(Last login: 01/26/2019)
Carol Dowsett is a career missionary with Wycliffe Bible Translators and a professional communications consultant, having worked for nearly 25 years in global communication leadership roles. She has served with agencies such as Wycliffe International, SIL International, Forum of Bible Agencies International, Bible League International, Christar, and the Well Community. She is a frequent teacher of Reflective Bible Studies and has been a lay leader of women's discipleship and prayer ministries in various churches. Her career has included conducting communications training in Asia, Africa, and Europe. An advocate to the Church for mental health awareness, she is a trained teacher for the Family-to-Family course, which is sponsored by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), and a support group leader with Mental Health Grace Alliance. With her family, she lived in Nairobi, Kenya for three years and now makes her home near Dallas, Texas. Married for nearly 40 years, she and Jim have four adult children, and two grandchildren.