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Give Me to Hold Me Firmly to My Trust

My God, who has committed to my care
Thy ransomed one
Lest I be scattered here and there
and she be gone
Give me to hold me firmly to my trust
Let all that would distract me be as dust.
‘Thy life for hers’—O solemn, urgent word —
Lest I forget,
My sense of values waver, or be blurred,
Or overset
By other things, take me and purge and bend
Each power and purpose to one single end.
Teach me to do the thing that pleaseth Thee
O Lord, my God
Give clearness, lest some by-way tangle me.
Where Christ hath trod
There would I tread, nor ever turn aside,
Lest she be missing for whom Christ hath died.

Amy Carmichael

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