What follows is an organized and curated list of content. Click here for an exhaustive list of content on Psalms
Kenneth Boa: 24. Psalms [] Part of the series: Visual Survey of the Bible.
Psalms [] 8 lesson overview.
Bill McRae: 18. Psalms Part 1 [] Part of the series: Survey of the Bible.
19. Psalms Part 2 [] Part of the series: Survey of the Bible.
Bob Deffinbaugh: 25. Wisdom Literature: The Psalms, Part I [, Translated] Part of the series: From Creation to the Cross. French translation available.
26. Wisdom Literature: The Psalms, Part II [] Part of the series: From Creation to the Cross. French translation available.
Mark Dever: Wisdom for Spiritual People – The Message of the Psalms [] Capitol Hill Baptist Church.
Ray Stedman: Psalms: The Worship of an Honest Heart [, , Translated] Peninsula Bible Church. Spanish translation available.
Steven J. Cole: Psalms [, ] 67 messages.
Bob Deffinbaugh: A Psalm for All Seasons: Studies in the Book of Psalms [] 15 lessons.
4. Nature's Part in God's Perfect Plan (Psalm 19; Romans 8:18-25; Isaiah 65:17-25) [] Part of the series: What in the world is going on? A study of God's plan for man.
Becoming a Leader After God's Heart: Studies in the Life of David [] 6 lessons in the series: Becoming a Leader After God's Heart: Studies in the Life of David.
J. Hampton Keathley, III: Psalm 1: Two Ways of Life -- A Psalm of Wisdom []
Steve Sanchez: Is Your Spiritual Vision 20/20? Meditations on Psalm 73 [, ]
Alex Strauch: Behold the Beauty of Unity (Psalm 133) []
Mark Dever: Messages on various Psalms (10, 21, 67-68, 81, 98, 104, 119-121, 131-134) [] Capitol Hill Baptist Church.
Women's Studies
Susan Curry: 7. David - Walking in Repentance and Restoration [, Curriculum] Part of the series: Step by Step: Learning to Walk with God - A MOM'S Study.
Gwynne Johnson: Psalms: Songs for the Soul [, , Curriculum] 8 lessons.
Sandra Glahn: 2. Fearfully and Wonderfully Made [Curriculum] Part of the series: Your Worth in Christ.
3. The Story of the Woman with the Issue of Blood [] Part of the series: Tell Me a Story.
Greg Herrick: Is the Bible the Only Revelation from God? []
Psalm 30 []
J. Hampton Keathley, III: A Challenge for Fathers (Psalm 78:1-8) []
Sung Jin Park: Melchizedek as a Covenantal Figure: The Biblical Theology of The Eschatological Royal Priesthood []
Richard D. Patterson: The Believer's Hope: The Solid Rock []
Psalm 145: A Song in "G Major" []
Study Helps and related
Tom Constable: Tom Constable’s Expository Notes on Psalms [] This is also available in the Net.Bible.org Study Environment.
David Malick: An Introduction to the Book of Psalms []
An Argument of the Book of Psalms []
Selected Bibliography on the Book of Psalms []
J. Hampton Keathley, III: 5. The Poetical Books [] Part of the series: Concise Old Testament Survey.
Other Resources
Ray Stedman: Folksongs of Faith [] 18 Psalms. Peninsula Bible Church.
Ray Stedman: Obtaining God's Help 5 messages on Psalm 77.
Steve Zeisler: Patterns for Prayer [] 11 Psalms. Peninsula Bible Church.
Rob Rayburn: Psalms [] 16 Psalms. Faith Presbyterian Church.
Rob Rayburn: Unfamiliar Psalms [, ] 9 Lessons. Psalm 6, 14, 26, 33, 47, 62, 74, 112, 115. Faith Presbyterian Church.
Sinclair Ferguson: Psalms [] 12 lessons. (search by "speaker" "Ferguson, Sinclair B.")
Bruce Waltke: Psalms [] 19 messages, mostly introductory and background to the Psalter.
Edmund P. Clowney: Preaching Christ from the Psalms []
William Still: William Still on the Psalms [] Psalms 1-24.