Where the world comes to study the Bible


Blogging is rapidly becoming a key communication and engagement medium for the Christian community. blogs are designed to engage the mind and the heart from a Biblical worldview. Various blogs examine the Christian life and ministry from cultural, scholarly and missional perspectives. We invite you to check check the home page tab on blogs to see the latest blogs. We have had requests to allow any registgered user of a site to blog and in repsonse to this we have set up where all registered users can blog.

Notice: we are in the process of upgrading our blogging platform to a new version of software. (the following Bloggers have been moved to the new platform)

Bock's Blog

Dr. Darrell Bock's blog explores Christ and culture from a theological perspective. With more than 25 year of experience, Dr. Bock is one of the worlds most highly respected New Testament scholars with a special gift for making complex issues easy for the reader to understand and follow.

The NET Bible Revolution

Beginning immediately, the NET Bible Revolution blog will become a team effort! Posts will rotate among various members of the NET Bible Team who work on the NET Bible translation and notes. Preparations are underway for the Second Edition, and some of the posts will concern modifications and improvements to the text and notes for the Second Edition.
My Assistant Project Director and Editor, Dr. Mike Burer, will be coordinating the blog posts as well as contributing frequently himself. I will also try to post occasionally as time permits.

Heartprints Blog

Children's MinistryHeartprints features a panel of Christian leaders who recognize the significance of teaching children the truth of God’s word. Our goal is to come alongside Children’s Ministry Leaders, workers and their families to aid and encourage them in their faith journey with the God’s children as they “tell the next generation about the LORD’s praiseworthy acts, about his strength and the amazing things he has done (Psalm 78:4).”



Tapestry features leading Christian writers and thinkers who have come together to engage culture about the person and work of Jesus Christ.



Equipping Men for Impact

Mens blog jpg




The Bible says that men should be the spiritual leader of our homes. This Blog "Equipping Men For Impact" was set up to help prepare men for their spiritual journey. We have men from around the country from all different ages and different backgrounds who will share with you insight on dealing with daily life. Ephesians 6:10-13


Director's Chair (Austin)

David Austin is the Executive Director for the ministry. In 1995 he took early retirement from his senior executive government job and joined to harness the Internet for God. He left at the peak of his career to join the team at so he could have a greater impact for eternity. He blogs on significant ministry happenings and overall industry trends.


the following Bloggers have not yet been moved to the new platform... 


PrimeTimeJesus features leading Christian professors, writers and thinkers who have come together to engage the media and culture about the person and work of Jesus Christ.


Bill Hull's Blog

Bill Hull, the highly respected author of Choose The Life, Experience The Life, The Disciple Making Pastor and many other books, blogs in the areas of Spiritual Transformation and Discipleship. Bill’s passion has been to help the church return to its disciple making roots and he considers himself a discipleship evangelist.



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