Title | Author | Posted On |
9. Jesus In 1 Samuel | Kevin Dodge | 12/13/2024 |
8. Jesus In Ruth | Kevin Dodge | 12/13/2024 |
7. Jesus In Judges | Kevin Dodge | 12/13/2024 |
6. Jesus In Joshua | Kevin Dodge | 12/13/2024 |
5. Jesus In Deuteronomy | Kevin Dodge | 12/13/2024 |
4. Jesus In Numbers | Kevin Dodge | 12/13/2024 |
3. Jesus In Leviticus | Kevin Dodge | 12/13/2024 |
2. Jesus In Exodus | Kevin Dodge | 12/13/2024 |
1. Jesus In Genesis | Kevin Dodge | 12/13/2024 |
A Communion Series: Jesus In…The Books Of The Bible | Kevin Dodge | 12/13/2024 |
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5. Marks Of Saving Grace (Titus 2:11-15) | Gregory Brown | 06/06/2024 |
Q. Why Did Israel Reject Jesus As The Messiah? What Is Israel’s Future Hope? | Bob Deffinbaugh | 03/28/2024 |
The Gospel According To Jesus | Bob Deffinbaugh | 02/15/2024 |
7. The Cross And Christ’s Suffering For Sins (1 Peter 3:18-22) | Roger Pascoe | 04/04/2023 |
1. The Cross And New Birth (1 Peter 1:3-12) | Roger Pascoe | 04/04/2023 |
Q. Do Those Who Commit Suicide Go To Hell? | Bob Deffinbaugh | 12/22/2022 |
7. The Cross And Boasting (Galatians 6:12-15) | Roger Pascoe | 10/15/2022 |
6. The Cross And The Flesh (Gal. 5:19-25) | Roger Pascoe | 10/15/2022 |
5. The Cross And Christ’s Incarnation (Gal. 4:4-7) | Roger Pascoe | 10/15/2022 |
4. The Cross And Christ’s Substitution (Gal. 3:10-14) | Roger Pascoe | 10/15/2022 |
3. The Cross And Preaching (Gal. 3:1) | Roger Pascoe | 10/15/2022 |
2. The Cross And The Exchanged Life (Gal. 2:20) | Roger Pascoe | 10/15/2022 |
1. The Cross And Salvation (Gal. 1:3-5) | Roger Pascoe | 10/15/2022 |
The Centrality Of The Cross In Galatians | Roger Pascoe | 10/15/2022 |
Romans | Bob Hallman | 07/14/2022 |
Q. Can you explain the “works of the Law” phrase Paul uses in Galatians? Does this relate to modern applications of tithing, baptism, church-going, good works, etc. or should it just be more specifically applied to the Old Testament sacrifices, the priest | Bob Deffinbaugh | 04/28/2022 |
Appendix 3: Walking The Romans Road | Gregory Brown | 12/06/2021 |
Appendix 2: Reflection Questions | Gregory Brown | 12/06/2021 |
Appendix 1: Study Group Tips | Gregory Brown | 12/06/2021 |
8. Assurance of Salvation | Gregory Brown | 12/06/2021 |
7. Perseverance of the Saints / Eternal Security | Gregory Brown | 12/06/2021 |
6. Sanctification | Gregory Brown | 12/06/2021 |
5. Justification | Gregory Brown | 12/06/2021 |
4. Regeneration | Gregory Brown | 12/06/2021 |
3. Elements of the Gospel Message | Gregory Brown | 12/06/2021 |
2. Effectual Call | Gregory Brown | 12/06/2021 |
1. Election / Predestination | Gregory Brown | 12/06/2021 |
The Bible Teacher's Guide, Soteriology: Understanding Our Great Salvation | Gregory Brown | 12/06/2021 |
Q. Salvation is too much work and I am tired. What should I do? | Bob Deffinbaugh | 07/27/2021 |
Q. Does One Have To Be Baptized And Commit Themselves To A Discipleship Program In Order To Be Saved? Is Salvation Faith Plus Works? | Bob Deffinbaugh | 04/29/2021 |
Q. How Does Divine Sovereignty And Human Responsibility Work With God Hardening Hearts? | Bob Deffinbaugh | 04/03/2020 |
Q. Is Apostasy Fatal/Final? | Bob Deffinbaugh | 03/04/2020 |
1. Genuine Conversion (Various Scriptures) | Steven Cole | 11/20/2018 |
Final Charge | Steven Cole | 11/20/2018 |
27. The Snake that Saves (Numbers 21:1-9) | Steven Cole | 09/10/2018 |
24. The Tragic Consequences of Unbelief (Numbers 14:11-45) | Steven Cole | 08/13/2018 |
23. Persevering Faith or Temporary Faith? (Numbers 13:1-14:11) | Steven Cole | 08/09/2018 |
20. Entering God’s Holy Presence (Exodus 40:1-38) | Steven Cole | 07/17/2018 |
16. Obeying The Big Ten (Exodus 20:1-17) | Steven Cole | 06/12/2018 |
15. God’s Purpose for His People (Exodus 19:1-25) | Steven Cole | 06/06/2018 |
9. God’s Means of Salvation (Exodus 11:1-12:36) | Steven Cole | 04/16/2018 |
Q. Can A Homosexual Go To Heaven? | Bob Deffinbaugh | 04/12/2018 |
Easter [2018]: Jesus is Risen—So What? (Acts 25:23, 26:1-29) | Steven Cole | 03/29/2018 |
7. God’s Mighty Power to Save (Exodus 7:1-25) | Steven Cole | 03/22/2018 |
Q. Why Do All Christians Condemn Other Christians to Hell? | Bob Deffinbaugh | 03/15/2018 |
Q. If I Cursed God Can I Never Be Saved? | Bob Deffinbaugh | 03/05/2018 |
4. How God Saves His People, Part 2 (Exodus 3:1-22) | Steven Cole | 03/02/2018 |
3. How God Saves His People, Part 1 (Exodus 3:1-22) | Steven Cole | 02/19/2018 |
Q. Have I lost My Salvation? | Bob Deffinbaugh | 02/07/2018 |
Q. Should a Sinner Leave the Church? | Bob Deffinbaugh | 02/05/2018 |
2. Reformation Sunday: Why the Five Points Matter (Various Scriptures) | Steven Cole | 11/07/2017 |
Q. Reading Deuteronomy 23:2, Is There Hope For An Illegitimate Child To Become A Christian? Are There Some People, Ethnicity's, Or Situations Beyond Hope? | Bob Deffinbaugh | 10/27/2017 |
The Reformation | Steven Cole | 10/27/2017 |
Q. Are there Second Chances After Death? | Bob Deffinbaugh | 10/06/2017 |
Q. Can I control myself from fear of death and the panic attacks I am experiencing? | Bob Deffinbaugh | 09/22/2017 |
Lesson 16: The Encouragement of Our Salvation (1 Thessalonians 5:9-11) | Steven Cole | 11/15/2016 |
The Rescue - Why Did Jesus Come? | Greg Koukl | 11/04/2016 |
Why Saving Faith Is Impossible Without Repentance | Craig Biehl | 10/18/2016 |
Lesson 4: Genuine Christianity (1 Thessalonians 1:9-10) | Steven Cole | 08/19/2016 |
Lesson 3: True Conversions (1 Thessalonians 1:5-8) | Steven Cole | 08/12/2016 |
Appendix 1: Walking the Romans Road | Gregory Brown | 07/08/2016 |
Lesson 12: Alive, Forgiven, Victorious! (Colossians 2:13-15) | Steven Cole | 02/11/2016 |
Lesson 11: Religion Versus Christ (Colossians 2:8-12) | Steven Cole | 02/04/2016 |
Appendix 3: Walking The Romans Road | Gregory Brown | 01/25/2016 |
God’s Perfect And Unchanging Justice As The Ground Of The Gospel | Craig Biehl | 01/25/2016 |
Lesson 4: Forgiven by God! (Colossians 1:13-14) | Steven Cole | 12/04/2015 |
Lesson 9: The Gospel to the Prophets, Part 1 (Habakkuk 2:2-5) | Daniel Bennett | 11/20/2015 |
Lesson 4: The Gospel and the Law (Deuteronomy 11:1) | Daniel Bennett | 11/20/2015 |
Lesson 3: The Gospel and the Exodus (Exodus 12:1-13) | Daniel Bennett | 11/20/2015 |
Lesson 1: The First Gospel (Genesis 3:7-21) | Daniel Bennett | 11/20/2015 |
Lesson 108: John: A Final Flyover (John, Various Texts) | Steven Cole | 11/09/2015 |
Lesson 30: What We Now Know About Ourselves and Sin (1 John 5:18-20) | Daniel Bennett | 09/08/2015 |
Lesson 27: Why You Should Believe that Jesus is the Son of God, Part 2 (1 John 5:10-12) | Daniel Bennett | 09/08/2015 |
Lesson 26: Why You Should Believe that Jesus is the Son of God, Part 1 (1 John 5:6-9) | Daniel Bennett | 09/08/2015 |
9. The Whole Gospel for the Whole Person (Titus 3:8-15) | David Anderson | 08/12/2015 |
8. The God Who Seeks the Lost (Titus 3:3-7) | Tom Sorensen | 08/12/2015 |
Lesson 98: So Great a Salvation (John 19:17-30) | Steven Cole | 07/27/2015 |
Appendix 6: Walking the Roman’s Road | Gregory Brown | 07/07/2015 |
Lesson 95: What Will You Do With Jesus? (John 18:28-19:16) | Steven Cole | 06/08/2015 |
Lesson 5: Help for Sinners (1 John 2:1-2) | Daniel Bennett | 04/13/2015 |
Lesson 88: Doing God’s Will in a Hostile World (John 17:1-5) | Steven Cole | 03/31/2015 |
Lesson 145: Knowing and Worshiping Jesus (Luke 24:50-53) | Daniel Bennett | 02/27/2015 |
Lesson 137: The Cross and the Criminals (Luke 23:32-43) | Daniel Bennett | 02/27/2015 |
Lesson 136: The Cross and the Daughters of Jerusalem (Luke 23:26-31) | Daniel Bennett | 02/27/2015 |
Lesson 135: Rejecting the King of Kings, Part III (Luke 22:63-23:25) | Daniel Bennett | 02/27/2015 |
Lesson 134: Rejecting the King of Kings, Part II (Luke 22:63-23:25) | Daniel Bennett | 02/27/2015 |
Lesson 133: Rejecting the King of Kings, Part I (Luke 22:63-23:25) | Daniel Bennett | 02/27/2015 |
Lesson 125: Confronting Humanity’s Greatest Sin (Luke 22:1-23) | Daniel Bennett | 02/26/2015 |
Lesson 114: A History of Rejection (Luke 20:9-18) | Daniel Bennett | 02/19/2015 |
Lesson 112: Why Missions Demands Weeping (Luke 19:41-44) | Daniel Bennett | 02/19/2015 |
Lesson 109: Zacchaeus-- The Seeker Who was Sought (Luke 19:1-10) | Daniel Bennett | 02/19/2015 |
Lesson 108: What the Blind Man Saw (Luke 18:31-43) | Daniel Bennett | 02/19/2015 |
Lesson 107: A Shocking Explanation of the Gospel (Luke 18:18-30) | Daniel Bennett | 02/19/2015 |
Lesson 105: Two Prayers, Two Paths to God (Luke 18:9-14) | Daniel Bennett | 02/18/2015 |
Lesson 102: The Kingdom of God is Already Here (Luke 17:20-21) | Daniel Bennett | 02/18/2015 |
Lesson 96: Idolatry and Immorality, Part II (Luke 16:18, Romans 1:16-32) | Daniel Bennett | 02/18/2015 |
Lesson 90: The Father Who Forgave (Luke 15:20b-24) | Daniel Bennett | 02/17/2015 |
Lesson 89: The Son Who Sinned (Luke 15:1-20) | Daniel Bennett | 02/17/2015 |
Lesson 84: The Demise of the Status Seeker (Luke 14:1-14) | Daniel Bennett | 02/16/2015 |
Lesson 82: Bad News about the Kingdom (Luke 13:22-30) | Daniel Bennett | 02/16/2015 |
Lesson 78: Responding to Tragedy (Luke 13:1-5) | Daniel Bennett | 02/16/2015 |
Lesson 76: Christ Divides (Luke 12:49-53) | Daniel Bennett | 02/16/2015 |
Lesson 68: Am I a Pharisee? (Luke 11:37-40) | Daniel Bennett | 02/10/2015 |
Lesson 65: Deadly Moralism (Luke 11:24-28) | Daniel Bennett | 02/10/2015 |
Lesson 57: The Eternal Consequences of Rejecting the Gospel, Part II (Luke 10:10-16) | Daniel Bennett | 02/09/2015 |
Lesson 56: The Eternal Consequences of Rejecting the Gospel, Part I (Luke 10:10-16) | Daniel Bennett | 02/09/2015 |
Christmas [2014]: The Spirit of Christmas (John 13:1-17) | Steven Cole | 12/17/2014 |
Executive Action and The Coming of Christ | Bob Deffinbaugh | 12/01/2014 |
Lesson 71: Love, Humility, and Cleansing (John 13:1-11) | Steven Cole | 11/19/2014 |
Lesson 66: The Supernatural Death of Christ (Matthew 27:45-66) | David Anderson | 11/03/2014 |
Lesson 57: The Story of the Ten Bridesmaids (Matthew 25:1-13) | David Anderson | 11/03/2014 |
Lesson 48: The Parable of the Wedding Feast (Matthew 22:1-14) | David Anderson | 11/03/2014 |
Lesson 47: Parable about Human Responsibility (Matthew 21:28-46) | David Anderson | 11/03/2014 |
Lesson 38: Lessons on Humility from Jesus (Matthew 18:1-9) | David Anderson | 11/03/2014 |
Lesson 35: Peter’s Confession (Matthew 16:1-20) | David Anderson | 11/03/2014 |
Lesson 29: The Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-23) | David Anderson | 10/31/2014 |
Lesson 69: Why People Don’t Believe in Jesus (John 12:36b-43) | Steven Cole | 10/21/2014 |
Lesson 70: The Final Notice (John 12:44-50) | Steven Cole | 10/21/2014 |
Lesson 68: Christ Lifted Up (John 12:27-36a) | Steven Cole | 10/14/2014 |
Lesson 66: We Wish to See Jesus (John 12:20-24) | Steven Cole | 09/22/2014 |
Lesson 65: Following Jesus for the Right Reason (John 12:12-19) | Steven Cole | 09/10/2014 |
4. Remembering Our Great Salvation (1 Peter 1:10-12) | Gregory Brown | 07/29/2014 |
2. Praise God For Our Great Salvation (1 Peter 1:3-5) | Gregory Brown | 07/29/2014 |
Lesson 58: Reasons To Believe (John 10:30-42) | Steven Cole | 06/25/2014 |
Lesson 57: Secure Forever (John 10:22-30) | Steven Cole | 06/02/2014 |
Lesson 56: Why Follow Jesus? (John 10:11-21) | Steven Cole | 06/02/2014 |
Lesson 55: The Door to Abundant Life (John 10:7-10) | Steven Cole | 05/15/2014 |
Lesson 54: The True Shepherd and His Sheep (John 10:1-6) | Steven Cole | 05/15/2014 |
Lesson 53: The Blind See, but the Seeing are Blind (John 9:35-41) | Steven Cole | 05/15/2014 |
Easter [2014]: Good News for Everyone (John 20 and 21) | Steven Cole | 04/17/2014 |
Lesson 52: How Do You Know? (John 9:13-34) | Steven Cole | 04/17/2014 |
Lesson 51: The Light of the World in Action (John 9:1-12) | Steven Cole | 04/17/2014 |
Lesson 50: Challenging Jesus (John 8:48-59) | Steven Cole | 04/03/2014 |
Lesson 49: True and False Children of God (John 8:37-47) | Steven Cole | 03/27/2014 |
Lesson 48: True Freedom (John 8:30-36) | Steven Cole | 03/27/2014 |
Lesson 47: Terrible Words from the Loving Savior (John 8:21-29) | Steven Cole | 03/27/2014 |
Lesson 46: Jesus: Light of the World (John 8:12-20) | Steven Cole | 03/06/2014 |
Lesson 45: Caught in the Act (John 7:53-8:11) | Steven Cole | 03/06/2014 |
Lesson 44: The Divisive Jesus (John 7:40-52) | Steven Cole | 02/27/2014 |
Lesson 42: Don’t Be Confused About Jesus! (John 7:25-36) | Steven Cole | 02/04/2014 |
Lesson 41: Jesus: True, Yet Rejected (John 7:14-24) | Steven Cole | 02/04/2014 |
Lesson 39: What Do You Think About Jesus? (John 7:1-13) | Steven Cole | 01/02/2014 |
4. Grace Triumphant, Part 2 | Melanie Newton | 12/10/2013 |
3. Grace Triumphant, Part 1 | Melanie Newton | 12/10/2013 |
2. Grace-Covered Sin | Melanie Newton | 12/10/2013 |
Graceful Living | Melanie Newton | 12/09/2013 |
Lesson 36: What Are You Eating? (John 6:48-59) | Steven Cole | 12/05/2013 |
11. Confidence in the Face of Death (2 Cor. 5:1-10) | Mark Stevenson | 11/21/2013 |
8. Treasure in Jars of Clay (2 Cor. 4:7) | Mark Stevenson | 11/21/2013 |
7. The Light of the Gospel of the Glory of Christ (2 Cor. 4:1-6) | Mark Stevenson | 11/21/2013 |
Lesson 35: A Lesson in Witnessing to Skeptics (John 6:41-47) | Steven Cole | 11/21/2013 |
4. The Lord’s Conquered Servant (2 Cor. 2:12-17) | Mark Stevenson | 11/20/2013 |
2. The Integrity of Paul and the Reliability of Christ (2 Cor. 1:12-22) | Mark Stevenson | 11/20/2013 |
2. Holiness through Beholding the Glory of Christ (2 Cor. 3:18) | Mark Stevenson | 11/20/2013 |
1. Holiness and the Problem of Idolatry (Romans 1:16-32) | Mark Stevenson | 11/20/2013 |
Good News! A Savior is Born (Luke 2:10-11) | Mark Stevenson | 11/20/2013 |
Lesson 48: Death and Discipleship (Luke 9:23-27) | Daniel Bennett | 11/18/2013 |
Lesson 47: Confessing the Crucified Christ (Luke 9:18-22) | Daniel Bennett | 11/18/2013 |
Lesson 46: Satisfying Bread (Luke 9:10-17) | Daniel Bennett | 11/18/2013 |
Lesson 34: The Certain Success of Jesus’ Mission (John 6:35-40) | Steven Cole | 11/14/2013 |
Lesson 33: Seeking Jesus Rightly (John 6:22-36) | Steven Cole | 11/07/2013 |
Lesson 7: The Light of the World (John 9) | Vickie Kraft | 11/05/2013 |
Lesson 3: The Samaritan Woman (John 4) | Vickie Kraft | 11/05/2013 |
Lesson 1: Introduction To “Jesus Christ: God Revealed” (Hebrews 1:2-3) | Vickie Kraft | 11/05/2013 |
Jesus Christ: God Revealed | Vickie Kraft | 11/05/2013 |
Lesson 30: What Keeps People from Christ (John 5:39-47) | Steven Cole | 10/18/2013 |
Lesson 29: The Witnesses to Jesus (John 5:30-40) | Steven Cole | 10/18/2013 |
Lesson 28: Eternal Life or Judgment? (John 5:24-30) | Steven Cole | 10/18/2013 |
Lesson 26: The Impotence of Religion, the Power of Christ (John 5:1-16) | Steven Cole | 10/18/2013 |
Lesson 25: From Foxhole Faith to Saving Faith (John 4:43-54) | Steven Cole | 10/10/2013 |
Lesson 24: The Witnesses God Uses (John 4:27-42) | Steven Cole | 10/10/2013 |
Lesson 23: The Priority of True Worship (John 4:23-24) | Steven Cole | 10/10/2013 |
Lesson 22: Coming to Salvation (John 4:15-26) | Steven Cole | 10/10/2013 |
Lesson 21: Living Water for a Thirsty Woman (John 4:1-14) | Steven Cole | 10/10/2013 |
Lesson 20: Once More: Why Believe in Jesus? (John 3:31-36) | Steven Cole | 10/10/2013 |
Lesson 18: Why People Reject Christ (John 3:19-21) | Steven Cole | 10/10/2013 |
Lesson 17: God’s Shocking Love (John 3:16-18) | Steven Cole | 10/10/2013 |
Lesson 16: How Jesus is Like a Snake (John 3:14-15; Numbers 21:4-9) | Steven Cole | 10/09/2013 |
Lesson 15: Why You Need the New Birth (John 3:6-13) | Steven Cole | 10/09/2013 |
Lesson 14: Why Religion Can’t Save You (John 3:1-7) | Steven Cole | 10/09/2013 |
Lesson 13: Does Jesus Believe in You? (John 2:23-25) | Steven Cole | 10/09/2013 |
Lesson 12: How to Come to Jesus (John 2:18-22) | Steven Cole | 10/09/2013 |
Lesson 10: The Joyous Salvation that Jesus Brings (John 2:1-11) | Steven Cole | 10/08/2013 |
Lesson 9: Meeting Jesus (John 1:35-51) | Steven Cole | 10/08/2013 |
Lesson 8: Friends Bring Friends to Jesus (John 1:35-51) | Steven Cole | 10/08/2013 |
Lesson 7: Who is Jesus? (John 1:29-34) | Steven Cole | 10/08/2013 |
Lesson 6: Who Are You? (John 1:19-28) | Steven Cole | 10/08/2013 |
Lesson 5: Why You Should Believe in Jesus (John 1:15-18) | Steven Cole | 10/04/2013 |
Lesson 4: The Word Became Flesh (John 1:14) | Steven Cole | 10/04/2013 |
Lesson 3: God’s Witness, Your Verdict (John 1:6-13) | Steven Cole | 10/04/2013 |
Lesson 2: Jesus: Revealer of God (John 1:1-5) | Steven Cole | 10/04/2013 |
Lesson 1: The Nature and Purpose of John’s Gospel (John 20:30-31) | Steven Cole | 10/04/2013 |
John | Steven Cole | 10/04/2013 |
Why God Is Not Fair | Steven Cole | 10/04/2013 |
Why Good People Don’t Go To Heaven | Steven Cole | 10/01/2013 |
What Christmas Has To Do With Hell | Steven Cole | 09/30/2013 |
Lesson 1: The Study of the Gospel | James Davis | 09/30/2013 |
Baptism: Some Common Questions Answered | Steven Cole | 09/20/2013 |
Asking The Right Questions About Life | Steven Cole | 09/20/2013 |
Why Baptism Matters | Steven Cole | 09/20/2013 |
Easter [2013]: Defeating Doubt (John 20:1-10, 19-20, 24-31) | Steven Cole | 09/19/2013 |
Easter [2011]: Hope for All Sinners (Mark 16:7) | Steven Cole | 09/19/2013 |
Easter [2010]: Why Be a Christian? (Acts 3:11-26) | Steven Cole | 09/19/2013 |
Easter [2009]: From Death to Life (Luke 15:1-2, 11-32) | Steven Cole | 09/19/2013 |
Easter [2008]: The Risen Savior’s Questions (John 20:11-18) | Steven Cole | 09/19/2013 |
Easter [2007]: Hard Hearts, Powerful God (Matthew 27:57-28:20) | Steven Cole | 09/19/2013 |
Easter [2006]: Overcoming Doubt (John 20:1-10, 19-20, 24-31) | Steven Cole | 09/19/2013 |
Easter [2004]: Your Coming Resurrection (John 5:28-29) | Steven Cole | 09/19/2013 |
Easter [2003]: Rescued by the Risen Jesus (1 Thessalonians 1:9-10) | Steven Cole | 09/19/2013 |
Easter [1998]: Hope For All Who Have Failed (Mark 16:7) | Steven Cole | 09/18/2013 |
Easter [1997]: Hope For Troubled Hearts (Luke 24:13-35) | Steven Cole | 09/18/2013 |
Easter [1996]: The Most Important Question In The World (Mark 8:27-33) | Steven Cole | 09/18/2013 |
Easter [1995]: How To Get Right With God (Romans 10:9, 10) | Steven Cole | 09/18/2013 |
Easter [1994]: What To Do If The Resurrection Is True (Acts 17:30-34) | Steven Cole | 09/18/2013 |
Easter [1993]: Why the Resurrection Matters (1 Corinthians 15:1-19) | Steven Cole | 09/18/2013 |
Christmas [2012]: How to Receive Good Things from God (Luke 1:53) | Steven Cole | 09/18/2013 |
Christmas [2011]: God of Mercy, God of Judgment (Luke 1:46-55) | Steven Cole | 09/18/2013 |
Christmas [2009]: Skeletons in Christ’s Family Closet (Matthew 1:1-17) | Steven Cole | 09/18/2013 |
Christmas [2008]: The Question You MUST Answer (Luke 2:10-11) | Steven Cole | 09/18/2013 |
Christmas [2007]: What Christmas Really Means (Luke 1:67-79) | Steven Cole | 09/17/2013 |
Christmas [2006]: The Eternal Word Made Flesh (John 1:1, 14) | Steven Cole | 09/17/2013 |
Christmas [2004]: Christ, the Hope of the World (Luke 2:25-35) | Steven Cole | 09/17/2013 |
Christmas [2002]: The Reason Jesus Came (Matthew 1:21) | Steven Cole | 09/17/2013 |
Christmas [2000]: God’s Gift, Our Response (2 Corinthians 8 and 9) | Steven Cole | 09/17/2013 |
Christmas [1999]: The Joy of Christmas (Luke 2:10-11) | Steven Cole | 09/17/2013 |
Christmas [1998]: How To Receive From God (Luke 1:53) | Steven Cole | 09/17/2013 |
Christmas [1996]: The Virgin Birth--Why Believe It? (Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 1:26-38) | Steven Cole | 09/17/2013 |
Christmas [1995]: How To Be A Wise Man—Or Woman (Matthew 2:1-12) | Steven Cole | 09/17/2013 |
Christmas [1993]: The Best News In The World (Luke 2:8-11) | Steven Cole | 09/16/2013 |
Christmas [1992]: The Simplicity Of Christmas (Luke 2:8-20) | Steven Cole | 09/16/2013 |
Lesson 2: The Man Who Bargained With God (Genesis 18:16-33) | Steven Cole | 09/11/2013 |
3. Calvin, Psychology, and Me | Steven Cole | 09/11/2013 |
Lesson 9: The Beauty Of God’s Grace (2 Samuel 9; 16:1-4; 19:24-30) | Steven Cole | 09/10/2013 |
Lesson 1: A Heart After God’s Heart (1 Samuel 16 and 17) | Steven Cole | 09/09/2013 |
David | Steven Cole | 09/09/2013 |
Lesson 15: When God’s Axe Falls (2 Chronicles 36) | Steven Cole | 09/09/2013 |
Lesson 13: None Beyond Hope (2 Chronicles 33:1-20) | Steven Cole | 09/09/2013 |
Lesson 9: Witnessing: Answering Questions and Objections, Part 2 (Various Scriptures) | Steven Cole | 09/05/2013 |
Lesson 7: Winning Others to Christ (1 Corinthians 9:19-23) | Steven Cole | 09/05/2013 |
Lesson 6: Jesus Teaches us to Witness, Part 2 (John 4:1-42) | Steven Cole | 09/05/2013 |
Lesson 3: The Mark of True Conversion (Various Scriptures) | Steven Cole | 09/05/2013 |
Lesson 2: What Does it Mean to be Saved? (Ephesians 2:8-10) | Steven Cole | 09/05/2013 |
Evangelism | Steven Cole | 09/05/2013 |
Lesson 87: From The Garden To A Coffin (Genesis Recap) | Steven Cole | 09/04/2013 |
Lesson 40: Hearing the Word, Part IV- The Grounds of Biblical Assurance (Luke 8:1-21) | Daniel Bennett | 09/03/2013 |
Lesson 79: A Godly Heritage (Genesis 48:1-22) | Steven Cole | 09/03/2013 |
Lesson 46: The Lord Who Provides (Genesis 22) | Steven Cole | 08/29/2013 |
Lesson 35: Why We Do Not Baptize Infants (Genesis 17 and other Scriptures) | Steven Cole | 08/27/2013 |
Lesson 31: Justification by Faith Alone (Genesis 15:6; Romans 4:1-5) | Steven Cole | 08/27/2013 |
Lesson 25: Great Privilege, Great Responsibility (Genesis 12:1-3) | Steven Cole | 08/26/2013 |
Lesson 24: The God of History and You (Genesis 11:10-32) | Steven Cole | 08/26/2013 |
Lesson 22: The Roots of the Nations (Genesis 10:1-32) | Steven Cole | 08/26/2013 |
Lesson 18: When You Feel Forgotten By God (Genesis 8:1-22) | Steven Cole | 08/26/2013 |
Lesson 17: God’s Warnings (Genesis 7:1-24) | Steven Cole | 08/26/2013 |
Lesson 13: The Epitaph of Sin (Genesis 5:1-32) | Steven Cole | 08/23/2013 |
Lesson 10: The Curse and The Covering (Genesis 3:16-24) | Steven Cole | 08/23/2013 |
Genesis | Steven Cole | 08/22/2013 |
Lesson 41: Hearing the Word, Part V- Living Doctrine (Luke 8:1-21) | Daniel Bennett | 08/22/2013 |
Lesson 38: Hearing the Word, Part II- The Tragedy of Temporary Faith (Luke 8:1-21) | Daniel Bennett | 08/22/2013 |
Lesson 37: Hearing the Word, Part I- The Path (Luke 8:1-21) | Daniel Bennett | 08/22/2013 |
Lesson 16: God’s Fountain for Cleansing (Zechariah 13:1-9) | Steven Cole | 08/16/2013 |
Lesson 15: God, the Mighty Savior (Zechariah 12:1-14) | Steven Cole | 08/16/2013 |
Lesson 10: Blessed to Bless (Zechariah 8:1-23) | Steven Cole | 08/15/2013 |
Lesson 4: How Can Sinners Serve a Holy God? (Zechariah 3:1-10) | Steven Cole | 08/15/2013 |
Lesson 1: Returning to the Lord (Zechariah 1:1-6) | Steven Cole | 08/15/2013 |
Lesson 68: Who’s Crazy? (Acts 26:19-29) | Steven Cole | 08/14/2013 |
Lesson 67: Your Response to the Resurrection (Acts 25:23-26:32) | Steven Cole | 08/14/2013 |
Lesson 58: God’s Mighty Power to Save (Acts 22:1-22) | Steven Cole | 08/13/2013 |
Lesson 49: Why People Oppose the Gospel (Acts 19:21-41) | Steven Cole | 08/12/2013 |
Lesson 44: Reaching Intellectuals for Christ (Acts 17:16-34) | Steven Cole | 08/12/2013 |
Lesson 42: The Urgent Question (Acts 16:25-34) | Steven Cole | 08/12/2013 |
Lesson 40: Three Encounters With God (Acts 16:11-34) | Steven Cole | 08/09/2013 |
Lesson 36: When Unity is Wrong (Acts 15:1-11) | Steven Cole | 08/09/2013 |
Lesson 34: Good News That Divides (Acts 13:42-14:7) | Steven Cole | 08/09/2013 |
Lesson 33: The God Who Keeps His Promise (Acts 13:13-41) | Steven Cole | 08/09/2013 |
Lesson 30: The Unstoppable Gospel (Acts 12:1-25) | Steven Cole | 08/08/2013 |
Lesson 29: How to Become a Good Person (Acts 11:23-24) | Steven Cole | 08/08/2013 |
Lesson 28: The Church God Blesses (Acts 11:19-30) | Steven Cole | 08/08/2013 |
Lesson 26: Salvation for All Who Believe (Acts 10:34-48) | Steven Cole | 08/08/2013 |
Lesson 23: Getting Involved in Ministry (Acts 9:19-31) | Steven Cole | 08/08/2013 |
Lesson 22: An Unlikely Conversion (Acts 9:1-19) | Steven Cole | 08/08/2013 |
Lesson 21: How God Evangelizes the World (Acts 8:26-40) | Steven Cole | 08/08/2013 |
Lesson 20: Why We MUST Proclaim the Gospel (Acts 8:4-25) | Steven Cole | 08/07/2013 |
Lesson 18: Stephen: the Message (Acts 7:1-53) | Steven Cole | 08/07/2013 |
Lesson 15: Obeying God No Matter What (Acts 5:12-42) | Steven Cole | 08/07/2013 |
Lesson 11: How to Proclaim the Gospel (Acts 3:11-26) | Steven Cole | 08/06/2013 |
Lesson 10: The Exuberant Joy of God’s Salvation (Acts 3:1-10) | Steven Cole | 08/06/2013 |
Lesson 8: How to Receive God’s Forgiveness (Acts 2:37-38) | Steven Cole | 08/06/2013 |
Lesson 6: The Call of the Sovereign God (Acts 2:21, 23, and 39) | Steven Cole | 08/06/2013 |
Lesson 5: The Sermon that Launched the Church (Acts 2:14-41) | Steven Cole | 08/06/2013 |
Lesson 14: Living With A Difficult Husband (1 Peter 3:1-6) | Steven Cole | 08/02/2013 |
Lesson 13: The Meaning Of The Cross (1 Peter 2:24-25) | Steven Cole | 08/02/2013 |
Lesson 7: Born Again To Love (1 Peter 1:22-25) | Steven Cole | 08/01/2013 |
Lesson 6: Why Be Holy? (1 Peter 1:17-21) | Steven Cole | 08/01/2013 |
Lesson 4: What’s So Great About Salvation?(1 Peter 1:10-12) | Steven Cole | 08/01/2013 |
Lesson 35: The Heart of Unbelief (Luke 7:29-35) | Daniel Bennett | 07/30/2013 |
Lesson 34: Authentic Ministry (Luke 7:24-28) | Daniel Bennett | 07/30/2013 |
Lesson 33: Tragedy and Triumph (Luke 7:11-17) | Daniel Bennett | 07/30/2013 |
Lesson 17: The Losses and Gains of True Christianity (Philippians 3:4-9) | Steven Cole | 07/29/2013 |
Lesson 16: True Versus Counterfeit Christianity (Philippians 3:1-3) | Steven Cole | 07/29/2013 |
Lesson 13: Working Out Our Salvation (Philippians 2:12-13) | Steven Cole | 07/29/2013 |
Lesson 12: Every Knee Shall Bow (Philippians 2:9-11) | Steven Cole | 07/29/2013 |
Lesson 9: The Christian Mission and How To Fulfill It (Philippians 1:27-30) | Steven Cole | 07/26/2013 |
Lesson 3: Confident About Salvation (Philippians 1:3-6) | Steven Cole | 07/26/2013 |
Lesson 1: The Path To Joy (Acts 16:6-40) | Steven Cole | 07/26/2013 |
Lesson 27: The Pharisees Reject Jesus (Matthew 12:1-14, 22-37) | David Anderson | 07/25/2013 |
Lesson 26: A Bruised Reed He Shall Not Break (Matthew 12:15-21) | David Anderson | 07/25/2013 |
Lesson 25: And You Will Find Rest For Your Souls (Matthew 11:20-30) | David Anderson | 07/25/2013 |
Lesson 21: A Manual For Short-Term Missions (Matthew 10:1-15) | David Anderson | 07/25/2013 |
Lesson 17: Jesus The Healer (Matthew 8:1-17) | David Anderson | 07/24/2013 |
Lesson 7: Jesus Begins His Ministry (Matthew 4:12-25) | David Anderson | 07/23/2013 |
Lesson 4: The Violent First Few Years Of The Promised King (Matthew 2:13-23) | David Anderson | 07/23/2013 |
Lesson 91: Your Present Walk and the Coming Day (Romans 13:11-14) | Steven Cole | 07/19/2013 |
Homosexuality: The Biblical-Christian View | Kevin Dodge | 07/18/2013 |
Homosexuality and the Church | Kevin Dodge | 07/18/2013 |
Lesson 75: Why You Must Believe in the Risen Lord, Easter Sunday (Romans 1:4; 4:24-25; 5:10; 6:4-10; 7:4; 8:11, 33b-34; 10:9-10; 14:9) | Steven Cole | 07/17/2013 |
Lesson 70: Guarding Against Spiritual Pride (Romans 11:16-24) | Steven Cole | 07/16/2013 |
Lesson 69: God’s Certain Purpose for History (Romans 11:11-15) | Steven Cole | 07/16/2013 |
Lesson 68: Chosen or Hardened? (Romans 11:7-10) | Steven Cole | 07/16/2013 |
Lesson 66: Why Some are Lost and Some are Saved (Romans 10:16-21) | Steven Cole | 07/16/2013 |
Lesson 65: Good News for All (Romans 10:11-15) | Steven Cole | 07/16/2013 |
Lesson 64: How to be Saved (Romans 10:5-10) | Steven Cole | 07/16/2013 |
Lesson 63: Why Religious People Miss Salvation (Romans 10:1-4) | Steven Cole | 07/16/2013 |
Lesson 62: The Right and Wrong Ways to God (Romans 9:30-33) | Steven Cole | 07/16/2013 |
Lesson 61: God’s Great Mercy in Salvation (Romans 9:24-29) | Steven Cole | 07/15/2013 |
Lesson 59: Is God Unfair? (Romans 9:14-18) | Steven Cole | 07/15/2013 |
Lesson 31: Calling Christ Lord (Luke 6:46-49) | Daniel Bennett | 07/15/2013 |
Lesson 30: A Tree and its Fruit (Luke 6:43-45) | Daniel Bennett | 07/15/2013 |
Lesson 57: A Burden for the Lost (Romans 9:1-5) | Steven Cole | 07/12/2013 |
Lesson 55: God’s Answer for Guilt (Romans 8:33-34) | Steven Cole | 07/12/2013 |
Lesson 54: Enduring Opposition (Romans 8:31-32) | Steven Cole | 07/12/2013 |
Lesson 53: Why Our Salvation is Secure (Romans 8:29-30) | Steven Cole | 07/12/2013 |
Lesson 52: Why All Things Work Together for Good for Us (Romans 8:29) | Steven Cole | 07/12/2013 |
Lesson 46: Kill Your Sin! (Romans 8:12-13) | Steven Cole | 07/10/2013 |
Lesson 44: Understanding the Unbelieving Mind (Romans 8:6-8) | Steven Cole | 07/10/2013 |
Lesson 42: Set Free (Romans 8:1-4) | Steven Cole | 07/10/2013 |
Lesson 37: Why God Gave the Law (Romans 7:7-11) | Steven Cole | 07/09/2013 |
Lesson 30: Super-Abundant Grace that Reigns (Romans 5:20-21) | Steven Cole | 07/09/2013 |
Lesson 29: Death in Adam or Life in Christ? (Romans 5:12-19) | Steven Cole | 07/09/2013 |
Lesson 28: Saved for Sure! (Romans 5:9-11) | Steven Cole | 07/09/2013 |
Lesson 27: God’s Amazing Love (Romans 5:6-8) | Steven Cole | 07/08/2013 |
Lesson 25: The Blessings of Justification (Romans 5:1-2) | Steven Cole | 07/08/2013 |
Lesson 24: What is a Christian? (Romans 4:23-25) | Steven Cole | 07/08/2013 |
Lesson 23: The Nature of Saving Faith (Romans 4:16-22) | Steven Cole | 07/08/2013 |
Lesson 22: Religion Can’t Save You (Romans 4:9-15) | Steven Cole | 07/08/2013 |
Lesson 21: Forgiveness: The Supreme Blessing (Romans 4:6-8) | Steven Cole | 07/08/2013 |
Lesson 20: God Justifies the Ungodly (Romans 4:1-5) | Steven Cole | 07/08/2013 |
Lesson 19: Faith Versus Pride (Romans 3:27-31) | Steven Cole | 07/04/2013 |
Lesson 18: God the Just and the Justifier (Romans 3:25-26) | Steven Cole | 07/04/2013 |
Lesson 17: How Can I Be Right With God? (Romans 3:21-24) | Steven Cole | 07/04/2013 |
Lesson 16: Why God Gave the Law (Romans 3:19-20) | Steven Cole | 07/04/2013 |
Lesson 15: All Under Sin (Romans 3:9-18) | Steven Cole | 07/04/2013 |
Lesson 13: Ritual Versus Reality (Romans 2:25-29) | Steven Cole | 07/04/2013 |
Lesson 11: God’s Impartial Judgment (Romans 2:12-16) | Steven Cole | 07/04/2013 |
Lesson 10: Judged by Your Deeds (Romans 2:6-11) | Steven Cole | 07/04/2013 |
Lesson 9: The Damnable Sin of Self-Righteousness (Romans 2:1-5) | Steven Cole | 07/03/2013 |
Lesson 5: The Gospel: God’s Power for Salvation (Romans 1:16-17) | Steven Cole | 07/03/2013 |
Lesson 2: The Gospel of God: Described (Romans 1:2-4) | Steven Cole | 07/03/2013 |
Lesson 1: Romans: The Gospel of God (Romans 1:1, Introduction) | Steven Cole | 07/03/2013 |
Lesson 20: Healing the Spiritually Sick (Luke 5:27-32) | Daniel Bennett | 07/02/2013 |
Lesson 19: The Authority to Forgive Sins (Luke 5:17-26) | Daniel Bennett | 07/02/2013 |
Lesson 18: Grace to the Outcast (Luke 5:12-16) | Daniel Bennett | 07/02/2013 |
Lesson 15: Who Receives the Lord’s Favor? | Daniel Bennett | 07/01/2013 |
Lesson 13: The Human and Divine Son of God | Daniel Bennett | 07/01/2013 |
Lesson 12: The Call to True Repentance, Part II (Luke 3:1-20) | Daniel Bennett | 07/01/2013 |
Lesson 11: The Call to True Repentance, Part I (Luke 3:1-20) | Daniel Bennett | 07/01/2013 |
Lesson 9: Rise or Fall (Luke 2:21-40) | Daniel Bennett | 07/01/2013 |
Lesson 8: Christmas versus the Birth of the Savior (Luke 2:1-21) | Daniel Bennett | 07/01/2013 |
Romans | Steven Cole | 07/01/2013 |
Lesson 116: Our Mission and How to Fulfill It (Luke 24:44-49) | Steven Cole | 06/21/2013 |
Lesson 110: A Deathbed Conversion (Luke 23:39-43) | Steven Cole | 06/21/2013 |
Lesson 108: A Dad Who Bore The Cross (Luke 23:26; Mark 15:21; Rom. 16:13) | Steven Cole | 06/21/2013 |
Lesson 107: The King on the Cross (Luke 23:26-49) | Steven Cole | 06/20/2013 |
Lesson 106: Condemned or Set Free? (Luke 23:13-25) | Steven Cole | 06/20/2013 |
Lesson 105: The Verdict on Jesus (Luke 23:1-12) | Steven Cole | 06/20/2013 |
Lesson 88: Doing Business for Jesus (Luke 19:11-27) | Steven Cole | 06/19/2013 |
Lesson 87: Why Jesus Came (Luke 19:1-10) | Steven Cole | 06/18/2013 |
Lesson 86: When Jesus Passes By (Luke 18:35-43) | Steven Cole | 06/18/2013 |
Lesson 84: How Good People Get Saved (Luke 18:18-27) | Steven Cole | 06/18/2013 |
Lesson 83: Bringing Children to Jesus (Luke 18:15-17) | Steven Cole | 06/18/2013 |
Lesson 82: The Wrong and Right Way to Approach God (Luke 18:9-14) | Steven Cole | 06/18/2013 |
Lesson 80: The Present and Future Kingdom (Luke 17:20-37) | Steven Cole | 06/18/2013 |
Lesson 76: A Great Chasm Fixed (Luke 16:19-31) | Steven Cole | 06/14/2013 |
Lesson 72: How to Receive God’s Abundant Mercy (Luke 15:11-32) | Steven Cole | 06/14/2013 |
Lesson 71: God’s Lost and Found (Luke 15:1-10) | Steven Cole | 06/14/2013 |
Lesson 69: How to Have Dinner With Jesus (Luke 14:15-24) | Steven Cole | 06/14/2013 |
Lesson 67: Christ Would, But They Would Not (Luke 13:31-35) | Steven Cole | 06/13/2013 |
Lesson 66: The Narrow Door (Luke 13:22-30) | Steven Cole | 06/13/2013 |
Lesson 65: Why You Want To Be On Jesus’ Side (Luke 13:18-21) | Steven Cole | 06/13/2013 |
Lesson 57: Why Jesus Hates Legalism (Luke 11:37-54) | Steven Cole | 06/12/2013 |
Lesson 56: How to Respond to God’s Word (Luke 11:29-36) | Steven Cole | 06/12/2013 |
Lesson 51: Salvation and Good Works (Luke 10:25-37) | Steven Cole | 06/12/2013 |
Lesson 50: What Makes Jesus Rejoice (Luke 10:17-24) | Steven Cole | 06/12/2013 |
Lesson 49: The Crucial Message (Luke 10:1-16) | Steven Cole | 06/12/2013 |
Lesson 42: The Crucial Question (Luke 9:18-22) | Steven Cole | 06/11/2013 |
Lesson 40: Proclaiming the Good News (Luke 9:1-9) | Steven Cole | 06/11/2013 |
Lesson 38: Jesus’ Cleansing Power (Luke 8:40-48) | Steven Cole | 06/11/2013 |
Lesson 37: Christ’s Transforming Power (Luke 8:26-39) | Steven Cole | 06/10/2013 |
Lesson 34: Superficial and Genuine Believers (Luke 8:4-15) | Steven Cole | 06/10/2013 |
Lesson 33: Serving the Savior (Luke 8:1-3) | Steven Cole | 06/10/2013 |
Lesson 32: How to Love Jesus Fervently (Luke 7:36-50) | Steven Cole | 06/10/2013 |
Lesson 30: Christ’s Hope and Power for a Hurting World (Luke 7:11-17) | Steven Cole | 06/10/2013 |
Lesson 21: Why Jesus Does Not Save Good People (Luke 5:27-32) | Steven Cole | 06/07/2013 |
Lesson 20: Helping Our Friends Find Forgiveness (Luke 5:17-26) | Steven Cole | 06/07/2013 |
Lesson 19: The Cleansing Power of Jesus (Luke 5:12-16) | Steven Cole | 06/07/2013 |
Lesson 17: Jesus—Lord Over All (Luke 4:31-44) | Steven Cole | 06/06/2013 |
Lesson 16: Why Religious People Reject Christ (Luke 4:14-30) | Steven Cole | 06/06/2013 |
Lesson 15: The Temptation of Jesus (Luke 4:1-13) | Steven Cole | 06/06/2013 |
Lesson 14: The Genealogy of Jesus (Luke 3:23-38) | Steven Cole | 06/06/2013 |
Lesson 13: Pointing People to Christ (Luke 3:15-22) | Steven Cole | 06/06/2013 |
Lesson 11: Good News for Bad Times (Luke 3:1-6) | Steven Cole | 06/06/2013 |
Lesson 7: The Best News in the World (Luke 2:1-20) | Steven Cole | 06/05/2013 |
Lesson 6: The Tender Mercy of Our God (Luke 1:57-80) | Steven Cole | 06/05/2013 |
Lesson 5: Glorifying the God of Mercy and Judgment (Luke 1:46-56) | Steven Cole | 06/05/2013 |
Lesson 4: Should Christians Hail Mary? (Luke 1:26-45) | Steven Cole | 06/05/2013 |
Lesson 11: Are We Justified by Works? (James 2:20-26) | Steven Cole | 05/30/2013 |
Lesson 10: Saving Faith: Genuine or False? (James 2:14-19) | Steven Cole | 05/30/2013 |
Lesson 57: God Our Provider (Hebrews 13:20-21) | Steven Cole | 05/28/2013 |
Lesson 42: Faith to Conquer and Convert (Hebrews 11:30-31; Joshua 2:8-14; 6:2-5, 22-25) | Steven Cole | 05/23/2013 |
Luke: Savior of the Outcast | Daniel Bennett | 05/23/2013 |
Lesson 35: Faith That Escapes the Coming Judgment (Hebrews 11:7; Genesis 6:5-14, 22) | Steven Cole | 05/22/2013 |
Lesson 27: Judgment or Salvation? (Hebrews 9:23-28) | Steven Cole | 05/21/2013 |
Lesson 22: Salvation Guaranteed! (Hebrews 7:20-28) | Steven Cole | 05/21/2013 |
Lesson 19: An Anchor for Your Soul (Hebrews 6:13-20) | Steven Cole | 05/20/2013 |
Lesson 18: Things That Accompany Salvation (Hebrews 6:9-12) | Steven Cole | 05/20/2013 |
Lesson 17: When Repentance Becomes Impossible (Hebrews 6:4-8) | Steven Cole | 05/20/2013 |
Lesson 12: Cultural Religion Versus Saving Faith (Hebrews 4:1-11) | Steven Cole | 05/20/2013 |
Lesson 8: Why Jesus Became a Man (Hebrews 2:16-18) | Steven Cole | 05/16/2013 |
Lesson 7: Jesus Our Brother and Savior (Hebrews 2:11-15) | Steven Cole | 05/16/2013 |
Lesson 6: Why Jesus’ Death Was Fitting (Hebrews 2:10) | Steven Cole | 05/16/2013 |
Lesson 60: Mind Thy Head! (Ephesians 6:17a) | Steven Cole | 05/15/2013 |
Lesson 58: Boots for the Battle (Ephesians 6:15) | Steven Cole | 05/15/2013 |
Lesson 20: The Unfathomable Riches of Christ (Ephesians 3:8) | Steven Cole | 05/09/2013 |
Lesson 16: Remembering Then, but Now! (Ephesians 2:11-13) | Steven Cole | 05/09/2013 |
Lesson 15: Salvation and Good Works (Ephesians 2:10) | Steven Cole | 05/09/2013 |
Lesson 14: Salvation by Grace through Faith Alone (Ephesians 2:8-9) | Steven Cole | 05/09/2013 |
Lesson 13: Salvation is Totally of God (Ephesians 2:4-7) | Steven Cole | 05/08/2013 |
Lesson 8: Secure in Him (Ephesians 1:13-14) | Steven Cole | 05/08/2013 |
Lesson 7: Glory to Our Sovereign God (Ephesians 1:11-12) | Steven Cole | 05/08/2013 |
Lesson 5: Your Greatest Need (Ephesians 1:7-8a) | Steven Cole | 05/08/2013 |
Lesson 2: Blessed, We Bless (Ephesians 1:3) | Steven Cole | 05/08/2013 |
Pathway to Spiritual Maturity | Kevin Dodge | 05/02/2013 |
Psalm 118: Thank God for His Salvation | Steven Cole | 04/23/2013 |
Lesson 5: A Cause Worth Dying For (2 Timothy 1:10-11) | Steven Cole | 04/15/2013 |
Lesson 4: Why Suffer for the Gospel? (2 Timothy 1:9) | Steven Cole | 04/15/2013 |
Lesson 1: Foundation for Faithful Ministry (2 Timothy 1:1-5) | Steven Cole | 04/15/2013 |
Lesson 3: The Proper Use Of The Law (1 Timothy 1:8-11) | Steven Cole | 04/12/2013 |
Lesson 1: Saved To Serve (1 Timothy 1:1-2) | Steven Cole | 04/12/2013 |
Lesson 11: Motivation for Good Deeds (Titus 3:4-8) | Steven Cole | 04/11/2013 |
Lesson 9: Judgment and Mercy (2 Peter 2:4-10a) | Steven Cole | 03/20/2013 |
The Ceremonial Or Moral Law: Jonathan Edwards’s Old Perspective On An Old Error | Craig Biehl | 10/15/2012 |
What changed because Jesus died? | Donald E. Curtis | 06/21/2010 |
Can People Really Be Sure of Their Salvation? | Kenneth Boa | 03/18/2010 |
4. Redeemed (Ruth 4) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 03/17/2010 |
God So Loved The World | Richard D. Patterson | 01/27/2010 |
Romans 3:28 and Jas 2:24: A Comparison | Daniel B. Wallace | 10/06/2009 |
Soteriology | Michael Patton | 02/02/2009 |
Roman Catholicism: Working Toward an Objective Understanding | William S. Farneman | 02/02/2009 |
14. Who are Those Who Fall Away (Hebrews 6:1-12) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 11/03/2008 |
12. Melchizedek and Maturity (Hebrews 5:11-6:3) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 10/06/2008 |
8. The Way, the Truth, and the Life | Kay Daigle | 09/22/2008 |
5. The Light of the World | Kay Daigle | 09/12/2008 |
5. Fighting Back: The Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of the Spirit | Sue Bohlin | 08/27/2008 |
Lesson 5: Sin and Salvation | Vickie Kraft | 06/10/2008 |
Does Philippians 1:6 Guarantee Progressive Sanctification? (Part 2) | John F. Hart | 12/10/2007 |
God is Inviting to All Who Hear the Gospel or At Least He Should Be | Jack Fish | 04/02/2007 |
16. What the Bible Says About Salvation, Part 12 | Kenneth Boa | 01/11/2007 |
15. What the Bible Says About Salvation, Part 11 | Kenneth Boa | 01/11/2007 |
14. What the Bible Says About Salvation, Part 10 | Kenneth Boa | 01/10/2007 |
13. What the Bible Says About Salvation, Part 9 | Kenneth Boa | 01/10/2007 |
12. What the Bible Says About Salvation, Part 8 | Kenneth Boa | 01/09/2007 |
11. What the Bible Says About Salvation, Part 7 | Kenneth Boa | 01/09/2007 |
10. What the Bible Says About Salvation, Part 6 | Kenneth Boa | 01/08/2007 |
9. What the Bible Says About Salvation, Part 5 | Kenneth Boa | 01/08/2007 |
8. What the Bible Says About Salvation, Part 4 | Kenneth Boa | 01/05/2007 |
7. What the Bible Says About Salvation, Part 3 | Kenneth Boa | 01/05/2007 |
5. What the Bible Says About Salvation, Part 1 | Kenneth Boa | 01/04/2007 |
6. What the Bible Says About Salvation, Part 2 | Kenneth Boa | 01/04/2007 |
5. Assurance of Salvation | Emery Nester | 10/20/2006 |
5. Wisdom in Salvation: James 2:14 | Susie Hawkins | 10/02/2006 |
Believers' Salvation as Access to God (Hebrews 8:1-13) | Richardson Oyediran | 07/06/2006 |
Divine Sovereignty vs. Human Responsibility | Kenneth Boa | 05/11/2006 |
5. God’s Solution of Salvation | Multiple Authors | 04/07/2006 |
Session 10 - The Doctrine of Perseverance (Eternal Security) | Michael Patton | 06/17/2005 |
Session 7 - The Doctrine of Conversion | Michael Patton | 06/17/2005 |
Session 9 - The Doctrine of Sanctification | Michael Patton | 06/17/2005 |
Session 6 - The Doctrines of Calling and Regeneration | Michael Patton | 06/17/2005 |
Session 1 - Introduction and Ordo Salutis ("Order of Salvation") | Michael Patton | 06/16/2005 |
Soteriology - Course Description | Michael Patton | 06/13/2005 |
Faith Under Fire | J. Hampton Keathley, III | 04/22/2005 |
We Have A Redeemer Review of 'Hotel Rwanda' | Todd Lingren | 04/20/2005 |
17. Exegetical Commentary on John 14 | W. Hall Harris III | 03/02/2005 |
14. Peter's Shortest Prayer No. 3186 | Charles Haddon Spurgeon | 01/19/2005 |
Honest to God! Or, God is not a Pit Stop (1 John 1:5-10) | Daniel B. Wallace | 12/21/2004 |
4. Survey Of Bible Doctrine: Salvation | Sid Litke | 12/08/2004 |
11. The LORD is the Gracious Redeemer (Isaiah 43:1-13) | Allen Ross | 10/21/2004 |
5. New Testament Repentance: Repentance in the Epistles and Revelation | Robert N. Wilkin | 09/30/2004 |
6. Why the Messiah Came | Matthew Finlay | 09/29/2004 |
10. Salvation From Sin | Matthew Finlay | 09/29/2004 |
Chapter Six: Conclusions on 1 Timothy 2:15 | Terri Darby Moore | 09/27/2004 |
Chapter Three: Critique Of Interpretations of 1 Timothy 2:15 | Terri Darby Moore | 09/27/2004 |
Chapter Four: Lexical/Syntactical Analysis of 1 Timothy 2:15 | Terri Darby Moore | 09/27/2004 |
Chapter Two: Survey Of Interpretations on 1 Timothy 2:15 | Terri Darby Moore | 09/27/2004 |
4. New Testament Repentance: Repentance in the Gospels and Acts | Robert N. Wilkin | 08/30/2004 |
2. The Doctrine of Repentance In the Old Testament | Robert N. Wilkin | 08/27/2004 |
3. New Testament Repentance: Lexical Considerations | Robert N. Wilkin | 08/27/2004 |
1. The Doctrine of Repentance in Church History | Robert N. Wilkin | 08/27/2004 |
8. Jesus and Nicodemus (John 3:1-21) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 08/19/2004 |
7. “Second Class Faith” (John 2:23-25) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 08/19/2004 |
11. The Stupidity of Sin (Romans 6:12-23) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 08/18/2004 |
25. Without Excuse (Romans 10:14-21) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 08/18/2004 |
20. The Two Sons | Hampton Keathley | 08/18/2004 |
12. The Lost Sheep, Coins and Sons | Hampton Keathley | 08/17/2004 |
6. The Parable of the Rich Fool | Hampton Keathley | 08/17/2004 |
21. Putting the Past In Perspective (Acts 13:13-52) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 08/13/2004 |
10. Self | Miles J. Stanford | 08/13/2004 |
41. Saul’s Conversion and Saul’s Theology in the Book of Romans (Appendix B) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 08/13/2004 |
14. The Conversion of Saul (Acts 9:1-31) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 08/13/2004 |
13. The Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26-40) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 08/12/2004 |
6. A Lame Excuse For Preaching the Gospel (Acts 3:1-26) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 08/12/2004 |
The Circle of Faith | Charles T. Buntin | 08/10/2004 |
4. A Call for Faith and the Sign of Immanuel (Isaiah 7:1-25) | Allen Ross | 08/05/2004 |
7. The Burdens Upon The Nations (Isaiah 13:1—23:18) | Allen Ross | 08/05/2004 |
3. Condemnation, or, the Universal Need of Righteousness (Romans 1:18—3:20) | Allen Ross | 08/05/2004 |
11. Exegetical Commentary on 1 John 3:11-24 | W. Hall Harris III | 07/28/2004 |
6. Exegetical Commentary on 1 John 1:5-2:2 | W. Hall Harris III | 07/28/2004 |
7. Exegetical Commentary on 1 John 2:3-11 | W. Hall Harris III | 07/28/2004 |
5. The Prologue to 1 John (1:1-4) | W. Hall Harris III | 07/28/2004 |
What Death Means for the Believer in Christ | | 07/12/2004 |
The Joy of Knowing Christ (1 Peter 1:3-8) | | 07/12/2004 |
Questions Concerning Death and Sorrow | | 07/11/2004 |
The Lord is My Shepherd | | 07/08/2004 |
Sinners in the Hands of a Gracious God | Glenn R. Kreider | 07/08/2004 |
The Conversion of the Samaritans in Acts 8:14-17 and the Unified Progress of the Gospel in the Book of Acts | Greg Herrick | 07/06/2004 |
Acts 13:13-41: Paul's Sermon in Pisidian Antioch— The Realization of Long Awaited Davidic Hope | Greg Herrick | 07/06/2004 |
The Use of Psalm 16:8-11 in Acts 2:25-28 | Greg Herrick | 07/04/2004 |
9. The Message to Laodicea (Rev 3:14-22) | J. Hampton Keathley, III | 07/04/2004 |
2. The Gospel According to Peter (2 Peter 1:1-4) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 07/03/2004 |
4. Real Religion Requires Repentance James 4:1—5:6 | Bob Deffinbaugh | 07/03/2004 |
Heresies: Heresy and Orthodoxy in the History of the Church | John M. Davidson | 07/02/2004 |
Getting the Gospel Right: The Tie That Binds Evangelicals Together | Ron Maness | 07/02/2004 |
5. The Commendation and Thanksgiving (1 Thess. 2:13-20) | J. Hampton Keathley, III | 07/02/2004 |
Living in the Gap Between Promise and Reality: The Gospel According to Abraham | Ron Maness | 07/02/2004 |
Why the Cross Can Do What Politics Can’t | Ron Maness | 07/02/2004 |
10. The Supremacy of the Work of Christ Part 3, The Propagation of Christ’s Work (Col. 1:24-2:3) | J. Hampton Keathley, III | 07/02/2004 |
The Gospel for Us and through Us | Greg Herrick | 07/01/2004 |
3.6.The Stewardship of God’s Truth Through Evangelism (Part 3) | J. Hampton Keathley, III | 07/01/2004 |
Called into Community | Greg Herrick | 07/01/2004 |
3.7. The Stewardship of God’s Truth Through Evangelism (Part 4) | J. Hampton Keathley, III | 07/01/2004 |
9. Salvation: What Does It Mean To Be Restored to God? | Greg Herrick | 06/30/2004 |
6. The Doctrine of Salvation (John 3:1-21) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/30/2004 |
A Preliminary Exegesis of Hebrews 4:15 With a View Toward Solving the Peccability/Impeccability Issue | Daniel B. Wallace | 06/30/2004 |
10. The Nature of Paul’s Pursuit of Christ: Living in the “Now/ Not Yet” (Philippians 3:12-16) | Greg Herrick | 06/29/2004 |
11. The End: Salvation, Judgment, and Rewards | Greg Herrick | 06/29/2004 |
1. Knowing, Believing, and Sharing the Gospel | Greg Herrick | 06/29/2004 |
12. The Nature of Paul’s Pursuit of Christ: Living in the “Now/Not Yet” (Philippians 3:12-16) | Greg Herrick | 06/29/2004 |
6. Salvation: What Is the Solution? | Greg Herrick | 06/29/2004 |
Fishing in the New Testament: A Misunderstood Analogy for Evangelism | Daniel B. Wallace | 06/28/2004 |
15. The War Without and the War Within—Part 1 (Galatians 5:13-26) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/28/2004 |
4. Giving Up the Gospel (Galatians 1:1-9) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/28/2004 |
6. Exegetical Commentary on John 3 | W. Hall Harris III | 06/28/2004 |
Cybersalvation? | Michael Pocock | 06/28/2004 |
16. The War Without and the War Within—Part 2 (Galatians 5:13-26) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/28/2004 |
14. The Goal of the Gospel (Galatians 5:1-12) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/28/2004 |
1. The Gospel Under Siege: Christianity Confronts a Cult (Acts 15:1-31) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/28/2004 |
73. The Rejection of Israel's Messiah - Part III (Luke 23:26-49) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/24/2004 |
71. The Rejection of Israel's Messiah - Part I (Luke 22:47-71) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/24/2004 |
53. Taking Sin Seriously (Luke 17:1-4) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/24/2004 |
9. Sanctification—Humanly Impossible! (Romans 7) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/24/2004 |
47. Striving to Enter the Narrow Door (Luke 13:22-35) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/24/2004 |
7. The Object of Our Faith (Romans 5) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/24/2004 |
35. The True Source of Joy (Luke 10:17-24) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/24/2004 |
4. No Excuse for the Jews (Romans 2) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/24/2004 |
30. The Cross and Christianity (Luke 9:18-26) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/24/2004 |
Do Christians Have Peace with God? A Brief Examination of the Textual Problem in Romans 5:1 | Daniel B. Wallace | 06/24/2004 |
Inerrancy and the Text-Critical Problem in Romans 5:1 | Daniel B. Wallace | 06/24/2004 |
74. The Rejection of Israel's Messiah - Part IV (Luke 23:26-49) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/24/2004 |
72. The Rejection of Israel's Messiah - Part II (Luke 23:1-25) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/24/2004 |
57. Blessed Babes and a Miserable Millionaire (Luke 18:15-30) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/24/2004 |
12. Human Responsibility and Salvation (Romans 9:30-10:21) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/24/2004 |
50. Lost and Found (Luke 15:1-32) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/24/2004 |
8. The Necessity of Sanctification (Romans 6) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/24/2004 |
36. The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/24/2004 |
5. Some Bad News, and Good News (Romans 3) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/24/2004 |
32. Secular Saints (Luke 9:37-56) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/24/2004 |
3. No Excuse for the Heathen (Romans 1:18-32 ) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/24/2004 |
Israel's Present Hardening and Future Salvation: An Exegesis of Romans 11:25-32 | Greg Herrick | 06/24/2004 |
75. Dealing with the Death of Jesus (Luke 23:40-24:35) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/24/2004 |
22. John's Problem with Jesus (Luke 7:18-35) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/22/2004 |
25. Parable of the Soils (Luke 8:4-21) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/22/2004 |
Matthew 6: The Practice of Righteousness | Hampton Keathley | 06/22/2004 |
The Believer’s Unfathomable Riches in Christ | J. Hampton Keathley, III | 06/21/2004 |
4. The Two Resurrections | Lehman Strauss | 06/14/2004 |
8. General Rule #1: A Man Must Be A Believer | Greg Herrick | 06/09/2004 |
30. A Refresher Course on the Resurrection of the Dead (1 Cor. 15) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/08/2004 |
4. Substandard Saints (1 Cor. 3:1-4) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/07/2004 |
7. So Great A Salvation: “Blind, But Now I See” | Greg Herrick | 06/03/2004 |
7. Soteriology: Salvation | Greg Herrick | 06/03/2004 |
7. Soteriology: Salvation | Greg Herrick | 06/03/2004 |
The Death of Death | John W. Lawrence | 06/02/2004 |
The Anticipation of Israel's Messiah | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/02/2004 |
10. Where There’s Death There’s Hope (Mark 5:21-43) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/01/2004 |
6. The Manifestation of Messiah to Nicodemus (John 3:1-21) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/01/2004 |
12. The Light of the World (John 9:1-41) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/01/2004 |
7. The Manifestation of Messiah to the Samaritan Woman (John 4:1-42) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/01/2004 |
5. The Manifestation of Messiah (John 1:29-2:25) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 06/01/2004 |
The Significance of the Resurrection | Bob Deffinbaugh | 05/28/2004 |
8. The Guilt of Men and the Grace of God (Part 1) (Ephesians 2:1-10) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 05/26/2004 |
9. The Guilt of Men and the Grace of God (Part 2) (Ephesians 2:11-21) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 05/26/2004 |
What About Those Who Have Never Heard? | Sid Litke | 05/25/2004 |
Common Assaults on the Gospel | J. Hampton Keathley, III | 05/25/2004 |
Old Testament Salvation | Jack C. Sofield | 05/25/2004 |
Some Thoughts on Lordship Salvation | M. James Sawyer | 05/25/2004 |
Acts 15: Gentiles as Gentiles in Davidic Promise and the Clarification of Paul’s Offer of the Gospel in Acts 13 | Greg Herrick | 05/25/2004 |
The Doctrine of Salvation | Lehman Strauss | 05/25/2004 |
Revelation 3:20 and the Offer of Salvation | Daniel B. Wallace | 05/25/2004 |
Scriptural Evaluation of Salvation Invitations | Multiple Authors | 05/20/2004 |
God's Plan of Salvation | J. Hampton Keathley, III | 05/18/2004 |
15. The Forgiving God | Bob Deffinbaugh | 05/18/2004 |
19. He Will Abundantly Pardon | Richard L. Strauss | 05/18/2004 |
What is the Gospel? | J. Hampton Keathley, III | 05/18/2004 |
10. The Sovereignty of God in Salvation - (Romans 9:1-24) | Bob Deffinbaugh | 05/18/2004 |
Soteriology - The Doctrine of Salvation | J. Hampton Keathley, III | 05/17/2004 |
10. The Place of the Lost in the Perfect Plan of God | Bob Deffinbaugh | 05/17/2004 |
The Five Warnings of Hebrews | John W. Lawrence | 05/10/2004 |