Where the world comes to study the Bible

36. Advanced Bible Study Methods

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to acquaint you with a good method or outline for study in any book of the Bible.


1. The disciple will understand how to approach a chapter for deeper and more analytic study.

2. The disciple will understand more about parallel passages.

3. The disciple will learn how to find doctrinal truths systematically.

4. The disciple will learn more about making personal applications of practical truths.

Scripture Memory

Make every effort to present yourself before God as a proven worker who does not need to be ashamed, teaching the message of truth accurately.

2 Timothy 2:15


1. Sharing of personal difficulties and prayer.

2. Work through the session material together.

3. Deal with new ideas.

4. Challenge the disciple to work at this method regularly in Bible study.

5. Review memory work.

The ABC Method

This method of study is designed to encourage the user to fulfill the command in 2 Timothy 2:15 regarding study. One should learn to search and “accurately handle” the Word of Truth. The Scripture used in this first attempt together is Romans 5:1-12. Pray before you begin, asking God to reveal more of His truth to you.



Application (s): In relation to God — in relation to man. These should be personal, practical, and applicable. Those related to God will result in spiritual enrichment and be uplifting. Those related to man should challenge us to consistency in our lives.

Basic Passage(s): This involves the text around which the Scripture seems to be centered, or what seems to be the most important truth in light of the contents.

Cross References: The best commentary on Scripture is Scripture itself, and according to Isaiah 28:9-10, we will best understand a portion of Scripture when we allow other passages to throw light on it. Meditate and attempt to remember one or more Scriptures that help in the understanding of the passage being studied.

Difficulties: List all difficulties that you have personally with the passage, as well as all possible difficulties. Include the reference where the difficulty occurs.

Eminent Truth: Doctrinal truths should be listed at this point. State such truth as clearly as possible. Include the text where the truth is located.

Final Study: This involves either a summary or an outline in your own words. Simply state which you are using and then proceed.

Life Application

Do passages of your choice on the following pages.

Study Sheet




Basic Passages

Cross References


Eminent Truth

Final Study

Related Topics: Discipleship

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