Lesson 10: The Gospel to the Prophets, Part 2 (Haggai 2:1-9)
Related MediaWhat we focus our attention on has a great impact on our hearts. So it was with the people in Haggai’s day. As they worked on rebuilding the temple, anyone who knew anything about the one before would have been terribly underwhelmed. The message they needed to hear was the timeless truth of God’s presence, His presence that did not depend on structures or circumstances. Haggai’s word from God to the people was the word everyone who fears the Lord still needs today, “Be strong…for I am with you.” We can do this, with our focus on Christ, Pastor Daniel remarks, because, “all things are ultimately going to result in worship of the Messiah through the Messiah. All these resources will ultimately be used toward that end.”
Summary by Seth Kempf, Bethany Community Church Staff
Related Topics: Worship