Is there any truth to my impression that if someone doesn't attend a leading seminary you can't really progress in scholarship? Does a person have to have a doctorate to be considered a scholar? |
admin |
09-22-2005 |
What is a Sacrament, and should foot washing (like in John 13) be included like the Lord's Supper and Baptism? |
admin |
03-23-2001 |
Is heavy petting (without intercourse) a sin? |
admin |
01-01-2001 |
Why do Matthew and Luke’s genealogies contradict one another? |
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01-01-2001 |
Does the Bible speak more about Hell than Heaven? |
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01-01-2001 |
What are the top three reasons you believe in a pre-trib rapture? |
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01-01-2001 |
What’s the difference in tithes and offerings, and how should churches collect money? |
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01-01-2001 |
Missions Commission |
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07-09-2004 |
Could you please explain to me how to reconcile the issue of innerrancy and the complete trustworthiness of Scripture in 1 Sam. 13:1, when almost every translation reads different? |
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08-07-2001 |
How did we get our Bible, who wrote it and who decided what order to put it in? |
admin |
01-01-2001 |