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Lesson 13: How to Recognize an Elder (Titus 1:5-9, 1 Timothy 3:1-7)

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July 9, 2017

As I was looking through my files for an appropriate illustration on the integrity required for church leaders, I paused to read an email that had just arrived. It was from a man I don’t know informing me that his former pastor is plagiarizing both John MacArthur’s and my sermons in his sermons.

Interestingly, it was about the fourth email that I’ve received in recent months reporting similar situations. In one, a broken and repentant pastor emailed to ask my forgiveness. He subsequently resigned from his church. In another, the pastor of a fairly large church was battling some critics who were calling for his resignation because they discovered that he was using my sermons without credit. I don’t know the outcome there. And in still another, a pastor who was plagiarizing my sermons apologized and sent a check to our church to express his repentance!

The question I want to look at in this message is, “What qualifications must an elder possess?” As we saw last time, Christ exercises headship over His church through church-recognized spiritually mature elders who are to shepherd His flock. Originally the apostles appointed elders in the churches that they had founded (Acts 14:23). Later, Paul gave his two apostolic delegates, Timothy and Titus, lists detailing the qualities to look for in men whom they could appoint as elders (1 Tim. 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9). Since we no longer have apostles or apostolic delegates, we should seek to appoint as elders men who meet the qualifications in these lists.

The two lists are very similar. I don’t know why they are not identical. The lists are probably not meant to be exhaustive. Five items in 1 Timothy are lacking in Titus, whereas the list in Titus adds five items lacking in 1 Timothy. The significant thing about both lists is that except for the ability to teach God’s Word, both lists focus on godly character, not on spiritual gifts or other abilities. As Alexander Strauch writes (Biblical Eldership [Lewis & Roth], p. 168), “What God prizes among the leaders of His people is not education, wealth, social status, success, or even great spiritual gifts. Rather, He values personal moral and spiritual character ….”

Of course, no man is perfectly sanctified in this life, so no one can meet these qualifications perfectly. The process of growing to spiritual maturity is never over in this lifetime. But church leaders should not be in glaring violation of any of these qualities. And they should be growing in them, even as all believers should be growing in the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23).

Almost all of the qualities prescribed for elders are commanded elsewhere in the Bible for every Christian, including women. So we all should seek to be growing in these areas. But especially, younger men who desire to be elders (1 Tim. 3:1) should work at growing in these qualities. And as I mentioned last week, churches should not vote men into leadership so that they will get involved in serving. Rather, churches should recognize the men who are already functioning as elders and give them formal recognition.

I’m mainly following the list in Titus 1, with occasional reference to the list in 1 Timothy 3. To sum up:

An elder must be a spiritually mature man of integrity as seen in his home life, his personal character, and his firm adherence to Scripture.

1. An elder must be a spiritually mature man of integrity.

Two observations:

A. A spiritually mature man of integrity is above reproach.

Both lists begin with “above reproach.” In Titus 1, Paul states it in verse 6 to sum up a man’s home life and again in verse 7 to sum up his personal character. The Greek word in Titus is different than the word in 1 Timothy 3:2, although the meaning is essentially the same. It means that there is nothing in the man’s life for which a charge or accusation could be brought against him (R. C. Trench, Synonyms of the New Testament [Eerdmans], p. 381). He is a man of integrity. He’s not living a double life, with secret sins that others don’t know about. He judges his sins on the heart level, where God looks, not just the outward sins others see. If he sins (and we all do), he is quick to confess it and ask forgiveness. He doesn’t live one way at church and another way at home. His wife and children would affirm that he models the fruit of the Spirit at home.

B. Spiritual maturity takes time, effort, and discipline.

In our culture, we tend to be suckers for quick fixes to problems that take time, effort, and discipline to solve. People need to lose weight, so they buy the latest supplement that promises to take off pounds effortlessly, while they sit on the couch drinking sodas and eating potato chips. Christians are the same way spiritually. Spiritual hucksters promise that if you’ll read their book or attend their conference or get slain in the Spirit or speak in tongues, you’ll have instant, permanent victory over sin.

But it’s not so easy! There are no short cuts or miraculous experiences that lift a person to spiritual maturity. Paul told Timothy (1 Tim. 4:7), “…discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness.” It’s an athletic metaphor, picturing a man in training for a race. There are no shortcuts. Every day he has to watch what he eats and spend time working out so that he will be in top shape for his event. There are days when he doesn’t feel like it, but he thinks about the goal and goes against his feelings. The goal for the Christian is a godly life that glorifies the Lord who loved and saved him.

All Christians should aim for spiritual maturity. But especially if a young man desires the office of overseer in the future, he needs to discipline himself for godliness now. He should aim at being above reproach in school, at work, at home, and in all his relationships. Godly integrity takes time, effort, and discipline.

2. An elder must be a spiritually mature man as seen in his home life.

After the general description of being above reproach, in both lists Paul mentions a man’s home life first, showing its importance. As he explains (1 Tim. 3:5), “(but if a man does not know how to manage his own household, how will he take care of the church of God?)” If a man has a poor track record at home, don’t promote him to lead the church! I’m afraid that many pastors would be out of a job if churches followed this requirement. In the lists, Paul refers to two aspects of home life:

A. An elder must be a one-woman man.

There are different interpretations of what this means. Some say that it’s a prohibition against polygamy. While that is assumed, polygamy wasn’t common in Paul’s day. Some of the early church fathers interpreted it to mean that if a widower remarried he was barred from being an elder. But that view stems more from false asceticism than from the Bible. Others have argued that a divorced man cannot be an elder. Most who hold this view limit it to divorce that occurred after salvation, but some apply it even to divorce that occurred before salvation.

But Paul is focusing on a man’s present spiritual maturity, not on sins that he may have committed years ago. For example, what if a man used to be self-willed, quick-tempered, or addicted to alcohol? Do these past evidences of spiritual immaturity prohibit him from ever becoming an elder? If so, then who could qualify? In other words, Paul is more concerned with present godly character than with past immature behavior.

The term is literally, “a one-woman man,” which looks at his character: He is devoted to his wife alone. He is not a womanizer. His thought life is under the control of God’s Spirit, so that he is not enslaved to lust. He doesn’t look at pornography. An elder should have a track record of being above reproach in mental and moral purity.

This means that a man who has been married for 50 years and has never been divorced, but who has a lustful thought life, should be disqualified from being an elder. He is not a one-woman man. Or, a man who went through a divorce as a young man may have matured. He has dealt with the sins that led to his divorce. He has been married faithfully to his current wife for many years. He is mentally and physically faithful to her alone. He would be qualified on this requirement. Also, this requirement does not bar a single man from being an elder, as long as he is morally pure, including his thought life (see 1 Cor. 7:1-9).

B. An elder must have believing children who are not rebels.

Titus 1:6: “… having children who believe, not accused of dissipation or rebellion.” In 1 Timothy 3:4, the requirement is, “keeping his children under control with all dignity.” This does not mean that an elder must have children, but if he does, they must be under his control. But, this qualification has spawned a lot of debate. Does the Greek word mean “believing” (NASB, ESV, NIV) or “faithful” (NKJV, HCSB)? Does it refer to children who are still under the father’s roof, or does it also apply to adult children?

John MacArthur (The MacArthur New Testament Commentary, Titus [E 4 Group CD]) argues that whether still in the home or as an adult, if even one of a man’s children is not a believer, the man should not be an elder (or pastor). But that would put the responsibility for a child’s conversion on the father, rather than on the sovereign working of God. Some conscientious, godly fathers have children who rebel against the Lord in spite of the father’s prayers, example, and exhortation.

I understand Paul to require that we should look carefully at a man’s relationship with his children. Is he often angry with them or does he model love and kindness in his home? Does he conscientiously train his children in the ways of the Lord? Does he pray and read the Bible with his family? If so, normally most (if not all) of his children will come to saving faith in Christ. If all or most of his children grow up and reject Christ, there may be something wrong in that home. We should hesitate to recognize him as an elder. On the other hand, if most of his children follow Christ, but one goes astray, in my judgment it does not necessarily disqualify the man as an elder. Each situation must be considered prayerfully.

Having one’s children “under control with all dignity” (1 Tim. 3:4) does not mean that an elder’s children will always be perfect examples of obedience! Kids are kids! Kids from the godliest homes often disobey their parents and throw temper tantrums. A spiritually mature man corrects and trains them to obey and respect authority. Also, when Paul says that an elder must “manage his own household well” (1 Tim. 3:4), it includes all aspects of home life, including finances. He should work to provide for his family (1 Tim. 5:8). He should be a faithful steward of the money that God has entrusted to him. He should not be in out of control debt.

Paul’s overall point is clear: an elder must be a godly husband and father. If his home life is not in order, don’t expand his responsibilities over the family of God. A man who is not devoted to his wife and whose children are rebellious should not be put into office as a steward (Titus 1:7) of God’s household.

3 An elder must be a spiritually mature man as seen in his personal character.

Paul lists five character flaws that an elder must not have, followed by six qualities that he must have. I must be brief.

A. Five character flaws that an elder must not have:

1) An elder must not be self-willed.

This refers to a man who obstinately maintains his own opinion or asserts his own rights and doesn’t care about the rights, feelings, and interests of others (Trench, Synonyms, p. 349). The self-willed man often takes the contrary view because he loves to assert himself and wield power over others. He never admits that he was wrong. He’s not a team player.

2) An elder must not be quick-tempered.

A quick-tempered man uses anger to intimidate or control others to get his own way. James 1:19-20 commands, “But let everyone be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.” Patience, kindness, and self-control are fruits of the Spirit that should characterize a spiritually mature man.

3) An elder must not be addicted to alcohol.

“Wine” includes all alcoholic beverages. The Bible does not prohibit drinking alcoholic beverages, but it does warn about the dangers of alcohol, especially for leaders (Prov. 20:1; 23:29-35; 31:4-5). Drunkenness and addiction to alcohol are always sinful (Eph. 5:18; Rom. 13:13; 1 Pet. 4:3; 1 Cor. 6:12). Church leaders must be especially careful so that they do not cause younger believers to stumble. If a younger believer, who formerly had an alcohol problem, sees me drinking, and my example causes him to fall back into his former ways, I am to some extent responsible. Thus if an elder chooses to drink at all, he must be careful and keep in mind that he is an example to the flock.

4) An elder must not be pugnacious.

“Pugnacious” means physically hitting others. But it may also refer to a man who is verbally combative. Obviously, an elder should never strike anyone in anger, including his wife or children. If he must spank his child, he exercises control and never is abusive. The point is, an elder should not be a man who explodes in anger by hitting others or being an aggressive bully verbally.

5) An elder must not be fond of sordid gain.

In 1 Timothy 3:3, Paul states that he “must be free from the love of money.” Money itself is not evil, but it is dangerous. It’s like a loaded gun—it can be very useful if you use it properly, but it can hurt others or yourself if you use it carelessly. A greedy man is not qualified to be an elder, because greedy men are idolaters (Col. 3:5). They will be tempted to take advantage of people financially or to embezzle church funds.

B. Six character qualities that an elder must have:

1) An elder must be hospitable.

Again, this is a quality that every Christian should pursue (Rom. 12:13; 1 Pet. 4:9), but it’s especially incumbent on elders. If elders are not friendly and warm towards others, the entire church will reflect their indifference and coldness. Hospitality means taking a genuine interest in others and making them feel welcome and at ease. It should be begin here on Sundays. If you’re talking with someone you know and see a visitor all alone, unless it’s a really important conversation, don’t keep talking to each other. Go to the visitor and make him feel welcome!

2) An elder must love what is good.

Negatively, he doesn’t fill his mind with all of the violent, sensual filth that’s on TV, movies, and online. Positively, he sets his mind on (Phil. 4:8), “whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.”

3) An elder must be sensible.

For some unknown reason, the NASB translates the same Greek word as prudent (in 1 Tim. 3:2). It means to be of sound mind, especially in the sense of not being impulsive. The sensible man is not swayed to extremes by his fluctuating emotions. He doesn’t give in to impulses that would be sinful or harmful. He is level-headed. He lives in light of his priorities and commitments.

4) An elder must be just.

This word sometimes means righteous, but in this context, it probably refers to a man who is fair and equitable in his dealings with others. He is not partial to the wealthy and he doesn’t ignore or belittle the poor. He is able to weigh the facts of a matter and make impartial decisions based on the evidence.

5) An elder must be devout.

This refers to being separate from sin and evil behavior. It does not mean being separate from sinners, because the Lord Jesus was the friend of sinners. But the devout man does not carouse with sinners in their sin. Rather, he seeks to lead them to repentance. The devout man takes God and His Word seriously, living in obedience to it.

6) An elder must be self-controlled.

Paul uses this word (1 Cor. 9:25) to refer to an athlete who exercises self-control in all things so that he may win the prize. He doesn’t do anything that would hinder him from his goal. An elder must have control over harmful desires or habits that would interfere with knowing Christ more deeply or with being an effective shepherd of God’s flock. He is disciplined to spend time alone with God in the Word and prayer. Self control is the last of the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:23), which grows in us as we walk daily by means of the Spirit (Gal. 5:16). (See my message, “Learning to Control Yourself,” 12/31/06.)

So an elder must be a spiritually mature man of integrity as seen in his home life and personal character. Finally,

4. An elder must be a spiritually mature man as seen in his firm adherence to Scripture.

I have an entire sermon on Titus 1:9 (3/4/07), so here I can only summarize. Paul says three things:

A. An elder must hold fast to the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching.

To “hold fast to the faithful word,” means to be devoted to God’s Word. To do this, you must understand it, which means you also must study it. It’s a lifelong endeavor. “Holding fast” also implies having biblical convictions. An elder holds firmly to the gospel and the essential truths related to the gospel. He doesn’t change his views based on the latest trends. His standards of morality come from the Bible, not from our godless culture. He does not love controversy, but neither does he avoid it when necessary.

B. An elder must be able to exhort in sound doctrine.

False doctrine damages people. So out of love and with kindness, an elder exhorts in sound (= spiritually healthy) doctrine. In our day, many Christians view doctrine either as divisive or irrelevant to life. But Paul’s normal pattern in his letters was to lay out the doctrine first before moving on to the practical aspects of it. And he wasn’t writing to seminary students or theologians, but to common people, many of whom were slaves. “Exhort” may mean either to urge to obedience and change, or to encourage or comfort, according to the need.

C. An elder must be able to refute those who contradict.

It’s not enough to be positive all the time. The enemy has always infiltrated the church with false teaching and so elders must be bold to confront errors. We must not be needlessly offensive, but neither should we be so nice and polite that we water down or compromise the truth.


Sadly, when I was growing up, two pastors of churches where we were members were not men of godly integrity. One was a self-willed, quick-tempered man who ended up leaving his wife and five children to run off with a counselee. He later became an alcoholic. Another was carrying on with several women in the church, including the wife of one of his staff pastors. He left the church, but rather than removing him from ministry, the denomination moved him to a large church in another state! Neither man was biblically qualified to be in church leadership.

Those churches did not have elders, but my dad often served in those churches as a deacon. By way of contrast with those unqualified pastors, my dad was a man of integrity. He worked as a painter most of his life, and I worked for him many years. He never acted one way on the job and at church and another way at home. He gave us children the gift of his integrity.

Men who lead as elders in the church must be spiritually mature as reflected in their home life, personal character, and firm adherence to Scripture. If we see men like that, as a church we should recognize them as elders.

Application Questions

  1. Often churches choose pastors like Americans choose political leaders: speaking ability, good looks, dynamic vision, etc. How can we avoid this tendency to insure godly leadership?
  2. Churches often vote for a pastoral candidate after one weekend of hearing him preach, based on the recommendations of the search committee. How can this process be improved?
  3. If you had to single out one of these qualifications for church leadership as most important, which one would it be? Why?
  4. Which of these qualities are churches most prone to ignore when choosing elders? What are the consequences?

Copyright, Steven J. Cole, 2017, All Rights Reserved.

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture Quotations are from the New American Standard Bible, Updated Edition © The Lockman Foundation

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The Theology Program

We believe that all people are created in the image of God and therefore able and desirous to engage in a deep level of theological training that has traditionally only been offered at seminaries. TTP courses are designed with you in mind with a step by step comprehensive program.

Overview of The Theology Program


258 Theology Questions and Answers

Theology Program Courses:

The courses follow a very specific and intentional order. They are all designed with the previous and following courses in mind. Once one has taken the Introduction to Theology course, they can then move on to any of the other five courses, but students should procede in the suggested order. 


Introduction to Theology: This is a theological studies methods course. Its primary purpose is to teach you skills for developing a Christian mind, by helping you construct a solid foundation for thinking through life's most important issues. Why be concerned with theology? What is truth? Is there such a thing? Can we be certain that our truth is the right truth? What is the Christian view of truth? How do we respond to a culture that devalues truth? Does God still communicate through direct encounters today?

Bibliology and Hermeneutics: This course focuses on the authority, nature, and interpretation (hermeneutics) of the Scriptures. It is designed to help students work through issues that concern the trust they place in the Bible and its interpretation. Issues like: Is the Bible that we have today the same as when it was originally written? Do we have the right books? How do we know that the Bible is inspired by God? How do we interpret Scripture?

Trinitarianism: Who is God? Better yet, what is God? Can we know for certain that He exists? If so, how? How can God be one yet three? How can Christ be both God and man? Why didn't Christ know the time of His coming?

Humanity and Sin: Why did God create man? What is man? What happened when Adam sinned? Are we condemned for the sin of another? Do we have a free will? Men and women: what is the big difference? 

Soteriology: This course is a study of the nature of salvation. Focus will be made on the doctrine of justification - the central issue of the Reformation. Much time will be spent attempting to understand the ongoing debate between God's sovereignty in salvation and man's responsibility. It will answers questions such as: Are we really predestined by God? If so, isn't this unfair? Why did Christ die on the cross? Did he pay for all sins or just the sins of the elect? What is the difference between Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Protestants with regard to salvation? Can a person lose their salvation? If so, how? Is Christ the only way to heaven? What about those who have never heard?

Ecclesiology and Eschatology: What is the nature of the Church? What is the difference between dispensational and covenant theologians with regard to the church? What should the Church be doing? What are the gifts God has given to the church? What is the difference in premillennialism, amillennialism, and postmillennialism? What is the tribulation? Is there such a thing as hell?


Principles of Biblical Teaching (TT)


Related Topics: The Theology Program

Overview of The Theology Program




Most simply put, The Theology Program (TTP) is on a mission to reclaim the mind for Christ by equipping people, churches, and pastors, to understand and defend the Christian faith.


The Theology Program is a program of Christian theology (study of God) and apologetics (defending the faith) created with all believers in mind. TTP seeks to give people who may never have the time, ability, or circumstances that allow them to attend full-time seminary the same opportunity to study the great and rich Christian heritage of truth. Here, you will learn theology historically, biblically, and irenically (in a peaceful manner). The contents of TTP are created from a broadly evangelical perspective, engaging other traditions in a persuasive yet gracious manner. In short, we seek to help people think theologically by understanding what they believe and why they believe it.


We believe that all people are created in the image of God and therefore able and desirous to engage in a deep level of theological training that has traditionally only been offered at seminaries. TTP courses are designed with you in mind, walking you step by step through this comprehensive program.

If you have ever asked these questions, then this is the program for you:

    » How do we know what books belong in the Bible?

    » Do all religions lead to God?

    » So many churches—what is the big difference?

    » Why does everyone seem to interpret the Bible differently?

    » The doctrine of the Trinity—can someone please explain this?

    » Is The DaVinci code fiction or reality?

    » Why should I study theology?

    » So many versions of the Bible... Which one do I use?

    » What about those who have never heard about Christ, can they still make it to heaven?

    » Why does God allow bad things to happen?

    » What is the difference between Protestants and Roman Catholics?

    » Can we be sure that Christ rose from the grave?


Michael Patton is the director and primary teacher of this excellent 7 course program, while Rhome Dyck joins Michael, providing historical insight and color commentary. Both are directors at Reclaiming the Mind Ministries, are seminary trained and excellent teachers. The program materials they have created are of the highest quality, being created at Stonebriar Community Church in Frisco, TX. Students will learn how to think theologically right in their own home or in their local church. Let them be your teacher and guide.


There are several ways that you can benefit from TTP: individually, by starting a small group, or implementing the program in your home church setting.


If you would like to learn more about how to start a TTP small group, click here.

Related Topics: The Theology Program

Introduction to Theology Book Recommendations

Required Reading for TTP

Grudem, Wayne. Systematic Theology. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1994

An excellent and readable systematic theology. Grudem provides great illustrations, suggestions for further studies, and scripture references for memorization that enhance your study. He has a great balance of systematic, historic, and apologetic theologies, all accomplished in an irenic manner.

Olson, Roger. Mosaic of Christian Beliefs. Downers Grove, IL: IVP, 2002

This is a historic theology with an agenda of helping Christians see the unity and diversity within Christianity through the centuries. This will help the reader understandwhat unites Christians so that we might pursue irenics and polemics with more integrity.

Suggested for Further Reading

Moreland, J. P. Love Your God with All Your Mind. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 1997

A favorite among students. Moreland argues for a need for a resurrection of the life of the mind in the Christian's life. For those of you who want to better understand the need for in-depth theological and philosophical education in the church, this is the book for you. (Beginner)

Beckwith, Francis. Relativism: Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1998

Beckwith provide a practical critique of the difficulties of postmodernism. (Beginner)

Erickson, Millard J. Christian Theology. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House Company, 1998

A systematic theology that has become a standard in the evangelical community. This book provides a great complement to Grudem's systematic theology. (Intermediate)

Truth or Consequences. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2001

An in depth look and honest evaluation of the "promise and perils" of the postmodern movement. Erickson goes into great depth into the major figure behind the rise of the movement. (Advanced)

Enns, Paul. The Moody Handbook of Theology. Chicago, IL: Moody Press, 1989

A great basic Christian theology, dividing into sections covering systematic theology, historical theology, and dogmatic theology.Itis especially helpful in briefly distinguishing between the various traditions of theology. If the "Traditions in Christian Theology" session interested you, this will take you to the next level. (Beginner)

Geisler, Norman. Systematic Theology: Volume One, Introduction, Bible. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House, 2002

Although often cumbersome, Geisler gives a good overview of the various view of truth, providing a strong defense of the correspondence theory of truth.This is a great book for those of you who want to learn more about the Christian view of truth. (Intermediate)

Grenz, Stanley, A Primer on Postmodernism. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1996

The late Stan Grenz, often called the theologian of the emerging Church (postmodern church), provides an overview of postmodern thought. Although highly criticized for his sympathies for postmodernism, Grenz is an important read for those of you who want to understand how the emerging church is understanding the relationship of the Church to postmodernism. (Intermediate)

Groothuis, Douglas. Truth Decay: Defending Christianity Against The Challenges of Postmodernism. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2000

Groothuis give a great overview of the postmodern movement from a conservative evangelical position. Groothuis does not sympathize with thepostmoderns'tendency to relativize truth, believing thatChristianity cannot exist without truth, found ultimately in Christ. (Beginner-intermediate)

Noll, Mark. Scandal of the Evangelical Mind. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1994

Mark Noll, an evangelical and historian,provides a scathing critique of what he believes to be the evangelical movement's departure from culture and a life of the mind in the twentieth century. An extremely provocative book for those of you who want to further understand why and how faith was separated from reason in fundamentalism and evangelicalism. (Intermediate)

Introduction to Theology

Introduction to Theology Classroom

Student Notebook- Includes student notes that follow the presentation slides, along with syllabus, case studies, scripture memorization sheets, and bibliography.
Class PowerPoint- Download for free. The PowerPoint file contains extensive teacher's notes in the presentation section, which is only viewable in edit mode. The PowerPoint file must be downloaded in order to view the teacher's notes. (To download, right click and select "save as.") The PowerPoints are primarily created for teachers, but can benefit the student as well. How do I get the fonts for the PowerPoint presentations? Download the fonts here.
Vocabulary Quizzes- There are two vocabulary quizzes. Quiz 1 is to be taken at the end of session 5 and quiz 2 at the end of session 10. These are to be graded by teachers of The Theology Program in their home church setting. Self-study students may also take the quizzes on their own for personal enrichment.

Web links related to Introduction to TheologyClick here for Introduction to Theology bibliography with short reviews and recommendationsClick here to read on site articles related to the course for further study
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Related Topics: The Theology Program

Session 1 - Class Introduction

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Session Overview

What is The Theology Program anyway? What is our approach to studying theology? Does TTP take the we're right, your wrong approach? Or does it approach theology more peaceably, letting the students make up their own mind? Am I smart enough to take this course? These are all important questions that this first session seeks to answer. This session presents a basic understanding of the importance of the study of theology and the purpose of The Theology Program. The rules of engagement will set the stage for all future TTP sessions, arguing that theology is best done with an irenic (peaceable) approach, interacting with Christian doctrine and other belief systems in a gracious manner, allowing the student to make up their own mind when all of the evidence has been accurately presented.

Session Reading (for self-study students)

  • Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology, pp. 21-43
  • Roger Olsen, Mosaic of Christian Belief, pp. 11-27

Related Topics: Introduction to Theology

How much does The Theology Program (TTP) cost?

You can access TTP resources for FREE at for online study.  See currently available samples of these resources at Introduction to Theology.

Related Topics: The Theology Program

The Theology Program

网上牧师杂志–中文版(简体), SCh Ed, Issue 23 2017 年 春季

2017年 春季

作者: 罗杰.帕斯科博士(Dr. Roger Pascoe)

(President, The Institute for Biblical Preaching)

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“ 圣经的大能 ”



1. 合符圣经的讲道是让神说话,而不是人在说话

我们是神的代言人,透过圣灵向神的子民宣告神的话。 因此,我们宣告:「这是神所说的! 」神说这是重要的。这是具有永恒性和力量的唯一事物。人需要在你每星期宣讲神的话语中,听到神的声音。合符圣经的讲道使宣讲者不会成为焦点,让神话语的显著性表现出来。接着,神的话语带有大能在人里面作工。

合符圣经的讲道是以神为中心,并非以人为中心,并且专注于(祂的旨意、祂的目的、祂的计划、祂的位格、祂的工作等),而不是聚焦于人(人的问题、人的需要、人的渴求等)。 我并非论断圣经并不处理生活的议题;无疑,圣经包含我们生活上和圣洁上所需的一切(彼得后书1:3)。我所要说的是合符圣经的讲道,焦点是揭示神学真理 – 告诉我们关于神的事情 – 并且将真理应用在生活当中。现时「感觉」被强调,这产生了不认识圣经和灵性上不成熟的基督徒,他们的焦点是「我的需要、我的问题」,而不是聚焦于神。另一方面,不管是否感觉到,合符圣经的讲道焦点在于「真正的需要」,这些需要透过认识神和从圣经中得到满足。

2. 合符圣经的讲道揭示圣灵的心意

当传道者研读经文和准备讲章时,神的灵给他揭示经文的意思和应用。 当传道者解释经文的文本时,神的灵向听众揭示经文的意思和应用。就这样,人得以学习圣经的真理。并且,圣灵会带领他们顺服真理。

3. 合符圣经的讲道涵盖神的所有命令

合符圣经的讲道剖开信仰的细节。 这并非一名罪人的主观相信,而是基督教福音派教会客观的教义真理。教会建基于使徒的教导,使徒的书信给我们可实践的指示和神学真理。

释经讲道的讲员,会作有系统的宣讲,也会宣讲合符圣经的神学。 他会「宣讲信心」,那是基督教的重要教义之一。这样的宣讲能减少教义上的错误,透过「正意分解圣经」(提摩太后书2:15),使异端无立足之地,也建立信徒最神圣的信心。


4. 合符圣经的讲道协有助教会合一


5. 合符圣经的讲道增强教会的灵性和道德力量

现今很多教会都姑息罪, 世界的标准正悄悄地渗入教会。合符圣经的讲道能净化会众的灵命,因它使人接触神的道和圣洁要求。它将神的道带到教会所面对的道德和实践的问题上,让这些问题不以教会内受欢迎的意见或教会领袖的取向来决定,而是由神的道来断定。

此外, 合符圣经的讲道有大能, 因它使人渴望神的道。当圣经被传讲时,人们开始把圣经带到教会,并开始自己学习。因此,通过教育、熏陶达至成熟,协助会众灵命的成长。


6. 合符圣经的讲道需要传道者勤于研读神的道

传道者研读圣经和祷告的时间与宣讲的力量有直接的关系。只有在平日的生活次序优先读经与祷告,讲坛才会有力。李先生(Richard. G. Lee)曾说:「平日只喝脱脂牛奶,星期天宣讲奶油是不可能的。」用功研读圣经、祷告、与神保持亲密的关系,是有效和带有能力的宣讲的关键。克威 尔( W. E. Criswell)说:「不恒常认真地研读(圣经),无法满足讲坛的要求。

读经是传道者与神在安静的地方共度时光,圣灵会协助他明了神的道;在喧闹和受滋扰的环境下无法做到。传道者只有在研读时准备充足,才有信心在讲坛向神的子民传递从神而来的信息。布朗(HC Brown Jr. ) 说:「没有甚么可以替代对圣经文本的用语和思想的深刻了解。」约翰· 加尔文曾说:「若非首先成为一位学者,没有谁能成为神的道的好牧者。」司布真说:「不再在神的道上耕耘的人,不再在讲台上有收成。」


7. 合符圣经的讲道让神的道成完成任务

释经讲道的传道者可以引用以赛 亚书 55:8-11 :神的意念和道路高过我们的,祂口所出的话决不徒然返回。如果神的话语准确而全面地传讲,就如雨水从天而降,并完成任务。

神的话语能成就神所打发他去成就的,因为「神的道是活泼的,是有功效的,比一切两刃的剑更快,甚至魂与灵,骨节与骨髓,都能刺入、剖开,连心中的思念和主意都能辨明 (希伯来书4:12)这保证给传道者大大的安慰和鼓励 他的努力不是徒劳的,他的弱点将透过神大能的道,用来彰显神的能力。宣讲神的道首要的任务是转化生命。经文的阐释能转化圣徒(包括传道者)和罪人。

8. 合符圣经的讲道重新建立应有的讲道优先次序

为什么宣讲失去了应有的优先次序呢? 那是因为有些人瞧不起传道者和宣讲。有些人瞧不起宣讲因他们把焦点从讲台转移到辅导。现代教会似乎认为世俗的策略是解决人类问题的方法,而不从灵性角度出发。



宣讲有多重要? 宣讲是牧者的主要任务,也是牧者最重要的工作。牧者最大的危机是忽视讲道的重要性,被次要的事分心。传道者拥有崇高的地位和责任,因为他们是神的喉舌,为神说出神的话是最大的荣幸。传道者没有什么比宣讲更重要,因为当他宣讲时,他履行他的神圣任务。



9. 合符圣经的讲道重新建立失落了的圣经权威

圣经权威是合符圣经的讲道(释经讲道)的基石,即圣经是 信仰和实践的终极标准。圣经权威所面对的挑战主要来自启蒙时期(理性时代)。正如戴维‧艾伦(David Allen)所指:「现代不信任权威, 后现代拆毁权威。」


讲道的能力是支持还是否定圣经权威?如果你否定圣经权威,你的宣讲就不会有圣灵的力量; 如果你承认并顺服在圣经权威之下,你的宣讲将具有圣灵的力量。意即圣经所确认的一切都是真实的,并且对所规定的一切具约束力

10. 合符圣经的讲道使圣经成为崇拜时的焦点






上期,我们讨论了怎样预备讲道大纲, 特别提及怎样检测重点。讲章的重点必须准确明晰,并且要和谐地结合。


哥林多前书 2:1-5


1. 当你传扬福音时,你的信息应该有说服力( 1-2 )

( 1a ) ... 非因你的高言大智(1)

( 1b ) ... 却因基督和祂的工作(2)

2. 当你传扬福音时,你的信息应该充满大能( 3-4 )

( 2a ) ... 非因你个人或你的言语(3-4a)

( 2b ) ... 却因圣灵的行动与工作(4b)

3. 当你传扬福音时,你的信息应该有益( 5 )

( 3a ) ... 非因人的智慧而信(5a)

( 3b ) ... 却因神的大能而信(5b)

加拉太书 3:10-14


1. 假使你以行律法为本,你被审判( 10-12 )

( 1a ) ... 因你不能守全律法(10)

( 1b ) ... 人只能因信称义(2)

2. 假如你倚靠基督所作的工,你被祝福( 13-14 )

( 2a ) ... 因我们由律法而来的谴责转移到基督身上(13)

( 2b ) ... 因信而来的祝福转移到我们身上(14)

加拉太书 5:16-25


1. 在圣灵引导之下的生命争战( 1 6-18 )

2. 在圣灵引导之下生命的对比( 19-23 )

3. 在圣灵引导之下把肉欲钉十字架( 24 )

4. 在圣灵引导之下过与恩典相符的生活( 25 )

腓立比书 3:1-14


1. 当我们相信基督,我们的观点与角度变改( 4-8c )

( 1a ) 过往曾是一切的(4-6)现在不值一提(7)

( 1b ) 过往不值一提的,现在高于一切(8a-c)

2. 当我们相信基督,我们的目标变改( 8d-11 )

( 2a ) 以学效基督为终身目标(8d-10)

( 2b ) 以与基督在一起为终身目标(11)

3. 当我们相信基督,我们追求的事物变改( 12-14 )

( 3a ) 把过往的放下(12-13a )

( 3b ) 致力将来(13b-14)

歌罗西书 1:24-2:5


1. 在牧养事工里... 为教会的缘故受苦(24)

2. 在牧养事工里... 作教会的执事(25-29)

3. 在牧养事工里... 为教会的灵性努力奋斗(2:1-5)

歌罗西书 2:13-15

主题:灵命的转化 – 出死入生

1. 神赐给我们的两大益处( 13 )

( 1a )祂赐给我们灵命

( 1b )祂赦免我们的罪

2. 神战胜了我们的两大敌人

( 2a )祂战胜了律法的要求( 14 )

( 2b )祂战胜了撒旦的势力( 15 )

帖撒罗尼迦前书 1:1-10

主题: 模范教会的样貌

1. 以神为中心的人以他们的行为被人认识 ( 3 )

( 1a )透过我们所做的工作展示我们的信心( 3a )

( 1b )透过我们的服事展示我们的爱心( 3b )

( 1c )透过我们的忍耐展示我们的盼望( 3c )

2. 以神为中心的人让人认识他们是谁( 4-10 )

( 2a )我们就是福音拯救大能的活见证( 4-5 )

( 2b )我们就是福音转化大能的活见证( 6-10 )

提摩太前书 3:14-16

主题: 神的家的特质

1. 我们的行为受教会的性质约束 ( 14-15 )

( 1a )这是永生神之殿

( 1b )是真理的柱石

( 1c )是真理的根基

2. 我们的宣认受教会信息的约束( 16 )

( 2a )教会宣告基督道成肉身

- 祂在「肉身显现」

- 祂 灵性称义

( 2b )教会为基督作见证

- 天使的见证( 被天使看见

- 在人民中作见证( 被传于外邦

( 2c ) 教会向基督作回应

- 地上的回应 (被世人信服)

- 天上的回应(被接在荣耀里)

希伯来书 12:18-24

主题: 在敬拜中亲近神

1. 你若以你手所作的工亲近神,你会得到神按公义的审判( 18-21 )

( 1a )若以神的律法亲近神是可怕的经历:权能、恐惧战兢、死亡、分隔( 18-19 )

( 1b )若以神的律法亲近神带来审判的经历,你担当不起( 20-21 )

2. 你若透过基督的工作亲近神,你会得到救赎的恩典( 22-24 )


( 2a )我们没有障碍地来到锡安山( 22 ):「来到锡安山,永生神的城邑」

( 2b )我们绝不失望地参加天上的盛大庆典( 23a ):「天上诸长子之会所共聚的总会」

( 2c )我们没有惧怕地来到审判桌前( 23b ):「审判众人的神」

( 2d )我们来到公义没有瑕疵的群体中( 23c ):「被成全之义人的灵魂」

( 2e )我们问心无愧地来到中保跟前:「新约的中保耶稣」

( 2f )我们透过基督的宝血无罪地来到神前:「所洒的血;这血所说的比亚伯的血所说的更美」

创世记 21:8-21

主题: 烦恼的起源和解决方法

1. 我们恶劣的态度导致烦恼( 9-10 ) - 撒拉恶劣的态度导致怨恨

2. 我们的坏决定导致烦恼( 11-14a ) - 亚伯拉罕的错误导致窘境

3. 我们的恶劣处境导致烦恼( 14b-16 ) - 夏甲的恶劣处境导致被流放

4. 烦恼的解脱方法在于神的良善( 17-21 ) - 流放导致神的介入

创世记 32:22-32


1. 逃避过去无法解决你的问题( 22-24a )

( 1a )它导致你和家人分裂( 22-23 )

( 1b )它使你被孤立和感到孤单( 24a )

2. 与神相遇使你回复神智( 24b-25 )

( 2a )与神相遇阻止你继续走你的路( 24b-25 )

( 2b )与神相遇使你呼求恩典( 26-29 )

3. 面对将来给你新希望( 30-31 )

( 3a )当你「面对面见了神」,你充满希望面对将来( 30 )

( 3b )当「 日头出 」你充满希望面对将来( 31 )

出埃及记记 3:1-10

主题: 在日常生活中与神相遇

1. 神在你所在之地与你相遇 ( 1 )

( 1a )... 在日常的事务中(1a)

( 1b )... 在日常所到之处(1b)

2. 神吸引你去与祂相遇

( 2a )... 在「火烧荆棘」中显现(2-3)

( 2b )... 祂呼唤你的名字(4)

3. 与神相遇时,祂彰显自己是( 5-10 )

( 3a )圣洁的神( 5 )

( 3b )信实的神( 6 )

( 3c )拯救的神( 7-10 )

- 这位拯救的神体恤子民( 7 )

- 这位拯救的神拯救子民( 8 )

- 这位拯救的神打发拯救者( 8-10 )


「福音的理解」 (哥林多前书 2:6-16)

欧德福( Dr. Stephen F. Olford )



I. 圣灵始化

然而,在完全的人中,我们也讲智慧。但不是这世上的智慧,也不是这世上有权有位、将要败亡之人的智慧。我们讲的,乃是从前所隐藏、神奥秘的智慧,就是神在万世以前预定使我们得荣耀的。」(哥林多前书2:6-7保罗在这里实际上说:「不要以为基督教缺乏哲理 , 没有智慧,认为这是重生得救的人智力以外的范畴。实情并非如此,基督教有自己的智慧,自己的哲学。」保罗在这里指出基督教的哲学才是最终的哲学,它不被其他的哲学评审,倒过来,它评审它们。

保罗再次明确地区分神的智慧和属世的智慧。世上的智慧受它所在的「时代」所局限,这是保罗所使用的字的字面意思。人类哲学的特点是受到其发展的时代限制,因此,人类的推理环绕在他们所处的时代;神的哲理却不是这样的。神的智慧是永恒的,因此是不变的。保罗将这个智慧描述为奥秘,「是从前所隐藏、神奥秘的智慧,就是神在万世以前预定使我们得荣耀的。」(哥林多前书2:7这智慧源于永恒,穿越世代。只有从圣灵重生的人认识这智慧,这是保罗以奥秘来形容它的原因。希腊原文的那字的含意是「对于从未被圣灵始化的人是隐藏的,但对于从圣灵重生的人却如水晶一样清澈。」(威廉· 巴克莱William Barclay)。


1)   从圣灵重生 。「然而,在完全的人中,我们也讲智慧。但不是这世上的智慧,也不是这世上有权有位、将要败亡之人的智慧。」翻译作「完全」的希腊文,字义是「完全成长」,与「婴孩」成对比。在成长至完全以先,必须先经历从圣灵而来的重生。这也是耶稣在祂在世时,与当时最聪明的尼哥底母交谈的重点。虽然尼哥底母在哲学有极高的造诣,也精通神学,他并未重生。因此救主对他说:「我实实在在地告诉你,人若不重生,就不能见神的国。」(约翰福音3:3,另参3:5)只有在神的国度里,才明白神的启示。除了得到圣灵的始化–重生,没有人能进这个国度。经历了重生,还必须有:

2)   灵命成长 。「然而,在完全的人中,我们也讲智慧。但不是这世上的智慧,也不是这世上有权有位、将要败亡之人的智慧。」(哥林多前书2:6)巴克莱坚称那翻译作「完全」的希腊文,意指「完全成长的人或动物,已达到他身体成长的极限」。他继续说:「保罗使用这字来显示灵性和心智成长已达到可以欣赏神深奥的事。」巴克莱还说:「... 对那些初来教会的人,我们告诉他们基督教信仰的基础;对那些较成熟的,我们给他们关于基本真理较深入的教导。」基于这情况,保罗说只有「被始化」的,才明白神的智慧。世上的智慧将成过去或「败亡」(第6节),但神永恒的智慧,在万世以前已经存在,它的设计是为了带出神荣耀的旨意,把人类(男和女)带进荣耀里。这要经过一个始化过程,我们称这过程为灵性上的重生,灵命并且要成长。你可曾经历圣灵给你的重生?若没有这经历,你永不能明白透过主耶稣基督所彰显神的智慧。以下是明白福音的第二个要素:

II. 圣灵的亮光

如经上所记:神为爱他的人所预备的是眼睛未曾看见,耳朵未曾听见,人心也未曾想到的。只有神藉着圣灵向我们显明了,因为圣灵参透万事,就是神深奥的事也参透了。」(哥林多前书2:9-10) 得到圣灵的始化后,还需要圣灵的亮光。人类最难的功课是学习人类不能透过观察、谆谆教诲或苦思冥想去参透或发现神深奥的事。换句话说,哲学进路或科学方法受时空和感观限制,只能带我们到人类理解力的极点。当人类的研究失败,便是圣灵亮光占主导地位之时。故此,保罗继续指出,如果一个人已得到重生和灵命的成长,他会懂得:

1) 圣灵的启示。「… 神藉着圣灵向我们显明了(属灵的事)... 」(哥林多前书 2:10 ) 为了说明这一点,使徒说:「除了在人里头的灵,谁知道人的事;像这样,除了神的灵,也没有人知道神的事。」(哥林多前书2:11) 他的意思是有些事情,只有人自己心里明白,这是人人皆知的。除了我们自己以外,没有人能看到我们内心所思所想。保罗继续推演这在神亦然。关于神深奥体己的事,只有神的灵才知道。因此,只有圣灵可以帮助我们明白神的心意。若以另一种方式来说,有些真理若我们得不到圣灵的协助,单凭人的思维,是无法寻找得到的。唯独圣灵能向我们启示出来。这也是为甚么当主耶稣离开祂的门徒时,祂应许赐圣灵给他们,将一切的事指教他们,并且叫他们想起主耶稣对他们所说的一切话。(参约翰福音14:26) 与圣灵的启示一起来的还有:

2) 灵里的探索。因为圣灵参透万事,就是神深奥的事也参透了。」(哥林多前书2:10) 圣灵的功能并非单单彰显在基督里的真理,还协助我们探索真理。经文中翻译作「参透」一词的原文,是一个有趣的字,此字在古代手稿用于专业研究报告,也为搜寻习俗的官员所使用,就像一位有经验搜寻习俗的官员,从埋藏已久的旅客行李中发现一些文献。圣灵所行的更奇妙,祂把神隐藏的奥秘,让最谦卑,并愿意信靠祂的基督徒明白。(参约翰壹书2:20)这奇妙的现象使每一个时代的知识分子感得困惑。哲学家和科学家无法理解,即使是无知的心灵也可以欣赏和讨论那全然隐藏的真理。答案毫无疑问是圣灵的亮光,这让主耶稣喜悦。(参路加福音10:21; 马太福音16:17)

你可知道在你生命中任何与圣灵亮光相关的事情吗?没有甚么比分享探索神的灵和祂的启示更美妙。曾有这经历的人,都可以和使徒保罗一起说:「我们所领受的,并不是世上的灵,乃是从神来的灵,叫我们能知道神开恩赐给我们的事。」(哥林多前书2:12) 但要完全理解福音,并非单单得到圣灵重生和亮光便可,并且要:

III. 圣灵的解释

「并且我们讲说这些事,不是用人智慧所指教言语,乃是用圣灵所指教的言语,将属灵的话解释属灵的事。」(哥林多前书2:13) 保罗的论点是我们要紧紧跟从祂。我们刚才引用的,常被提倡口头感通(verbal inspiration)的人引用作为证明。口头感通既符合圣经,又是真确的教义。但保罗在这里所用的是「我们讲说」,而非「我们写」,因此,他这里的重点是解释,而非启示。他教导我们可以透过以下不能或缺的两点来认识真理:

1) 圣灵使用的语言。「并且我们讲说这些事,不是用人智慧所指教言语,乃是用圣灵所指教的言语,将属灵的话解释属灵的事。」(哥林多前书2:13)不管你怎样强调,还是不足够用来表达圣灵知道神的事情,并且选择用神的话语来解释神的真理。这是圣灵事工的本质。这也是教会历史中,圣经拥有重要地位的原因。圣灵的工作是向得到圣灵重生和亮光的男男女女解释圣经。让我们强调,圣灵永远不会讲论神在圣经以外的启示。因此,我们必须特别留意圣灵使用的语言,没有一点一划是不重要的。这就是为什么耶稣说:「天地要废去,我的话却不能废去。」(马太福音24:35) 祂还说:「... 只等真理的圣灵来了,他要引导你们明白一切的真理... 」(约翰福音 16:13 )。解释的秘诀:圣灵用祂自己的话使人知晓神的心意。除了圣灵的语言外,还有:

2) 圣灵的职权范围。「并且我们讲说这些事,不是用人智慧所指教言语,乃是用圣灵所指教的言语,将属灵的话解释属灵的事。(哥林多前书2:13)释经者发现这经文极难详述。有些说它的意思是将属灵的事用属灵的话解释;有些却坚称它指「向属灵的人解释属灵的事」。我个人的取向是两者皆可。使徒保罗指出圣经没有任何部份可以按私意解释(另参彼得后书1:20)。如我们从圣经认识的真理,圣灵有其职权范围。我们所宝贵的每一个核心教义,都有足够的先例和支持。再者,多个世纪以来,我们有来自教士为教会传统所作的贡献。因此,我们无须猜测神圣的启示。没有任何对基督徒生命或实践上重要的真理是既没有神圣启示,又没有基督教传统的支持。保罗写给提摩太的书信,当他论及认识真理和传扬真理时,他说:「你在许多见证人面前听见我所教训的,也要交托那忠心能教导别人的人。」(提摩太后书2:2)

在这美妙的段落结束时,保罗作出总结:「 然而,属血气的人不领会神圣灵的事,反倒以为愚拙,并且不能知道,因为这些事惟有属灵的人才能看透。(哥林多前书2:14) 换句话说,没有得到圣灵的始化、亮光和解释的未重生的世人,会把真理视作愚笨的, 他们会把启示视为谎谬的。当我们理解这情况时,我们便能明白为何非信徒对属灵的事所抱持的态度。因此,面对他们的时候,必须有耐性,并且为他们能接受神圣的启示代祷。从另一方面来说,使徒说:「属灵的人能看透万事,却没有一人能看透了他。」(哥林多前书2:15) 意即从圣灵重生、得到圣灵的亮光和解释的人,拥有识别、检测神圣启示与及人类和大自然的事的能力。与此同时,他不被欠缺圣灵的人的检测与论断。未重生的人有权批评基督徒在基督里的个人信心,但他却没有属灵的判断力,因此无法理解已发生的神迹的本质。就如他不能判断信徒,也不能指教主。(参哥林多前书2:16) 那些发声反对他们所不愿意接纳的神,只显出他们傲慢无礼。


结语 :

你和我能够认识神的心是何等奇妙的事情! 其奇妙之处是我们可继续探索基督的心直到永远,并且愈来愈像主耶稣。在我们面前是浩瀚的祝福! 它让我们感觉像艾萨克‧牛顿(Isaac Newton)述说:「我如站在岸边的小孩,在这里、那里拾起一块块小卵石,并欣赏它们,而大海在我面前滚动。」



要聆听这几篇英语讲道,请点击链接: 约翰福音 11:38-44 ; 约翰福音 13:1-3, Pt. 1 ; 约翰福音 13:1-3, Pt. 2 ; 约翰福音 13:1-3, Pt. 3


第一点:我们必须明白真正服侍的基础 (1-3)

1. 从认知而来的信心,是真正服侍的基础

(1a) 知道我们要往那里去,并且知道那道路 (1a)

- 「耶稣知道祂的时候到了...」

(1b) 知道我们是谁和怎样配合 (3a)

- 「耶稣知道... 父已将万有交在祂手里」

(1c) 知道我们从那里来,要往那里去 (3b)

- 「耶稣知道... 祂是从神出来的,又要归到神那里去」

2. 第二点:真正的服侍由爱推动

(2a) 从爱的对象表现出由爱推动 (1c)

- 「爱世间属自己的」

(2b) 出于爱,会把爱延伸 (1d)

- 「祂既爱世间属自己的人,就爱他们到底

Related Topics: Pastors

網上牧師雜誌 – 中文版(繁體), TCh Ed, Issue 23 2017 年 春季

2017年 春季

作者: 羅傑.帕斯科博士(Dr. Roger Pascoe)

(President, The Institute for Biblical Preaching)

C:\Users\Roger\Documents\My Documents\Institute for Biblical Preaching\Forms, Binder Cover Page, Logo\IBP Logos\IBP Logo.jpg






1. 合符聖經的講道是讓神說話,而不是人在說話


合符聖經的講道是以神為中心,並非以人為中心,並且專注於(祂的旨意、祂的目的、祂的計劃、祂的位格、祂的工作等),而不是聚焦於人(人的問題、人的需要、人的渴求等)。我並非論斷聖經並不處理生活的議題;無疑,聖經包含我們生活上和聖潔上所需的一切(彼得後書1:3)。我所要說的是合符聖經的講道,焦點是揭示神學真理 – 告訴我們關於神的事情 – 並且將真理應用在生活當中。現時「感覺」被強調,這產生了不認識聖經和靈性上不成熟的基督徒,他們的焦點是「我的需要、我的問題」,而不是聚焦於神。另一方面,不管是否感覺到,合符聖經的講道焦點在於「真正的需要」,這些需要透過認識神和在聖經中得到滿足。

2. 合符聖經的講道揭示聖靈的心意


3. 合符聖經的講道涵蓋神的所有命令




4.  合符聖經的講道協有助教會合一


5.  合符聖經的講道增強教會的靈性和道德力量




6.  合符聖經的講道需要傳道者勤於研讀神的道

傳道者研讀聖經和禱告的時間與宣講的力量有直接的關係。只有在平日的生活次序優先讀經與禱告,講壇才會有力。李先生(Richard. G. Lee)曾說:「平日只喝脫脂牛奶,星期天宣講奶油是不可能的。」用功研讀聖經、禱告、與神保持親密的關係,是有效和帶有能力的宣講的關鍵。克威爾(W. E. Criswell)說:「不恆常認真地研讀(聖經),無法滿足講壇的要求。

讀經是傳道者與神在安靜的地方共度時光,聖靈會協助他明瞭神的道;在喧鬧和受滋擾的環境下無法做到。傳道者只有在研讀時準備充足,才有信心在講壇向神的子民傳遞從神而來的信息。 布朗(HC Brown Jr.)說:「沒有甚麼可以替代對聖經文本的用語和思想的深刻瞭解。」約翰·加爾文曾說:「若非首先成為一位學者,沒有誰能成為神的道的好牧者。」司布真說:「不再在神的道上耕耘的人,不再在講台上有收成。」


7.  合符聖經的講道讓神的道成完成任務



8.  合符聖經的講道重新建立應有的講道優先次序




宣講有多重要?宣講是牧者的主要任務,也是牧者最重要的工作。 牧者最大的危機是忽視講道的重要性,被次要的事分心。 傳道者擁有崇高的地位和責任,因為他們是神的喉舌,為神說出神的話是最大的榮幸。 傳道者沒有什麼比宣講更重要,因為當他宣講時,他履行他的神聖任務。

講壇是為神的國度作工的中心。 這是每一代屬靈爭戰的前線。 宣講和講壇是神在教會中面對屬靈冷感和欠缺屬靈生氣的最強大武器。 通過宣講,失落的得救,有需要的被滿足,他們的屬靈生活轉變為神的榮耀。

牧者最關切的是維持宣講時的焦點和力量。 其他的責任也值得關注,但牧者必須把重點放在宣講上,那他的主要任務。為此,傳道者必須緊記,他屬於主,他服侍主耶穌基督而不是會眾、教派、或其他數之不盡的迫切事情。 事實上,我們現代社會的弊病是欠缺或忽略合符聖經的宣講。道德下滑,使我們的國家受困擾。在我們的講壇發生變化之前,情況不會改善。

9. 合符聖經的講道重新建立失落了的聖經權威

聖經權威是合符聖經的講道(釋經講道)的基石,即聖經是信仰和實踐的終極標準。聖經權威所面對的挑戰主要來自啟蒙時期(理性時代)。 正如大衛‧艾倫(David Allen)所指:「現代不信任權威, 後現代拆毀權威。」


講道的能力是支持還是否定聖經權威?如果你否定聖經權威,你的宣講就不會有聖靈的力量; 如果你承認並順服在聖經權威之下,你的宣講將具有聖靈的力量。意即聖經所確認的一切是真實的,並且對所規定的一切具約束力

10.  合符聖經的講道使聖經成為崇拜時的焦點

神的道是敬拜神的核心。 只有當傳道者抱持聖經為焦點的態度進行研讀,聖經成為我們崇拜時的焦點;只有當傳道者準備講道的時候努力研讀聖經,並以他的宣講作為給神的奉獻,聖經成為我們崇拜時的焦點。

傳道者的宣講,並不是尋求會眾或教會領袖的喜悅,而是求神的喜悅。 把宣講作為給神獻上的祭時,傳道者便會專注於神,求祂的悅納。




上期,我們討論了怎樣預備講道大綱, 特別提及怎樣檢測重點。講章的重點必須準確明晰,並且要和諧地結合。




1. 當你傳揚福音時,你的信息應該有說服力(1-2)

(1a) …非因你的高言大智(1)

(1b) …卻因基督和祂的工作(2)

2. 當你傳揚福音時,你的信息應該充滿大能(3-4)

(2a) …非因你個人或你的言語(3-4a)

(2b) …卻因聖靈的行動與工作(4b)

3. 當你傳揚福音時,你的信息應該有益(5)

(3a) …非因人的智慧而信(5a)

(3b) …卻因神的大能而信(5b)



1. 假使你以行律法為本,你被審判(10-12)

(1a) …因你不能守全律法(10)

(1b) …人只能因信稱義(2)

2. 假如你倚靠基督所作的工,你被祝福(13-14)

(2a) …因我們由律法而來的譴責轉移到基督身上(13)

(2b) …因信而來的祝福轉移到我們身上(14)



1. 在聖靈引導之下的生命爭戰(16-18)

2. 在聖靈引導之下生命的對比(19-23)

3. 在聖靈引導之下把肉慾釘十字架(24)

4. 在聖靈引導之下過與恩典相符的生活(25)



1. 當我們相信基督,我們的觀點與角度變改(4-8c)

(1a) 過往曾是一切的(4-6)現在不值一提(7)

(1b) 過往不值一提的,現在高於一切(8a-c)

2. 當我們相信基督,我們的目標變改(8d-11)

(2a) 以學效基督為終身目標(8d-10)

(2b) 以與基督在一起為終身目標(11)

3. 當我們相信基督,我們追求的事物變改(12-14)

(3a) 把過往的放下(12-13a )

(3b) 致力將來(13b-14)



1. 在牧養事工裡…為教會的緣故受苦(24)

2. 在牧養事工裡…作教會的執事(25-29)

3. 在牧養事工裡…為教會的靈性努力奮鬥(2:1-5)


主題:靈命的轉化 – 出死入生

1. 神賜予我們的兩大益處(13)



2. 神戰勝了我們的兩大敵人




主題: 模範教會的樣貌

1. 以神為中心的人以他們的行為被人認識(3)




2. 以神為中心的人讓人認識他們是誰(4-10)




主題: 神的家的特質

1. 我們的行為受教會的性質約束(14-15)




2. 我們的宣認受教會信息的約束(16)










希伯來書 12:18-24

主題: 在敬拜中親近神

1. 你若以你手所作的工親近神,你會得到神按公義的審判(18-21)



2. 你若透過基督的工作親近神,你會得到救贖的恩典(22-24)








創世記 21:8-21

主題: 煩惱的起源和解決方法

1. 我們惡劣的態度導致煩惱(9-10)- 撒拉惡劣的態度導致怨恨

2. 我們的壞決定導致煩惱(11-14a)- 亞伯拉罕的錯誤導致窘境

3. 我們的惡劣處境導致煩惱(14b-16)- 夏甲的惡劣處境導致被流放

4. 煩惱的解脫方法在於神的良善(17-21) - 流放導致神的介入

創世記 32:22-32


1. 逃避過去無法解決你的問題(22-24a)



2. 與神相遇使你回復神智(24b-25)



3. 面對將來給你新希望(30-31)



出埃及記記 3:1-10

主題: 在日常生活中與神相遇

1. 神在你所在之地與你相遇 (1)



2. 神吸引你去與祂相遇



3. 與神相遇時,祂彰顯自己(5-10)




- 這位拯救的神體恤子民(7)

- 這位拯救的神拯救子民(8)

- 這位拯救的神打發拯救者(8-10)


「福音的理解」 (哥林多前書 2:6-16)

歐德福(Dr. Stephen F. Olford)


保羅處理人物,相交和傳揚福音之後,他以福音的理解作這部份的總結。保羅預料那些論斷他的觀點的人,會提出神的國度沒有智慧的分兒,並且基督教真理在理性範疇以外。面對這樣的反對理由,保羅指出福音確實包含了智慧,但這智慧是屬靈的智慧,只有透過屬靈的方法才能理解。哥林多信徒不瞭解這些重要事實是導致分裂的另一個原因。 所以保羅加以糾正,堅持可以通過以下方法理解福音:

I. 聖靈始化

然而,在完全的人中,我們也講智慧。但不是這世上的智慧,也不是這世上有權有位、將要敗亡之人的智慧。 我們講的,乃是從前所隱藏、神奧祕的智慧,就是神在萬世以前預定使我們得榮耀的。哥林多前書2:6-7保羅在這裡實際上說:「不要以為基督教缺乏哲理,沒有智慧,認為這是重生得救的人智力以外的範疇。實情並非如此,基督教有自己的智慧,自己的哲學。」保羅在這裡指出基督教的哲學才是最終的哲學,它不被其他的哲學評審,倒過來,它評審它們。

保羅再次明確地區分神的智慧和屬世的智慧。世上的智慧受它所在的「時代」所局限,這是保羅所使用的字的字面意思。人類哲學的特點是受到其發展的時代限制,因此,人類的推理環繞在他們所處的時代;神的哲理卻不是這樣的。神的智慧是永恆的,因此是不變的。保羅將這個智慧描述為奧祕,「是從前所隱藏、神奧祕的智慧,就是神在萬世以前預定使我們得榮耀的。哥林多前書2:7這智慧源於永恆,穿越世代。只有從聖靈重生的人認識這智慧,這是保羅以奧祕來形容它的原因。希臘原文的那字的含意是「對於從未被聖靈始化的人是隱藏的,但對於從聖靈重生的人卻如水晶一樣清澈。」(威廉·巴克萊William Barclay)。


1) 從聖靈重生。「然而,在完全的人中,我們也講智慧。但不是這世上的智慧,也不是這世上有權有位、將要敗亡之人的智慧。」翻譯作「完全」的希臘文,字義是「完全成長」,與「嬰孩」成對比。在成長至完全以先,必須先經歷從聖靈而來的重生。這也是耶穌在祂在世時,與當時最聰明的尼哥底母交談的重點。雖然尼哥底母在哲學有極高的造詣,也精通神學,他並未重生。因此救主對他說:「我實實在在地告訴你,人若不重生,就不能見神的國。」(約翰福音3:3,另參3:5)只有在神的國度裡,才明白神的啟示。除了得到聖靈的始化 – 重生,沒有人能進這個國度。經歷了重生,還必須有:

2) 靈命成長。「然而,在完全的人中,我們也講智慧。但不是這世上的智慧,也不是這世上有權有位、將要敗亡之人的智慧。」(哥林多前書2:6)巴克萊堅稱那翻譯作「完全」的希臘文,意指「完全成長的人或動物,已達到他身體成長的極限」。他繼續說:「保羅使用這字來顯示靈性和心智成長已達到可以欣賞神深奧的事。」巴克萊還說:「…對那些初來教會的人,我們告訴他們基督教信仰的基礎;對那些較成熟的,我們給他們關於基本真理較深入的教導。」基於這情況,保羅說只有「被始化」的,才明瞭神的智慧。世上的智慧將成過去或「敗亡」(第6節),但神永恆的智慧,在萬世以前已經存在,它的設計是為了帶出神榮耀的旨意,把人類(男和女)帶進榮耀裡。這要經過一個始化過程,我們稱這過程為靈性上的重生,靈命並且要成長。你可曾經歷聖靈給你的重生?若沒有這經歷,你永不能明白透過主耶穌基督所彰顯神的智慧。以下是明瞭福音的第二個要素:

II. 聖靈的亮光

如經上所記:神為愛他的人所預備的是眼睛未曾看見,耳朵未曾聽見,人心也未曾想到的。只有神藉著聖靈向我們顯明了,因為聖靈參透萬事,就是神深奧的事也參透了。」(哥林多前書2:9-10) 得到聖靈的始化後,還需要聖靈的亮光。人類最難的功課是學習人類不能透過觀察、諄諄教誨或苦思冥想去參透或發現神深奧的事。換句話說,哲學進路或科學方法受時空和感觀限制,只能帶我們到人類理解力的極點。當人類的研究失敗,便是聖靈亮光佔主導地位之時。故此,保羅繼續指出,如果一個人已得到重生和靈命的成長,他會懂得:

1) 聖靈的啟示。「…神藉著聖靈向我們顯明了(屬靈的事)…」(哥林多前書2:10)  為了說明這一點,使徒說:「除了在人裡頭的靈,誰知道人的事;像這樣,除了神的靈,也沒有人知道神的事。」(哥林多前書2:11) 他的意思是有些事情,只有人自己心裡明白,這是人人皆知的。除了我們自己以外,沒有人能看到我們內心所思所想。保羅繼續推演這在神亦然。關於神深奧體己的事,只有神的靈才知道。因此,只有聖靈可以幫助我們明白神的心意。若以另一種方式來說,有些真理若我們得不到聖靈的協助,單憑人的思維,是無法尋找得到的。唯獨聖靈能向我們啟示出來。這也是為甚麼當主耶穌離開祂的門徒時,祂應許賜聖靈給他們,將一切的事指教他們,並且叫他們想起主耶穌對他們所說的一切話。(參約翰福音14:26) 與聖靈的啟示一起來的還有:

2) 靈裡的探索。因為聖靈參透萬事,就是神深奧的事也參透了。」(哥林多前書2:10)  聖靈的功能並非單單彰顯在基督裡的真理,還協助我們探索真理。經文中翻譯作「參透」一詞的原文,是一個有趣的字,此字在古代手稿用於專業研究報告,也為蒐尋習俗的官員所使用,就像一位有經驗蒐尋習俗的官員,從埋藏已久的旅客行李中發現一些文獻。聖靈所行的更奇妙,祂把神隱藏的奧祕,讓最謙卑,並願意信靠祂的基督徒明白。(參約翰壹書2:20)這奇妙的現象使每一個時代的知識分子感得困惑。哲學家和科學家無法理解,即使是無知的心靈也可以欣賞和討論那全然隱藏的真理。答案毫無疑問是聖靈的亮光,這讓主耶穌喜悅。(參路加福音10:21;馬太福音16:17)

你可知道在你生命中任何與聖靈亮光相關的事情嗎?沒有甚麼比分享探索神的靈和祂的啟示更美妙。曾有這經歷的人,都可以和使徒保羅一起說:「我們所領受的,並不是世上的靈,乃是從神來的靈,叫我們能知道神開恩賜給我們的事。」(哥林多前書2:12)  但要完全理解福音,並非單單得到聖靈重生和亮光便可,並且要:

III. 聖靈的解釋

「並且我們講說這些事,不是用人智慧所指教言語,乃是用聖靈所指教的言語,將屬靈的話解釋屬靈的事。」(哥林多前書2:13)  保羅的論點是我們要緊緊跟從祂。我們剛才引用的,常被提倡口頭感通(verbal inspiration)的人引用作為證明。口頭感通既符合聖經,又是真確的教義。但保羅在這裡所用的是「我們講說」,而非「我們寫」,因此,他這裡的重點是解釋,而非啟示。他教導我們可以透過以下不能或缺的兩點來認識真理:

1) 聖靈使用的語言。「並且我們講說這些事,不是用人智慧所指教言語,乃是用聖靈所指教的言語,將屬靈的話解釋屬靈的事。」(哥林多前書2:13)不管你怎樣強調,還是不足夠用來表達聖靈知道神的事情,並且選擇用神的話語來解釋神的真理。這是聖靈事工的本質。這也是教會歷史中,聖經擁有重要地位的原因。聖靈的工作是向得到聖靈重生和亮光的男男女女解釋聖經。讓我們強調,聖靈永遠不會講論神在聖經以外的啟示。因此,我們必須特別留意聖靈使用的語言,沒有一點一劃是不重要的。這就是為什麼耶穌說:「天地要廢去,我的話卻不能廢去。」(馬太福音24:35)  祂還說:「…只等真理的聖靈來了,他要引導你們明白一切的真理…」(約翰福音16:13)。解釋的秘訣:聖靈用祂自己的話使人知曉神的心意。除了聖靈的語言外,還有:

2) 聖靈的職權範圍。「並且我們講說這些事,不是用人智慧所指教言語,乃是用聖靈所指教的言語將屬靈的話解釋屬靈的事。(哥林多前書2:13)釋經者發現這經文極難詳述。有些說它的意思是將屬靈的事用屬靈的話解釋;有些卻堅稱它指「向屬靈的人解釋屬靈的事」。我個人的取向是兩者皆可。使徒保羅指出聖經沒有任何部份可以按私意解釋(另參彼得後書1:20)。如我們從聖經認識的真理,聖靈有其職權範圍。我們所寶貴的每一個核心教義,都有足夠的先例和支持。再者,多個世紀以來,我們有來自教士為教會傳統所作的貢獻。因此,我們無須猜測神聖的啟示。沒有任何對基督徒生命或實踐上重要的真理是既沒有神聖啟示,又沒有基督教傳統的支持。保羅寫給提摩太的書信,當他論及認識真理和傳揚真理時,他說:「你在許多見證人面前聽見我所教訓的,也要交託那忠心能教導別人的人。」(提摩太後書2:2)

在這美妙的段落結束時,保羅作出總結:「然而,屬血氣的人不領會神聖靈的事,反倒以為愚拙,並且不能知道,因為這些事惟有屬靈的人才能看透。(哥林多前書2:14)  換句話說,沒有得到聖靈的始化、亮光和解釋的未重生的世人,會把真理視作愚笨的,他們會把啟示視為謊謬的。當我們理解這情況時,我們便能明白為何非信徒對屬靈的事所抱持的態度。因此,面對他們的時候,必須有耐性,並且為他們能接受神聖的啟示代禱。從另一方面來說,使徒說:「屬靈的人能看透萬事,卻沒有一人能看透了他。」(哥林多前書2:15)  意即從聖靈重生、得到聖靈的亮光和解釋的人,擁有識別、檢測神聖啟示與及人類和大自然的事的能力。與此同時,他不被欠缺聖靈的人的檢測與論斷。未重生的人有權批評基督徒在基督裡的個人信心,但他卻沒有屬靈的判斷力,因此無法理解已發生的神蹟的本質。就如他不能判斷信徒,也不能指教主。(參哥林多前書2:16)  那些發聲反對他們所不願意接納的神,只顯出他們傲慢無禮。



你和我能夠認識神的心是何等奇妙的事情!其奇妙之處是我們可繼續探索基督的心直到永遠,並且愈來愈像主耶穌。在我們面前是浩瀚的祝福!它讓我們感覺像艾薩克‧牛頓(Isaac Newton)述說:「我如站在岸邊的小孩,在這裡、那裡拾起一塊塊小卵石,並欣賞它們,而大海在我面前滾動。」



要聆聽這幾篇英語講道,請點擊連結: 約翰福音 11:38-44; 約翰福音 13:1-3, Pt. 1; 約翰福音 13:1-3, Pt. 2; 約翰福音13:1-3, Pt. 3



1. 從認知而來的信心,是真正服侍的基礎

(1a) 知道我們要往那裡去,並且知道那道路 (1a)

- 「耶穌知道祂的時候到了…」

(1b) 知道我們是誰和怎樣配合  (3a)

- 「耶穌知道…父已將萬有交在祂手裡」

(1c) 知道我們從那裡來,要往那裡去  (3b)

- 「耶穌知道…祂是從神出來的,又要歸到神那裡去」

2. 第二點:真正的服侍由愛推動

(2a) 從愛的對象表現出由愛推動  (1c)

- 「愛世間屬自己的」

(2b) 出於愛,會把愛延伸  (1d)

- 「祂既愛世間屬自己的人,就愛他們到底」

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