Where the world comes to study the Bible

Terms & Definitions

Date Title Name
2001-01-01 What are the Greek and Hebrew words for “confess”? admin
2001-01-01 Who were the Nephilim? admin
2001-01-01 What was Paul’s purpose for using the OT in his letter to the Romans? admin
2001-01-01 Will you explain what ‘expository preaching’ involves? admin
2001-01-01 What does the word ‘exegetical’ mean? admin
2001-01-01 Who are the “sons of God” in Genesis 6:1-8? admin
2001-01-01 Will you please explain Matthew 16:18? admin
2001-01-01 Is the woman in Luke 7 the same one in Mat. 26; Mark 14: and John 12? admin
2001-01-01 What does “life” mean in John 10:10? admin
2001-01-01 What does “nation, kindred, tongue and people” in Rev. 14 mean? admin
2001-01-01 What is the significance of numbers in Scripture? admin
2001-01-01 How did the Urim and the Thummim function? admin
2001-01-01 Do eagles actually carry their young on their wings (Exodus 19:4)? admin
2001-01-01 What was the Ark of the Covenant, and was it real? admin
2001-01-01 Should Christians use the name of an Egyptian sun god (Amen) as part of their worship? admin
2001-01-01 How and when was the Bible divided into chapters and verses? admin
2001-01-01 What does the Bible mean when it says Christ descended into hell? admin
2001-01-01 Is the most correct way to render God’s name in English JHVH rather than Yahweh and/or LORD? admin
2001-01-01 Can you give a clear definition of ‘believe’ in relation to salvation? admin
2001-01-01 The book of Esther says that Mordecai was a Benjamite in one place and a Jew in others. Which was he? admin
2001-01-01 Is Luke 11:9 a blank check for getting what we want from God? admin
2001-01-01 What does “When that which is perfect is come;”(1 Cor. 13:9) mean? admin
2001-01-01 What is “Hyper-Calvinism”? admin
2001-01-01 What does the Greek word "tetelestai" mean? admin
2001-01-01 What does the term “gospel” mean? admin
2001-01-01 Is there a difference between the Vision and the Mission of a local church? admin
2001-01-01 What is the significance of “firstborn” in the Bible? admin
2001-01-01 Why do Matthew and Luke’s genealogies contradict one another? admin
2001-01-01 Does "Elohim" in Gen. 1:1 mean God or gods? admin
