Where the world comes to study the Bible

11. Commitment - Study Quesitons

This is the Study Guide for the Commitment article by Ken Boa. Read it first.

Appendix: Study Guide for MEN7/52 Leadership Series

MEN 7/52 is a men's ministry of Our desire is to see all men become true followers of Jesus Christ 7 days a week/52 weeks a year.

The Men’s Bible Study Leadership Series is presented by to help you build and fortify men in preparation for their roles as leaders in their families, churches, communities, and workplaces.

It is a leadership series because no matter what age or station in life a man finds himself, he is called to lead. Leadership hates a vacuum. If a man of God doesn’t stand up and lead, then someone else will and the consequences can be drastic for generations.

It is also a discipleship series because building men’s leadership requires ongoing personal relationships with someone who will shepherd and mentor them over the long term. Just as Christ lived in a community of relationship with His disciples, preparing them to lead, so too must we if we are to grow and be effective.

There are sixteen lessons that are designed to be conducted over a thirty-two week period. Your group should meet weekly at a specific time and place. First, participants should be expected to read all of the Scripture verses thoroughly, on a daily basis, and be encouraged to meditate on them. Second, they should read the article carefully and look for aspects of it that impact them personally. Third, they should complete the discussion questions thoughtfully, completely, and honestly, and diligently address personal applications. Finally, they should be prepared to share their answers during your group sessions.

The articles used in this series are written by Dr. Kenneth Boa. Dr. Boa is engaged in a ministry of relational evangelism and discipleship, teaching, writing, and speaking. He holds a B.S. from Case Institute of Technology, a Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary, a Ph.D. from New York University, and a D.Phil. from the University of Oxford in England.

By the time your group has finished this series, relationships and spiritual bonds should have formed. Authentic spiritual interdependence will be experienced, and men will know they are not alone in being who and what God wants them to be. It will be critical for the group to either stay together for the next series, or to stay in close touch weekly to continue the shepherding experience and forming true Christian brotherhood.

Lesson 14

Leadership Qualities: Commitment (Part 1)
God demonstrates to His people the true model of commitment

Read “Leadership Qualities: Commitment” by Ken Boa and listen to his audio message online.

1. Why do we succumb to mediocrity?

2. From where should all of our commitments flow?

3. What happens to our talents and dreams as soon as we are committed to God’s will?

4. Explain the difference between commitment and bargaining.

Read Joshua 24:14-27

Israel responds to Joshua’s exhortation and warnings to worship only the LORD by committing themselves to complete faithfulness. It is a commitment that proves to be short-lived. We learn that God does not want us to try to be faithful to Him. He requires us to be faithful.

5. In Joshua’s speech to Israel, what two choices does he give them?

6. Why do you think he only gives them two choices?

7. What was Joshua’s commitment for him and his household?

8. Do you have this same commitment for your family?

9. Are there times when you or your family violates your commitment? Please explain.

10. Discuss with the group how your family’s commitment to the Lord impacts your outside relationships.

11. What does Joshua warn Israel will happen if they fail to worship the LORD?

12. What lesson do you learn regarding your own household?

Read Jeremiah 31:31-34

Even after Israel’s unfaithfulness to Him, God promises a new covenant between Him and them. We see that God promises bountiful blessings to those who turn to Him in complete faith.

13. Did Israel keep the promises they made in Joshua 24?

14. Why did God establish a new covenant with Israel?

15. Describe the terms of the covenant?

16. What was the most significant commitment God made?

17. Is that commitment still in place today?

18. What commitments have you made to the Lord?

19. What commitments should you make to Him?

Read Jeremiah 31:35-37

God declares the firmness and trustworthiness of His commitments.

20. To what does God liken the firmness of His commitments?

21. Why do you think He uses these specific comparisons?

22. What do these verses say about God’s promises and commitments to you?

23. How would you describe the firmness of your commitments to:

  • God:
  • Your family:
  • Your church:
  • Your employer:
  • Your hobbies:
  • VISA and MasterCard:

24. What will you do to strengthen the firmness and trustworthiness of your commitments to God?

Memory Verse: Joshua 24:15

If you have no desire to worship the Lord, choose today whom you will worship, whether it be the gods whom your ancestors worshiped beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living. But I and my family will worship the Lord

Lesson 15

Leadership Qualities: Commitment (Part 2)
God’s leaders are committed to Christ and conformed to His will.

Continue reading “Leadership Qualities: Commitment” by Ken Boa and listen to his audio message online.

1. When we offer ourselves to God, what are we acknowledging?

  1. What are we sacrificing?
  1. For what do we strive?
  1. What happens to our talents and dreams as soon as we are committed to God’s will?

Read Matthew 16:24-26

Jesus asserts that the only ones who will be saved are those who are committed exclusively to His life, and not to their lives. We can only be alive in Christ through death.

5. What does Jesus mean when He says we must “deny” ourselves?

  1. How do you practice self-denial in your life?
  1. Are there some parts of your life that you must deny? What are they?
  1. What cross must you pick up in your life? Please be specific.
  1. How can one lose his life while trying to save it?
  1. What does it mean to lose your life for Christ?
  1. What are the specific things in your life that you would “lose” for Christ?
  1. How important have these things been to you?
  1. What will you gain by losing them?
  1. How does “gaining the world,” mean “forfeiting your soul”?

Read Romans 12:1-2

Paul teaches that our bodies must be completely sacrificed to God and our minds must be completely conformed to His will.

  1. What does it mean to be a “living sacrifice”?
  1. How is a person “holy and pleasing” in doing so?
  1. Describe what being a “living sacrifice” would look like in your life.
  1. Paul calls this our “act of worship” (different translations say “spiritual” or “reasonable”). Explain how being a living sacrifice can be a reasonable or spiritual worship experience?
  1. How would this be a worship experience for you?
  1. In what areas of your life are you conformed to this world?
  1. How does Paul teach us to be transformed?
  1. What resources do you have that help you transform your thinking?
  1. What will you do to live a sacrificial life with a mind conformed to God’s will?
  1. Who is helping you, and holding you accountable, in your transformation?
  1. Who will you help and hold accountable in his transformation?
  1. Who will you ask?

Memory Verse: Romans 12:2Do not be conformed to this present world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God – what is good and well-pleasing and perfect.

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