4. The New Life I Have in Christ
Purpose: The Bridge to Life was a session that addressed the plan of salvation. This session helps the believer know some of the things that happened to him when he received Christ.
1. The disciple will understand that his life has become new life.
2. The disciple will learn many things that have happened to him.
3. The disciple will understand some of the unique and important things about his life that are for today and some that are yet future.
4. The disciple will understand that what has happened will be the object of God’s purpose of revelation for eternity.
Scripture Memory
Since the eyes of your heart have been enlightened - so that you may know what is the hope of his calling, what is the wealth of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the incomparable greatness of his power toward us who believe, as displayed in the exercise of his immense strength.
Ephesians 1:18-19
1. Mutual sharing, accountability and prayer.
2. Discuss the session material.
3. Discuss the questions at the end of the worksheet.
4. Discuss any new terms.
You have trusted Christ and have settled that issue. What does the Scripture say has happened to you? See 2 Corinthians 5:17
What meaning does this have in your life.
How many things are new according to Paul and his statement in verse 17?
1. I have had an encounter with the Holy Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit is God — one of the members of God’s triune being. What part has the Holy Spirit played in my coming to Christ? See John 3:5. The Holy Spirit con_________ me of my s_________, brings me to life, and gives me faith to ______________, John 16:8-9.
2. The Holy Spirit has put me into a very special body, 1 Corinthians 12:12-13. This body is called the _______________ . The church is made up of every true believer regardless of his denominational affiliation. I am a member by virtue of my new birth. This church is the body of Christ.
3. I have quality __________, 1 John 5:11-12. Quality life refers to its superiority both in the nature of this life, and its endurance. It is life that is ___________, John 3:36, and life that is _______________, John 10:10. This life has brought me forgiveness of sin, Ephesians 1:7. I am not only innocent, I also have the covering of Christ righteousness, and I am seen as perfect in God’s sight.
4. I am now a member of the family of God as a ___________ in the family, John 1:12. I am no longer a stranger or ___________, Ephesians 2:19. In this family, I have many privileges that are really innumerable. Some are, however, very evident.
I have the privilege of _______________________, John 16:24. I can approach God at any time and know that He is listening. If I ask according to His will, I will receive what I ask.
He has a wonderful _____________ for my life, Psalm 32:8. It should be my desire to seek that plan, follow it, and do His will for me. His will is always _____________, _______________, and _____________, Romans 12:2. Because of this, and because of His sovereignty, He can make all things work _______ for _____, Romans 8:28. What does this promise mean to you? And remember, when He puts forth His own sheep, ____ ________ ____ ________,John 10:4. This new life has a more than adequate map to guide me. What is this map? _______________________________
2 Timothy 3:16-17. I have, as it were, a tour guide who is always with me and helps me if the map is difficult to follow. Who is this “tour guide?” _____ _______ ____ _________John 16:13.
The Holy Spirit is in me and becomes my ___________, John 14:26. As my Teacher, he helps me understand the written instructions in the map I am given — the Bible.
5. I am no longer a slave to _________, Romans 6:6. With my release from the dominion of sin, I can now choose to not sin in any situation. Before I came to Christ, I could only sin.
Now, knowing Him, I have freedom to yield my will to ____________, and not sin, Romans 6:13-14. This freedom characterizes my whole life as a Christian. Perhaps it is important at this point to say that as long as I am in the flesh, I can sin. But I must also say that if I do, it will be my choice, and I can choose not to sin as well.
6. As I think of what God has done for me, I must also speak of His deliverance from the ________ ___ __________, Hebrews 2:15. This seems to be the universal dread of mankind. This is not true for believers. We will ____________________________, 1 Thessalonians 4: 17-18. We have the assurance that to die is ____________, Philippians 1:21. We also have assurance concerning a future ________________ of our bodies, 1 Thessalonians 4:17. These bodies will be perfect.
7. He has called me to ministry (service). In doing this, at the point of my entry into the body of Christ, He has also given me ____________. These gifts are sovereignly given just as ___ ________ for the very ministries to which He calls me, 1 Corinthians 12:11. These gifts can work in concert with my talents. As I discover and sharpen the use of these gifts, I aid the functioning of Christ’s body, the Church.
8. We become ___________ of _____ and _________ ________ with Christ, Romans 8:16-17. Many of us will be heirs of nothing that is material. We have, however, confidence that we will be heirs of God and ________ ________ with Christ. Our inheritance is linked with Christ’s inheritance. The only reason we would not receive our inheritance is related to Him not receiving His inheritance. We are the heritage of the Great Creator. Both Christ’s and our inheritance are certain.
9. I am introduced to a particular group of people. These are people I love and they are like me. This group calls each other ________________________, 1 John 2:9-10. In reality, one of the ways we know we truly possess eternal life is that we love the brethren. This is an indicator that we have truly entered relationship with God. We find that these people have kindred spirits and we desire to be with them. Meeting, sharing and prayer is called ________________. We have this with one another, 1 John 1:3.
10. I have __________ for the first time, Romans 5:1. This peace is both positional and p______________. Practical peace comes as a result of God’s instructions concerning how I handle stress. What does Philippians 4:6-7 say concerning practical peace? How does Psalm 55:22 reiterate this same truth?
11. Finally, although certainly not the end of things that have happened to me, God gives me the enabling to live the life He has given me. Jesus says in Matthew 11:28-29 that this life is characterized as ______ and _________. Rest certainly eliminates great effort and struggle.
My new life is called rest in Hebrews 4:1. We will learn more about this in a future study on the practice of spirituality. Your new life has given you an abundance of possibilities waiting for you to explore. May these considerations excite you and cause you to be stimulated to grow.
Questions for Review and Discussion
1. What was your chief expectation the day you trusted Christ?
2. What surprises have you encountered since you have become a Christian?
3. Of the things considered in this session, which seems most difficult to believe?
4. With the knowledge of what we have discussed, how will your life be different from this point?
Summary and Key Concepts
Jesus says that coming to Him is like entering a yoke that makes your labors easy. The results of coming to Him include things you will spend all eternity discovering. God’s word says that you are a new creation when you come to Him. You begin to understand this when you see the many things He has accomplished through the decision you have made.
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