Is there proof of Christ’s exact birth date? |
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01-01-2001 |
What does it mean when it says we must “remain in Him”? |
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01-01-2001 |
Does “corporate sin” mean babies and small children don’t go to heaven if they die? |
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01-01-2001 |
Does God’s plan for our lives include a specific person as a mate? |
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01-01-2001 |
Was Peter’s use of Joel's prophecy in Acts 2 completely fulfilled at Pentecost? |
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01-01-2001 |
Is it okay to have a home church? |
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01-01-2001 |
Is the statement, “God will not put more on me than I can bear” true? |
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01-01-2001 |
Is nature sacred? Does the Bible address animism? |
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01-01-2001 |
If a couple gets married by a minister in a church and then when they go out of the church they have an argument before “ever getting to have sexual intecourse”, were they married? And if they get divorced, will they be committing adultery? |
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01-01-2001 |
What is the purpose for a church becoming a corporation?
Does this make the state the head of the church? |
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01-01-2001 |