Lesson 7: The Kingdom of The Covenants, Part II (Luke 1:67-80)
Related Media(Part II) Part two of a two-part message continues to look at the praise of God through the mouth of John the Baptist’s father, Zechariah. Reviewing the covenants looked at the previous week (Davidic, Abraham, and New), the point is reemphasized that God’s subjects are ambassadors of His present and future kingdom and exist as kingdom people no matter what kingdom they are temporarily in. In further applying this truth we learn: 1.) God’s kingdom is not the current worldly system we find ourselves a part of, and so we must be careful not to confuse the two. 2.) God’s kingdom has begun and so we work to establish kingdom principles. 3.) God has placed us in this world and we have real obligations to current worldly kingdoms. 4.) God calls us to announce and anticipate His kingdom. Faithful Christians find themselves in a place where their allegiance to this temporal kingdom is sometimes questioned because of their superior allegiance to God’s kingdom. The charge is then given for believers to never find such allegiances reversed.
Summary by Seth Kempf, Bethany Community Church Staff
Related Topics: Covenant, Kingdom, Spiritual Life