Title Author Post date I have read in several places that there are thousands of differences between the Vatican and Sinaitic manuscripts. I understand that this is one of the strongest arguments that the majority text advocates have against the critical text. admin 07-01-2003 Is there a contradiction between 2 Samuel 24:9 and 1 Chronicles 21:5, when the number of soldiers Joab counts comes up different? admin 01-01-2001 Should infants be baptized? admin 01-01-2001 Why did Jesus have to DIE as opposed to being beaten or imprisoned? admin 01-01-2001 Wedding Ceremony Sample 14 admin 08-27-2004 Is there any truth to my impression that if someone doesn't attend a leading seminary you can't really progress in scholarship? Does a person have to have a doctorate to be considered a scholar? admin 09-22-2005 What is a Sacrament, and should foot washing (like in John 13) be included like the Lord's Supper and Baptism? admin 03-23-2001 Is heavy petting (without intercourse) a sin? admin 01-01-2001 Why do Matthew and Luke’s genealogies contradict one another? admin 01-01-2001 Funeral Information Form admin 07-11-2004 Pages« first ‹ previous … 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 … next › last » more