Book Title: Sacred Parenting: How Raising Children Shapes Our Souls
Author: Gary Thomas
Year of Publication: 2004
Publisher: Zondervan
Pages: 223
Author’s Web-site:
Full Book Available in: English
Are a parent of any aged child
The author discusses how God uses our kids to change us and draw us closer to Him.
When we realize that having children isn’t about us but is rather about God, then the trials and sacrifices of parenting are easier to handle. The issue is no longer how proud my children make me, but how faithful I’ve been to do what God wants me to do.
It is important that our children see my husband and I spending our time and effort focusing on God.
What our children ask of us is nothing compared to what we ask of God. We must never forget that God has forgiven us, is patient with us, and endures our own failings to an even greater extent than we do for our own children.
Any time we can bring our children joy, we bring a smile to God’s face.
When you give your baby a bath, you are washing God’s baby. Pause a moment in your busy day and look up to heaven. When you minister to that youngster, can you imagine God smiling down at you? When you fix that hungry six year old a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, you are feeding one of God’s children.
Try to thank God for our children more than asking Him to change them. Pray with gratitude for what God is doing in their lives, and list the qualities he’s given them for which I feel grateful.
You must become what you’re praying for your children to become. If I want my son to be a man of prayer, I must first become a woman of prayer.
One of the greatest gifts a parent can give to his or her children is to enjoy them, to love them, to laugh with them, to let them know that we feel so very thankful that they are our children.
When a child disobeys, God wants us to respond in love. Children need to see our total commitment to them and that our primary concern is for their well-being.
“A God-centered parent acts out of reverence for God. Regardless of how my children treat me, I know that God wills that I move toward my children, to get engaged in their lives, to offer biblical correction and loving support. It doesn’t matter how they respond to me as much as it matters what God has called me to do. Though I adore my children, I don’t get out of bed on just a few hours of sleep solely out of love for them, but out of reverence for God.” Pg 21
“Our spouses and our children can’t quench the God-given spiritual hunger in our souls. When we neglect God, we ask our marriage and our parenting to become stand ins for God—something they were never designed to be.” Pg 21
“Many of us are so tempted to focus on purifying our children that we neglect our own spiritual growth.” Pg 19
It has reminded me that it is not about me, my comfort, my happiness or how proud my child makes me, but being obedient to God in serving my child. Also, it is a reminder that I must grow to be more like Christ in order to be the best Mom I can be. The most important thing is to share the gospel with my child every day.
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