Lesson 41: Hearing the Word, Part V- Living Doctrine (Luke 8:1-21)
Related Media(Part V) Having been presented with the soils and their various “reactions” to the seed (the gospel), there then comes the question of what the one who has received the Word is to do with it. Pastor Daniel gives an answer through his assertion of the main point of this message, “We should respond to the Word of God by knowing it, living it, and pursuing God through it.” In other words, we need to live it out! What does this look like over a lifetime, however, as we would seek to grow in our knowledge of the Word in order that we might walk in faithful obedience? We are given some instruction how to handle biblical doctrine, instruction that helps us step through life in focused faithfulness. 1) Know and be convinced of the truth. 2) Live out the truth. 3) Take care with the truth. 4) Pursue the author of the truth. Ultimately, all of this comes down to a simple admonition: Hear what Jesus says and do it!
Summary by Seth Kempf, Bethany Community Church Staff
Related Topics: Bibliology (The Written Word), Discipleship, Soteriology (Salvation)