10 Steps To Prepare And Preach An Expository Sermon |
Gregory Brown |
07-13-2021 |
Q. If marriage is sacred, how do we explain God’s instructions in Exodus 21, which says that when a slave is freed, his master can keep his wife and his children (if the owner initially provided the slave with this wife)? |
Bob Deffinbaugh |
07-22-2021 |
Q. I fear that the sins I committed before trusting in Christ were unpardonable, and thus I doubt my salvation. Could I have committed the unpardonable sin and yet have also sought to trust in Jesus? |
Bob Deffinbaugh |
07-22-2021 |
The Net Pastor’s Journal, Eng Ed, Issue 40 Summer 2021 |
Roger Pascoe |
07-22-2021 |
Q. Salvation is too much work and I am tired. What should I do? |
Bob Deffinbaugh |
07-27-2021 |
Intro A: The Attitude, Definition, and Place of Apologetics |
Craig Biehl |
09-01-2021 |
Intro B: Assumptions of Faith, the Ground of All Unbelieving Arguments |
Craig Biehl |
09-01-2021 |
1. God Has No Beginning Or Needs |
Craig Biehl |
09-01-2021 |
2. God Is Too Great To Be Known Unless He Makes Himself Known |
Craig Biehl |
09-01-2021 |
3. God Is Limitless |
Craig Biehl |
09-01-2021 |