What should we look for in choosing a church home? |
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01-01-2001 |
Why does Matthew trace Abraham’s geneology to Joseph, when he is not Jesus true father? |
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01-01-2001 |
What if we do not confess (1 John 1:9) all of our sins when we accept Christ? |
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01-01-2001 |
Where do Church Age believers go when they die? |
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01-01-2001 |
Does Titus 1:6 require elders’ and deacons’ children to be believers? |
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01-01-2001 |
Are there different levels of commitment? |
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01-01-2001 |
If a couple gets married by a minister in a church and then when they go out of the church they have an argument before “ever getting to have sexual intecourse”, were they married? And if they get divorced, will they be committing adultery? |
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01-01-2001 |
Is nature sacred? Does the Bible address animism? |
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01-01-2001 |
Are there other passages that state, implicitly or explicitly, that the believer is indwelt by the Father and/or the Son? |
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01-01-2001 |
What role does discerning of spirits’ (1 Cor. 12:10) play in the church today? |
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01-01-2001 |