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In Hebrews 1:3, by WHOSE Power does Christ uphold all things? His OWN or Father's? How strong of a case can be made that Christ upholds ALL things by His Father's powerfull word? admin 06-15-2001
What is the difference between a resurrection body and a glorified body? admin 06-15-2001
Is it true that it one has unconfessed sin in their life, that God does not answer ones prayers? admin 06-15-2001
How do you reconcile the foreknowledge and foreordination of God with incidents where God repented and changed his mind regarding future events? admin 06-15-2001
Does Jesus now know when he is coming back? Or is this still only God's knowledge as stated in Matt. 24:36 and Mark 13:32? admin 06-18-2001
Since the greek word for elder means "an old man, an elder", is the office of elder reserved for believers who are older and advanced in years? admin 06-25-2001
I have friends who are Seventh Day Adventist and in the Unification Church. One believes in soul sleep and the other believes we can communicate with dead relatives. Are there any biblical passages to refute their beliefs? admin 06-25-2001
Are you familiar with Norman Willis' claim that the NT may have been written in Hebrew instead of Greek? [An email from Norman Willis included in original question.] admin 06-28-2001
What do you think about Eta Linnenann's "Is There a Synoptic Problem?" and her theories about the origin and authorship of the Gospels? admin 07-02-2001
Could you give me your assesment of the NIV as a translation? admin 07-05-2001
