1. Understanding and Experiencing the Historical Geography of Israel |
Wayne Stiles |
10-07-2008 |
4. Hebron—The Cave Of Machpelah Stands As A Testimony Of Faith |
Wayne Stiles |
08-22-2012 |
5. Jericho—Joshua’s Battle Continues Today |
Wayne Stiles |
10-29-2012 |
3. Procedure and Research Method |
Wayne Stiles |
11-04-2008 |
10. The Dead Sea Will Live Again |
Wayne Stiles |
10-29-2012 |
Is 2 Peter Peter’s? |
Wayne Stiles |
06-03-2004 |
11. The Garden Tomb—Contemplating The Resurrection Of Jesus |
Wayne Stiles |
08-14-2012 |
1. Beersheba—The Last Stop And A Point Of Beginning |
Wayne Stiles |
10-29-2012 |
The Geographical, Historical, & Spiritual Significance of Shechem |
Wayne Stiles |
08-24-2004 |
Managing “Over-Cites”: Learning from Evangelical Treatments of Faulty New Testament Citations of the Old Testament |
Wes Gristy |
07-15-2004 |