Lesson 43: Terrible and Triumphant Powers (Luke 8:26-39)
Related MediaOf all the astounding signs and miracles Jesus performed that remind us of how amazing He was, there are those instances which also strike us as categorically falling into a league of their own. Pigs becoming demon possessed and rushing to their deaths over a cliff is one of those, but there is obviously more to this account than odd swine occurrences. Pastor Daniel makes the case that “we must acknowledge that we face a terrible and evil power when we face the demonic realm. But [it’s] a power that must completely subject itself to our triumphant Christ.” In this message, the reality and power of the demonic realm is highlighted, but our need to cling to our Lord in heart and practice is emphasized in a way that reminds us of how great a Hope we have. Jesus revealed His power over the legion of demons in the demoniac, a power than none other had been able to exhibit. And so, though this world be fraught with dangers, we are reminded of how our God is greater and how we need not live in fear.
Summary by Seth Kempf, Bethany Community Church Staff
Related Topics: Character of God, Christology, Demons, Spiritual Life