Where the world comes to study the Bible

Title Name Datesort ascending
Matthew 16:20 among the Manuscripts: A Case Study in Scribal Habits Daniel B. Wallace 2003-03-23
Wittenberg 2002 Daniel B. Wallace 2002-11-07
A few members in our church are being led to believe that it is wrong to celebrate Christmas and Easter with a musical and that we should be following the Feasts of the Old Testament and not the pagan holidays. Could you provide some insight? admin 2002-10-24
Often the word "cult" is used to refer negatively to certain modern Christian sects. Its use implies that these groups are misguided, unacceptable, or even evil. Could you define this word so that we can all be on the same page as to the meaning? admin 2002-10-14
In a song or psalm what does the word "selah" mean? admin 2002-10-03
I have some friends that are living together and say they are married in God's eyes, so why should they get married? Can you give me some bilical verses to help support me when I talk with them? admin 2002-09-25
Revelation 6-7 describes the tribulation saints as wearing white robes. Revelation 6 describes them as souls. If they are tribulation saints and do not yet have resurrected bodies, what are they putting these robes on? admin 2002-09-16
What is the church's responsibility when discipline is begun and the "offender" leaves their church? Is there no more responsibility to continue? admin 2001-10-15
Did god forgive Adam? Did Adam ever ask for forgiveness? admin 2001-10-12
Could you show me scripture verses to demonstrate why drugs are wrong, bad, and sinful? admin 2001-10-04
I was wondering if you could guide me to a paper or other resources concerning "Ordination of Pastors." admin 2001-10-03
The issue of contemplative prayer has come up in our church, and has been a concern of mine. Could you help? admin 2001-09-21
Are the origins of the unity candle used in marriage ceremonies pagan? If so, should we continue to use it? admin 2001-09-19
I'm only 15, and am a believing Christian... my problem is that I'd like to wear a crucifix around my neck, and I know that most Christians do, anyway, but is this considered idol-worship..? admin 2001-09-05
I have taught that the definite articles in John 14:6, "...the way, the truth and the life..." constituted "one of a kind" or "unique" articles. However, John 14:6 is not as an example of this use in your grammar. What kind of articles are they? admin 2001-08-30
In Ephesians 4:11 where Paul links pastor-teacher, is this a valid link due to the "kai"? Some say that there are exceptions to this rule and that pastor and teacher can be seperated in this verse. Does the exception apply to this verse? admin 2001-08-29
I'm having a hard time with believing I can't remarry because my husband filed for divorce believing he is gay. While I have found no grounds for divorce, what scriptures can you give me to help me for the days ahead? admin 2001-08-29
According to Romans 3:25, does "faith is his blood" mean that a person must understand that Christ's died and shed His blood for their sins. Isn't simply trusting Christ as Savior enough? admin 2001-08-20
How do Jews born after the New Testament receive salvation? Are they saved only by accepting Christ as their Lord and Savior? Is there any other means of salvation for them, as some teach? admin 2001-08-07
Could you please explain to me how to reconcile the issue of innerrancy and the complete trustworthiness of Scripture in 1 Sam. 13:1, when almost every translation reads different? admin 2001-08-07
Does associating with an unbeliever (in a dating context) fit the model of Matthew 18:14-16 or 1 Cor 5:11 for discipline/excommunication? admin 2001-07-26
Could you give me your assesment of the NIV as a translation? admin 2001-07-05
What do you think about Eta Linnenann's "Is There a Synoptic Problem?" and her theories about the origin and authorship of the Gospels? admin 2001-07-02
Are you familiar with Norman Willis' claim that the NT may have been written in Hebrew instead of Greek? [An email from Norman Willis included in original question.] admin 2001-06-28
I have friends who are Seventh Day Adventist and in the Unification Church. One believes in soul sleep and the other believes we can communicate with dead relatives. Are there any biblical passages to refute their beliefs? admin 2001-06-25
Since the greek word for elder means "an old man, an elder", is the office of elder reserved for believers who are older and advanced in years? admin 2001-06-25
Does Jesus now know when he is coming back? Or is this still only God's knowledge as stated in Matt. 24:36 and Mark 13:32? admin 2001-06-18
Is it true that it one has unconfessed sin in their life, that God does not answer ones prayers? admin 2001-06-15
I'm a little confused about Hebrew 12:6. What does it mean when it says "the Lord will punish", yet also, "when you ask for forgiveness it is forgotten"? admin 2001-06-15
What is the difference between a resurrection body and a glorified body? admin 2001-06-15
In Hebrews 1:3, by WHOSE Power does Christ uphold all things? His OWN or Father's? How strong of a case can be made that Christ upholds ALL things by His Father's powerfull word? admin 2001-06-15
How do you reconcile the foreknowledge and foreordination of God with incidents where God repented and changed his mind regarding future events? admin 2001-06-15
Why are there two passover dates listed in the Old Tesatment? admin 2001-05-07
Is there a Biblical warrant to engage in debates with non-believers or cult members? What format did the apostle Paul used during his debates in the synagogues? admin 2001-05-07
What would the term "Son of God" have meant to a 1st Century, pious Jew? admin 2001-05-07
I've often wondered why a loving and gracious God would punish people so serverly for even the tiniest sin(s). What if they lived a decent life? admin 2001-04-25
Some members of my former church have asked me to speak to a group intent on splitting from that church. Should I try to help reconcile the church? admin 2001-04-05
Is Jesus saying in Matthew 12:41 that the Ninevites of Jonah's generation were eternally saved? admin 2001-03-27
I am dating someone who is divorced (because his ex-wife refused counseling) and who would like to get married. Can you give me a Biblical answer on remarriage? admin 2001-03-26
Bible translations differ on Gen 10:21. Some refer to Shem as the oldest of Noah's sons and some refer to Japheth as the elder. Why is there a discrepancy? admin 2001-03-25
Does Job 31:7 ("Or if any spot has stuck to my hands") speak of masturbation? admin 2001-03-23
There is an ongoing debate about Free Grace vs. Lordship Salvation. Which position is right? admin 2001-03-23
What is a Sacrament, and should foot washing (like in John 13) be included like the Lord's Supper and Baptism? admin 2001-03-23
I made a profession of faith years ago at age 12 and was baptized by immersion. But I have doubts about whether I understood that salvation was faith in Christ alone. Was my baptism valid? Should I get (re)baptized? admin 2001-03-23
In 1 Sam 19:9 the Lord sent an evil spirit on Saul. If God is good why did He send an evil spirit on people? admin 2001-03-21
Can you describe apodictic law as it applies to the OT law? admin 2001-03-21
Could you give a list of the Bible references that the "faith healers" use and explain the validity of their position? admin 2001-03-21
I wonder if you could give me a brief account of what happened on the day that Jesus rose from the dead. admin 2001-03-06
Where can I find information about the fruits of the spirit? admin 2001-02-27
Are angels spirits? admin 2001-02-26
