Is there a difference in the qualifications of elders and deacons? |
admin |
01-01-2001 |
Free Compact NET Bible winners |
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01-30-2008 |
Why are there two passover dates listed in the Old Tesatment? |
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05-07-2001 | is a great place for Bible study - QUICK START |
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11-08-2004 |
Job Description: Secretary/Office Manager |
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07-09-2004 |
Was Timothy a pastor or an evangelist? |
admin |
01-01-2001 |
How and when was the Bible divided into chapters and verses? |
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01-01-2001 |
e-Sword® Modules from |
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02-29-2008 |
The issue of contemplative prayer has come up in our church, and has been a concern of mine. Could you help? |
admin |
09-21-2001 |
Should a church change the title from "deacon" to "coordinator"? |
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02-01-2007 |