Title Author Post date User Feedback admin 05-01-2007 God’s Encouragement (Isaiah 40) admin 07-12-2004 I made a profession of faith years ago at age 12 and was baptized by immersion. But I have doubts about whether I understood that salvation was faith in Christ alone. Was my baptism valid? Should I get (re)baptized? admin 03-23-2001 The Lord is My Shepherd admin 07-08-2004 I’m troubled with the contradiction between Acts 9:7 and 22:9 where it is unclear whether the men with Paul at his conversion heard the voice he did. admin 01-01-2001 With whom is a Christian free to break bread? admin 01-01-2001 Women's Bible Studies admin 08-23-2007 Why are some books missing from the KJV? admin 01-01-2001 Reinventing Jesus: What the Da Vinci Code And Other Novel Speculations Don't Tell You admin 05-22-2006 Why is premarital sex wrong if we truly love each other? admin 01-01-2001 Pages« first ‹ previous … 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 … next › last » more