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6. An Attitude of Joy

Philippians 2:12-18

Day One Study

1. Read Philippians 2:12-18. What does verse 12 reveal about the Philippian believers?

2. Verses 12 and 13 are one continuous thought. In verse 12, what request does Paul make of his beloved church?

Notice the terminology Paul uses in verse 12: working out your salvation, not working for or working to keep your salvation. Gods grace is absolute and limitless, and the work of salvation through Jesus is complete and finished forever (see John 10:27-30 and Ephesians 1:13; 2:8,9). We did not do anything to achieve our salvation, but we must do something to exhibit it. We can put to work, or use, what God has placed in us.

3. In what ways can we work out our salvation in our everyday, practical living?

4. What type of attitude are we to have as we work out our salvation?

5. Explain what you think this attitude means.

6. According to verse 13, who enables us to live a life that honors God?

7. What do you think according to His good purpose (NIV)/for the sake of His good pleasure (NET) means?

8. Read Philippians 2:14-16 again. These verses specifically instruct us how to live out the salvation that God has worked in us. According to verse 14, what are we to avoid?

9. Why are complaining (grumbling-NET) and arguing so harmful in the life of a Christian and the life of the church?

10. If we don’t give in to complaining and arguing, what is the result, according to verses 15-16?

11. Your Joy Journey: A transformed life is an effective witness to the power of God’s Word. Do you think you are shining brightly in your universe, or are you clouded by complaining and arguing? Explain your answer.

12. Your Joy Journey: What practical steps can you take to shine for God in a greater way?

Day Two Study

13. Read Philippians 2:12-18. In Philippians 2:17-18, Paul shows us what a life of purpose and sacrifice looks like. How does Paul view himself?

Scriptural Insight: A drink offering consisted of wine poured out on an altar as a sacrifice to God. (See Genesis 35:14; Exodus 29:41; Numbers 28:24.)

14. According to Philippians 2:17-18, what is Paul’s attitude toward his own personal suffering?

15. How does he encourage the Philippians to respond?

16. How do you think Paul’s attitude compares with that of our modern day society in the following areas?

·         Personal suffering:

·         Living a life of sacrifice and service:

·         How a person finds joy in this life:

17. Your Joy Journey: Look for ways to work “out” your salvation this week (without complaining or grumbling, of course). Pray for an opportunity (or opportunities) to show God’s love to other people, then share with your small group next week.

Think About It: Even if he had to die, Paul was content, knowing that he had helped the Philippians live for Christ. When you’re totally committed to serving Christ, sacrificing to build the faith of others brings a joyous reward. (Life Application Study Bible)

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