Where the world comes to study the Bible


Date Title Name
2008-05-08 Leaders - A Gift from Mothers Bill Lawrence
2008-04-15 5. Rock, Sand, Formulas Bill Lawrence
2008-04-10 4. The Dreaded D. D. Bill Lawrence
2008-04-07 7. Who’s in Charge Here? Leadership in the New Testament Church Bob Deffinbaugh
2008-04-07 3. Pursuing Grace (Jonah 1:7-17) Bill Lawrence
2008-04-04 6. The Heart of a New Testament Church Bob Deffinbaugh
2008-04-03 4. Are There Barnacles on the Bottom of our Boat? Bob Deffinbaugh
2008-04-03 2. Unwanted Grace (Jonah 1:1-3) Bill Lawrence
2008-04-02 1. Stormology 101: From Theory to Trust through Life's Storms (Mark 4:35-41) Bill Lawrence
2008-04-01 The Meaning of the Resurrection Bob Deffinbaugh
2008-03-31 1. Does God Care How We Do Church? Bob Deffinbaugh
2008-03-26 5. How Do Good People Disagree on How to Do Church? Bob Deffinbaugh
2008-03-25 3. The Relationship of the Church to Israel Bob Deffinbaugh
2008-03-24 2. What Makes the Church So Special? Bob Deffinbaugh
2008-03-18 Taking Up the Cross: Discipleship in the Early Church (Luke 9:23-26) Brian Gross
2008-03-06 The Prologue: Hebrews 1:1–4 Michael H. Burer
2008-03-06 Jesus the Son, Superior to Angels: Hebrews 1:5-14 Michael H. Burer
2008-03-05 The Book of Hebrews: Introduction (Part 1) Michael H. Burer
2008-01-15 16. Spiritual Gifts: What Does the Future Hold? Bob Deffinbaugh
2008-01-04 15. Spiritual Gifts: What Every Christian Needs to Know and Do about Spiritual Gifts Bob Deffinbaugh
2007-12-17 14. Spiritual Gifts: Spiritual Gifts in the Meeting of the Church Bob Deffinbaugh
2007-12-07 Contending for the Faith David Dean
2007-11-28 12. Spiritual Gifts: What’s Love Got To Do With It - A Fresh Look at 1 Corinthians 13 Steve Novakovich
2007-11-28 13. Spiritual Gifts: The Best Use of the Tongue Bob Deffinbaugh
2007-11-28 11. Spiritual Gifts: Temporary or Permanent? Bob Deffinbaugh
2007-11-07 9. Spiritual Gifts in the Book of 1 Corinthians, Part 3 Bob Deffinbaugh
2007-10-21 8. Spiritual Gifts in the Book of 1 Corinthians, Part 2 Bob Deffinbaugh
2007-10-18 11. Love’s Delight in Holiness (1 Cor. 13:6) Richard Ostella
2007-10-18 12. The Fullness of Love (1 Cor. 13:7) Richard Ostella
2007-10-18 13. The Permanence of Love (1 Cor. 13:8-12) Richard Ostella
2007-10-18 14. Heaven: A World of Love with Faith and Hope (1 Cor. 13:13) Richard Ostella
2007-10-15 6. Spiritual Gifts in the Book of 1 Peter Bob Deffinbaugh
2007-10-15 7. Spiritual Gifts in the Book of 1 Corinthians, Part 1 Bob Deffinbaugh
2007-10-12 8. Motives to Unselfish Christian Love (1 Cor. 13:5c) Richard Ostella
2007-10-12 9. Loving versus Unloving Anger (1 Cor. 13:5d) Richard Ostella
2007-10-12 10. Love Is Not Censorious (1 Cor. 13:5e) Richard Ostella
2007-10-08 5. Spiritual Gifts in the Book of Ephesians Bob Deffinbaugh
2007-10-08 6. Love Is Not Proud but Humble (1 Cor. 13:4-5) Richard Ostella
2007-10-08 7. Unselfish Christian Love (1 Cor. 13:5b) Richard Ostella
2007-10-05 4. Loving-kindness (1 Cor. 13:4) Richard Ostella
