actually think you will reign over us?” And they hated him all the more because of his dreams and the way he talked about them.

Soon Joseph had another dream, and again he told his brothers about it. “Listen, I have had another dream,” he said. “The sun, moon, and eleven stars bowed low before me!”

This time he told the dream to his father as well as to his brothers, but his father scolded him. “What kind of dream is that?” he asked. “Will your mother and I and your brothers actually come and bow to the ground before you?” But while his brothers were jealous of Joseph, his father wondered what the dreams meant. - Genesis 37:5-11 NLT

Say: These dreams were from God; they predicted the future. The Bible says that God doesn’t do anything without telling His servants the prophets about it (Amos 3:7). The wheat and the stars were actually symbols for people. These dreams were God’s promise to Joseph. God knew that Joseph’s sweet life was about to turn sour. He would be treated terribly by many people for many years. But in the end, things would turn out great for Joseph. God wanted Joseph to remain strong and encouraged during the hard times. By His grace, God gave this vision of the future to Joseph like a big warm hug ahead of time. We’ll learn more about this in a few weeks.

We’re not sure if Joseph bragged about these dreams, or if he told the dreams to his brothers in an innocent way. No matter how Joseph meant it when he talked about the dreams, it made his brothers really angry.

It seems that everything about Joseph made his brothers angry - even things that Joseph had no control over. They held onto their bitterness and they never forgave. Over time, their anger grew and grew. It’s sort of like this. Teacher: take out your balloon. Let’s say this balloon represents the brothers’ anger. Each time they saw something about Joseph that they didn’t like, they became angry. Blow up the balloon a little. They saw Jacob spending time with Joseph. Blow up the balloon a little more. Joseph told their father when they acted badly. Blow up the balloon a little more. Jacob gave Joseph his awesome robe. Blow up the balloon a little more. Joseph told them his first dream. Blow up the balloon a little more. Then Joseph told them his second dream. Blow up the balloon a little more. When anger builds and builds, eventually, what will happen? Quickly POP the balloon with the pin. Eventually, all that anger leads to sin. We’ll see that Joseph’s brothers were about to do something terrible!

Application: Everyone gets angry sometimes. Raise your hand if you have NEVER gotten angry. We can’t even blame Joseph’s brothers for being angry when they were treated unfairly. However, the Bible says, “When you are angry, do not sin.” (Psalm 4:4). But when we are so angry, how in the world can we keep form sinning? Each one of us has a sin nature. Just like Adam and Eve, we choose to sin. On our own, we are powerless over sin (Romans 6:17a). But here is where God’s grace steps in.

One of the amazing things that God’s grace does is it makes us holy. God’s grace gives us the power to say no to sin. Titus 2:12 says that God’s grace “teaches us to say no to godless ways and sinful longings.”

For example, if someone gets something they don’t deserve, it might make you angry. Blow up the balloon a little. You have a choice to hold onto your anger or pray for God to give you the grace to let it go. Let the air out. Someone might be unkind to you and it makes you angry. Blow up the balloon a little. You have a choice to hold onto your anger or ask God to give you the grace to forgive that person (Ephesians 4:31-32). Let the air out. Holding onto anger leads to sin. When we abide with God, He will show us when there is a root of anger or bitterness in our heart. Each time, ask God for the grace to forgive and let go of your anger so you will not sin.

Joseph Sold By His Brothers (Genesis 37:12-36)

One day, all of Joseph’s older brothers were out in the countryside taking care of the family’s sheep. Jacob told Joseph to go check on them, and come back and tell him how they were doing. While Joseph was still a long way off, his brothers saw him coming. Ask: Can anyone guess how they saw him coming? His colorful coat. Say: Most shepherds were poor. They couldn’t afford brightly colored clothing, so their clothes blended into the landscape. But when Joseph came wearing his fancy coat, he really stood out. While he was walking toward them, they came up with an evil plan.

“Here comes that dreamer!” they said to one another. “Come. Let’s kill him. Let’s throw him into one of these empty wells. Let’s say that a wild animal ate him up. Then we’ll see whether his dreams will come true.”

Reuben (the oldest brother) heard them. He tried to save Joseph from them. “Let’s not take his life,” he said. “Let’s not spill any blood. Throw him into this empty well here in the desert. But don’t harm him yourselves.”

Reuben said that to save Joseph from them. He was hoping he could take him back to his father. - Genesis 37:19-22

Say: This was the most terrible plan possible! They were so angry and jealous that they wanted to kill their own brother (Psalm 37:8). As Jacob’s oldest son, Reuben would have been held responsible for his brothers’ actions. He wanted to stop his brothers from committing this terrible sin (Genesis 42:22). He was planning to come back and rescue Joseph when his brothers weren’t around. Thankfully, they listened to Reuben. When Joseph arrived, they tore off his beautiful coat and threw him into the dry well. Joseph begged his brothers not to leave him there to die but they did not care (Genesis 42:21).

Now, the plot thickens. As some of the brothers sat down to eat their lunch, they saw some traders (not traitors) coming by. The word trader comes from the word “trade.” Traders were sort of like traveling salesmen. They had items that they would buy, sell, or trade with people as they traveled from one town to another. One of the brothers, named Judah, came up with another idea. He said that instead of leaving Joseph to die in the well, they could sell him as a slave to the traders. That way, they wouldn’t be guilty of actually killing him, and they could make some money at the same time.

Say: We KNOW that murder is wrong. Ask: Is selling someone into slavery wrong? Yes! Say: Of course it’s wrong! Every man, woman, and child is created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). One person does not have the right to own another person. Judah’s plan was evil. But sadly, his brothers agreed to do it. Reuben was not part of this scheme. He was probably taking care of the sheep at this time (Genesis 37:29).

The traders from Midian came by. Joseph’s brothers pulled him up out of the well. They sold him to the Ishmaelite traders for eight ounces of silver. Then the traders took him to Egypt.

Later, Reuben came back to the empty well. He saw that Joseph wasn’t there. He was so upset that he tore his clothes. He went back to his brothers and said, “The boy isn’t there! Now what should I do?”

Then they got Joseph’s beautiful robe. They killed a goat and dipped the robe in the blood. They took it back to their father. They said, “We found this. Take a look at it. See if it’s your son’s robe.”

Jacob recognized it. He said, “It’s my son’s robe! A wild animal has eaten him up. Joseph must have been torn to pieces.” - Genesis 37:28-33

Jacob sobbed and sobbed because he thought that his precious son had been killed. He wore black clothes to show how very sad he was. All of his children tried to make him feel better, but they couldn’t. Jacob said he would be broken-hearted until the day he died. Ask: How do you think the brothers felt when they saw how sad their father was? Listen for answers. Say: The brothers sinned by selling Joseph into slavery. Then they sinned by lying to their father, leading him to believe that Joseph was dead. We have to wonder if Jacob’s sons ever thought about the pain they would cause their father when they made their evil plans (Proverbs 17:25). Sin almost always hurts innocent people. Furthermore, sin hurts the ones who sin. Jacob’s sons would have to live with their guilt for years and years to come. Sin ALWAYS has a price. Sin causes pain, loss, and separation.

Application: We have to remember that sin ALWAYS ruins things. Only God’s grace can break the power of sin (Romans 6:14). When you put your trust in Jesus, God pours out His grace on you. God’s grace sets you FREE from sin (Romans 6:18, 8:1-2).

Joseph Sold To Potiphar (Genesis 37:36)

Say: While Jacob was grieving the loss of his son, God was working out an amazing plan for Joseph.

Meanwhile, the Midianite traders arrived in Egypt, where they sold Joseph to Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh, the king of Egypt. Potiphar was captain of the palace guard. - Genesis 37:36

If we were to describe the events in Joseph’s life up to this point, it might not sound too good. His brothers hated him, he was almost killed, he was robbed of his most valuable possession, and he was thrown into a well. Then he was sold into slavery and he didn’t know if he would ever see his father again. But this was not the end for Joseph. His adventure was just beginning. Be sure to come back next week to see what happened next!


Key Verse:

(God’s grace) teaches us to say no to godless ways and sinful longings. - Titus 2:12a


Main Point: We must depend on God’s grace to turn away from sin.

© 2007 All rights reserved worldwide. May be reproduced for personal, nonprofit, and non-commercial uses only. 

Unless otherwise noted the Scriptures taken from: Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version, (NIrV®)

Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998 by International Bible Society / Used by permission of IBS-STL. All rights reserved worldwide.

Special thanks to John R. Cross, The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, GoodSeed International.

Related Topics: Children, Children's Curriculum

2. Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife (Genesis 39)

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Main Point: The Lord is with those who trust Him, even in the most difficult times.

Key Verse:

But the Lord was with Joseph in the prison and showed him His faithful love. - Genesis 39:21a NLT

Props: A mousetrap, cheese


Attention teacher: The proposition of Potiphar’s wife to Joseph is very adult in nature. Some Bible translations (such as NIrV) are very explicit in the wording of her offer. Although we LOVE for teachers to read from their Bibles, and for children to read along in theirs, in this case, it is best to paraphrase her words, and not read directly from the scripture. Even if you are reading a version with “friendlier” wording, children who are following along in their Bibles will come across wording that is not age-appropriate. (Genesis 39:7, 10, 12, 14)

Say: When we left our story, Joseph was in a heap of trouble. His big brothers were very jealous of him. Ask: Who can tell me why they were so jealous? Their father, Jacob, loved Joseph more than all the brothers, Jacob gave him a fancy coat, and Joseph dreamed that his brothers would bow down to him one day. Say: Joseph’s brothers held on to their anger and bitterness. Their jealousy grew and grew until some of them wanted to kill Joseph. Thankfully, they didn’t kill him. Instead, they sold him as a slave to some traders that were passing by. They took his colorful coat, dipped it in the blood of a goat, and gave it to their father. Jacob believed that a wild animal had killed Joseph. Jacob was broken-hearted to lose his favorite son.

Meanwhile, the traders who had bought Joseph traveled to Egypt. They sold Joseph to a very important Egyptian man.

Joseph In Egypt

Say: Joseph had grown up in the land that God had promised to his great-grandfather, Abraham. Ask: Does anyone remember the name of the Promised Land? Canaan. Say: Now Joseph was in a new land with different smells, different tastes, different people, a different language, and different gods. All of his life, Joseph had believed in only one God. Now he was in a land where people believed in thousands of gods.

The Egyptians had a long list of gods. They worshipped a sun god, a moon god, a frog goddess, a fish goddess, a cow goddess, a beautiful cat goddess, the god of thunder, and hundreds more! Often, they combined things such as a man’s body with a hawk’s head, and worshipped it.

Imagine how strange this was to Joseph. His entire life, he only worshipped the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The Bible says that there is only one true God. Deuteronomy 6:4 says, “Israel, listen to me. The Lord is our God. The Lord is the one and only God.”

In Deuteronomy 32:39, God declares, “Look! I am One! There is no other God except Me.”

The Bible makes it clear that there is only one God, so where do all of these other gods come from? When people look at the world around them, they can tell that there is a powerful God who created everything (Romans 1:20). When they don’t know the true God, they make up their own idea of what God must be. Some people make things with their own hands, such as a statue, and worship it (Isaiah 37:19). Ask: How many of you made a craft today? Say: Can you imagine worshipping the craft you made with your own hands? It sounds ridiculous, but that is what many people around the world do, even today.

The Egyptians saw things that God made such as the sun, the moon, and animals, and believed that these amazing things must be gods. They even treated their king, Pharaoh, as a god. The Bible says, “They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator Himself, who is worthy of eternal praise!” (Romans 1:25 NLT)

How did the Egyptians fall into this trap? Teacher: Show the mousetrap. Say: Here is a mouse trap. We all know how this works. If I have a mouse on the loose in my house, I want to keep it out of the good supply of food in my kitchen. Let’s face it; there is enough food in my kitchen to keep that mouse fat and happy for his entire life. But I don’t want a mouse to thrive in my kitchen. So I need to distract it. I would put a piece of cheese in this trap - the smellier the better! The cheese has to smell so good to the mouse that it will distract it from the good food in my kitchen. When the mouse would come out at night looking for food, it would smell the stinky cheese. Before you know it, (Carefully, SNAP the trap.) SNAP! The mouse is caught. It can no longer get to the real food supply, and I can do whatever I want with the mouse.

It is very similar with Satan. Satan spends his days and nights setting traps to distract people from the truth (1 Peter 5:8). It’s Satan’s goal to rob God of the worship that God deserves, because Satan is so jealous of God. Satan’s desire is that we worship anything or everything - except the one true God. Satan has many lies for people to choose from, and he doesn’t care which one they choose.

Application: You must be aware of Satan’s traps. His goal is to distract you from the only real source of life. Remember, he is “the father of lies” (John 8:44). He makes his lies sound really good. For example, he may offer you a “scientific” explanation for something that is against the Bible, or he may lead you to believe that you can run your own life without God. Remember that Satan’s lies are nothing more than stinky cheese! The only way to tell the truth apart from Satan’s lies is to know God’s word. Then you only have two choices. You can believe God and live, or you can believe Satan, and be caught in his trap. God wants you to believe Him - to TRUST HIM - and live!

Joseph & Potiphar (Genesis 39:1-6)


Joseph had been taken down to Egypt. An Egyptian named Potiphar had bought him from the Ishmaelite traders who had taken him there. Potiphar was one of Pharaoh's officials. He was the captain of the palace guard. The Lord was with Joseph. He gave him great success. Joseph lived in Potiphar's house. - Genesis 39:1-2

Say: Joseph didn’t know anyone in this new country. He must have been terrified to be around so many people who were so different from him and who didn’t know anything about his God. Ask: Do you think he felt afraid or lonely? Say: As far as we know, Joseph was probably the only believer in the entire nation of Egypt! But Joseph was not alone! Ask: Who was with Joseph? The Lord! Say: Joseph wasn’t alone because God was with Him. God was in Canaan with Jacob and in Egypt with Joseph at the same time. God is everywhere. We call this omni-present.

Application: Ask: Have you ever felt like Joseph in Egypt? Have you ever been the only one who followed God on your team, or in your class at school? Remember that you are NEVER alone! God is with you. God was with Joseph when he was the only believer in Egypt, and He will be with you wherever you go. There is nowhere you can go where God cannot go with you (Psalm 139:7-12).

Say: When Joseph arrived in Egypt, he was sold to a man named Potiphar who was the captain of the guards at Pharaoh’s palace. Ask: Who is the most powerful man in our country? The president. Say: The most important man in Egypt was Pharaoh. As we said, some people even believed he was a god. And Pharaoh’s most important official chose Joseph to be his slave. Why did the most important official of the most important man in Egypt choose Joseph out of all the other slaves? Because God had a plan! (Genesis 50:20)

Say: Joseph went from being the favorite son to becoming a SLAVE! But God was with Joseph in everything he did. God was intimately involved in every detail of Joseph’s life.

Joseph's master saw that the Lord was with him. He saw that the Lord gave Joseph success in everything he did. So Potiphar was pleased with Joseph. He made him his attendant. He put Joseph in charge of his house. He told Joseph to take good care of everything he owned.

From that time on, the Lord blessed Potiphar's family and servants because of Joseph. He blessed everything Potiphar had in his house and field. So Potiphar told Joseph to take good care of everything he owned. With Joseph in charge, he didn't have to worry about anything except the food he ate. - Genesis 39:3-6a

Joseph was doing an excellent job in Egypt, but not through his own strength. God was enabling him to be strong and wise. Joseph lived his life differently than all the Egyptians. He followed God in everything he did (Genesis 39:8-9). His life was different; he was set apart from the ungodly. God blessed him and Potiphar could tell a distinct difference between Joseph and all those around him.

Application: Just like Joseph, we live in a time and place where many of the people around us don’t know the one true God. Do you stand out as different among the ungodly? Do you allow the Holy Spirit to guide you? Do you follow God in everything you do? When you truly live a God-centered life, those around you will be able to tell that you are different (Philippians 2:15). Sometimes, God sends us places so that people who do not know Him will be able to see God through us.

Say: God blessed Joseph, and the blessings poured out over Potiphar, his family, and even his servants. Everyone and everything in Potiphar’s home was blessed because of Joseph’s God-centered life. Having Joseph around was wonderful for Potiphar. He trusted Joseph and he no longer worried about running his home.

Potiphar’s Wife (Genesis 39:7-10)

Say: But, Here comes trouble. As we said, none of the people around Joseph followed the Lord. It wasn’t long before sin came knocking at Joseph’s door.

The Bible describes Joseph as strong and handsome. God gave him great leadership skills and other blessings. After a while, Potiphar’s wife noticed Joseph. One day she asked him to act like her boyfriend!

But he said no. "My master has put me in charge," he told her. "Now he doesn't have to worry about anything in the house. He trusts me to take care of everything he owns. No one in this house is in a higher position than I am. My master hasn't held anything back from me, except you. You are his wife. So how could I do an evil thing like that? How could I sin against God?" - Genesis 39:8-9

Rightly, Joseph knew that being a boyfriend to another man’s wife was a sin against God. In the very beginning, God created one wife (Eve) for one man (Adam). God’s perfect plan for marriage has always been one man and one woman together for their lifetime. God’s grace made Joseph want to obey God. By His grace, God gave Joseph the power to say NO to sin (Titus 2:11-12).

The test that Joseph faced was very similar to the temptation that Adam and Eve faced in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve could eat freely of every tree - except for one. In the same way, Joseph had complete control over everything in Potiphar’s household - except for one thing, Potiphar’s wife. Adam and Eve did not trust that God’s plan was best for them. They trusted Satan when he accused God of holding back something good from them, so they took what was forbidden. Just the opposite, Joseph was content with all that God had blessed him with. He was humble. He did not think he deserved more than God had given him.

Application: Satan loves to tempt people with what God has forbidden. Satan even tried to tempt Jesus to step outside of God’s perfect will (Matthew 4:1-11). Jesus knows what it feels like to be attacked from the outside by Satan. But Jesus never sinned (Hebrews 4:15). God’s grace gives you power when Satan tries to tempt you. Hebrews 4:16 says, “So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.” (NLT) Even though Satan is powerful, God is immeasurably more powerful. When you face temptation, abide in God. Boldly ask for the grace to say NO to sin.

Sent To Prison (Genesis 39:11-23)

Say: Mrs. Potiphar would not give up. She was used to getting her way, and she kept flirting with Joseph. But Joseph refused to spend any time with her. One day, Joseph went to the house to take care of his duties. He didn’t realize that Mrs. Potiphar was alone in the house. She grabbed hold of his coat, but he managed to get away from her. As he ran out, she held onto his coat. Then she made up a big lie about him (John 8:44). She said that Joseph came in to attack her, she screamed, and he ran away. She used his coat to prove that he had been in the house.

When Joseph's master (Potiphar) heard her story, he became very angry. So he put Joseph in prison. It was the place where the king's prisoners were kept. - Genesis 39:19b-20a

This seems so unfair! Deep down, we want things to be fair. We have a longing for justice, because we are created in the image of a perfectly just God (Deuteronomy 32:4). It is unfair that Joseph did the right thing, yet he was sent to prison! Joseph had lost his master’s respect and he was forced to become lower than a slave - he became a PRISONER. Do you think Joseph will be all alone this time? Do you believe that God would go all the way down to a dingy dungeon to be with Joseph? Do you think that this situation was out of God’s control? Let’s read to find out:

While Joseph was there in the prison, the Lord was with him. He was kind to him. So the man who was running the prison was pleased with Joseph. He put Joseph in charge of all of the prisoners. He made him accountable for everything that was done there. The man who ran the prison didn't pay attention to anything that was in Joseph's care. The Lord was with Joseph. He gave Joseph success in everything he did. - Genesis 39:20b-23

Say: God did NOT abandon Joseph! Even when things got much worse, the Lord was with him. In this very difficult time, God poured out grace on Joseph that was like a big warm hug. God gave Joseph the peace and strength that he needed in prison. God’s grace can turn any situation around. By God’s grace, Joseph did not become bitter, holding onto his anger as his brothers had done. Here in a cold prison, God continued to use Joseph. Joseph clung to God and he was even blessed in prison! Next week we’ll see another twist in God’s incredible plan for Joseph. We’ll start to see how God used this terrible situation for good!

Application: You are young, but some of you have already faced very difficult situations. In your hardest times, God will not leave you. In fact, it’s in those times that God pours out an extra measure of grace on you. God’s grace gives you strength, peace, and even joy, in any situation (Romans 5:1-4, Hebrews 13:9).

Note to Teacher: The apostle Paul, who suffered greatly for the gospel, opened each of his epistles with the words, “Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” For Paul, God’s grace was inseparable from peace. Paul understood that true peace could never be achieved without God’s grace. Paul relied on God’s grace to bring him strength and contentment in the most trying of circumstances (Philippians 4:11-13).


Key Verse:

But the Lord was with Joseph in the prison and showed him His faithful love. - Genesis 39:21a NLT


Main Point: The Lord is with those who trust Him, even in the most difficult times.

© 2007 All rights reserved worldwide. May be reproduced for personal, nonprofit, and non-commercial uses only. 

Unless otherwise noted the Scriptures taken from: Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version, (NIrV®)

Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998 by International Bible Society / Used by permission of IBS-STL. All rights reserved worldwide.

Special thanks to John R. Cross, The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, GoodSeed International.

Related Topics: Children, Children's Curriculum

4. Pharaoh’s Dreams (Genesis 41)

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Main Point: God’s timing is perfect.

Key Verse:

God makes everything happen at the right time. - Ecclesiastes 3:11a CEV

Props: Cup and bread from last week; two calendars.


Say: Last week, we read about two Egyptian men who were thrown in prison with Joseph. Ask: Who can remember who these men were? The cupbearer and the baker. Say: Right, there was Pharaoh’s official drink taster (Show the cup), and his “top chef” (Show the bread). Joseph was highly respected, even in prison, so Potiphar gave him the job of taking care of these men. Each man had a dream about their own future, but they did not understand what the dreams meant. God told Joseph what the dreams meant, and of course, they came true just as Joseph foretold. The baker was killed, and Pharaoh forgave the cupbearer. Before the cupbearer left prison, Joseph asked him for one favor. Joseph asked him to tell Pharaoh about him so he could be set free. Ask: Did the cupbearer tell Pharaoh about Joseph? No! Say: The cupbearer forgot all about Joseph. But God did not! God never forgets His children.

We pick up our story TWO years later. Teacher: Flip through your two calendars as you talk. Joseph was still in prison, day after day, week after week, month after month. And remember, he had never even done anything wrong.

Pharaoh’s Dreams (Genesis 41:1-13)


When two full years had passed, Pharaoh had a dream. In his dream, he was standing by the Nile River. Seven cows came up out of the river. They looked healthy and fat. They were eating some of the tall grass that was growing along the river.

After them, seven other cows came up out of the Nile. They looked ugly and skinny. They were standing beside the other cows on the riverbank. The ugly, skinny cows ate up the seven cows that looked healthy and fat. Then Pharaoh woke up.

He fell asleep again and had a second dream. In that dream, seven heads of grain were growing on one stem. They were healthy and good. After them, seven other heads of grain came up. They were thin and dried up by the east wind. The thin heads of grain swallowed up the seven healthy, full heads. Then Pharaoh woke up. It had been a dream. - Genesis 41:1-7

Say: As we learned last week, dreams were very important at that time, especially in that part of the world. Pharaoh became worried when he woke up from his dreams. He wanted someone to explain what they meant. So he called for all the magicians and wise men in Egypt, but no one could interpret the dreams. Ask: Who do you think could interpret Pharaoh’s dreams? God - through Joseph. Say: There was one person in Pharaoh’s palace who was living proof that Joseph could interpret dreams correctly.

Finally, the king’s chief cupbearer spoke up. “Today I have been reminded of my failure,” he told Pharaoh. “Some time ago, you were angry with the chief baker and me, and you imprisoned us in the palace of the captain of the guard. One night the chief baker and I each had a dream, and each dream had its own meaning. There was a young Hebrew man with us in the prison who was a slave of the captain of the guard. We told him our dreams, and he told us what each of our dreams meant. And everything happened just as he had predicted. - Genesis 41:9-13a NLT

So Pharaoh sent for Joseph.

Here is where we start to see just how God had been in control during Joseph’s entire life. It was not by chance that Joseph was taken to Egypt, or sold to Potiphar, or accused by Potiphar’s wife, or thrown in prison where he would meet the cupbearer. It took years, but God worked everything together so that Joseph would meet with Pharaoh this day (Romans 8:28). These events were caused by people’s sin - God did not cause or encourage the sin! But only our completely GOOD God can take things that start out bad and use them for good.

God was waiting for just the right time to release Joseph from prison. God could have thrown the prison door wide open whenever He wanted to. But God had a purpose for Joseph in prison. Sometimes we can’t see everything God is doing. It has been said, “When you can’t see God’s hand, you have to trust His heart.” We may never know all that God was doing with Joseph, but we know that God was growing his faith, and God was waiting for the perfect time to release Joseph. The timing was perfect for Joseph, Pharaoh, and everyone in the land.

Application: It is the same in your life. God loves you, and He is ALWAYS at work in your life for His glory and your good (Jeremiah 29:11). It may take a long, long time for you to see the good that God is doing. But you can trust that God’s timing is perfect!

Joseph Interprets Pharaoh’s Dreams (Genesis 41:14-40)

Say: Finally, Joseph stepped out of the dark, musty-smelling prison. He probably squinted his eyes against the sunlight as he was taken to Pharaoh’s palace, breathing in the fresh air along the way. He was even allowed to shave his unkempt beard and put on new clean clothes before he was taken before Pharaoh. Joseph must have felt like a new man!

Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I had a dream. No one can tell me what it means. But I’ve heard that when you hear a dream you can explain it.” - Genesis 41:15

Say: Let’s not forget how unusual it was for a Pharaoh to get advice from a slave and prisoner! God had made it clear to Pharaoh that Pharaoh was not all-knowing. Even if some people thought Pharaoh was a god, clearly he is not! Now he needed Joseph’s help.

I can’t do it,” Joseph replied to Pharaoh. “But God will give Pharaoh the answer he wants.” - Genesis 41:16

Say: Joseph did not take credit for being able to interpret dreams. He knew that his gift of interpreting dreams came directly from the Lord. Joseph was humble, and he pointed Pharaoh to the all-knowing God. Did you know that God makes a wonderful promise about being humble? God promises to honor those who are humble (Matthew 23:13, James 4:10).

So Pharaoh told his dreams to Joseph. He told him about the seven healthy cows that were eaten up by the seven skinny cows. And Pharaoh told Joseph about the second dream where seven healthy pieces of grain were swallowed up by seven thin, dry pieces of grain.

Joseph told Pharaoh that both dreams had the same meaning. In the first dream, the seven healthy cows were a symbol for the coming seven years. In those years, Egypt would thrive. There would be more than enough of food to eat and water to drink. But the seven ugly, skinny cows were a symbol for the following seven years. In those years, there wouldn’t be enough food to eat. The people would be very hungry, to the point of starving.

The dream of the good grain and shriveled-up grain was just like the first. The seven good pieces of grain stood for the seven years with plenty to eat, and the seven dry pieces of grain stood for the seven years of hunger. The seven years of famine would be so terrible that people wouldn’t even remember the good years when there had been plenty to eat. Joseph explained:

God gave the dream to Pharaoh in two forms. That’s because the matter has been firmly decided by God. And it’s because God will do it soon.” - Genesis 41:29-32

Say: God gave these dreams to Pharaoh so Pharaoh would know what was about to happen. There was a terrible famine coming, but in His grace and mercy, God sent His servant, Joseph, to warn Pharaoh (Amos 3:7). And when God sends a warning, He also sends instructions (Genesis 6:13-21, 1 Kings 17:1-4). God had a plan to provide food during the seven years of famine. Because Joseph abided in (or remained with) God, he could hear God’s plan very clearly.

Joseph told Pharaoh to choose a wise and understanding man, and put him in charge of the entire land of Egypt. And Pharaoh should appoint officials under him. During the seven years when there was plenty of food, they should store up one-fifth of the food that was grown. They should put this extra food in big storehouses. Then when the famine hit the land, the Egyptians could use the grain that was stored up. That way, the people would not starve (Proverbs 30:24-25). Isn’t that a wise plan?

Pharaoh thought that the plan was very wise. He thought about whom he should put in charge of the land. Listen carefully to what Pharaoh said next:

So Pharaoh said to (his officials), “The spirit of God is in this man. We can’t find anyone else like him, can we?” Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “God has made all of this known to you. No one is as wise and understanding as you are. You will be in charge of my palace. All of my people must obey your orders. I will be greater than you only because I’m the one who sits on the throne.” - Genesis 41:38-40

Say: Can you imagine the surprised look on Joseph’s face? Joseph never imagined that Pharaoh would choose him to do such an important job. Next to Pharaoh, Joseph would be the most powerful man in all of Egypt. Just a few hours before, he was a slave and a prisoner who lived in dungeon! God can turn any situation upside-down! Remember God’s promise about humble people? God promises to honor those who are humble. Joseph had lived a humble life, serving Potiphar and serving the men in prison. He was humble before Pharaoh, and now he was being honored. God ALWAYS keeps His promises!

Joseph In Charge Of Egypt (Genesis 41:41-57)

Say: Pharaoh made an official announcement that Joseph was in charge of Egypt.

Then Pharaoh took his ring off his finger. It was the ring he used to stamp all of the official papers. He put it on Joseph’s finger. He dressed him in robes that were made out of fine linen. He put a gold chain around his neck. He also had him ride in a chariot. Joseph was now next in command after Pharaoh. - Genesis 41:42-43a

A King’s ring was a symbol of his power, and Pharaoh had given his ring to Joseph. Now, Joseph had the power to give orders that all the Egyptians must obey. Pharaoh also gave Joseph fancy robes to wear. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Pharaoh even gave Joseph a wife. Joseph was thirty years old when all of this happened.

For seven years, the land produced tons and tons of food, just as Joseph had said it would. Joseph traveled all over Egypt and made sure the extra grain was being stored. Joseph stored up so much grain that he couldn’t even keep a record of it anymore. It was like grains of sand on the seashore. Joseph was a hard-working, loyal official for Pharaoh (Colossians 3:23-24).

During these good years, God blessed Joseph with two sons. Joseph named his first son Manasseh, which means forget, because the Lord caused Joseph to forget all of his troubles. Joseph named his second son Ephraim, which means fruitful, because God gave Joseph so many blessings in Egypt.

Finally, the seven abundant years in Egypt came to an end. Ask: Was this a surprise to the Lord? No. Say: Because Joseph abided with God, and listened to God, it was not a surprise to Joseph or Pharaoh either. When the Egyptians started getting hungry, they came to Joseph and bought grain. The famine was so severe that other countries also ran out of food. People from every country came to Joseph to buy grain. God is so good! His plan provided plenty of food for everyone who needed it.

Application: There is nothing that can happen in your life that is a surprise to God. When you trust His plan, and obey His voice, He will provide everything you need, even in your most difficult times.

God’s Plan & Promises (Genesis 12:2-3)

Say: God kept His promise to honor anyone who is humble when he put Joseph in charge of Egypt. Let’s look at some other promises that God had made many years before, to Joseph’s great-grandfather, Abraham. Ask: Can anyone remember the promises that God made to Abraham? Listen for answers. Say: Let’s read the first promises God made to Abraham:


I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you. - Genesis 12:2-3 NIV

Abraham did nothing to deserve these wonderful promises. God gave them by His grace. God promised to make Abraham’s family grow and grow and grow. God would bless Abraham’s family like no family had ever been blessed before. God would bless any person or any country that blessed Abraham’s family. But anyone or any country that was mean to Abraham’s family would be punished. And the most special promise was that all people on the earth would be blessed through Abraham’s family.

As our story unfolds, we’ll see that God kept each of these promises. Today, we can see that God blessed Pharaoh because Pharaoh blessed Jacob, just as God promised He would. Pharaoh became famous and incredibly respected because his land was the only nation that had food while every other nation was starving. Just think how smart Pharaoh must have seemed to all the other nations! Also, Pharaoh ended up with great wealth and property because he followed God’s plan. And the most important blessing for Pharaoh was that God revealed Himself to Pharaoh. God showed Pharaoh that He cares about people and He is the great Rescuer who always has a plan to help us. God showed Pharaoh that He is full of grace, blessing Pharaoh even though Pharaoh did not deserve it.

Say: So, things finally turned around for Joseph. Ask: Do you think it was hard for Joseph to wait in prison for two whole years after the cupbearer promised to help him get out of jail? Say: It may have been hard to wait for God’s timing, but just think about this: If Joseph had been released from prison two years earlier, he would not have been around to interpret Pharaoh’s dreams. All the people in Egypt and the surrounding countries would have starved to death! Joseph would have starved to death! It was God’s perfect timing that allowed Pharaoh to meet Joseph when Pharaoh needed help. God’s perfect timing caused Pharaoh to listen to Joseph, to learn about God, and provide food for the nations.

Application: Raise your hand if you are really good at waiting. Sometimes it is really hard to wait. It is hard to wait for your birthday, and for Christmas. It is even harder to wait for rescue when you are in a really difficult situation, like Joseph. But you can ALWAYS trust God’s timing. Psalm 27:14 says, “Wait for the Lord. Be strong and don’t lose hope. Wait for the Lord.” Remember that God’s grace gives you the power to do what He wants you to do (Titus 2:11-12). When you feel like you can’t wait for one more minute, ask God to give you the grace to wait for His perfect timing.


Key Verse:

God makes everything happen at the right time. - Ecclesiastes 3:11a CEV


Main Point: God’s timing is perfect.

© 2007 All rights reserved worldwide. May be reproduced for personal, nonprofit, and non-commercial uses only. 

Unless otherwise noted the Scriptures taken from: Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version, (NIrV®)

Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998 by International Bible Society / Used by permission of IBS-STL. All rights reserved worldwide.

Special thanks to John R. Cross, The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, GoodSeed International.

Related Topics: Children, Children's Curriculum

5. Joseph’s Brothers Go to Egypt (Genesis 42)

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Main Point: God’s grace gives us the ability to do the right thing.

Key Verse:

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. - 2 Corinthians 9:8 NIV

Props: A pouch of silver coins, and a larger satchel


Say: Last week, we saw that God’s timing is perfect. Joseph spent many years in Egypt as a slave. Then, after spending over two long years in prison, the time was perfect for the cupbearer to remember Joseph. Joseph was released from prison so that he could interpret Pharaoh’s dreams. God gave Pharaoh two dreams as a warning about a terrible famine that was going to come to Egypt. God also gave Joseph a plan to provide food during the famine. Pharaoh believed Joseph, and followed God’s plan. Pharaoh honored Joseph and put him in charge of all of Egypt. Pharaoh was the only man more powerful than Joseph. Ask: Who can remember what God’s plan was to provide food during the famine? Listen for answers. Say: According to God’s plan, Joseph stored up all the extra grain in Egypt during seven years when there was plenty of food. Then, when the famine hit, and no food would grow, people came to Joseph to buy grain from the storehouses.

Joseph’s Brothers Go To Egypt (Genesis 42:1-26)

Say: So, what do you think was happening with Joseph’s family back in Canaan? Listen for answers. Teacher: Show world map. (This is helpful in showing students where this history happened in relation to where they live. The world map helps students to see that these stories actually happened in a real place.) Say: Let’s take a look at where all of this took place. Point to your own country or state. Here’s where we are right now. Point to Egypt and surrounding area. Say: The famine not only affected Egypt, but all the land surrounding it. Now we’ll take a closer look it the area in this box. Show slide of Egypt and Canaan. Point to Canaan. Here is Canaan, where Joseph’s brothers and father, Jacob, lived. Do you think the famine affected them? Yes! Say: It certainly did. By this time, many of Joseph’s brothers were married and had children. Jacob’s large family ran out of food, and if they didn’t find food soon they would die!

Say: Jacob was very upset about the food shortage, and he spoke unkindly to his sons.

Jacob found out that there was grain in Egypt. So he said to his sons, “Why do you just keep looking at each other?” He continued, “I’ve heard there’s grain in Egypt. Go down there. Buy some for us. Then we’ll live and not die.”

So ten of Joseph’s brothers went down to Egypt to buy grain there. But Jacob didn’t send Joseph’s brother Benjamin with them. He was afraid Benjamin might be harmed. - Genesis 42:1-4

Just as Jacob had done years ago, he favored one of his sons. Benjamin was the youngest of all the boys. Remember, Joseph and Benjamin were the only two children from Jacob’s most beloved wife, Rachel. In order to protect Benjamin, Jacob did not allow him to travel to Egypt. This would make sense if Benjamin was just a child, but Benjamin would have been around thirty years old by this time. Jacob kept him home because he had become his new favorite! So Joseph’s ten brothers took silver coins and traveled 200 miles to Egypt. Show your pouch of coins. This trip would have taken at least ten days on the back of a donkey. Crowds of people came from all around to buy grain in Egypt.

When Joseph’s brothers arrived, they bowed down to him with their faces to the ground. - Genesis 42:6

Say: Wait just a minute. This sounds familiar. I’m going to turn back in my Bible to Genesis 37:5-7. This goes back to before Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery.

Joseph had a dream. When he told it to his brothers, they hated him even more. He said to them, “Listen to the dream I had. We were tying up bundles of grain out in the field. Suddenly my bundle rose and stood up straight. Your bundles gathered around my bundle and bowed down to it.”

Wow! The dream that God had given to Joseph as a young man had finally come true. As his brothers bowed before him, Joseph remembered his dream. I wonder how many times Joseph had thought about this dream when he was a slave and a prisoner. By grace, God had made a promise to Joseph that one day he would be a leader, he would be respected, and his brothers would bow down to him. Now it had happened!

Joseph’s brothers did not recognize him because when they last saw him, Joseph was not much older than a boy, but now he was a man. Also, they didn’t know that the slave traders had taken him to Egypt. They would never have known to look for him here. Furthermore, they thought this important ruler was an Egyptian, not an Israelite. Joseph, however, recognized his brothers the moment he laid eyes on them. Can you imagine how Joseph must have felt when he saw his brothers? His eyes probably widened as his stomach turned into knots. Seeing his brothers this day might be the biggest challenge of Joseph’s life.

Everyone close your eyes for just a minute. Pretend you are Joseph. Just imagine that you are dressed in fine Egyptian robes, standing high on a platform. As you look out, before you are your ten brothers. They look weak and nervous as they bow down low in front of you. Your mind flashes back to the last time you saw them. You can remember the anger in their eyes as they tore off your special robe and threw you into a dry well. You can remember their voices laughing as you begged them for mercy. Your mind races to your years as a slave, wondering if you would ever see your father again. And then you remember the long years you spent as a falsely accused prisoner. Now, don’t say anything, but think for a minute about what you might say to these men who had caused you such pain, now that you have power over their lives. Pause for thought.

Say: Okay, you can open your eyes. The natural, human response would be to take revenge. We might expect Joseph to say, “You almost killed me! You sold me as a slave! Why should I give you anything to eat? Go home and fend for yourself.” And, actually, that would be a “just” response. They would get what they had given. But God’s grace gave Joseph the power to do what was right, not what was natural (Titus 2:11-12). By God’s grace, Joseph realized that God had a purpose for placing him in this position of power, and this purpose was to save his family. Joseph had great power, but he would not use his power to get revenge. This is not a natural reaction! This reaction is possible only because of God’s grace. God’s grace gave Joseph the ability to say, “No” to revenge.

Application: The Bible says, “Stop being angry and don’t try to take revenge. I am the Lord, and I command you to love others as much as you love yourself,” and “If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat. If he is thirsty, give him water to drink.” (Leviticus 19:18 CEV, Proverbs 25:21). This may seem like a really hard thing to do sometimes. That’s because our human nature wants to hurt those who have hurt us. Only God’s grace can help us say “No” to revenge, and help us be kind to those who have been unkind to us. The best part is that God promises us eternal rewards when we rely on His grace to bless those who have hurt us (Proverbs 25:22, 1 Peter 3:9).

Say: Joseph decided not to let his brothers know who he was. Joseph had lived in Egypt for many years. By now he spoke the Egyptian language perfectly, but he also remembered how to speak Hebrew, the language that his brothers spoke. Joseph pretended not to understand them. When he met with them, he used an interpreter. Joseph thought of a way to find out information about his father and his brother, Benjamin, without giving away his identity.

So he said to them, “You are spies! You have come to see the places where our land isn’t guarded very well.”

“No, sir,” they answered. “We’ve come to buy food. All of us are the sons of one man. We’re honest men. We aren’t spies.”

“No!” he said to them. “You have come to see the places where our land isn’t guarded very well.”

But they replied, “We were 12 brothers. All of us were the sons of one man. He lives in the land of Canaan. Our youngest brother is now with our father. And one brother is gone.” - Genesis 42:9b-13

Say: It must have sounded strange to Joseph when his brothers said they were “honest men.” He told them he didn’t believe that they weren’t spies. He said he would not believe their story unless he saw their younger brother. He put them in prison for three days. On the third day, he told them he would keep one of them in prison, and send the others home with food for their families.

“But you must bring your youngest brother to me. That will prove that your words are true. Then you won’t die.” So they did what he said.

They said to one another, “God is certainly punishing us because of our brother (Joseph). We saw how troubled he was when he begged us to let him live. But we wouldn’t listen. That’s why all of this trouble has come to us.”

Reuben replied, “Didn’t I tell you not to sin against the boy? But you wouldn’t listen! Now we’re being held accountable for killing him.” - Genesis 42:20-22

Remember, the brothers didn’t know that Joseph could understand them. They believed that Joseph must have died as a slave. They thought God was punishing them for what they had done. The brothers were sad that their sin was causing them to be punished. This is very different than agreeing with God that their action was wrong, and turning from their sin.

Application: For instance, let’s say that your mom told you not to play soccer in the house, but you did it anyway, and you broke her favorite vase. There is a big difference between thinking, “Uh-oh, now mom will figure out what I did and she’ll take away my favorite video games!” and thinking, “Oh no! I did a terrible thing. Mom was right, there is a good reason I shouldn’t play soccer inside. It will break her heart when she sees that her vase is broken. I wish I had never done that. I’ll never do that again.” Just being sorry that you will be punished is NOT repentance (2 Corinthians 7:10). Repentance is changing your mind, causing you to turn away from sin. (Teacher Note: This point is key for next week’s lesson.)

Say: At this point, it does not seem that the brothers have repented from the sins of their youth. When Jacob heard his brothers arguing about what they had done to him years ago, Joseph began to cry. Sin always causes pain. Joseph turned away so his brothers wouldn’t see him cry.

Then Joseph had his brother, Simeon, chained up and put in prison. The Bible doesn’t tell us why Joseph chose to keep Simeon, but we can make a thoughtful guess. We know that Reuben was the oldest brother, and Simeon was the second oldest. Reuben tried to help Joseph. So, out of all the brothers who wanted to harm Joseph, Simeon was the oldest. He may have been the ringleader of the whole gang. Even so, Joseph was not going to harm Simeon. He had to keep one brother to be sure the rest would return for him.

Joseph ordered his servants to fill his brothers’ bags with grain. And, without them knowing it, he took the silver they brought to buy the grain, and put it back in their sacks. Place your pouch of coins into the larger satchel. Joseph didn’t take their money! He gave them free grain that they did not deserve. This was an act of grace. Because God had given Joseph many blessings that he did not deserve, Joseph was able to give his brothers a blessing that they did not deserve (Genesis 43:23).

Application: If you listed all of the blessings God has given you, the list might be several miles long! You have lungs that work and a planet full of oxygen. You have friends, family members, ice cream, and so much more. Did you do anything to deserve your healthy lungs? No. Did you do anything to earn all of the oxygen you breathe? Of course not. God gives these blessings by His grace. When we think of all the blessings God gives to us freely, we should look for opportunities to bless others, even when they haven’t “earned” it. It is actually a BLAST to bless people who have done nothing to deserve it.

The Brothers Return Home (Genesis 42:27-38)

Say: We have said that the trip between Egypt and Canaan took at least ten days. Now that the donkeys were loaded with food, the men were probably walking and it would have taken much longer. The men would have to stop at night to sleep and let their donkeys rest.

When night came, they stopped. One of them opened his sack to get feed for his donkey. He saw his money in the top of his sack. “My money has been given back,” he said to his brothers. “Here it is in my sack.” Teacher: Pull out your pouch of coins.

They had a sinking feeling in their hearts. They began to tremble. They turned to each other and said, “What has God done to us?” - Genesis 42:27-28

Say: Joseph’s brothers didn’t see this gift as a blessing at all. Instead, they thought it was a curse. They thought they would be accused of stealing. They felt so guilty for the sin they had committed against Joseph that they imagined that God was punishing them. They could not accept this gift of grace. Often, our unrepentant sin keeps us from seeing God’s grace (Isaiah 26:10).

The men continued on their way and when they arrived at home, they told Jacob everything that happened. They explained that the man in charge of Egypt accused them of being spies, and how they told him that they were ten brothers from Canaan. They had to tell Jacob that Simeon was still in Egypt - in prison.

They began emptying their sacks. There in each man’s sack was his bag of money! When they and their father saw the moneybags, they were afraid.

Their father Jacob said to them, “You have taken my children away from me. Joseph is gone. Simeon is gone. Now you want to take Benjamin. Everything is going against me!” - Genesis 42:35-36

Say: Jacob also saw this blessing as a curse. He said, “Everything is going against me!”

Jacob refused to allow Benjamin to go to Egypt. Jacob was going to leave Simeon there in prison forever! Jacob did not take this matter to the Lord. In fact, there is no mention of God at all. At one time, God had appeared to Jacob and made awesome promises to him personally (Genesis 28:13-15). God promised to be with Jacob, watch out for him, and bless him wherever he was. How is it that Jacob had so little faith now? Could it be that when Joseph was taken, Jacob stopped abiding in God? At one time, Jacob trusted God completely. Somewhere along the way, Jacob stopped trusting God. He couldn’t even imagine that God had kept His promises! Jacob never dreamed that Joseph was alive and well, and blessed beyond Jacob’s wildest dreams! Jacob should have known that God ALWAYS keeps His promises.

Note to Teacher: At one time, Jacob clearly saw God’s grace. After God had blessed him in Paddan Aram, Jacob prayed, “O God of my father Abraham, God of my father Isaac, O Lord, who said to me, ‘Go back to your country and your relatives, and I will make you prosper,’ I am unworthy of all the kindness and faithfulness you have shown your servant. I had only my staff when I crossed this Jordan, but now I have become two groups.” (Genesis 32:9-10) At that time, Jacob lived with a clean conscience before the Lord, abiding with Him, depending on Him.

Come back next week to see the next twists and turns in the amazing story of Joseph and God’s grace.


Key Verse:

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. - 2 Corinthians 9:8


Main Point: God’s grace gives us the power to do the right thing.

© 2007 All rights reserved worldwide. May be reproduced for personal, nonprofit, and non-commercial uses only. 

Unless otherwise noted the Scriptures taken from: Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version, (NIrV®)

Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998 by International Bible Society / Used by permission of IBS-STL. All rights reserved worldwide.

Special thanks to John R. Cross, The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, GoodSeed International.

Related Topics: Children, Children's Curriculum
