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The Old Testament Historical Books (Joshua Through Esther): An Outline

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The Old Testament historical books (Joshua to Esther) represent the development of the people of Israel from their entrance to Canaan to their exile to Babylon. They are essential for understanding the history and faith of God’s people.

It has been my pleasure and delight to serve the Lord both as pastor and professor for over 60 years. Most of those years have been spent in the classroom. These outline notes are the product of that labor and, even though they are designed for everyone, some linguistic aspects are more usable by seminary graduates.

Most of my time at Capital Bible Seminary was invested in Hebrew grammar and exegesis. My years at Dallas were primarily in the Bible Exposition Department where I taught Historical Books for eight years.

We live in strange days. W. F. Albright, almost single handedly, in the middle of the last century, moved the Old Testament theological needle from radical liberal to moderately conservative. He believed there was an Abraham, that Moses was monotheistic, that there was an exodus, and that archaeology and Bible study went hand in hand. He had such towering scholarship that many became his followers, and few were his critics.

Now, however, that needle has swung back. The so-called minimalists believe in very little biblical history. There was virtually nothing in the David/Solomon era, and, of course, no patriarchal history, no exodus, and no conquering of the land.

These notes represent an attempt to interact with the critical issues and still maintain a conservative view of Scripture. My prayer is that they will be helpful to those who use them

Suggestions and corrections are always welcome.

Homer Heater, Jr.

Capital Bible Seminary

For a print version of this resource, it may be purchased here on Amazon.

Related Topics: Introductions, Arguments, Outlines, Old Testament, Pastors, Teaching the Bible

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